
For Christmas last year, Marie’s grandma wanted to get her something special. So Marie asked her grandma for her dream gift: a brand-new pair of UGG boots. All her friends had them.

On Christmas morning, Marie really got a pair of boots. They fit perfectly. The quality was superb. There was only one thing missing: the tiny label (标签) on the heel that says UGG.

Marie thanked her grandma. But she’s only worn those boots twice — both times to visit her grandma. “I would never wear them in public,” she says.

Marie’s grandma would be heartbroken to know the truth. But at UGG headquarters (总部), a room full of sales managers would be cheering.

Through clever marketing and expensive advertising, the makers of UGGs have convinced (使信服) Marie — and millions of others — that the name UGG has value far beyond what the homely slipper boots should really cost. UGGs, like North Face jackets, Nike sneakers, and other brand-name items are “status symbols”. People pay double, triple, even 10 times more for brand names than for similar items. Is a pair of $400 True Religion jeans really better than the $18 Wranglers you can get at Walmart? Maybe the quality is a bit higher. Maybe they shrink less. But are brand names really worth the exorbitant prices? Some pricey brands do, in fact, use higher-quality materials that fit better and feel nice on your skin.

However, the truth is that the value of a brand has little to do with quality and a lot to do with status. A recent study by Consumer Reports found that some of the least expensive jeans are better made than the more expensive jeans. But that doesn’t matter. Wearing a certain label tells the world “I belong” or “I can afford it.”

A few decades ago, the idea of a kid refusing to wear a pair of boots because the label was wrong would have seemed as crazy as talking on a phone the size of your hand.

Clearly, times have changed.

1.When she received the Christmas gift from her grandma, Marie seemed .

A. excited B. worried C. moved D. disappointed

2.UGG’s managers would be cheering probably because of .

A. its particular design

B. its successful marketing

C. its high-quality products

D. its better customer service

3.The underlined word “exorbitant” in Paragraph 5 probably means .

A. high B. good C. average D. attractive

4.In the author’s opinion, people wear brand-name products as a way to .

A. follow the fashion

B. show themselves off

C. keep pace with the times

D. improve their quality of life



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Joy to the World

Lights, decorations and Christmas trees filled the stores. Many people were there________Christmas was only two days away.

Thirteen-year-old Joy had just ________her Christmas shopping. After Joy went out of the store ,she came across her classmate, Nick, the least ________student in school because he wore strange clothing and he had a face only a mother could love.

“What are you doing for Christmas?” said Nick with a smile that showed all his yellow teeth.

“I’m buying presents and having dinner with my ________,” said Joy, trying to be polite. “What about you?”

“My parents are away,” he said. “I live with my uncle, who doesn’t like me very much.”

Joy wasn’t sure how to________, so she said goodbye with an awkward smile. She felt sorry for Nick since he must feel________. But that wasn’t really her problem.

On Christmas Eve, Joy’s family were busy around________for the holiday. Joy’s parents were cooking in the kitchen. Joy was a child for holiday cheer, dancing________the house.

After dinner, the family got into their car and________to church for the Christmas Eve service. When they walked into the old building, they were ________by the flow of beautiful songs. A man stood up with Bible and________the story Joy had learned on her mother’s knees. It was about a baby named Jesus who came to live on Earth to help people who ________him.

Joy’s thoughts kept turning back to Nick. It must be________ to be lonely on Christmas, a day that celebrated God’s Son coming to Earth. Tears started to run down her________ , but she brushed them away.

Joy lay awake that night________everyone else was sleeping like a baby. She was thinking ways to help Nick. As soon as she heard parents get up, she________ out of bed. She found them in the kitchen and told them about Nick. Then she asked, “Can we invite him ________today?” “Sure,” said her mother, who was always happy when________came. Her father smiled.

When Joy called Nick later that day, he was excited. After getting his uncle’s________ , he joined them for dinner. To her surprise, Joy enjoyed spending time with him.

Joy came to understand ________ Christmas cheer is a joy to Nick, even to the whole world.

1.A. so B.because C.but D.or

2.A. mentioned B. finished C. prepared D. remembered

3.A. smart B. brilliant C. popular D. clever

4.A. friends B. classmates C. colleagues D. family

5.A. remind B. respond C. comment D. correct

6.A. surprised B. happy C. lonely D. guilty

7.A. applying B. preparing C. calling D. paying

8.A. beyond B. for C. on D. around

9.A. headed B. led C. guided D. stuck

10.A. surrounded B. heard C. sensed D. introduced

11.A. wrote B. made C. recorded D. read

12.A. attended B. taught C. helped D. needed

13.A. normal B. joyful C. terrible D. delighted

14.A. head B. cheeks C. eyes D. mouth

15.A. if B. since C. while D. because

16.A. jumped B. ran C. kept D. took

17.A. over B. up C. away D. out

18.A. relatives B. guests C. teachers D. leaders

19.A. appreciation B. consideration C. punishment D. permission

20.A. remembering B. understanding C. sharing D. becoming



I was just out of college, only three days into a graduate year in England, and I was dragging a heavy backpack and suitcase through the London Underground. I was also crying uncontrollably.The day before yesterday, my uncle had ________ me that I was never to speak to him, his wife, or my two cousins again. Earlier, I had made a silly, joking remark. It was never meant to ______ my aunt's feelings, but it did. I spent the evening in an ugly blue telephone booth (电话亭), _______ as I spoke to a friend who lived in England.

As a 22-year-old ________ had been raised to respect and trust adults, I believed my aunt and uncle when they said I’d _________ the relationship between themselves and family.

When I left the phone booth, I went back to a _________ house with three closed bedroom doors. I did not sleep. In the morning, I _________ everyone get up and leave; no one knocked on my door. When it was quiet, I wrote a note of ________ and left it in my uncle’s bedroom. I dragged my bags to the train station.

Coming to England seemed like a _______ decision. Still worse, no lifts at the station were working. Crying yet again, I tried to lift my suitcase up the ________. Suddenly, there were hands. No one said anything, _______ each time I faced another set of steps, a hand would catch the suitcase handle and ____ it. At the top of the steps, the hand would let go, and I'd pull the suitcase to the next set. And just as I was about to _______ again, another hand would appear suddenly.

It happened several times. I never looked up and say thanks _________ I couldn't stop crying. I do remember that each ______ looked different, and that many different people helped me, without asking or saying anything.

That was the last time I saw or spoke to ______ of those four family members. Yet when I think about that terrible _______ in 1998, I remember those strangers' hands. They were there when I needed them, and even now, they pull me ______ the sadness of that memory. I think of them as I _____ the underground in Washington D. C. today, and I watch the citizens and tourists, just in case someone ______ a hand.

1.A. convinced B. taught C. informed D. persuaded

2.A. hurt B. inspire C. express D. hide

3.A. nodding B. weeping C. shouting D. trembling

4.A. when B. what C. which D. who

5.A. enjoyed B. handled C. ruined D. managed

6.A. silent B. private C. huge D. pretty

7.A. saw B. heard C. felt D. observed

8.A. praise B. apology C. warning D. thanks

9.A. firm B. tough C. bad D. final

10.A. carriage B. station C. path D. stairs

11.A. and B. or C. but D. so

12.A. lift B. support C. open D. press

13.A. quit B. cry C. stop D. struggle

14.A. although B. because C. if D. unless

15.A. face B. hand C. person D. suitcase

16.A. some B. none C. any D. one

17.A. loss B. lesson C. call D. accident

18.A. toward B. along C. over D. through

19.A. miss B. drive C. hire D. ride

20.A. shakes B. needs C. gives D. Deserves

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