
【题目】《China Daily》准备在文化动态专栏里刊登一条短消息,介绍上海市少年儿童业余艺术教育情况。假如你是撰稿人,请用英语完成这篇简单介绍。内容要点如下:

(1) 办校概况:全市现有业余艺校450多所。成千上万的少年儿童参加学习。拥有16所分校(branch)和6,000多位学生的上海少年艺术学校(Shanghai Children’s ArtSchool)规模最大。

(2) 学习收获:家长依据孩子的不同兴趣将他们送入不同的业余艺校,学习音乐、舞蹈、绘画和书法(calligraphy)。孩子们学到了不少书本上学不到的新知识。

(3) 发展前景:这种新型学校得到许多家长的支持,必将越办越好。


(1) 要有标题。

(2) 介绍须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐条译成英语。

(3) 介绍的长度为80—120个词。

【答案】(One possible version): Spare-time Art Education in Shanghai

Tens of thousands of children is Shanghai are receiving art training in their spare time. More than 450 spare-time schools are helping the children in music, dancing, painting and calligraphy. Shanghai Children’s Art School, which has 16 branches and over 6,000 pupils, is the biggest of all.

Parents send their children to different schools according to their different interests.The children have learned a lot of new knowledge which cannot be learned from books.

Spare-time art schools are supported by many parents.This new kind of school will surely be run better and better.

【解析】试题分析:文章是一篇提纲类作文,主要要点有:(1) 办校概况:全市现有业余艺校450多所。成千上万的少年儿童参加学习。拥有16所分校(branch)和6,000多位学生的上海少年艺术学校(Shanghai Children’s Art School)规模最大。(2) 学习收获:家长依据孩子的不同兴趣将他们送入不同的业余艺校,学习音乐、舞蹈、绘画和书法(calligraphy)。孩子们学到了不少书本上学不到的新知识。 (3) 发展前景:这种新型学校得到许多家长的支持,必将越办越好。需要注意的有:(1) 要有标题。(2) 介绍须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐条译成英语。 (3) 介绍的长度为80—120个词。



【题目】请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇 150 词左右的文章。

One day, a poor boy who was selling goods door to door to pay for school was hungry. So he decided to beg for a meal at the next house. A young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal, he asked for a drink of water. However, she brought him a large glass of milk.

Years later the young woman got ill, so her family sent her to hospital in the big city, where specialists can be called in to study her rare disease.Dr Howard Kelly, now famous, was called in for the consultation. When he went in to see her, He recognized her at once. He was determined to do his best to save her life.

After a long struggle, the battle was won. Dr Kelly looked at the bill and wrote something on the side, and then it was sent to her room. She was afraid to open it because she was positive that it would take the rest of her life to pay it off.Finally she looked, and the note on the side of the bill caught her attention.She read these words: “Paid in full with a glass of milk.”


1. 用约30 个单词概括上文的主要内容;

2. 用约120 个单词就“帮助别人就是帮助自己”这一话题发表自己的看法,内容包括:





1. 阐述观点或提供论据时,不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。



【题目】Leadership is the most significant word in todays competitive business environment because it directs the manager of a business to focus inward on their personal abilities and styleExperts on leadership will quickly point out that“how things get done”influences the success of the outcomes and indicates a right way and a wrong way to do thingsWhen a noted leader on the art of managementPeter Drucker,coined the phrase“Management is doing things rightleadership is doing the right things”he was seeking to clarify the distinctions he associates with the terms

When Stephen Covey,founder and director of the Leadership Instituteexplored leadership styles in the past decadehe focused on the habits of a great number of higllly effective individualsHis Seven Habits of Highly Effective People became a popular bestseller very quickly. His ideas forced a reexamination of the early leadership examplewhich centered on the feature that was found in the character ethic(道德)and the personality ethicThe former ethic suggested success was founded on modesty,loyalty,couragepatienceand so on. The personality ethic suggested it was one’s attitudenot behavior,that inspired success, and this ethic was founded on a belief of positive mental attitudeIn contrast to each of these ideasCovey advocates that leaders need to understand universal principles of effectivenessand he highlights how vital it is for leaders to first personally manage themselves if they are to enjoy any hope of outstanding success in their work environmentsTo achieve a desired____for your businessit is essential that you have a personal vision of where you are headed and what you valueBusiness leadership means that managers need to“put first things first,” which implies that before leading othersyou need to be clear on your own valuesabilitiesand strengths and be seen as trustworthy

1What does Peter Drucker’s phrase infer?

A. Leaders should be good at making right decisions

B. Leaders should be good at doing things right

C. Leaders should be good at ignoring distinctions

D. Leaders should be skilled in predicting future

2Under what condition are people likely to succeedin terms of what the personality ethic suggests?

A. When people have little determinationthey will be successful

B. When people have good behaviourthey will gain success

C. If people have positive mental attitude, they are likely to succeed

D. If people have negative mental attitudethey are certain to succeed

3How Can leaders enjoy outstanding success in their work environmentsaccording to Stephen Covey?

A. Firstly they have to think highly of themselves

B. They are supposed to benefit themselves

C. They can not adjust themselves

D. First they must manage themselves

4What is the meaning ofthe underlined word “vision”?

A. Bright futureB. Good beginning

C. Good sceneryD. Pretty background

5To be good leaderswhat must managers Pay close attention to?

A. Universal principles of effectiveness

B. Valuesabilities and strengths

C. Good qualities such as modesty

D. Courage as well as patience

【题目】Everyday we talk about and use the Internet, but how many of us know the history of the Internet?

Many people are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s. At that time, computers were large and expensive. Computer network didn't work well. If one computer in the network broke down, then the whole network stopped. So a new network system had to be set up. It should be good enough to be used by many different computers. If part of the network was not working, information could be sent through another part. In this way computer network system would keep on working all the time.

At first the Internet was only used by the government, but in the early 1970s, universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to use it too. However, computers were still very expensive and the Internet was difficult to use. By the start of the 1990s, computers became cheaper and easier to use. Scientists had also developed software that made "surfing" in the Internet more convenient.

Today it is easy to get on-line and it is said that millions of people use the Internet every day. Sending e-mail is more and more popular among students. The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of people's life.

【1】The Internet has a history of more than __________ years.

A. sixty B. forty C. fifty D. twenty

【2】A new network system was set up to __________.

A. make computers cheaper

B. make itself keep on working all the time

C. break down the whole network

D. make computers large and expensive

【3】 __________ made "surfing" the Internet more convenient.

A. Computers B. Hardware C. Software D. Information

【4】Which of the following is TRUE?

A. In the 1960s, computer network worked well.

B. in the early 1970s, the Internet was easy to use.

C. Today it's still not easy to get on-line.

D. Sending e-mail is now more popular among students than before.


Dogs can be trained to identify the smell of lung cancer long before symptoms develop.

A new study is the first to show that sniffer dogs can be relied upon to find the unique smell of the disease of in 7 out of 10 sniffers. Researchers from a hospital in Germany believe dogs could become even better at picking out cancer cases with more training, but the final goal is to identify the cancer-specific chemical compounds the dogs can smell, and develop a device that could be used to help diagnose lung-cancer victims at an earlier stage.

Lung cancer is Britains deadliest cancer, with over 39.000 cases diagnosed annually, of which only 25 percent will survive for a year, since the disease is mostly found at an advanced stage, when it is very difficult to treat. Early detection is often by chance, although scientists have been working on using samples of exhaled(呼出的) breath from patients for future screening. They attempt to use the samples to locate volatile organic compounds(VOCs) in the breath that are linked to the presence of cancer, but no reliable methods have been found so far that are lung-specific.

The researchers combined this approach with recent findings about the abilities of some dogs to alert their owners to undiagnosed cancer, probably through smell. This latest study used family dogs, which were given special training over an 11-week period to identify a VOC in the breath of patient.

The researches worked with 220 volunteers, including patients with lung cancer at early and advanced stage, patients with chronic pulmonary disease(慢性肺炎), and healthy volunteers. The dogs took part in a number of tests to see if they could reliably distinguish compounds in the breath of lung-cancer patients-even if they smoked. The dogs were asked to sniff glass tubes containing cotton impregnated(浸染) with samples of breath from those taking part and had to lie down if they detected a VOC from a lung cancer patient.

The dogs successfully identified 71 samples with lung cancer out of a possible 100. They also correctly detected 372 samples that did not have lung cancer out of a posible 400.

【1】What can we conclude from the research according to the passage?

A. The volunteers included patients with various cancer successfully

B. It used police dogs specially trained over a period.

C. It aimed to see if dogs could sniff cancer-specific compounds.

D. The dogs identified 372 samples with lung cancer successfully.

【2】We can infer from the passage that a VOC is probably a kind of _____.

A. liquid B. drug C. equipment D. chemical

【3】Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?

A. The research involved about a hundred dogs in all.

B. Dogs can usually detect the lung cancer patients well.

C. There are about 39,000 lung-cancer patients in Britain every year.

D. Lung cancer is Britains biggest cancer killer.

【4】What can be the best title of the passage?

A. A New Way to Treat Cancer

B. A New Way to Detect Disease

C. Dogs Can Sniff out Cancer

D. Dogs Can Protect People from Cancer

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