

Dogs can be trained to identify the smell of lung cancer long before symptoms develop.

A new study is the first to show that sniffer dogs can be relied upon to find the unique smell of the disease of in 7 out of 10 sniffers. Researchers from a hospital in Germany believe dogs could become even better at picking out cancer cases with more training, but the final goal is to identify the cancer-specific chemical compounds the dogs can smell, and develop a device that could be used to help diagnose lung-cancer victims at an earlier stage.

Lung cancer is Britains deadliest cancer, with over 39.000 cases diagnosed annually, of which only 25 percent will survive for a year, since the disease is mostly found at an advanced stage, when it is very difficult to treat. Early detection is often by chance, although scientists have been working on using samples of exhaled(呼出的) breath from patients for future screening. They attempt to use the samples to locate volatile organic compounds(VOCs) in the breath that are linked to the presence of cancer, but no reliable methods have been found so far that are lung-specific.

The researchers combined this approach with recent findings about the abilities of some dogs to alert their owners to undiagnosed cancer, probably through smell. This latest study used family dogs, which were given special training over an 11-week period to identify a VOC in the breath of patient.

The researches worked with 220 volunteers, including patients with lung cancer at early and advanced stage, patients with chronic pulmonary disease(慢性肺炎), and healthy volunteers. The dogs took part in a number of tests to see if they could reliably distinguish compounds in the breath of lung-cancer patients-even if they smoked. The dogs were asked to sniff glass tubes containing cotton impregnated(浸染) with samples of breath from those taking part and had to lie down if they detected a VOC from a lung cancer patient.

The dogs successfully identified 71 samples with lung cancer out of a possible 100. They also correctly detected 372 samples that did not have lung cancer out of a posible 400.

【1】What can we conclude from the research according to the passage?

A. The volunteers included patients with various cancer successfully

B. It used police dogs specially trained over a period.

C. It aimed to see if dogs could sniff cancer-specific compounds.

D. The dogs identified 372 samples with lung cancer successfully.

【2】We can infer from the passage that a VOC is probably a kind of _____.

A. liquid B. drug C. equipment D. chemical

【3】Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?

A. The research involved about a hundred dogs in all.

B. Dogs can usually detect the lung cancer patients well.

C. There are about 39,000 lung-cancer patients in Britain every year.

D. Lung cancer is Britains biggest cancer killer.

【4】What can be the best title of the passage?

A. A New Way to Treat Cancer

B. A New Way to Detect Disease

C. Dogs Can Sniff out Cancer

D. Dogs Can Protect People from Cancer








【1】C 细节理解题 依据文章第二段中的but the final goal is to identify the cancer-specific chemical compounds the dogs can smell可知答案。

【2】D 词义猜测题 依据文章第三段中的They attempt to use the samples to locate volatile organic compounds(VOCs) in the breath that are linked to the presence of cancer可知它应该是一种呼吸出来的物质,故选D。

【3】A 细节理解题 依据文章最后一段中的The dogs successfully identified 71 samples with lung cancer out of a possible 100可知文章只是涉及到100个样本而没有提及有100只狗,其余三项文章都有所涉及,故选A。

【4】C 标题主旨题 依据文章的主要内容判断主要讲的是通过对狗的培训来达到对肺癌的判断,故C项符合。



A person, like a commodity, needs packaging. But going too far is absolutely undesirable. A little exaggeration, however, does no harm when it shows the person's unique qualities to their advantage. To display personal charm in a casual and natural way, it is important for one to have a clear knowledge of oneself. A master packager knows how to combine art and nature without any traces of modification, so that the person so packaged is no commodity but a human being, lively and lovely.

A young person, especially a female, shining with beauty and full of life, has all the favor granted by God. Any attempt to make up would be self-defeating. Youth, however, comes and goes in a moment of doze. Packaging for the middle-aged is primarily to repair the furrows(磨损) ploughed by time. If you still enjoy life's enthusiasm enough to keep self-confidence and pursue pioneering work, you are unique in your natural qualities, and your charm and grace will remain. Elderly people are beautiful if their river of life has been, through plains, mountains and jungles, running its course as it should. You have really lived your life which now arrives at a complacent stage of serenity indifferent to fame or wealth. There is no need to resort to hair-dyeing-the snow-capped mountain is itself a beautiful scene of fairyland. Let your looks change from young to old synchronizing(同步) with the natural aging process so as to keep in harmony with nature, for harmony itself is beauty, while the other way round will only end in unpleasantness. To be in the elder's company is like reading a thick book of elegant edition that fascinates one so much as to be willing to part with.

As long as one finds where one stands, one knows how to package oneself, just as a commodity establishes its brand by the right packaging.

【1】In writer’s opinion, to show one’s personal charm casually and naturally, one ought to _____.

A. package himself exaggeratedly.

B. know well about himself.

C. find a master packager.

D. care nothing about others

【2】To make a packaged person lively and lovely instead of a mere commodity, a packager should know _____.

A. how to use the latest package technology.

B. how to mix art and modification.

C. how to bring out unique qualities.

D. how to keep natural without decoration

【3】Which of the following is True according to the passage?

A. Its wise for a young person to do some make-up.

B. Packaging for the middle-aged is basically to repair the trace of time.

C. Accompanying the elder is like reading an old and simple book.

D. One knows how to package oneself wherever he stands.

【4】Whats the authors real attitude toward packaging?

A. Positive B. Negative

C. Indifferent D. Cautious

【题目】With Christmas just around the corner, it is time for us to plan our holidays. 【1】

Organize a Charity Show

Christmas is about spreading joy and love. It’s about giving. We give our family presents on this day to show them with happiness and love, don’t we? But have you ever wondered how the poor celebrate their Christmas? Does Santa leave gifts for them too? 【2Use all the activities to buy gifts or necessities for those less rich.

Visit Orphanages and Old Age Homes

Christmas is an occasion for the entire family to come together and celebrate. More than the celebrations, we look forward to being near our close ones. 【3】Form a group and spend an entire day with children or senior at orphanages and old age homes.

Start a Donation Drive

When we do something alone, the impact of that action isn’t as great as it would be if done by a group. 【4A lot of people will want to donate clothes and other necessary items. Along with gifts, if you donate these to people as well, it will really make a difference.

【5Plan these activities in time and have fun with your family and friends. Merry Christmas!May God bless you!

A. Shopping is an entirely different experience during Christmas.

B. Here are some fun Christmas activities that you are absolutely going to love.

C. If you have the time, organize a donation drive in your locality.

D. Now that you know these activities, you can select a few of them to keep yourself busy.

E. As charity, you can arrange for a show in your circle of friends or in your neighborhood.

F. Gifting something to your family members, friends and colleagues is important.

G. The same joy can be shared with people who don’t have the company of their family on this happy occasion.

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