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ÄãÄÜÏòËûѧʲô£¿£¨²»ÉÙÓÚÁ½µã£© |
Recently£¬a survey on Jeremy Lin has been conducted among netizens on a website£® £®
·ÖÎö ±¾ÆªÊéÃæ±í´ïÊôÓÚͼ±íÀà×÷ÎÄ£¬¸ù¾ÝÌáʾÐÅϢдһƪ¹ØÓÚÁÖÊéºÀ£¨Jeremy Lin£©µÄÎÄÕ£¬Ð´×÷ʱעÒâÒÔϼ¸µã£º1¡¢×ÐϸÔĶÁÓйØÌáʾ£¬ÅªÇåÊÔÌâÌṩµÄËùÓÐÐÅÏ¢£¬Ã÷È·¼¸¸öÒªµã£º³É¹¦ÔÒòºÍÄãÄÜÏòËûѧʲô£¿£¨²»ÉÙÓÚÁ½µã£© 2¡¢Í¼±íÊÇÎÄÕµÄ×ÜÌå¿ò¼Ü£¬ÒªÔÚͼ±íµÄ·¶Î§ÄÚ½øÐзÖÎö¡¢¹¹Ë¼ºÍÏëÏó£®ÒªÒÀ¾ÝÌáʾÇé¾°»ò´ÊÓ°´ÕÕÒ»¶¨Âß¼¹ØϵÀ´Ð´£®±¾ÎÄд×÷ʱ¿ÉÒÔ°´ÕÕÒªµãËù¸øµÄ˳Ðòд£®3¡¢¸ù¾ÝÒª±í´ïµÄÄÚÈÝÈ·¶¨¾ä×ÓµÄʱ̬¡¢Óï̬£»¾Í±¾ÎĶøÑÔÓ¦¸ÃÓÃÒ»°ãÏÖÔÚʱ̬£®4£®×¢ÒâʹÓø߼¶´Ê»ãºÍ¾äʽ£¬ÒÔÔö¼ÓÎÄÕµÄÁÁµã£®
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½â´ð Recently£¬a survey on Jeremy Lin has been conducted among netizens on a website£®People surveyed have various opinions about his success and his future£®Some of them consider diligence as an important factor of his success£®Some of them think Lin possesses a remarkable talent for basketballs£®It is also believed that the education he has received contributes to his success£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£© Others think of luck as one of the factors leading to his success£®£¨³É¹¦ÔÒò£©
As for Lin's possible achievements in the future£¬70% of them believe that he will make more achievements in NBA than Yao Ming£¬while 20% hold the opposite opinion£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£© The rest have no idea£®Jeremy has many good qualities that we can learn form£®We are supposed to aim high and make every effort to achieve great success£®In addition£¬we should try our best to overcome whatever difficulties we meet instead of losing heart£®Only by doing so£¬can we realize our dreams in the future£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©£¨Ó¦¸ÃÏòËûѧϰʲô£©
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keep pace with£¬rely on£¬cut back on£¬pick out£¬be burnt out£¬follow in one's footsteps |
82£®I have been painting my room all day long and am totallyburnt out£®
83£®We have tocut back on our expenses£®We could hardly make ends meet last month£®
84£®But£¬if output does notkeep pace with demand£¬prices increase£®
85£®Don't alwaysrely on others to understand and sympathize£®
"They not only make it £¨40£©Bto sleep at night£¬but they are doing £¨41£©Cto our houses and shops£¬"said John Norris£¬one of the protesters£®
"If we must have these £¨42£©Dtrucks on the roads£¬"said Jean Lacey£¬a biology student£¬"why don't we build a new road that goes round the town£¿Burlington isn't much £¨43£©Cthan a large village£®It is the place which is very famous for the local places of interest£®Its narrow high streets were never£¨44£©Bfor heavy traffic£®"
Harry Fields also learning £¨45£©Csaid they wanted to make as much£¨46£©Das possible to force the £¨47£©Ato realize what everybody was having to £¨48£©A£®"Most people don't live here anyway£¬"he said£¬"they come far away from here for £¨49£©Bagainst heavy trucks running through the narrow high streets all the time£®The Town Hall is soundproof£¨¸ôÒôµÄ£©£¬so it is probably difficult for the government officials in the hall to£¨50£©Athe noise all that much£®But ifs high time that the officials realized the problem£®"
The fourth student£¬Liza Vernum£¬said she thought the public were£¨51£©Don their side£¬and even if they weren't£¬they soon would be£®
I asked if they were £¨52£©Bthat the police might come to stop them£®"Not really£¬"one of them said£¬"actually we are £¨53£©Abell-ringers£®I mean we are assistant bell-ringers for the church£®There is no£¨54£©Bagainst doing like this£®"
I left the church with the sound of the bells ringing in my ears£¬£¨55£©Dit was right or wrong of them to do so£®
36£®A£®satisfied | B£®disturbed | C£®frightened | D£®excited |
37£®A£®college | B£®village | C£®town | D£®church |
38£®A£®change | B£®repair | C£®ring | D£®shake |
39£®A£®now and then | B£®day and night | C£®up and down | D£®sooner or later |
40£®A£®easy | B£®difficult | C£®uncomfortable | D£®pleasant |
41£®A£®work | B£®good | C£®damage | D£®research |
42£®A£®fast | B£®modern | C£®old-fashioned | D£®noisy |
43£®A£®cleaner | B£®bigger | C£®more | D£®dirtier |
44£®A£®tested | B£®meant | C£®kept | D£®picked |
45£®A£®history | B£®tour | C£®biology | D£®building |
46£®A£®money | B£®mess | C£®trouble | D£®noise |
47£®A£®government | B£®students | C£®people | D£®drivers |
48£®A£®stand | B£®accept | C£®know | D£®share |
49£®A£®shopping | B£®meeting | C£®working | D£®studying |
50£®A£®notice | B£®mention | C£®fear | D£®control |
51£®A£®never | B£®seldom | C£®entirely | D£®mostly |
52£®A£®surprised | B£®afraid | C£®pleased | D£®determined |
53£®A£®proper | B£®experienced | C£®hopeful | D£®serious |
54£®A£®driver | B£®law | C£®official | D£®student |
55£®A£®reminding | B£®remembering | C£®agreeing | D£®wondering |
1£®Reasons | pressure£» homework¡ |
2£®Advantages | save time£» solve problems¡ |
3£®Disadvantages | lose the ability£» ¡ |
4£®Opinions and suggestions | ¡ |
Nowadays£¬many students often go on line to search for answers to their homework£®
The world"Shangri-la"first appeared in the 1993 novel Lost Horizon£¨33£©Bthe British writer James Hilton£®He described a beautiful kingdom where three rivers£¨34£©C together and snow-capped mountains reached to the sky£¬with fields of long grass covering the earth£®In this perfect world lived people who had discovered how to stay£¨35£©Cforever£®
Three mountains are covered with snow and tower£¨36£©Athe land£®These snowy mountain tops form£¨37£©B beautiful picture that we can't wait to fly there£®
Lakes£¬£¨38£©B by vast grasslands£¬look like diamonds£®Sheep£¬cows£¬horses and animals feed£¨39£©Con the green grass and the forests around are£¨40£©Dto lots of birds and animals£®In this heavenly world£¬people live in perfect harmony with nature£®
31£®A£®tired | B£®thirsty | C£®hungry | D£®angry |
32£®A£®full of | B£®lack of | C£®short of | D£®fill with |
33£®A£®with | B£®by | C£®for | D£®to |
34£®A£®put | B£®got | C£®joined | D£®formed |
35£®A£®calm | B£®still | C£®young | D£®the same |
36£®A£®over | B£®above | C£®on | D£®beyond |
37£®A£®so a | B£®such a | C£®such | D£®so |
38£®A£®covered | B£®surrounded | C£®separated | D£®divided |
39£®A£®simply | B£®deeply | C£®mostly | D£®finally |
40£®A£®family | B£®room | C£®space | D£®home |
A£® | May I use your dictionary | |
B£® | Do you mind if I use your bike | |
C£® | Would you mind opening the window | |
D£® | May I have a look at your new book |
A£® | he does | B£® | does he | C£® | he will | D£® | will he |