Grant Wood’s American Gothic caused a stir(轰动)in 1930 when it was exhibited for the first time at the Art Institute of Chicago and awarded a prize of 300 dollars. Newspapers across the country carried the story, and the painting of a farmer and a younger woman posed before a white house brought the artist instant fame.

In 1930, Grant Wood, an American painter with European training, noticed a small white house built in the small southern Iowa town of Eldon. Wood was so fascinated by it that he decided to paint the house along with the kind of people he thought should live in that house. In the painting, the farmer is modeled on his dentist. Dr. Byron McKeeby. His younger sister Nan served as a model for the woman (imagined to be the farmer’s wife or daughter). Wood wanted to give a description of the traditional roles of men and women as the man is holding a pitchfork symbolizing hard labor. Each element was painted separately; the models sat separately and never stood in front of the house. The Gothic style of the house inspired the painting’s title.

American Gothic remains one of the most famous paintings in the history of American art. The painting has become part of American popular culture. Some believe that Wood used it to satirize(讽刺) the narrow-mindedness that has been said to characterize Midwestern culture. The painting may also be read as a praise of the moral virtue or rural America or even as a mixture of praise and satire. American Gothic is one of the few images to reach the status of cultural symbol, along with Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.

1.Which of the following is true about American Gothic?

A.It won a prize of 300 pounds.

B.The two characters in it posed before the White House.

C.It was the first painting by Grant Wood.

D.It was on show at the Art Institute of Chicago in 1930.

2.From the passage we can infer Iowa is in __________.

A.the southern town of Eldon

B.the Midwest of the United States

C.a European country

D.the city of Chicago

3.Grant Wood chose the two models __________. describe traditional roles of men and women praise the moral virtue of rural America make his dentist and his sister famous carry the story across the country

4. The title of the painting is based on __________.

A.the name of a small town

B.the man and the woman

C.the style of the house

D.the pitchfork symbolizing hard labor

You may have heard of the American Dream, an ideal that has powered the hopes of Americans for generations.

It began as a belief that the US was a land of opportunity, and that anyone could achieve success through hard work. At times, the dream has referred to home ownership, a good job, retirement security or each generation doing better than the last.

Yet today, this concept seems to have greatly changed. As Time magazine pointed out, quite different from the older generation, many Millennials (the generation born after 1980) redefine(重新定义) the American Dream as “day-to-day control of your life”. They “prize job mobility, flexible schedules, any work that is more interesting than typing, and the ability to travel”, said the magazine.

Home ownership, once the cornerstone of the American Dream, is becoming a smaller priority for this generation. Meanwhile, nearly 40% of them choose travel as part of their dream. And entrepreneurship(创业) is a rising favorite, as nearly 26% of Millennials consider self-employment as part of their dream.

So what has led to this huge change?

Many point fingers at the poor economy. “Modern young Americans seem bound to face a world stamped by ever narrowing opportunity and social stagnation(停滞),”noted The Daily Beast.

“The rate of 16-to 24-year-olds out of school and out of work is unusually high at 15%. Many college graduates have taken jobs that don’t require a degree,” Time reported.

The magazine worries that these difficulties may lead to a lost generation who are “unable to ever truly find their feet on the corporation’s ladder”.

Dan Kadlec, a reporter of Time, sees Millennials as resetting their expectations. “This situation is different for young adults today,” he wrote. “A true American dream has to feel attainable, and many Millennias are feeling they can only attain a day-today lifestyle that suits them.”

1.What’s the passage mainly about?

A. Meaning of American Dream

B. Redefinition of American Dream

C. Value of Achieving American Dream

D. History of Changing American Dream

2.The underlined word “cornerstone” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to “ ”.

A. growth B. balance C. purpose D. basis

3.According to the passage, what has changed Millennials’ view of the American Dream?

A. A lack of confidence in themselves

B. Fierce competition in the job market

C. The discouraging economy and unemployment

D. Their dissatisfaction with the government

4.Dan Kadlec thinks Millennials’ new definition of the American Dream is ______.

A. understandable B. beautiful

C. worrying D. Positive

My roommate Lily was well organized, while I was not. Each of her objects had its place, but mine always hid somewhere. She even labeled (贴标签) everything. I always looked for everything. Over time, Lily got neater and I got messier. She would push my dirty clothing over, and I would lay my books on her tidy desk. We both got tired of each other.

War broke out one evening. Lily came into the room. Soon, I heard her screaming. “Take your shoes away! Why under my bed!” Deafened, I saw my shoes flying at me. I jumped to my feet and started yelling. She yelled back louder.

The room was filled with anger. We could not have stayed together for a single minute but for a phone call. Lily answered it. From her end of the conversation, I could tell right away her grandma was seriously ill. When she hung up, she quickly crawled (爬) under her covers, sobbing. Obviously, that was something she should not go through alone. All of a sudden, a warm feeling of sympathy rose up in my heart.

Slowly, I collected the pencils, took back the books, made my bed, cleaned the socks and swept the floor, even on her side. I got so into my work that I even didn’t notice Lily had sat up. She was watching, her tears dried and her expression one of disbelief. Then, she reached out her hands to grasp mine. I looked up into her eyes. She smiled at me, “Thanks.”

Lily and I stayed roommates for the rest of the year. We didn’t always agree, but we learned the key to living together: giving in, cleaning up and holding on.

1.What made Lily so angry one evening?

A. She heard the author shouting loud.

B. She saw the author’s shoes beneath her bed.

C. She got the news that her grandma was ill.

D. She couldn’t find her books.

2.How is Paragraph 1 mainly developed?

A. By analyzing causes. B. By following time order.

C. By showing differences. D. By describing a process.

3.The author tidied up the room most probably because _______.

A. she wanted to show her care

B. she hated herself for being so messy

C. she was asked by Lily to do so

D. she was scared by Lily’s anger

4.What might be the best title for the story?

A. Hard Work Pays Off B. Learning to Be Roommates

C. My Friend Lily D. How to Be Organized

完形填空,阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

It was a warm Saturday morning in December. I reached my________ exam centre which was unreachable by public transport. Not very nervous about my correspondence Bachelor Computer Application exam, I entered the examination hall and then ________ one corner seat in the classroom. On my front bench was an old man in his seventies.

Question papers were ________ to us and I filled my answer sheet. I ________the old man. He had neatly drawn lines for each________. Having handed in my paper, I came out of the hall and waited for him. He came out after the last bell. I ________ him and asked him what he would do with the ________ at this age (out of curiosity). He ________ replied, “I thought I would find some good-looking girls here”. Later he told me how he was ________ before his grand kids for not knowing how to use a ________ and that he wanted to explore the box and things inside and be qualified (有资格的) for it. My ________ question was “Do you understand things written in the book at this age” (as I ________ to understand many things in it). He cleared his throat and replied, “We don’t stop learning because we are old; we grow old because we stopped our learning. We elderly don’t have ________ for what we have done, but rather for things we didn’t do and the only people who ________ death are those with regrets.” I admired the man for his ________ . I gave him a ride till his house and ________ telephone numbers.

We ________ our results after two months and we passed our exams. I ________ called the old man. His grand kid ________the call and informed about his death.

Growing ________is mandatory (强制性的) but growing up is optional(可选择的) .

1.A. serious B. various C. unique D. distant

2.A. arranged B. booked C. took D. offered

3.A. handed B. posted C. read D. introduced

4.A. talked with B. looked at C. dropped into D. smiled at

5.A. passage B. seat C. answer D. exam

6.A. guided B. approached C. visited D. encouraged

7.A. question B. prize C. practice D. degree

8.A. jokingly B. cautiously C. proudly D. anxiously

9.A. disappointed B. frightened C. embarrassed D. amazed

10.A. language B. phone C. dictionary D. computer

11.A. amusing B. immediate C. basic D. informal

12.A. refused B. desired C. failed D. tended

13.A. regrets B. problems C. opinions D. rules

14.A. cause B. fear C. bring D. stop

15.A. calmness B. generosity C. kindness D. enthusiasm

16.A. expected B. exchanged C. discovered D. forgot

17.A. got B. changed C. ignored D. produced

18.A. luckily B. seldom C. excitedly D. usually

19.A. put up B. set up C. gave up D. picked up

20.A. old B. tense C. angry D. impatient

I have been in Limoges for a month now. since living here, I have tried to integrate(融合) into the local community and one way I have found to do this is by following the local rugby team.

I decided to look for information on the local rugby team after the tourism office could not help me. I searched for the club office online and decided to look into it. The following day I went back to the club after speaking with them and decided to get a season ticket for the rest of my stay here. I will now be going to each home game as well as travelling to the away games with the team and the fans. I am sure that it is going to be a great experience during my time abroad here. I will also be travelling through various regions of France so I will be visiting new places throughout the season. There is another team in a town called Brive not so far away who play in the top league in France, but I decided to stay local. I may go and see them with other assistants if possible during our stay.

I witnessed a friendly match on Saturday when they played Stade Dijon in the division below them. The match finished 70-12. After the match, both teams went to the club house to see the Rugby World Cup semi-final between New Zealand and Australia. Both teams respected each others which is something you don’t always see in other sports. I spoke to the president of the club after the game and he told me, “This is a family club.” Hopefully this year will be a good year for Limoges.

1.How did the writer try to combine into Limoges' community?

A. By taking part in the local rugby team.

B. By watching the rugby matches in Limoges,

C. By playing often with the people in Limoges.

D. By paying close attention to the local rugby team.

2.The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to_____________,

A. the club office B. the local rugby team

C. the tourism office D. the local community

3.Why did the two teams go to the club house aft6r the match?

A. To show respect to each other.

B. To watch the Rugby World Cup semi-final.

C. To clean the club together.

D. To exchange experience with each other.

4.What can we infer from the text?

A. The writer must be a top rugby player.

B. The writer is likely to be a boss of a rugby club.

C The writer is likely to come from Australia.

D. The writer probably works as an assistant in France.

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