

1.I like abstract paintings because you have to use your own i_______________ to understand what the painter is trying to do.

2.During the Spring Festival, the c_______________ “ Fu (福)” is pasted upside down on the door to express people’s wish for the coming of happiness.

3. She was e_______________ dressed with a double strand (串)of pearls about her neck.

4.He did finally come with us, although it took a long time to_______________ (说服) him.

5.Foshan has abundant tourism(旅游) resources where one of the most famous a_____________is Qinghui Garden.

6.Pictures are scanned into a form of digital information that computers can _______________ (识别).

7.The s_______________ between the two reports suggests that one person wrote both.

8.He was so a_______________ to return home that he had booked a train ticket before the

vacation began.

9.In learning a new hobby, a new sports, or a new language, _______________( 耐心)is very much needed.

10. Please bring me the book whenever it's_______________ (方便).


Grammar is the system of a language. People sometimes describe grammar as the “rules” of a language; but in fact no language has rules. If we use the word “rules”, we suggest that somebody created the rules first and then spoke the language, like a new game. But languages did not start like that. Languages started by people making sounds which evolved (逐渐发展成) into words, phrases and sentences. No commonly-spoken language is fixed. All languages change over time. What we call “grammar” is simply a reflection (反映) of a language at a particular time.

Do we need to study grammar to learn a language? The short answer is “no”. Very many people in the world speak their own, native language without having studied its grammar. Children start to speak before they even know the word“grammar”. But if you are serious about learning a foreign language, the long answer is “yes, grammar can help you to learn a language more quickly and more efficiently.” It’s important to think of grammar as something that can help you, like a friend. When you understand the grammar (or system) of a language, you can understand many things yourself, without having to ask a teacher or look in a book.

So think of grammar as something good, something positive, something that you can use to find your way---like a signpost(路标) or a map.

Except invented languages like Esperanto(世界语). And if Esperanto were widely spoken, its rules would soon be very different.

1.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Grammar is the system of a language.

B. Someone created the grammar first and then people learn the language according to it.

C. Language’s developing and forming is a long-term process (过程).

D. There is no language staying the same all the time.

2.What is the author’s attitude towards grammar learning?

A. He is against grammar learning.

B. He is in favor of grammar learning.

C. His attitude is objective(客观的).

D. His attitude is unknown to us.

3.Which of the following is CORRECT according to the last paragraph?

A. Esperanto is widely spoken.

B. Esperanto is different from other languages because its rules are fixed.

C. Esperanto is different from other languages because its rules came out before this language.

D. Esperanto is very easy to learn.

Camp memories last forever! We make sure they are unforgettable!

Shadow Ridge Summer Camps offer so many exciting things for campers to do. Unlike other camp programs that include horses as a small part of their program, at Shadow Ridge horses are the program! We are 100% horse from stable(马厩) management, nature walks, and track rides to bedroom furnishings.

Horses help us achieve many of our aims. Girls can learn to develop responsibility, self-confidence and personal connections in their lives while having fun. Using horses as a wonderful tool for education, our camps offer an interesting place for growth and learning.

Imagine each girl having her very own horse to spend time with and a best friend to love and take care of. Each camper is responsible for a horse for the week. Our riding program provides a lot of riding and lesson time. Campers will learn how to take care of the horse and the tack(马具), as well as how to ride. Days are filled with horse-related activities to strengthen the connection between each girl and horse, as the girls learn to work safely around the horses.

At Shadow Ridge we try to create a loving, caring family atmosphere for our campers. We have “The Bunkhouse” (4 girls), “the Wranglers Roost” (4 girls), and “The Hideout” (2 girls) in our comfortable 177-year-old farm house. All meals are home cooked, offering delicious and healthy food for the hungry rider.

Our excellent activities create personalized memories of your child's vacation. Each child will receive a camp T-shirt and a photo album (usually 300~500 pictures) of their stay at camp.

Our camps are offered during June, July and August 2007, for small groups of girls aged 13~16 years, not only from Canada but also other parts of the world.

We will send you full program descriptions at your request.

1.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To attract people to the camps.

B. To talk about camping experiences.

C. To describe the programs of the camps.

D. To explain the aims of the camps.

2.What do we know about the camp programs at Shadow Ridge?

A. Campers are required to wear camp T-shirts.

B. Horses play a central role in the activities.

C. Campers learn to cook food for themselves.

D. Horse lessons are offered all the year round.

3. The programs at Shadow Ridge mainly aim to help people .

A. understand horses better

B. enjoy a family atmosphere

C. have fun above other things

D. achieve an educational purpose

4. Which one of the following isn’t mentioned in the passage?

A. The time of the camping.

B. The cost of the camping.

C. The advantages of the camping.

D. The effect of the camping.

Albert was an ordinary worker in an oil company in America. His workmates gave a nickname(绰号) “Four dollars a bucket (桶)” to him, for he was always used to leaving an advertisement of his company “Four dollars a bucket of oil” below his name whenever and wherever he wrote down his name.

As time went by, people forgot his real name. Later, when Rockefeller, the board chairman of the oil company, heard of it, he was very surprised, so he invited Albert to come to his office.

“Some people give you a nickname for ‘Four dollars a bucket’. Why aren’t you angry?” asked Rockefeller with some puzzlement in his eyes. “Oh! Mr. Rockefeller! I like this nickname very much, because ‘Four dollars a bucket’ is our company’s advertisement. As long as someone calls me ‘Four dollars a bucket’ once, I think it’s a free advertisement for our company. I have no reason to get angry. Don’t you think so, Mr. Rockefeller?” “Oh! What a fantastic man!” Rockefeller said excitedly when hearing Albert’s words. “Young man, work harder! You must succeed in the future! I believe in you!”

Five years later, Albert became the second board chairman after Rockefeller. Later Albert said in one of his reports, “I don’t think we should feel frustrated when we have no way to do the world-shaking things. We should treat everything actively because maybe our future success will begin with a small thing!”

1.What was Albert in the oil company at the beginning?

A. A customer. B. An assistant.

C. A manager. D. A worker.

2.Why wasn’t Albert angry at his nickname?

A. He could become famous.

B. He liked to have a nickname.

C. It could make his workmates happy.

D. It could advertise for his company for free.

3.What is the main idea of this passage?

A. It’s very important to do small things well.

B. Rockefeller asked young people to work harder.

C. You can’t get angry when someone calls your nickname.

D. You should make more advertisements for your company.

4.What would be the best title for this passage?

A. A Clever Way to Make Advertisements.

B. Albert and Rockefeller.

C. Four Dollars a Bucket.

D. The Second Board Chairman.


My Hero

What does it mean to be a hero? I think a hero is someone who goes out of his way to make others happy. My hero is Mr. Wright, my chorus(合唱队) teacher.

When I was 12 years old, my grandparents passed away. I was really close to them, and losing them was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to _________ through. I couldn’t eat, sleep, or think; I felt like I couldn’t even breathe. It was as if my whole world had fallen down from under me, and I _________ into this huge hole of depression(抑郁).

_________ I was battling depression, I was determined to make my high school years the best of my life. It was difficult to be _________ , but I had to try. I joined Women’s Choir. Mr. Wright was the choral director and he was so funny that the first day, I just knew I had made the best _________ of my life. As the year progressed, I loved chorus more and more. I began to smile again and really enjoy _________ .

Then one day that all changed. My friends—or those that I thought were my friends—started talking about me behind my back. I was_________ , and I sat by myself. Mr. Wright came over and asked what was wrong. The look in his eyes told me that I could _________ him. Trying hard to_________ back tears, I told him the whole story.

When I finished, he nodded and told me, “If you never learn anything from me, learn this: No one is worth _________ your joy.” What Mr. Wright said really _________ a chord (心弦) in my heart. He _________ cared about me and what was going on. I’ll never be able to thank him enough, because he not only saved me but has _________ every day of it since. Any time I feel like giving _________ , I remember Mr. Wright’s words and push forward.

I’m proud to say that I _________ my depression, and I’m now a senior. I’m still a _________ of chorus, and now I’m also in the best choir at my school.

Mr. Wright is a hero _________ everyone he meets. He cares about every single person who walks through his door, and he loves what he does more than any other teacher I’ve known. That’s_________ he deserves to be Educator of the Year. He deserves the _________ not just this year but every year.

I’m glad I had the opportunity to meet you, Mr. Wright. You are an _________teacher, and I hope you realize that. You’re my hero.

1.A. put B. walk C. run D. go

2.A. looked B. broke C. fell D. turned

3.A. If B. Although C. Because D. Once

4.A. happy B. calm C. smart D. confident

5.A. suggestion B. decision C. effort D. offer

6.A. care B. nature C. health D. life

7.A. refused B. forgotten C. hurt D. trapped

8.A. trust B. impress C. respect D. satisfy

9.A. set B. fight C. take D. call

10.A. stealing B. sharing C. hiding D. feeling

11.A. braked B. struck C. played D. shook

12.A. cheerfully B. normally C. exactly D. truly

13.A. taken B. started C. understood D. influenced

14.A. off B. out C. up D. away

15.A. beat B. suffered C. developed D. saved

16.A. leader B. part C. fan D. dancer

17.A. about B. with C. to D. at

18.A. when B. what C. where D. why

19.A. title B. job C. help D. name

20.A. amusing B. ambitious C. amazing D. advanced


When it comes to the benefit of volunteering, a lot of people think it’s all about the warm feeling after helping someone. ___1.___ As is known, charity work requires a wide variety of people to do a wide variety of things for everything to work. It means that there are some surprising benefits for volunteers. For example, volunteering:

*Teaches you new skills

From helping make websites to teaching immigrant kids your native language, or to arranging events for charity, volunteering can really be almost anything. It means that when you get involved in charity work, a lot of the time you will face challenges. ___2.___

*Can teach you what truly matters

It’s a great way to find new perspectives on life. When you’ve been at it for a while, you just might find yourself re-evaluating your advantages. ___3.__ One of my friends went from wanting to be a lawyer to discovering a true passion for teaching.


Maybe it’s not so surprising, but what might surprise you is how genuine these friends are. Some of my long-term friends are people I’ve met through volunteering. I’m not the kind of guy that makes friends for connections, but sometimes it’s very convenient to have a broad network.

Summed up in one line: Volunteering helps you grow. ___5.___ You meet a very wide variety of people you don’t have a lot in common with. You learn to get along with people involved in many different walks in life. You learn to know what you are to do. So if you’ve ever considered volunteering, what are you waiting for?

A. Helps you make new friends.

B. Can help improve social skills.

C. You might even decide on a completely new path to take in life.

D. As it turns out, that’s far from the only benefit.

E. Volunteering helps you look outside yourself and your problems.

F. Through overcoming the challenges you learn completely new skills.

G. Not only as a person but it helps you develop your skill set as well.

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