
3,鼓励孩子们多运动,并参加一些有益的课外活动(out-of-class activities)
Dear Editor,
I am a part-time teacher in a primary school.Recently I've been worried to find more and more children in school are overweightThis is very bad for their health.So I'm writing to give their parents some advice as follows.
All the parents are caring much about their children's life and studies,but I think they should pay more attention to their children's health.(高分句型一)So it is very important for them to offer their children balanced diets,because healthy eating can not only provide children with enough energy for them to grow up but also keep them healthy.(高分句型二)They should help their children to stay away from junk food.In addition,they ought to encourage their children to help them with some housework,take some exercise every day and take part in some out-of-class activities which can benefit the children.(高分句型三)
I look forward to seeing all the children growing up healthily.

分析 本篇书面表达属于提纲类作文,根据提示信息假定你叫李华,是一位兼职教师,你所任教的学校里有很多儿童严重超重.你就此给某报编辑写信,给孩子的家长一些忠告,写作时注意以下几点:1、仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息,要点包括:应该更加关注孩子的健康.帮助孩子养成良好的饮食习惯.鼓励孩子们多运动,并参加一些有益的课外活动(out-of-class activities)2、提纲是文章的总体框架,要在提纲的范围内进行分析、构思和想象.要依据提示情景或词语,按照一定逻辑关系来写.本文写作时可以按照要点所给的顺序写.3、根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态.4.注意使用高级词汇和句式,以增加文章的亮点.
【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,层次分明,而且使用了多种表达:be bad for 对…有害;pay more attention to多关注;balanced diets平衡饮食;not only,but also不仅,而且;In addition另外;look forward to盼望;
   All the parents are caring much about their children's life and studies,but I think they should pay more attention to their children's health.(高分句型一)
So it is very important for them to offer their children balanced diets,because healthy eating can not only provide children with enough energy for them to grow up but also keep them healthy.(高分句型二)
In addition,they ought to encourage their children to help them with some housework,take some exercise every day and take part in some out-of-class activities which can benefit the children.(高分句型三)

解答 Dear Editor,
       I am a part-time teacher in a primary school.Recently I've been worried to find more and more children in school are overweight.This is very bad for their health.So I'm writing to give their parents some advice as follows.
       All the parents are caring much about their children's life and studies,but I think they should pay more attention to their children's health.(高分句型一)So it is very important for them to offer their children balanced diets,because healthy eating can not only provide children with enough energy for them to grow up but also keep them healthy.(高分句型二)They should help their children to stay away from junk food.In addition,they ought to encourage their children to help them with some housework,take some exercise every day and take part in some out-of-class activities which can benefit the children.(高分句型三)
       I look forward to seeing all the children growing up healthily.
                                                                    Li Hua

点评 英语写作是一项主观性较强的测试题.它不仅考查学生的写作基础而且还考查学生在写作过程中综合运用语言的能力.在撰写时要注意主谓语一致,时态呼应,用词贴切等.要提高英语写作水平,需要两方面的训练:一是语言基础方面的训练,要有扎实的造句、翻译等基本功,即用词法、句法等知识造出正确无误的句子;二是写作知识和能力 方面的训练以掌握写作方面的基本方法和技巧.

1.Housework is a frequent source of conflict between lazy husbands and their hard-working wives,but women have been warned not to expect men to pull their weight any time soon.
A study from Oxford University has found that men are unlikely to be doing an equal share of housework before 2050.Mothers,the researchers warned,will continue to shoulder the burden of childcare and housework for the next four decades,largely because housework such as cleaning and cooking is still regarded as"women's work".
The gap between the amount of time men and women spend on housework has narrowed slowly over the past 40 years.But it will take another four decades before true housework equality is achieved,the study concluded.
The research found that in the Nordic countries,the burden of housework is shared more equally between men and women.In the UK,women spend an average of four hours and forty minutes each day on housework,compared with two hours and twenty-eight minutes for men.This is an improvement from the 1960s,when British women typically spent six hours a day on housework,while men spent just 90minutes every day.
But progress towards housework equality appears to be slowing in some countries.Dr Oriel Sullivan,a research reader from Oxford's Department of Sociology,said,"we've looked at what is affecting the equality in the home,and we have found that certain tasks seem to be given according to whether they are viewed as‘men's work'or‘women's work'."
Dr.Sullivan said cultural attitudes taught at school may be responsible for the views of housework."At school it is much easier for a girl to be a tomboy,but it is much more difficult for a boy to enjoy baking and dancing,"she said.

25.What does the underlined part"pull their weight"in Paragraph 1 probably refer to?C
A.Lose weight.
B.Earn money.
C.Do equal housework.
D.Be lazy.
26.Why will women continue to do more housework before 2050?D
A.Men are too busy to help.
B.They would like to do so.
C.They can do better in housework.
D.Housework will still be considered"women's work".
27.From Paragraph 4 we know that in the UKB.
A.men now spend just 90 minutes a day on housework on average
B.women now spend less time on housework than before
C.housework is shared equally between men and women
D.women now are too busy with their work to do housework
28.In Dr.Sullivan's opinion,what is to blame for the housework inequality?A
A.Cultural attitudes towards housework.
B.Policies made by the government.
C.The time spent on work.
D.The type of housework.
15.This is the Radio Doctor with another word of advice on how to keep yourself healthy and how to keep away from doctors.As everyone knows,prevention is the best cure (治疗).If you haven't cold,stay away from the people who have.Keep your rooms aired.Keep yourself warm.And don't get yourself too tired or too excited by pleasure.Remember that an hour's sleep before midnight is worth two hour's sleep after midnight.Don't get yourself too sad or too excited.A healthy mind is a healthy body.If you have caught a cold,go to see your doctor and don't be afraid to take the medicine your doctor gives to you.Remember not to sneeze over anybody else.Those little viruses (病素) enjoy nothing better than taking a free ride through the air into anybody else.In this way he will get a cold.

1.The Radio Doctor's advice today is to tell peopleD.
A.how to stay away from doctors
B.wha to do to keep themselves healthy
C..how to have a nice sleep
D.how to prevent themselves from catching a cold
2.In order not to catch a cold,you shouldD.
A.stay away from the people who have a cold
B.keep your room aired
C.not to get too tired or too excited
D.all the above answers together
3.The Radio Doctor also advises people toC.
A.go to bed early
B.sleep less before midnight
C.sleep less after midnight
D.get up early in the morning
4.A healthy person usually hasB.
A.a clever mind
B.healthy mind
C.quick mind
D.pleasant mind
5.D if you have caught a cold.
A.Don't meet anybody
B.Don't talk to anybody you meet
C.Stay at home alone
D.Don't sneeze over anybody else.
2.Clean water is not only important for food production,but necessary for our life.However,large numbers of people in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa are going without.The World Health Organization reports that almost 4,000 children die each day for dirty water or lack of water.
Agriculture is the primary user of water at 70-85% of fresh water in the world.Industrial uses of water don't often come to mind,but you may be surprised to know that industry uses 59% of the water supply in developed countries.
Home use takes up only 8% in the world.But as cities grow,the local government has to cut down on water use.Many cities are turning to privatization (私有化) of water as a method of controlling use.The poor are paying as much as a quarter of their monthly income for water in some developing countries.
In 60% of large European cities,groundwater is being used at a faster rate.People are saving water by simply using less and being careful with what they do use.Sometimes it's as simple as not throwing out water that they could use elsewhere.
In Australia overuse of water has always been a problem.The Australian government has encouraged households and industries to collect rainwater and reuse water from showers.Technolog is helping householders for shower and bath water for reuse in toilets or gardens.
The U.S.Environmental Protection Agency has made a water saving program designed to encourage families and businesses to examine their water use and save more water.Good water management has been considered by scientists and the UN as the key to solving the water problem.We can all work together to protect our valuable water in our daily life.

8.In developed countries,most water is used byA.
9.To save water,what do Australians and Europeans both choose to do?D
A.Find more groundwater.
B.Make good use of rainwater.
C.Encourage people to have fewer showers
D.Recycle water for a second use.
10.According to scientists,to deal with water shortage,the most important is toC.
A.popularize privatization of water
B.cut down on water use at home
C.have good control over water use
D.introduce water-saving technologies
11.What would be the best title for the passage?B
A.Water-the source of all lives
B.Save water,save the world
C.New ways to save water
D.Water and people's health.
19.As anyone who freelances(做自由职业)knows,there are lots of advantages of working at home alone.But there are drawbacks too,like the potential loneliness.No wonder co-working spaces are becoming so popular:they permit self-employed individuals to feel like they are part of all office environment,while making them get some work done too.But renting a co-working space does cost money.
Now a Swedish project is aiming to change that by turning people's under-used homes into temporary co-working spaces,available to freelancers for free.Hoffice was started by freelancers Christofer Gradin Franzen and Johline Zandra about a year ago in Stockholm when they invited a few people into their home office to work together.It was a great success,and the project has since spread to a number of cities in Europe,North and South America,Australia,India and Japan.Anyone can sign up and offer their home space as a free co-working space,or go find a Hoffice near them.
On a Hoffice day,everyone arrives and starts work at a certain hour.After 45minutes,everyone gets up to take a break,stretch,do qigong or yoga for 10to 15minutes.Afterwards,people can gather around again,and re-state their intentions and goals for the rest of the work day,as a way to motivate each other.Meals can be eaten together at a certain hour,potluck-style(家常饭)or by bringing your own lunch.
This process creates an encouraging and supportive work environment.As some freelancers describe,"By working at Hoffice,we give ourselves and each other the gift to spend our days in a social working environment,where we are extremely productive without ignoring our other human needs.We also make sure to give us and each other what we need to feel calm,happy,inspired and creative during the working day."
So Hoffice is not just about sharing space; it's also about a free exchange of ideas.And perhaps the best thing is that Hoffices are free to use.

4.Hoffice was started toD
A.change people's attitude to work
B.encourage people to be more social
C.improve people's working conditions
D.provide a co-working space for free
5.What's the main idea of Paragraph 3?B
A.How people respond to Hoffice
B.How a Hoffice day works
C.What people share at Hoffice
D.What Hoffice means to people
6.What do we know about Hoffice according to the text?A
A.It is becoming increasingly popular.
B.It has been around for quite a few years.
C.It has created many new job opportunities.
D.It is suitable for people from all walks of life.

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