
13.Trees are of great use to man in three important ways:they offer him wood and other useful things,they give him cool places,and they help to stop dr ought and flood.
In many parts of the world,unfortunatel y,man has not found that the third of these points is the most important.Man wants to make money from trees,so he has cut them down in large numbers,only to find that without them he has lost the best friends he had.And also,he is usually too careless to plant and look after new trees.So the forests slowly disappear.
This does not only mean that man will have fewer trees.The results are even worse:for where there are trees,their roots break up soil-make the rain in-and also b ind(粘合,凝结) the soil,thus stopping it from being washed away easily; but where there are no trees,the rain falls on hard ground and flows away,causing floods and carrying away the rich top-soil.When all the top-soil is gone,nothing is left but useless desert.
12.The most important points of trees to man isA.
A.they help him to stop drought and floods
B.they offer him cool places
C.they give him wood and other things
D.they help him to make money  
13.Which is not the reason for forests'slow disappearance in many places?
A.Many trees have been cut down by man.
B.New trees are not well looked after.
C.Less attention is paid to planting trees.
D.Global warming.
14.Land becomes desert after all trees are cut down becauseD.
A.roots of trees break up the soil   
B.there are too many rainfalls
C.strong winds bring a lot of sand
D.no more trees keep the rain and protect the top-soil.
15.Which title best fits the passage?B
A.Trees and Man                             
B.The Function of Tree Wood
C.How do People do with Trees?
D.The Usage of Tree Roots.

分析 本文叙述了树木在人们的生活中起着很重要的作用,短文给出了三个方面的作用.一是树可以给我们提供食物、木头和其他的一些产品.二是树木可以给我们提供树荫.三是树可以防止旱灾和水灾.因此如果人们不保护树木,最终就会发现他们失去了最好的朋友.

解答 12.A.细节理解题.根据第二段In many parts of the world,unfortunatel y,man has not found that the third of these points is the most important可知树对人类最重要的一点是他们帮助他阻止干旱和洪水;故选A.
13.D.细节理解题.根据第二段so he has cut them down in large numbers,only to find that without them he has lost the best friends he had.And also,he is usually too careless to plant and look after new trees可知森林消失在许多地方的原因是大量地砍伐,新树没有得到很好的照顾以及不关注植树;故选D.
14.D.细节理解题.根据最后一段for where there are trees,their roots break up soil-make the rain in-and also b ind(粘合,凝结) the soil,thus stopping it from being washed away easily可知土地变成了沙漠因为没有树木来保持降雨和保护土壤;故选D.
15.B.推理判断题.根据第一段they offer him wood and other useful things,they give him cool places,and they help to stop dr ought and flood可知最佳标题为树木的作用;故选B.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

8.Why Blue LED Lights Won the Nobel
The 2014Nobel Prize in physics went to three scientists who gave lighting a big change by inventing blue LED lights.A big change in lighting efficiency is under way around the world.
Save and green
LEDs use less energy than other forms of lighting.A typical LED bulb(灯泡) can produce around 83lumens per watt-a measure of how much brightness you can get from a unit of electrical power-much more efficient than other lighting facilities.
LEDs produce light by passing electric current through a semiconductor,while traditional bulbs pass current through a wire.The wasted heat energy is chiefly why traditional bulbs are so much less efficient.
LEDs also last about 30times longer than traditional bulbs,and many LED bulb products promise up to 25,000hours of use-more than 17years if you used one for about four hours a day.
Lighting the world
The lighting transformation is not only in homes.LEDs are also being used for street lights,public holiday and decorative displays,commercial buildings,and other large energy users.
Car lighting is another application where LEDs are making progress.LEDs used to be used only for daytime running lights,but now many new cars have LED headlights for night-time use.
LEDs also hold promise for bringing light to the more than 1.5billion people around the world without access to electricity,the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences noted.Indeed,several proposed solutions to energy poverty include the distribution of LED lights,particularly solar-powered ones.
Digital displays
Without blue LEDs,the world wouldn't have back-lit smart phones,TV and computer LCD screens,blu-ray(蓝光) players,many forms of lighting,and countless other products.
In the electronics industry,LEDs provide back lighting for LCD screens in many smart phones,laptops,and televisions.The LEDs are more energy efficient and allow for very thin displays.
Blu-ray players use blue LED lasers(激光) to read data off a digital optical disc.When these systems switched from using an infrared(红外线) laser to a blue LED laser,it became possible to store five to 10times as much data.
LEDs are now being explored for their potential uses to transmit(传送) data from the Internet across open space,similar to WiFi.Such a system could transmit a lot more data than WiFi alone.This high bandwidth is possible because LEDs can turn on and off millions of times per second.
The rise of LED lighting came at a time when people were just starting to be concerned about global warming.Because of LEDs'energy efficiency,using them for the world's lighting would affect environmental protection in a positive way.
Why Blue LED Lights Won the Nobel
The reason why blue LED lights won the 2014 Nobel Prize in physics is that they are to (81)resultin big changes in lighting.
Save and green(82)Comparedwith other forms of lighting,LEDs are much more efficient because of the different ways they pass electric current.
What's more,LED bulbs can be (83)used30 times longer than traditional bulbs.
Lighting the world(84)Apart/Asidefrom household applications of LED bulbs,they can also be used as street lights and car headlights.
Because of their high efficiency,LEDs,especially solar-powered ones,(85)promiseto light areas without access to electricity.
Digital displaysMany smart phones,laptops and televisions use LEDs to back-light their LCD (86)screens.
By using blue LED lasers,blu-ray players are likely to store (87)moredata.
People are now exploring more (88)potentialuses of LEDs such as transmitting data.
(89)ConclusionLED lighting will have a positive (90)impact/influence/effecton environmental protection.
18.About ten years ago,a young and successful businessman named Josh was traveling down a Chicago neighborhood street.He was going a bit too fast in his new car.Suddenly,a brick sailed out and hit his car's side door.Josh jumped out of the car,grabbed the kid who had thrown the brick and shouted at him,"Just what on earth are you doing?That's my new car.That brick you threw is going to cost you a lot of money.Why did you throw it?""Please,sir.I'm sorry!I didn't know what else to do!"pleaded (恳求) the young boy."I threw the brick because no one else would stop!"
Tears were dripping down the boy's face as he pointed around the parked car."It's my brother,sir,"he said."He fell out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him up."Sobbing,the boy asked Josh,"Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair?He's hurt and he's too heavy for me."
Moved beyond words,the young man tried desperately to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat.Josh helped lift the young man back into the wheelchair.He then watched the boy push his brother down the sidewalk towards their home.
It was a long walk back to his car-a long and slow walk.Josh never did fix the side door of his car.He kept the dent (凹痕) to remind him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at him to get his attention.
21.When Josh's car was hit by a brick,he wasC.
A.repairing his car           
B.playing with some kids
C.driving fast on the street      
D.thinking about his business
22.Why did the boy throw the brick towards Josh's car?B
A.He hated those driving fast.
B.He wanted to get his attention.
C.He was careless and missed his target.
D.He wanted to get his brother's attention.
23.After listening to the boy's explanation,JoshB.
A.agreed to give him a lift
B.was touched and decided to help
C.helped send the boy's brother home
D.decided to fix his car with his own money
24.What would be the best title for the text?B
A.Help those in need           B.Slow down in your life
C.Love people around you       D.Forgive those who anger you.
7.Joan's job is not easy at all.Her job is to use American Sign Language to enable instructors to communicate with English-speaking (41)B students.She went to school for three years to get her(42)A.According to Joan,learning ASL was not that difficult,but learning to be an excellent (43)D could take a lifetime.
Three years after enrolling at Pierce College,Joan(44)C as a Certified ASL Interpreter(翻译员).Plenty of job opportunities were waiting for her.She (45)A the college environment,so she (46)Ca job at Newton Community College,a school with 28,000 (47)D.there are 22hearing-impaired students at NCC.Joan has (48)B with most of them.
They are very (49)Awith her.Often they invite her to have a cup of coffee after class.They talk about school and about (50)Cthey hope to do after graduation.Sometimes the women talk about(51)B things,especially about how hard it is to find"Mr Right".Joan (52)D them,saying she herself has given up on finding (53)A.They also talk about their favorite movies,books,and music.Even deaf people can"(54)A"music.Many are good dancers.
Joan is one of the four interpreters on campus.Two are (55)A; Joan works part-time.She accompanies a deaf student to (56)C.The student sits in the front row.Joan usually sits near the (57)B,facing the student.She signs (58)Dthe teacher talks.If the class is less than 90minutes long,there is only one interpreter per student.If the class is (59)B,there are two interpreters per student.They alternate; one interpreter will sign for 20minutes,and then (60)A will.

46.A.looked forB.waited forC.applied forD.cared for
52.A.argues withB.apologizes toC.refers toD.agrees with
60.A.the otherB.othersC.the othersD.another

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