
In Western countries, bread is one of the most important foods. When they get up in the morning many people eat toast (烤面包). They spread butter and jam on their toast. People eat bread at other times of the day too. For example, at main meals, they often eat bread with soup.

It's also very common to eat sandwiches. A sandwich is two pieces of bread with a filling inside - salad, cheese or fish. A hamburger is a kind of sandwich.

There are many different kinds of bread. Some are special to some countries. For example, the baguette (法国棍子面包) is a long, thin loaf that began in France.

There is also white bread and whole-wheat (全麦面) bread. What's the difference? White bread is refined (精制的). It has things taken out of it to make it softer and easier to eat. The trouble is, white bread also has lots of goodness taken out. Although some people dislike the taste of whole-wheat bread, it is much healthier.

Some kinds of bread have additives (添加剂). They are put into the bread for many reasons. Some additives are good for you - for example vitamin C. Others are there to make the bread last longer. Still others to make it taste better - but they do not necessarily make the bread healthier to eat!

1.People in the west have as their main food.

A. butter B. bread

C. cheese D. fish

2.The fourth paragraph tells us

A. how to make white bread

B. how to make whole-wheat bread

C. the difference between white bread and whole-wheat bread

D. people dislike the taste of whole-wheat bread

3.Which of the statements about additives(添加剂) is WRONG?

A. Not all the additives are good for our health.

B. Vitamin C makes the bread last longer.

C. Some additives are put into bread to make bread healthier.

D. To make bread taste better, some additives can be put into bread.


I do a lot of management training each year for the Circle K Company. Among the _______ we discuss in our classes is the _______ of quality employees.

“What has caused you to stay _______ enough to become a manager?" I asked. After a while a new manager took the _______ and said slowly, "it was a baseball glove.”

Cynthia said she used to _______ a Circle K clerk job as an interim (临时的) one while she looked for something _______. On her second day behind the counter, she received a (an) _______ from her nine-year-old son, Jessie. He _______ a baseball glove for the little League. She _______ that as a single mother, money was __________, and her first check would have to go for paying __________.

When Cynthia arrived for work the next morning, Partircia, the store manager asked her to come to her small office and handed her a box. “I overheard you __________ to your son yesterday,” she said, “and I know that it is __________ to explain things to kids. This is a baseball glove for Jessie. I know you have to pay bills __________ you can buy gloves. You know we can’t __________ good people like you as __________ as we would like to; but we do __________ and I want you to know how __________ you are to us.”

The thoughtfulness, empathy and love of the store manager show vividly that people __________ more how much a(n) ____________ cares than how much he pays.

1.A. topics B. problems C. difficulties D. lessons

2.A. employing B. praising C. keeping D. improving

3.A. soon B. long C. strong D. calm

4.A. position B. decision C. question D. advice

5.A. take B. change C. lose D. consider

6.A. lighter B. easier C. better D. higher

7.A. letter B. call C. answer D. email

8.A. bought B. kept C. needed D. offered

9.A. complained B. explained C. understood D. admitted

10.A. short B. enough C. spare D. tight

11.A. food B. education C. clothes D. bills

12.A. talking B. crying C. arguing D. scolding

13.A. easy B. hard C. simple D. nice

14.A. after B. until C. when D. before

15.A. value B. remain C. pay D. fire

16.A. much B. many C. pleasant D. possible

17.A. regret B. agree C. worry D. care

18.A. excellent B. important C. thankful D. thoughtful

19.A. remember B. refuse C. thank D. realize

20.A. mother B. clerk C. official D. manager

Recently, I felt like I reached a very low point in life. My relationships weren't good, I wasn't enjoying my classes, and I felt like I had nothing to_________.My life seemed to be full of endless homework, tests and loneliness. Nothing anyone said seemed________to me. I wasn't sure what to do about myself. All I wanted was to be happy again, but I didn't know who or what would________that.

During these days, I had trouble sleeping. I had to take sleeping pills but still woke up in the midnight. I had no_________but to tell my dad. He_________the book The Secret. I immediately bought the e-book online and read the whole thing that night. I'm_________quite a stubborn person, but the effect on my mood after finishing the book was_________. Suddenly, I felt like life was beautiful again. I had never felt such a deep and quick_________in my life before.

In fact, the book's message was very simple—think positively(积极地).The book had many success stories about how people were able to________money, soul mates(心灵伙伴)and old friends back into their lives. I started learning to thank everything in my life like them. Little by little, I realized that The Secret could only work________I believed these people's success stories.

Now I'm sure I can bring myself happiness.

1.A. take care of B. come up with C. look down on D. look forward to

2.A. helpful B. colourful C. peaceful D. powerful

3.A. serve B. offer C. answer D. prevent

4.A. problem B. idea C. need D. doubt

5.A. borrowed B. collected C. returned D. recommended

6.A. normally B. mainly C. finally D. probably

7.A. realistic B. common C. obvious D. serious

8.A. breath B. notice C. surprise D. change

9.A. attract B. control C. imagine D. mention

10.A. until B. When C. unless D. before

When you need to see a doctor, surely you will want to see a good one. But there is one important thing you may never have thought about: Has your doctor rested enough?

Doctors in our country often have to work 34 hours or longer without sleep. Most of them work 104 hours a week, and some even 150. (There are only 168 hours a week!) One report said that a doctor who works such long hours cannot think more clearly than a drunk driver. Another found that doctors who sleep 5.8 fewer hours than the week before might make 22% more serious mistakes. Surely no one wants to get in a car that is driven by a drunk driver. So, how safe would you feel when you are under the care of a tired doctor?

Sadly this problem has been around for a long time. There are no laws about it yet and hospital bosses don’t look like they care either. And that is why we doctors are asking you to join us on the street this Sunday. Fight together with us on the street so we can fight better for your life in the hospital.

Time: 1 p. m. July 15 Place: City Hospital Square

1.How long do doctors often have to work per week in the country?

A. 34 hours. B. 104 hours.

C. 150 hours. D. 168 hours.

2.What does the underlined word “Another” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A. A country. B. A doctor.

C. A report. D. A driver.

3.Why does the writer compare a tired doctor with a drunk driver?

A. To find out who can think more clearly.

B. To give an example of a common disease.

C. To show who can work longer without sleep.

D. To give the reader a clear idea of the danger.

4.What is the purpose of the text?

A. To warn doctors not to work too long.

B. To get support for the fight for doctors.

C. To tell people how to find a good doctor.

D. To call for a law against drunk driving.

In 1973, I was teaching elementary school. Each day, 27 kids _________“The Thinking Laboratory.” That was the ___________ students voted for after deciding that “Room 104” was too _________.

Freddy was an average ___________, but not an average person. He had the rare balance of fun and compassion(同情). He would _________ the loudest over fun and be the saddest over anyone’s _________.

Before the school year___________,I gave the kids a special _____________, T-shirts with the words “Verbs Are Your_________ ” on them. I had advised the kids that while verbs(动词)may seem dull, most of the________ things they do throughout their lives will be verbs.

Through the years, I’d run into former students who would provide __________ on old classmates. I learned that Freddy did several jobs after his ________ from high school and remained the same ________ person I met forty years before. Once, while working overnight at a store, he let a homeless man ________in his truck. Another time, he ________a friend money to buy a house.

Just last year, I was __________ a workshop when someone knocked at the classroom door. A woman __________ the interruption and handed me an envelope. I stopped teaching and __________ it up. Inside were the “Verbs” shirt and a __________ from Freddy’s mother. “Freddy passed away on Thanksgiving. He wanted you to have this.”

I told the story to the class. As sad as it was, I couldn’t help smiling. Although Freddy was taken from us, we all__________something from Freddy.

1.A. built B. entered C. decorated D. ran

2.A. name B. rule C. brand D. plan

3.A. small B. dark C. strange D. dull

4.A. scholar B. student C. citizen D. worker

5.A. speak B. sing C. question D. laugh

6.A. misfortune B. disbelief C. dishonesty D. mistake

7.A. changed B. approached C. returned D. ended

8.A. lesson B. gift C. report D. message

9.A. friends B. Awards C. Masters D. Tasks

10.A. simple B. unique C. fun D. clever

11.A. assessments B. comments C. instructions D. updates

12.A. graduation B. retirement C. separation D. resignation

13.A. daring B. modest C. caring D. smart

14.A. wait B. sleep C. study D. live

15.A. paid B. charged C. lent D. owed

16.A. observing B. preparing C. designing D. conducting

17.A. regretted B. avoided C. excused D. ignored

18.A. opened B. packed C. gave D. held

19.A. picture B. bill C. note D. diary

20.A. chose B. took C. expected D. borrowed

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