A hunter went into the forest and found an eagle's egg that had fallen from its nest. Surpris?ingly ,it remained 1The hunter took the egg and put it 2 the nest of a prairie chick?en. The eagle's egg 3 along with the other eggs in the prairie chicken's nest,and the little eagle grew up with the other baby birds. The young eagle 4 he was a prairie chicken.

  And he 5 to do what prairie chickens did.

  The years passed and the young eagle became fully 6 . One day he 7 and saw a huge bird high above in the cloudless sky.

  "What a beautiful bird," he exclaimed. "What is it? That's an eagle―the 8 of birds," one of the chickens said. "But don't give it a 9 thought, you can 10 be like him."

  The eagle might have11 after living the life of a chicken, but 12 ,he couldn't forget the big bird and thought about it all the time. On another day,as he  13 in the dirt for seeds and insects,he saw that same huge bird again as it flied high above with its huge wings outstretched against the sky.

" 14   ," he said to himself. " I too,have giant wings,and my feet have huge 15 that could be used for 16 getting insects from dirt."

   17 the eagle got a running start and leaped(跳跃) into the 18 working his huge wings rhythmically(有节奏地) and steadily as he had seen the huge bird did. 19 of rising only a few feet as usual, he flied into the sky and found his true 20 and destiny. 

(   ) 1.A. unbroken   B. unchecked   C. unfound   D. undone

(   ) 2.A. outside   B. above   C. in   D. near

(   ) 3.A. broke   B. smelled   C. changed   D. hatched

(   ) 4.A. admitted   B. thought   C. found   D. hoped

(   ) 5.A. learned   B. refused   C. pretended   D. desired

(   ) 6.A. valuable   B. disappointed   C. grown   D. old

(   ) 7.A. got up   B. turned up   C. showed up   D. looked up

(   ) 8.A. chief   B. enemy   C. example   D. friend

(   ) 9.A. more   B. third   C. second   D. meaningless

(   ) 10.A. always   B. never   C. often   D. sometimes

(   ) 11.A. regretted   B. changed   C.died   D. slept

(   ) 12.A. fortunately   B. unluckily   C. hopefully   D. sadly

(   ) 13.A. lay   B. ran   C. flied   D. scratched

(   ) 14.A. Interesting   B. Impossible   C. Silly   D. Strange

(   ) 15.A. covers   B. claws   C. skin   D. feathers

(   ) 16.A. more than   B. other than   C. less than   D. rather than

(   ) 17.A. Or   B. But   C. Yet   D. So

(   ) 18.A. lake   B. air   C. forest   D. ground

(   ) 19.A. Ashamed   B. Ahead   C. Instead   D. Proud

(   ) 20.A. character   B. potential   C. personality   D. source

  We were the only family with children in the restaurant. I sat Justin in a high chair and 1 our meal. 2Justin screamed with delight, "Hi there.”His eyes were wide withand his mouth was bared in a toothless laugh.

  I looked around and saw the 4of his pleasure. It was a man in 5 . His shirt was dirty,and his hair was unwashed. His 6 waved and he said to Justin, "Hi,baby?" My husband and I exchanged 7 . We wondered what we could do. Justin continued to 8 . Everyone in the 9 looked at us and the man. Our meal came and the man began shouting from 10 the room. My husband and I were 11 and ate in silence. We finally got through the meal and headed for the door. "Lord,just let me out of here 12 he speaks to me or Justin," I 13 .

  As I drew closer to the man,I turned my back trying to 14 any air he might be breath?ing. As I did so,Justin reached with both arms in a baby's "pick-me-up" 15 Before I could stop him,Justin had propelled himself from my arms to the man's. A very old smelly man and a baby had 16 their love relationship. Justin in an act of total trust and love,laid his tiny head upon the man's ragged 17 . The man's eyes closed, and I saw his aged hands so 18 cradled(抱着) my baby's bottom.

  After a moment, the old man gave Justin to me, "God bless you,Madam. You've given me my Christmas gift.”On our way home,my husband asked why I looked so deeply 19 . I told him I had just witnessed the pure love shown through a tiny child who made no 20 . A child saw a soul,and a mother saw a suit of clothes.

(   ) 1.A. enjoyed   B. made   C. prepared   D. ordered

(   ) 2.A. Quickly   B. Suddenly   C. Finally   D. Immediately

(   ) 3.A. surprise   B. disbelief   C. excitement   D. fright

(   ) 4.A. source   B. expression   C. reality   D. object

(   ) 5.A. uniform   B. suit   C. dress   D. rags

(   ) 6.A. head   B. body   C. hands   D. face

(   ) 7.A. opinions   B. looks   C. words   D. girls

(   ) 8.A. laugh   B. struggle   C. practice   D. perform

(   ) 9.A. street   B. hotel   C. station   D. restaurant

(   ) 10.A. outside   B. on   C. across   D. over

(   ) 11.A. astonished   B. embarrassed   C. amused   D. encouraged

(   ) 12. A. as   B. before   C. after   D. so

(   ) 13. A. insisted   B. required   C. admitted   D. prayed

(   ) 14. A. avoid   B. breathe   C. accept   D. touch

(   ) 15. A. schedule   B. position   C. service   D. feature

(   ) 16. A. built   B. stopped   C. continued   D. found

(   ) 17. A. knees   B. bag   C. shoulder   D. legs

(   ) 18. A. quickly   B. clumsily   C. gently   D. tightly

(   ) 19. A. moved   B. worried   C. bored   D. annoyed

(   ) 20. A. significance   B. comment   C. difference   D. judgment

  In the early 1800,s, a boy named John lived in an orphanage(孤儿院) with several other children. Every day was 1     working and Christmas was the one day of the year when the 2      did not work and received a gift ― an orange. The children 3      it so much that they kept it for weeks, and even 4      smelling it, 5      it and loving it. Usually they tried to preserve(保护) it for so 6      that it often went bad before they ate it.

  This year John knew he would soon be 7      enough to leave. He would save the orange until his birthday in July. If he preserved it 8     ,he might be able to eat it on his birthday.

  Christmas day finally came. The children were so 9      as they entered the dining hall. In his excitement, John knocked over something, causing a big 10      . Immediately the master shouted, "John,leave the hall and there will be no orange for you.”John's heart 11      . He turned and ran back to the 12      room so that the children wouldn't see his tears.

  Then he heard the door open and the children entered. Little Elizabeth with a 13      on her face held out her small hands. "Here John," she said, "this is for you. " As John 14      his head,he saw a big juicy 15      all peeled and quartered ... Each child had sacrificed(舍弃) their own orange by 16      a quarter and had created a big,beautiful orange for him.

  John never forgot the sharing,love and personal 17      his friends had shown him that Christmas day. 18      that day,after he became rich,every year he 19      send oranges all over the world to children everywhere. His 20      was that no child would ever spend Christ?mas without a special Christmas fruit!

(   ) 1. A. forced    B. passed    C. taken    D. spent

(   ) 2. A. parents    B. children    C. nurses    D. keeper

(   ) 3. A. needed    B. wanted    C. valued    D. missed

(   ) 4. A. months    B. days    C. years    D. seasons

(   ) 5. A. tasting    B. watching    C. pressing    D. touching

(   ) 6. A. much    B. soon    C. long    D. far

(   ) 7. A. old    B. strong    C. tall    D. experienced

(   ) 8. A. seriously    B. carefully    C. secretly    D. softly

(   ) 9. A. nervous    B. excited    C. pleasant    D. eager

(   ) 10. A. cry    B. disappointment    C. surprise    D. noise

(   ) 11. A. jumped    B. stopped    C. broke    D. settled

(   ) 12. A. cold    B. small    C. old    D. lonely

(   ) 13. A. look    B. tears    C. comfort    D. smile

(   ) 14. A. shook    B. lifted    C. put    D. turned

(   ) 15. A. gift    B. surprise    C. orange    D. wonder

(   ) 16. A. sharing    B. breaking    C. eating    D. taking

(   ) 17. A. feelings    B. affairs    C. relation    D. sacrifice

(   ) 18. A. In return for    B. In case of    C. In memory of    D. In search of

(   ) 19. A. must    B. would    C. might    D. should

(   ) 20. A. desire    B. idea    C. meaning    D. thinking

  Imagine working at a job which requires you to lie around all day,watch television,play video games,and surf the Internet. It seems like perfect work for a couch potato―until you find out that you must stay in bed 24 hours a day for 90 days straight!Suddenly, this job doesn't sound like much fun at all.

   A 10-year study by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA美国国家航天局) has been looking for volunteers to endure enforced(强制) bed rest,allowing doctors to study the effects of weightlessness on the human body. The bed rest recreates as closely as possible conditions which astronauts in space must endure.

   Astronauts returning from space often have temporary physical problems. Many are likely to faint(晕倒) and feel dizziness(眩晕) due to low blood pressure. A long trip in space can also lead to muscle weakness, decreased bone strength, and abnormalities(不正常) in their blood. All of these conditions are exactly like those in the best rest study.

   The studies are done at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas. Vol?unteers are under the constant supervision of doctors and other healthcare workers, and must fol?low strict guidelines.

   They are not allowed out of bed even to go to the bathroom(厕所) .Meals are brought at regular times, and naps(午睡) are not permitted. At 6:00 a. m. volunteers are awakened, and lights are out at 10:00 p. m. They are supplied with televisions,videos, DVDs,and computers with Internet access. Family and friends may visit.

   To take part in the study, volunteers must be non-smokers, between 25-55 years old,and in excellent health. The volunteers can be given up to $ 17, 000 for travel expenses and lost work time.

(   ) 1. Which of the following activities will the volunteers Not do,when taking part in the study by NASA?

   A.Lying around the bed all day and all night.

   B.Watching television program all the time.

   C.Playing the video games.

   D.Playing basketball with comrades.

(   ) 2. It is true about the volunteers that        .

   A.they are quite healthy

   B.they have to pay a large amount of money on it

   C.they should be very young

   D.they must have the education of university 

(   ) 3. When astronauts return from space,          .

   A.they will have terrible illness for ever

   B.they may have some physical problems all their lives

   C.their blood pressure is likely to be lower

   D.they might become very abnormal

(   ) 4. What does the underlined word "straight" in Paragraph 1 mean?

   A. in a straight way   B. directly and quickly

   C. without stopping, continuously   D. without any movement

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