
Whether in the workplace or on the football field, effective teamwork can produce amazing results. However, working successfully as a team is not as easy as it may seem. Effective teamwork certainly does not just happen automatically; it takes a great deal of hard work and compromise. There are a number of factors that must be in place to make a good team.
Effective leadership is one of the most important factors of good teamwork. The team’s leader should possess the skills to create and preserve a positive working environment and motivate and inspire the team members to take a positive approach to work and be highly committed. An effective team leader will promote a high level of spirit and make them feel supported and valued.
Communication is a vital factor of all interpersonal relationship and especially that of a team. Team members must be able to articulate their feelings, express plans and goals, share ideas and see each other’s opinions.
Conflicts will arise no matter how well a team functions together. The best way to deal with conflicts is to have some organized methods of handling conflicts. Team members should be able to voice their concerns without fear of offending others. Instead of avoiding conflict issues, a hands-on approach that settles them quickly is much better. It is often advised that the team leader sit with the conflicting parties and help work out their differences without taking sides and trying to remain objective if possible.
The team leader must set a good example to create good teamwork. In order to keep team members positive and committed and motivated, the team leader himself needs to show these qualities. The team turns to the leader for support and guidance. So any negative words or behaviors on the leader’s part can be disastrous.
Regardless of what type of work you are in, knowing how to effectively work on and with a team is going to be extremely important to your success and that of your team.
小题1:66. Effective leadership is important partly because ___________________.
A.it creates a positive working environment
B.it makes a leader feel supported and valued
C.it helps a leader to develop lots of skills
D.it depends on interpersonal relationship of a team
小题2:67. The underlined word “articulate” probably means _________________.
小题3:68. When conflicts arise among team members, the team leader should ________.
A.worry about the team members
B.ignore the team members’ voices
C.work out their differences
D.try to avoid conflict issues
小题4:69. To become a good team leader, you have to ________.
A.set up a good team
B.be positive and committed
C.look for support from the team
D.avoid natural disasters
小题5:70. Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Football And Teamwork
B.Communication And Teamwork
C.Handle Conflict In A Team
D.What Makes Effective Teamwork


小题1:A考查推理判断。根据第二段中的The team’s leader should possess the skills to create and preserve a positive working environment可知,创造积极的工作环境是重要原因的一部分。故选A。B项错在偷梁换柱,此处的a leader应是members;C项错在领导应该具有很多技能,而不是帮助领导培养技能。D项与文章内容不符。
小题2:B考查猜测词义。根据文章第三段中的Team members must be able to articulate their feelings, express plans and goals, share ideas and see each other’s opinions.可知,express,share和articulate是并列关系,它们又相近的意思。所以选B。
小题3:C考查细节理解。根据文章第四段中的It is often advised that the team leader sit with the conflicting parties and help work out their differences without taking sides and trying to remain objective if possible.可知,领导应该找出冲突双方意见的不同。故选C。
小题4:B考查推理判断。根据文章第五段中的In order to keep team members positive and committed and motivated, the team leader himself needs to show these qualities.可知,要成为一个好的领导,要有积极和尽心尽力的精神。故选B。
小题5:D 考查文章的标题。根据文章的整体内容可知,第一段总说:有效的团队能产生惊人的效果,有效的团队需具有许多因素。然后第二大段分说:1.有效的领导;2.沟通和交流;3.正确解决冲突;4.好的领导应具备的品质。第三大段总结,有效的团队是你成功的极其重要的因素。所以,统揽全文可知D是最好的题目。
A Charlotte N.C. man was charged with first-degree murder of a 79-year-old woman whom police said he scared to death. Can the guy be held responsible for the woman’s death? Prosecutors (公诉人) said that he can under the state’s murder rule, which allows someone to be charged with murder if he or she causes another person’s death while committing or fleeing from a severe crime—even if he or she doesn’t kill someone on purpose.
But, medically speaking, can someone actually be frightened to death? We asked Martin Samuels, chairman of the neurology department at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.
Absolutely, no question about it.
The body has a natural protective method called the fight-or-flight response, which was originally described by Walter Cannon,chairman of Harvard University’s physiology department from 1906 to 1942. If, in the wild, an animal is faced with a life-threatening situation, the automatic nervous system responds by increasing heart rate, increasing blood flow to the muscles, and slowing digestion, among other things. All of this increases the chances of succeeding in a fight or running away from an aggressive beast. This process certainly would be of help to early humans. However, in the modern world there is obvious decline of the fight-or-flight response.
The autonomic nervous system uses the chemical messenger to send signals to various parts of the body to activate the fight-or-flight response. This chemical is poisonous in large amounts; it damages the organs such as the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. It is believed that almost all sudden deaths are caused by damage to the heart. There is almost no other organ that would fail so fast as to cause sudden death.
By the way, any strong positive or negative emotions such as happiness or sadness can cause the same result. There are people who have died in excitement or in religious passion. There was a case of a golfer who hit a hole in one, turned to his partner and said, “I can die now”, and then he dropped dead.
小题1:What is Martin Samuels’ attitude to the possibility of being frightened to death?
小题2:What can we learn about the fight-or-flight response according to the passage?
A.The fight-or-flight response was raised and proved by Martin Samuels.
B.It is a natural protective method that can’t be found in all creatures but humans.
C.The ancient humans had a better fight-or-flight response than modern ones.
D.The fight-or-flight response is beneficial to both our actions and organs.
小题3:What activity can we infer is less likely to damage the organs?
A.Winning an unexpected fortune.
B.Missing a dead family member.
C.Watching a horror movie.
D.Listening to a sweet song.
小题4:The purpose of the passage is ______.
A.to explain why people will die of a heart attack
B.to offer some advice on protecting us from heart failure
C.to compare different kinds of feelings to cause a death
D.to show strong emotions can cause a sudden death
KFC(肯德基), one of the most famous fast-food chains, saw its reputation in China shaken because of “quick chicken”. Recent years, KFC has ever shocked us more than once because of its food safety, which made itself in severe trust crisis. Now it greatly surprised us again owing to the poultry(禽肉)incident. We could never believe it should have cheated us again and again. In fact, as a well-known restaurant chain, KFC’s business records at China’s is not very good. There’s no doubt that the very incident has made things worse and worse.
However, what surprised us is that although a series of misdeeds had reduced KFC’s reputation, its business is increasing. What’s more, KFC just made a so-called apology after what had happened, the content of which is not responsible at all for the public. As a matter of fact, this is not an ordinary chance incident. Recent years have seen so many food-safety problems in China, such as wasted oil, lean meat powder(瘦肉精), melamine(三聚氰胺), which has done great damage to people’s life. We don’t know what can be eaten and how much harmful food we have eaten. Now it is not wars and natural disasters but everyday food safety that has been a great risk to human health.
So what can be done to prevent our health from being damaged? To begin with, the related departments should strengthen laws to stop such illegal products from being produced. In addition, it would be a good idea to call on the media to perform its further function to monitor the businesses, factories and traders. Besides, everybody should be made aware of the risks of harmful food and only in this way can people improve their self-protection. In a word, everyone should play a role in making our food safer and better in quality. Meanwhile, the government and the related departments should take their responsibilities for people’s health.
小题1:According to the text, we can learn that KFC made itself in severe trust crisis________.
A.because it had food safety problems many times
B.because it is one of the most famous fast-food chains
C.no people went to it
D.many people don’t like it
小题2:From the passage, we learn that after the “quick chicken” incident ________.
A.KFC was closed
B.KFC apologized to the public though it was not sincere
C.no people went to KFC
D.there is no longer chicken in KFC
小题3:We can learn that the author thinks that people’s health is in danger because of ________.
A.warB.natural disasterC.food safetyD.disease
小题4:The main purpose of the passage is to ________.
A.introduce some food safety incidentsB.make people not support KFC
C.ask people not to eat fast foodD.appeal to people for food safety
Children have their own rules in playing games. They seldom need a judge and rarely trouble to keep scores. They don’t care much about who wins or loses, and it doesn’t seem to worry them if the game is not finished. Yet, they like games that depend a lot on luck, so that their personal abilities cannot be directly compared. They also enjoy games that move in stages, in which each stage, the choosing of leaders, the picking-up of sides, or the determining of which side shall start, is almost a game in itself.
Grown-ups can hardly find children’s games exciting, and they often feel puzzled at why their kids play such simple games again and again. However, it is found that a child plays games for very important reasons. He can be a good player without having to think whether he is a popular person, and he can find himself being a useful partner to someone of whom he is ordinarily afraid. He becomes a leader when it comes to his turn. He can be confident, too, in particular games, that it is his place to give orders, to pretend to be dead, to throw a ball actually at someone, or to kiss someone he caught.
It appears to us that when children play a game they imagine a situation under their control. Everyone knows the rules, and more important, everyone plays according to the rules. Those rules may be childish, but they make sure that every child has a chance to win.
小题1:What is true about children when they play games?
A.They can stop playing any time they like.
B.They can test their personal abilities.
C.They want to pick a better team.
D.They don’t need rules.
小题2:To become a leader in a game the child has to ______.
A.play wellB.be popular among his playmates
C.be confident in himselfD.wait for his turn
小题3:What do we know about grown-ups?
A.They are not interested in games.
B.They find children’s games too easy.
C.They don’t need a reason to play games.
D.They don’t understand children’s games.
小题4:The writer believes that _______.
A.children should make better rules for their games
B.children should invite grow-ups to play with them
C.children’s games can do them a lot of good
D.children play games without reasons
Women’s fashions change more rapidly than men’s. In the early 1990’s, all women wore their skirts to the ankle. Today, some skirts are even longer than before, but some are very short. Women’s shoes have also gone through all sorts of boots for women were very common at the beginning of this century. Then for years, they were not considered fashionable. Today, they’re back again in all colours, lengths and materials. In fact, today’s women can wear all types of clothes on almost any occasion. While all of these changes were taking place in women’s fashions, men’s clothing remained almost the same until a few years ago. And, in fact, most men are still dressed in the kinds of clothes they used to wear.                                                                                                               
小题1:What kind of skirts do women like to wear today?
A.Long skirts.
B.Short skirts.
C.Both long skirts and short skirts.
D.Neither long skirts nor short skirts.
小题2:Now boots are considered ______now.
A.fashionableB.unfashionableC.uncommonD.fit for girls most
小题3:When today’s women go to the party, they wear _______.
A.skirts down to the ankle
B.red long boots
C.long skirts and short boots
D.any kinds of clothes they like
小题4:The passage tries to tell us _______.
A.boots for women have been thought fashionable since 1900
B.women’s shoes are back again in all colours, length etc.
C.today men are dressed in the kinds of clothes they used to wear
D.fashions for clothes, shoes and so on always change
Are you an optimist? Do you look at your glass and see it as half full? Do you believe that every cloud has a silver lining and that things generally turn out for the best? Do you believe that if something is meant to be, it will be? If you reply “yes” to all of these questions, then you are an optimist. You probably are enthusiastic, cheerful and outgoing. You may be successful at work and in love.
But you may be misguided because things don’t turn out for the best. You may believe that when one door closes another one opens (for example, you may fail to obtain a new job; another chance will come around soon). Wrong. When one door closes, another door slams (砰然关上) in your face. That’s bitter reality.
Now a book has been published which confirms what pessimists (悲观者) have suspected all along. It’s called The Positive Power of Defensive Pessimism. Its author argues that defensive pessimism can lead to positive results. Defensive pessimism is a strategy used to manage fear, anxiety and worry. Defensive pessimists prepare for the things by setting low outcomes for themselves. They carefully consider everything that may go wrong and plan for ways to handle these problems. And this gives them a sense of control. Lawrence Sanno, a psychology professor, says, “What’s interesting about defensive pessimists is that they tend to be very successful people, so their low opinion of the situation’s outcomes is not realistic. They use it to motivate themselves to perform better.”
So far, so good. This is not rocket science. Defensive pessimists prepare carefully and consider what might go wrong, whether at work, on date or even in a sports game. It makes sense to have a back-up plan. There are many sayings in English urging caution. For example, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” And “Don’t count your chickens until they hatch.” To have a confident and optimistic approach to life’s problems is good. But listen to what Woody Alien, the American comedian says, “Confidence is what you have before you understand the problem.”
There are pros and cons to being an optimist and a pessimist. Don’t feel bad if you see the glass half empty. You are a realist. But lighten up and hook up with someone who sees the same glass half full.
小题1:What’s the passage mainly about?
A.A book that has recently been published.
B.How to become successful in life.
C.The dangers of being too optimistic.
D.The benefits of defensive pessimism.
小题2:The underlined sentence “This is not rocket science” (Para. 4) means __________.
A.it’s not a dangerous thing to do
B.it is quite simple to understand
C.the cost is not so high
D.there is no real proof
小题3:Which of the following English expressions would a defensive pessimist believe?
A.Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
B.The glass is half full not half empty.
C.Whatever will be, will be.
D.Every cloud has a silver lining.
小题4:The writer would probably describe himself as __________.
A.an optimist B.a defeatist C.a realist D.a scientist
Two thirds of the singles looking for love in Britain turned to the Internet last year, according to figures made in public yesterday. Special sites offer introductions to smokers, to Roman Catholics, tall people, beautiful people, frequent flyers and vegans (素食者). Technology has brought about a great change in the dating game.
A survey by Parship, a British branch of Europe’s largest dating service with more than 1.5 million members, says that 65 percent of the 5.4 million Britons looking for a relationship used online dating services last year.
A spokeswoman for Relate, the relationship advisor, confirmed that a figure of two third feel it all right. “Doing it online allows people quite a lot of privacy, because they can do a bit of quiet research and look around from the comfort of their own home. You don’t have to meet a middleman or go to an actual dating agency office, which takes a lot of courage,” she said.
There are more than 100 independent online dating agencies in Britain. Parship says that 50 percent of single people believe they will meet a suitable partner through the Internet, up from 35 percent six months ago.
Mary Balfour, the founder, says that the Internet has changed the dating industry completely. “It’s like a return to old-fashioned love letters,” she said. “You don’t base your initial judgment on how someone looks or what his or her figure is like. You e-mail or talk before you actually see each other. Everybody you know who is single these days has at least had a good look at a dating website, introduction agency or personal ad. They have to, because all the old matchmaking institutions have gone. People work harder, settle down later and live more isolated lives. They’re much more likely to end the day with a DVD and a can of beer than by going to a village dance.”
小题1:Singles in Britain can look for love online mainly because of ________.
A.ParshipB.the help of go-betweens
C.technologyD.the revolution of dating game
小题2:About ________ Britons tried to find love online last year according to this passage.
A.1.5 millionB.3.5 millionC.5.4 millionD.65 million
小题3:For those who want to look for love online, they _________.
A.don’t need to do any research at all
B.have to meet first before they can e-mail each other
C.don’t have to find a go-between.
D.must go to an actual dating agency office first
小题4:From this passage we can infer that ________.
A.not all single people believe the Internet can help them find their partners
B.looking for love online needs a lot of courage
C.old-fashioned love letters become popular again
D.single people don’t like to look for their partners online.
In the case of mobile phones, change is everything. Recent research indicates that the mobile phone is changing not only our culture, but our very bodies as well.
First, let's talk about culture. The difference between the mobile phone and its parent, the fixed-line phone, is that a mobile number corresponds to a person, while a landline goes to a place. If you call my mobile, you get me. If you call my fixed-line phone, you get whoever answers it.
This has several implications(含义). The most common one, however, and perhaps the thing that has changed our culture forever, is the “meeting” influence. People no longer need to make firm plans about when and where to meet. Twenty years ago, a Friday night would need to be arranged in advance. You needed enough time to allow everyone to get from their place of work to the first meeting place. Now,however, a night out can be arranged on the run. It is no longer “see you there at 8”,but "text me around 8 and we'll see where we all are."
Texting changes people as well. In their paper, “Insights into the Social and Psychological Effects of SMS Text Messaging", two British researchers distinguished between two types of mobile phone users: the “talkers” and the “texters”-those who prefer voice to text messages and those who prefer text to voice.
They found that the mobile phone's individuality and privacy gave texters the ability to express a whole new outer personality. Texters were likely to report that their family would be surprised if they were to read their texts. This suggests that texting allowed texters to present a self-image that differed from the one familiar to those who knew them well.
Another scientist wrote of the changes that mobiles have brought to body language. There are two kinds that people use while speaking on the phone. There is the “speakeasy”: the head is held high, in a self-confident way, chatting away. And there is the “spacemaker”: these people focus on themselves and keep out other people.
Who can blame them? Phone meetings get cancelled or reformed and camera- phones intrude(侵入)on people's privacy. So, it is understandable if your mobile makes you nervous. But perhaps you needn't worry so much. After all, it is good to talk.
小题1:According to the two British researchers, the social and psychological effects are mostly likely to be seen on                    
A.talkersB.the “speakeasy”C.the “spacemaker"D.texters
小题2: We can infer from the passage that the texts sent by texters are
A.quite revealingB.well written
C.unacceptable by othersD.shocking to others
小题3:According to the passage, who is afraid of being heard while talking on the mobile?
A.Talkers. B.The“speakeasy”
C.The “spacemaker”.D.Texters.
小题4:Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A.The SMS Effect
B.Cultural implications of Mobile Phone Use
C.Changes in the Use of the Mobile
D.Body Language and the Mobile Phone
My name is Nick Vujicic, an Australian who was born without any limbs(四肢). In recent years one of my most __1 __videos on YouTube shows my skateboarding, surfing, playing music, and best of all, __2 ___hugs from all fields of great people.
All in all, those are pretty ordinary __3 __that just about anyone can do, right? So _4 _do you think that video has been viewed millions of times? My theory is that people are __5 _to watch it because in spite of my physical limitations, I’m living __6 __I had no limits.
People often think someone __7 __a severe disability to be inactive, upset, maybe even crazy. But I’d like to __8 __them by showing that I lead a very adventurous and fruitful life
Among the hundreds of __9 _on that video, here’s one typical remark:“Seeing a guy like this being happy makes me wonder why I feel __10 _for myself sometimes -or feel not funny enough, or whatever. How can I __11 __think thoughts like that when this guy is living without limbs and still being happy!?”
I found happiness when I realized that imperfect __12 _I may be, I am the perfect Nick Vujicic. I’m designed __13 _God’s plan. That’s not to say that there isn’t __14 for improvement. I’m always trying to be better so I can better __15 _the world!
I do believe my life has no __16 _. I want you all to feel the same way about your life, no matter what your challenges may be. As we __17 _our journey together, please take a moment to __18 _about any limitations you’ve placed on your life. Now think about what __19 _would be like to be __20 _of those limitations. What would your life be if anything were possible?
A.even thoughB.in case C.as thoughD.if only
A.ifB.as C.whileD.although
A.according toB.thanks toC.owing toD.up to

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