
13.Everyone needs to be safe,loved and to have a sense of belonging.These are inborn and natural basic needs.In an effort to have these needs satisfied,many of us tend to please others.And it works for a while.We find that we experience less conflict with others,but the conflict within ourselves grows.Saying"no"produces feeling of guilt and saying"yes"brings anger.
My father was in the military,so we moved frequently.Being shy,I didn't make friends.What's more,I grew up in a household where grades,image and how others saw our family were very important.In our household a"C"was unacceptable,a"B"should have been an"A"and an"A"meant the lesson was too easy.I was too skinny,my sister was too fat and my brother's lips and ears were too big for his tiny head.
To stop pleasing others is easier said than done.It's a long process,one in which I am consistently working to perfect.The turning point for me came shortly after I got married.The very first thing we did to end the cycle of catering to others was develop our own identity as individuals and then as a couple.And then we developed a strong set of core(核心)values and a vision for our future.The third and one of the most valuable things we did during this process was develop our own personal influence on others and we valued deeply the opinions of the wiser and more successful people around us.
Besides,we should understand that sometimes helping people actually hurts them.Struggle is necessary to success.Struggle strengthens character,making people determined.So sometimes allowing people to struggle is the best thing you can do for them.

32.How are we likely to feel when pleasing others?B
33.What can we infer from the author's experience as a child?D
A.He grew up doing a lot of housework.
B.It was hard for him to adjust to the moving life.
C.He realized the value of opinions from others.
D.His parents had great expectations of the children.
34.What is the third paragraph mainly about?B
A.What steps the author took to go on pleasing others.
B.How the author stepped out of the cycle of pleasing others.
C.Why the author further developed his values and character.
D.When the author turned to others for their valuable opinions.
35.What does the author suggest doing?C
A.Helping others without delay.
B.Refusing to help others.
C.Thinking twice before offering help.
D.Leaving someone alone in trouble.

分析 本文讲述了我小时候因为家里管束严格,而总是取悦他人,后来我成婚之后一直努力逃出这个怪圈,形成了自己的价值观.

解答 32.B.细节理解题.由第一段Saying"no"produces feeling of guilt and saying"yes"brings anger可知,顺应他人取悦他人的时候我们会产生愤怒,故选B.
33.D.理解推断题.由第二段In our household a"C"was unacceptable,a"B"should have been an"A"and an"A"meant the lesson was too easy可知在我的家庭中,表现差和表现一般都是不行的,我们必须做到A,可推知我的父母对我期望很高,故选D.
34.B.理解推断题.由第三段To stop pleasing others is easier said than done.It's a long process,停止取悦他人说起来容易做起来难,它是一个长期的过程,可知这段内容主要在讲我是如何停止取悦他人的,故选B.
35.C.理解推断题.由最后一段we should understand that sometimes helping people actually hurts them.Struggle is necessary to success我们应该明白,有时候帮助别人实际上伤害别人,困难是成功所必须的,可知作者建议我们帮助他人之前要三思,故选C.

点评 在做阅读理解时,考生可快速阅读短文,通读测试题,明确考察点,在对应细读,加快做题速度.有时间还可以复查校对答案.

11.Scientists study the natural world by using"scientific method".When a scientist observes some phenomenon in nature,he develops an idea,called a theory or hypothesis (假设),about what is happening.Then he does an experiment to test his theory.If the results are as expected,then the experiment proves the hypothesis which makes it more likely that the theory is correct.If the experiment fails and the results are not as expected,then the scientist must come up with a new theory that he can test.
   In ancient times great thinkers came up with complicated theories to explain nature,but they did not always prove them by experiment.For example,the great Greek thinker Aristotle,had a theory that heavy objects would fall faster than light objects.People believed this until the scientist Galileo performed an experiment and found it was wrong.
    Here's an experiment that you can use to prove or disprove a common-sense theory:
    Step 1:Get an empty bottle with a small neck.A diameter (直径) of 1/2 inch should be ideal.
    Step 2:Cut a sheet of paper to a square 5 inches on each si de.
    Step 3:Crumple (压皱) the paper into a tight wad (块状物).
    Step 4:Lay the bottle on its side and place the paper so it lies loosely in the neck of the bottle.
    Construct a theory about what will happen if you put your mouth about a half inch from the neck of the bottle and blow hard towards it.A common-sense theory might be that the wad would be blown into the bottle by the force of the breath.Now do your experiment to see what really happens.
    If your theory was that the wad would be blown by the force of the air into the bottle,the experiment gave you unexpected results.In most cases the wad is blown out of the neck of the bottle in the opposite direction.A new theory might be that the air being blown into the bottle creates a whirlwind (旋风) of air currents (气流) in the closed space which push the wad out.
29.The writer mentions Aristotle's theory to showD.
A.he was a greater thinker in ancient times
B.he was less successful than Galileo
C.objects of different weights fall at the same speed
D.experiments are necessary to support theories
30.According to the passage,what is not required in the four-step experiment?A
A.A pair of scissors.
B.A piece of paper.
C.A bottle.
D.A strong breath.
31.What's the best title for the passage?D
A.Come to Nature with Scientists          
B.Make up a New Theory
C.Experiment with Breath in a Bottle      
D.Watch Out for Common Sense.

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