
Australia’s koalas could be dying out within 30 years, unless urgent measures is taken to stop the losing in population, according to researchers. They say development, climate change and bushfires have all related to reduce the number of wild koalas sharply. The Australian Koala Foundation said a recent survey showed the population could have dropped by more than half in the past six years. Previous estimates put the number of koalas at more than 100,000, but the latest figures suggest there could now be as few as 43,000.

The foundation collected field data from 1,800 sites and 80,000 trees to calculate the numbers. In one area in northern Queensland estimated to have 20,000 koalas a decade ago, a team of eight people could not find a single animal in four days of searching.

The foundation said besides problems caused by cutting down forests, hotter and drier conditions because of global warming had reduced the nutritional(营养的)value of their staple food, eucalyptus leaves, leading to poor nutrition for them.

Koalas, which live in the forests in Australia’s east and south, are very particular about what types of the leaves they eat.

Foundation chief Deborah Tabart said: “The koalas are missing everywhere we look. It’s really no tree, no me. If you keep cutting down trees you don’t have any koalas.”She is hoping the new figures will persuade the government’s Threatened Species Steering Committee (TSSC) to list the koala as threatened. But committee chairman Bob Beeton said a decision was not likely recently and the koala’s status as one of the country’s favorite animals would not be a factor. “There’s a number of species which are attractive and people have special feelings towards them. We don’t consider that,” Mr. Beeton was reported as saying by the AFP agency.

1.The writer gives the example of the area in northern Queensland in Paragraph 3 to show that _____.

A. the environment is being polluted seriously

B. the number of koalas is dropping quickly

C. the forests are being damaged heavily

D. koalas usually live in wild mountainous areas

2.Global warming is an important cause of koalas’ reduction because _____.

A. the leaves koalas eat are losing nutritional value

B. koalas cannot get enough water to drink

C. koalas can hardly stand the hot weather

D. the leaves koalas eat cannot grow in hot weather

3.According to Bob Beeton, _____.

A. they needn’t pay special attention to koalas

B. a decision will be made to protect koalas

C. koalas are his favorite animals

D. koalas needn’t be protected at all



It was a dark, wet November morning. It seemed like it would take a million years to get to summer again. I thought bears have got it right - what a ________ idea to sleep through the worst part of the year and wake up when spring comes!

“Want some words of encouragement?” a co-worker, seeing my mood, kindly ________ . “You don’t think they would ________ you up?”

“ Today ? No.” I shook my head.

“I used to think so too,” he said, “ ________ I realized the effect my words had on a certain person. Well, it was someone I knew pretty well. I have to say I ________ him rather badly.”

“ You ? ________ you are always so positive! How did you do that?”

“I told him I did not like anything about him, really. I told him I did not ________ like his name. In fact, it wasn’t only what I said. I also did pretty bad things to him. When he was hungry, I did not give him the chance to eat ________ food. When he felt like doing something fun, I said to him that having fun was not worthwhile. And worst of all, when he was sick and needed ________ , I did not care. I told him to get up and get to work. And when he did, I never told him he did good work. I was so ashamed ________ him,” he said. “that I wanted to ________ him, but couldn’t.”

“But that was ________ !”

He nodded. “Then one day it all ________ . I stood there in front of the bathroom mirror in the morning. I saw the dark circles under his eyes. I saw the excess weight. I saw the long hair that needed ________ . And I saw the eyes that once had looked at the world ________ . Now they were so sad and tired. And there and then I realized he ________ better. So I told the man I had disliked for so many years that he was a good person ________ .”

My ________ dropped. I looked at him, full of positive energy, in good shape, always ready to ________ others.


He looked at me. “So how about having a little ________ conversation with the bathroom mirror? The person in there has the greatest effect on you!”

1.A. perfect B. creative C. new D. similar

2.A. commanded B. bargained C. suggested D. required

3.A. give B. make C. break D. cheer

4.A. unless B. before C. since D. until

5.A. wanted B. treated C. injured D. inspected

6.A. Or B. And C. So D. But

7.A. even B. still C. yet D. thus

8.A. delicious B. fresh C. proper D. fancy

9.A. medicine B. rest C. water D. assistance

10.A. on B. for C. of D. to

11.A. think highly of B. get rid of C. compete with D. rely on

12.A. cruel B. cool C. generous D. rewarding

13.A. admitted B. changed C. exploded D. sank

14.A. dressing B. washing C. cutting D. decorating

15.A. regularly B. logically C. violently D. eagerly

16.A. deserved B. explored C. pretended D. performed

17.A. in all B. above all C. after all D. in relief

18.A. jaw B. heart C. tears D. glasses

19.A. appreciate B. encourage C. persuade D. join

20.A. meaningless B. brief C. peaceful D. positive

In 1990,22-year-old Christopher McCandless gave up his career plans,left behind everyone he knew,donated all his savings to charity,and went off on an adventure,hiking his way through America to Alaska.

Of course,this is an unusual story most college graduates would not do so. However,studies show that in teenage years, people are more likely to try out new experiences.For example,instead of working his way up the same organization like his grandfather did,a 15-year-old may dream about becoming a traveller一only to find in his early 20s that this attraction of new places is fading and change is less attractive.

The reason why people become less keen to change as they get older may be that people

generally have similar life patterns and demands.Most people aim to find a job and a partner. As they get older,they may have young children and elderly family members to look after. These responsibilities cannot be achieved without some degree of steadiness,which means that new experiences and ideas may not have a place in the person’s life.New experiences may bring excitement as well as insecurity,and so most people prefer to stay with the familiar.

However,not every individual is the same. A child may want to play a different game every day and get fed up if nothing changes at the kindergarten.Another may play with the same children and toys on every visit. Young children who avoid new experiences will grow up to be more traditional than others. Psychologist argue that those who have more open personalities as children are more open than others might be when they are older and that young men have a greater interest in novelty than women,although as they age,this desire for new experiences fades more quickly than it does in women.

1. The first paragraph serves as a(n)

A. introduction B.explanation

C. comment D. background

2.What does the author think is the key factor that prevents people trying out new experiences?

A. Age B. Partner

C. Responsibility D. Education

3.The underlined phrase“interest in novelty”most probably means

A. independence B. curiosity

C. security D.excitement

4.According to the passage, we can infer that_______.

A. a child who likes different games may not like to change after growing up

B. a teenager is not interested in a new start before graduation

C. women are more likely to try new things than men of the same age

D. as one gets older, he prefers the old patterns of life

As many as 4 out of every 1,000 infants born today have permanent hearing loss.When parents learn that their child has hearing loss, they are faced with many difficult decisions.These decisions can include choosing therapies and schools, as well as finding financial help for hearing aids or cochlear implants (人工耳蜗).

Help Me Hear Foundation is a public charity that gives the gift of hearing to deaf children from families existing on very low incomes around the world.The foundation offers life-changing services for impoverished families, and provides real help for children with hearing impairment who may otherwise be left behind in schools or society due to their lack of hearing.

Help Me Hear Foundation believes that a child’s first years of development are critical.Being able to hear is vital to human, and Help Me Hear Foundation seeks to provide a positive lasting impression on society through its programs.Help Me Hear Foundation has many goals, including relieving the burden on communities with hearing-impaired infants and children, and strengthening the social structure of families and neighborhoods.

Recipients of Help Me Hear Foundation’s benefits receive state-of-the-art hearing devices that otherwise would cost thousands of dollars per child over the course of their lifetime.The Foundation raises money through donations for hearing aids and cochlear implants, which saves recipients and their families on average over $50,000 on related expenses.

The Foundation tries to be a transparent charity, and wants to be a catalyst for allowing deaf and hearing-impaired children to develop in a typical fashion alongside their peers.

Needy families can obtain information on specific services, and find out about deafness education by visiting the Help Me Hear Foundation’s website.The website offers helpful information on how hearing aids work, and how hearing aids ease many of the learning and language challenges that hearing-impaired children deal with on a daily basis.

1.Help Me Hear Foundation was probably set up to _____.

A.build schools for deaf children

B.research deaf children’s behavior

C.protect deaf children from being ignored

D.offer real help to poor deaf children

2.We learn from the text that _____.

A.the local government is in charge of the foundation

B.the work of the foundation depends on donations

C.even blind children can turn to the foundation

D.poor deaf African children cannot get help from the foundation

3.Visit the foundation’s website, and you will learn about _____.

A.the function of hearing aids

B.the specific services the foundation needs

C.the challenges that children face every day

D.the prices of a variety of hearing aids

4.For whom is the text most probably written?

A.Poor parents who have deaf children.

B.Doctors who want to improve skills.

C.Students who cannot see the blackboard clearly.

D.Teachers who have deaf children in their class.

5.The author writes the text mainly to _____.

A.tell how to avoid permanent hearing loss

B.explain how hard a life deaf children live

C.introduce Help Me Hear Foundation

D.advise people to give money to Help Me Hear Foundation


My mother has always instilled in me the importance of education. Education is essential. It will help me get accepted to college if I perform well academically and advance my opportunities for success in the future. Most jobs now require at least a high school diploma, and for many jobs, a college degree is preferred. It is important that all students have excellent educators in their life to help them achieve and have the opportunity to go to college, get a job, support themselves and their family, and impact the community.

As we celebrate and honor all teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week, I’ve reflected on the impact my teachers have had, and will continue to have, in my life. From Mr. Bowker, who challenged me in math, to Mr. Bernsteen, my health teacher who taught me the value of hard work, my teachers have helped shape the student I am today. But one of the teachers who left a lasting impression on me was my summer school teacher, Mr. Davis, who impacted me beyond the classroom. He found time to connect with me on a personal level and talk to me after class. I felt like Mr. Davis cared about my academic success and was committed to setting an example of what’s possible.

Mr. Davis could relate to what it was like to be a rising ninth-grade black male in today’s society. He taught me how to speak up confidently and share my ideas with others. He told me that I was brilliant and that when I spoke, the world should listen. And when I would put my hand down because I was unsure of my answer, Mr. Davis would immediately say, “No guts, no glory.” He never made me feel inadequate; he encouraged me to always pursue knowledge because he, too, was learning every day. Mr. Davis helped me navigate the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities.

I think having more black male teachers like Mr. Davis in the classroom could increase student success. They would share the background and experiences of many of their students and help build long-lasting teacher/student relationships. But, unfortunately, the likelihood that students of color in Nevada will have a teacher that looks like them is one of the lowest in the country.

As the student population becomes more ethnically diverse, teachers in Nevada still are predominantly white. According to a 2012 Education Week report, in the Clark County School District, nearly 70 percent of students identified as students of color, but 76 percent of teachers were white. The numbers for black male teachers are more discouraging. Just 2 percent of teachers nationwide are black men.

But you can help change the numbers. Whether you decide to study education in college or graduate school, or apply to programs in Las Vegas such as Teach For America, I hope more black males will consider teaching as a career.

My peers and I need more examples of excellence and success in classrooms—examples who look like us. You can be the model to impact our life and push us to achieve. You can ensure that, when we look to the front of the room, we can see a little bit of ourselves reflected back.

1.Mr. Davis left the author with a very deep impression mainly because he ________.

A. was extremely knowledgeable and hard-working

B. was a role model to teach hearts and change minds

C. spent much time helping the author with his homework

D. kept in close touch with the author even after graduation

2.The underlined word “guts” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. bravery B. connection

C. opportunity D. qualification

3. By writing the passage, the author intends to ________.

A. show students’ love for their teachers

B. appeal to more black males to be teachers

C. express sympathy for students of color

D. advertise for black male teachers

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