Language changes all the time. The words used by young people in the UK can be very different to those used by adults. These extremely informal words and expressions are known as “slang”. Here are a few examples:

·Instead of using different tag question like isn’t it? Can’t you or don’t they? People use “innit”.e.g. It’s hot here, isn’t it?=It’s hot here, innit!

·Instead of saying very, really or completely, they use “well”. e.g. I’m well tired.

· “Whatever” means “I don’t care”. e.g. A: But the teacher says we can’t leave until we’ve finished. B:Whatever. I’m going.

Nobody uses slang and not everybody likes it. A school in Sheffield, in the north of England, recently instructed its pupils to stop using slang words. The head teacher says that if young people learn to speak ‘correctly’ this will help them get a good job.

When British people use slang, it’s no surprise that some students say they can’t understand native speakers. But perhaps learners don’t need to worry about communicating with native speakers so much. Research shows that most of the English spoken in the world today is spoken between non-native speakers of the language. In fact, when we think about “International English”, there is no such thing as a native or non-native speaker.

How important is it to understand these slang words and expressions? If you watch films or TV, chat online in English, then understanding slang can be very useful. But you probably won’t see much slang in your English exam though. With over seven billion people living on our planet today, it’s easy to think one person’s actions won’t make a difference, however, from personal experience, I can say: each of us is capable of making a difference, however small, to someone’s life.

1.Based on the slang mentioned above, what is the meaning of “I think you got me well wrong.”?

A. I think you really hurt my feelings

B. I think you totally misunderstood me

C. I think you found the completely wrong person

D. I think you completely brought the wrong thing

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. It is essential to learn all the British slang

B. Native English speakers cannot understand each other well

C. English is used more between non-native speakers currently

D. Young people in Britain often use the same slang words as their parents

3.In the author’s opinion, why shouldn’t English learners be concerned about slangs?

A. British slangs can hardly come across to English learners

B. English learners won’t speak with the native speakers

C. English learners can make a difference in the world

D. There are more people who don’t use native slang to communicate

4.The author may agree to the opinion that _______.

A. individuals can play a part in others’ life

B. slang learning is an important part of language learning

C. one may express his doubt and disbelief by saying “Whatever”

D. English learners may feel difficult to communicate without slang

Australia’s koalas could be dying out within 30 years, unless urgent measures is taken to stop the losing in population, according to researchers. They say development, climate change and bushfires have all related to reduce the number of wild koalas sharply. The Australian Koala Foundation said a recent survey showed the population could have dropped by more than half in the past six years. Previous estimates put the number of koalas at more than 100,000, but the latest figures suggest there could now be as few as 43,000.

The foundation collected field data from 1,800 sites and 80,000 trees to calculate the numbers. In one area in northern Queensland estimated to have 20,000 koalas a decade ago, a team of eight people could not find a single animal in four days of searching.

The foundation said besides problems caused by cutting down forests, hotter and drier conditions because of global warming had reduced the nutritional(营养的)value of their staple food, eucalyptus leaves, leading to poor nutrition for them.

Koalas, which live in the forests in Australia’s east and south, are very particular about what types of the leaves they eat.

Foundation chief Deborah Tabart said: “The koalas are missing everywhere we look. It’s really no tree, no me. If you keep cutting down trees you don’t have any koalas.”She is hoping the new figures will persuade the government’s Threatened Species Steering Committee (TSSC) to list the koala as threatened. But committee chairman Bob Beeton said a decision was not likely recently and the koala’s status as one of the country’s favorite animals would not be a factor. “There’s a number of species which are attractive and people have special feelings towards them. We don’t consider that,” Mr. Beeton was reported as saying by the AFP agency.

1.The writer gives the example of the area in northern Queensland in Paragraph 3 to show that _____.

A. the environment is being polluted seriously

B. the number of koalas is dropping quickly

C. the forests are being damaged heavily

D. koalas usually live in wild mountainous areas

2.Global warming is an important cause of koalas’ reduction because _____.

A. the leaves koalas eat are losing nutritional value

B. koalas cannot get enough water to drink

C. koalas can hardly stand the hot weather

D. the leaves koalas eat cannot grow in hot weather

3.According to Bob Beeton, _____.

A. they needn’t pay special attention to koalas

B. a decision will be made to protect koalas

C. koalas are his favorite animals

D. koalas needn’t be protected at all


Double Angels

It was Christmas Eve, and the stores were going to be closing pretty soon.I was trying to ____ my way through the crowds when a guy in a black coat came up to me , told me that he had lost his brown leather ____and shoved his gray business card into my hand.

Please call me at the number on the card if you happen to find it," he said.I looked at him, shrugged my shoulders and ____, "Yeah, no problem.I'll do that."

Suddenly, I noticed a flat, green box ____under some wrapping paper.I opened it up to find an amazing ____plate with a Nativity scene on it.There it was.I smiled____, gathered it up and headed____ the cash register.As the cashier was ringing up my ____, I reached into my pocket to get my money.____my pocket was empty! I began to scramble around searching every pocket when I ____I had left my wallet at home.

So I did the only thing I could think of at that moment: I ran outside the store and started to beg people for ___.Some looked at me like I was crazy; others just____me.Finally, giving up, I slumped down on a cold bench feeling totally ____.

I reached down to tie my shoe when I spotted a ____ wallet lying next to the front leg of the bench.I wondered if it ____ be the wallet that the man in the black coat had lost.I opened it and read the name on the driver's license inside.Yep.It was his.Then my mouth dropped in awe ____ I discovered three hundred dollars inside.

I never even questioned what I should do.I found a nearby pay phone and made a/an____call to the number on the gray business card.The man was so excited that he thanked me over and over .Then he opened up the wallet and ____ me four twenty-dollar bills, thanking me again and I hurried to get my mom a present before the mall closed.

I bought the glass plate and started skating home, ____that everything had worked out.I realized that I had been sort of a Christmas angel for the man who had lost his wallet, and that he had been the same for me when I'd ____ mine.Double angels! I thought.

1.A.take B.make C.set D.get

2.A.scarf B.purse C.wallet D.glove

3.A.told B.said C.replied D.answered

4.A.lain B.hidden C.sleeping D.staying B.silver C.wood D.china

6.A.proudly B.heavily C.widely D.broadly

7.A.back B.into C.for D.down B.purchase C.charge D.cost

9.A.But B.And C.So D.For

10.A.thought B.supposed C.realized D.confirmed

11.A.advice D.bread

12.A.ignored B.refused C.missed D.hated

13.A.attracted B.confused C.frightened D.defeated C.brown

15.A.could B.must C.may D.would

16.A.after B.when C.before D.while

17.A.urgent B.brief C.collect D.distant

18.A.paid B.handed C.shared D.showed

19.A.grateful B.helpful C.amazed D.delighted

20.A.forgotten B.missed C.found D.remembered

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