Dear Editor£¬
With the development and popularity of the Internet£¬online shopping has become more and more common in China£®
Yours sincerely£¬
·ÖÎö ÕâÊÇһƪÌá¸ÙÀàÒéÂÛÎÄ£¬¸ß¼¶ÖÐѧÌâÄ¿ÒªÇó¿ÉÖªÓõÚÒ»È˳ÆÐðÊö£¬Ê±Ì¬ÊÇÒÔÒ»°ãÏÖÔÚʱ̬ΪÖ÷£®ÄÚÈÝÖ÷Òª°üÀ¨£ºÒ»£®µãÌ⣻¶þÍøÉϹºÎïµÄºÃ´¦£»ÈýÖÐѧÉú¶ÔÍø¹ºÓ¦¸Ã³ÖʲôÑùµÄ̬¶È£®
1£®With the help of online shopping£¬we can buy things we want at home with a click of the mouse instead of going to the shopping mall£®
we want at home ÊÇthings µÄ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£¬±íʾ"ÔÚ¼ÒÏëÒªÂòµÄ¶«Î÷"£»instead of ±íʾ"¶ø²»ÊÇ"£®
2£®For one thing£¬your package can't always reach you on time due to various unexpected reasons£®
For one thingºÍºóÎĵÄFor anotherÏಢÁУ¬±íʾ"Ò»·½Ãæ¡ÁíÒ»·½Ãæ"£» due to ±íʾ"ÓÉÓÚ"£®
½â´ð Dear_Editor£¬
With_the_development_and_popularity_of_the_Internet£¬_online_shopping_has_become_more_and_more_common_in_China£®I'm writing to share my views about online shopping£®£¨µãÌ⣩
On the one hand£¬I believe it's convenient and economical£®With the help of online shopping£¬we can buy things we want at home with a click of the mouse instead of going to the shopping mall£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»¡¿Besides£¬we might save money by comparing the price of goods sold in different online shops£®£¨ÍøÉϹºÎïµÄºÃ´¦£©
On the other hand£¬it might lead to many problems£®For one thing£¬your package can't always reach you on time due to various unexpected reasons£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ¡¿For another£¬you can't try on the clothes to see if they fit you or not like you do when shopping in a real shop£®£¨ÍøÉϹºÎïµÄȱµã£©
All in all£¬I hold that high school students should have a cautious attitude towards online shopping in order to avoid wasting money or buying things of poor quality£®£¨ÖÐѧÉú¶ÔÍø¹ºÓ¦¸Ã³ÖʲôÑùµÄ̬¶È£©
Yours sincerely£¬Mike
¶ÔÓÚÒéÂÛÎÄ£¬ÔÚд×÷ʱҪעÒâ²ã´ÎÇå³þ£¬ËùÒÔÍùÍù»áÓÃһЩÁ¬´Ê£¬ÀýÈç±¾ÎÄÖеÄOn the one hand¡On the other hand£»For one thing¡For another£»All in allµÈµÈ£®ÎÒÃÇÔÚƽʱѧϰʱעÒâ×ܽáºÍÔËÓã®

All that £¨43£©C one summer night£®My friend Lisa£¬Kim and Tyler held a party for my eighteenth birthday at Lisa's house£®As they kept £¨44£©D alcohol £¨¾Æ£© to me£¬I was pretty drunk£®I asked Tyler to take me home£®With some £¨45£©B£¬we made it out to his car and drove home£®News came next morning£®Kim£¬my friend £¨46£©D we were five years old£¬was killed in a car accident£®That night after Tyler and I left£¬Kim£¬who was £¨47£©C more drunk than me£¬got into her car and £¨48£©A towards the highway to go home£®She was driving on the wrong side of the road and never saw the truck coming£®The driver didn't see her £¨49£©B to avoid the car£®They hit head on£®Kim died immediately£¬and the driver was thrown £¨50£©D the truck windshield £¨µ²·ç²£Á§£© and died a week later£®
Whenever I £¨51£©A back on that day£¬I can't help thinking that it was my £¨52£©B to drink so much that night£¬otherwise things would be different£®I know Kim £¨53£©D the choice to drink and drive that night£¬but a part of me will always feel £¨54£©A for what happened£®
I may not change the £¨55£©C with my story£¬but I do hope that I can make people £¨56£©D the responsibility that they have to themselves and others by £¨57£©B it£®Don't ever think that your choices are yours £¨58£©A£®Every choice is like a stone dropped into £¨59£©C water-each ripple £¨²¨ÎÆ£© represents someone who your choice £¨60£©A£®That's quite an influence£¬isn't it£¿
41£®A£®death | B£®fashion | C£®crime | D£®challenge |
42£®A£®succeeded in | B£®dreamed of | C£®applied for | D£®tired of |
43£®A£®happened | B£®continued | C£®changed | D£®remained |
44£®A£®sending | B£®delivering | C£®taking | D£®handing |
45£®A£®pleasure | B£®difficulty | C£®hope | D£®method |
46£®A£®before | B£®until | C£®when | D£®since |
47£®A£®constantly | B£®frequently | C£®clearly | D£®equally |
48£®A£®headed | B£®walked | C£®pushed | D£®escaped |
49£®A£®in trouble | B£®in time | C£®in danger | D£®in place |
50£®A£®above | B£®below | C£®into | D£®through |
51£®A£®look | B£®hold | C£®keep | D£®get |
52£®A£®desire | B£®fault | C£®right | D£®chance |
53£®A£®faced | B£®avoided | C£®regretted | D£®made |
54£®A£®responsible | B£®disappointed | C£®angry | D£®sensitive |
55£®A£®town | B£®party | C£®world | D£®environment |
56£®A£®explain | B£®ignore | C£®limit | D£®realize |
57£®A£®remembering | B£®sharing | C£®declaring | D£®stopping |
58£®A£®alone | B£®finally | C£®apart | D£®perhaps |
59£®A£®clean | B£®deep | C£®still | D£®fresh |
60£®A£®affects | B£®inspires | C£®attracts | D£®benefits |
A£® | had lost | B£® | has lost | C£® | has been lost | D£® | had been lost |