


I 【1】 (change) much since I entered senior high school. In the past I 2 (use) to play computer games in an Internet bar in the street. 3 a result, the more I played, the 4 (lazy) I became. To me, study seemed boring and endless, 5 made me fall behind others in my class. Now I've realized time is too precious 6 (waste). So I'm trying to make up for the 7 (lose) time and spare no effort to study hard. I've made it a rule to rise early and pay my attention 8 books immediately I sit down. The final-term exam 9 (come) and I am doing what I can to prepare for it. And I believe I can make great progress and realize my dreams 【10 (final).


【1】have changed





【6】to waste



【9】is coming




【1】have changed考查动词时态。此处是过去完成时,动词用过去完成式。句意:我自从进入高中以来改变了很多。故填have changed

【2】used 考查动词固定搭配。used to do 表过去常常做某事,句意:过去我常常在街上的一个网吧玩电脑游戏。故填used

【3】As考查动词固定搭配。As a result结果。句意:结果,我玩得越多,变得越懒。故填As

【4】lazier考查动词比较级。根据前半句the more可知此处应填比较级,lazy是双音节单词,句意:结果,我玩得越多,变得越懒。故填lazier


【6】to waste 考查动词。too…to…通常用来表示否定含义,即“太…而不能…”,句意:现在我已经意识到时间太宝贵了不能浪费。故填to waste


【8】to考查固定搭配。pay attention to 关注。句意:我一坐下来便专注看书。故填to

【9】is coming考查动词时态。并列句前后时态一致,and后 I am doing是正在进行时,故and前句时态也用进行时。句意:期末考试快到了。故填is coming



【题目】When Shakespeare was twenty-one, he went to London to try his fortune in that great city, and a very interesting place was the London of his day.

There was the famous London Bridge and St. Paul’s Cathedral, and palaces and markets and long streets full of shops.

Then, too, there were the daily crowds where people from all over the world could be seen. Knights,scholars and the highwayman (拦路强盗)or thief,who had been infamous for his clever robberies, passed by each other. Here, also, were noblemen dressed in gold, from Italy and Spain and France; slaves from Spanish America, sea captains and ministers, soldiers and servants—all held by chance or interest within the gray walls which circled London, and whose gates gave welcome to as strange a crowd as could be found in the world.

Into this curious crowd came Shakespeare, quick to see and eager to learn. And before long all these strange sights were as familiar to him as the faces of his own town’s residents. Each one told its story to him so plainly that, as before he had learned the secrets of the fields and woods, so now he learned men and men’s interests that make up the great world.

And he learned these lessons so well that when he came to write his plays, he made such use of them as no writer ever made before or since; for it is the use of this knowledge of the world, combined with his own genius, that makes Shakespeare the greatest dramatist that has ever lived.

【1】Which of the following best describes Shakespeare?

A.Shakespeare got inspiration to write from his hometown, London.

B.Shakespeare was eager to make friends with the noblemen in London.

C.Shakespeare became the greatest dramatist owing to his own genius.

D.Shakespeare was good at observing and learning from the daily life.

【2】What does the word “one” in paragraph 5 refer to?

A.Face. B.Sight. C. Crowd. D.Resident

【3】The passage probably comes from______.

A.an announcement B.an advertisement

C.a textbook. D. a poster


Teenage years can be confusing for both teenagers and parents.At about 15, many teens start thinking about how they feel about themselves and out how this matches or mismatches what others think of them.Most teens work through this by the age of 16 or 17.

Often teenagers are treated like bigger children, but they will never become

and responsible if they are not allowed to make some decisions for themselves.If parents forbid their children from doing something, chances are that they will do it without permission anyway.The role of a parent must, therefore, change from that of protector and keeper to that of friend and .

Yet even the most caring parents misunderstand their children sometimes, and some think of teenagers as insecure, stubborn and .As a result, teenagers always keep their .from their parents.Teens often that their parents repeat the same things over and over again and never listen to them.Parents must understand that teens need to be allowed to

their side of any problem and express their point of view.

Thus, more private and level-headed communication is needed for the parents.Every parent should try to schedule time to be with their child, like taking a short trip together.This time allows parents to talk and listen without from work or other family members.It might also be good to encourage teens to important issues at dinner.Discussion time shows teens that parents are interested in them and their lives.

A persons teenage years are a key time for them to identify their own ,like distinguishing good from evil.Handling and improving communication with teenagers is not easy, but success will be for parents and teens alike.

【1】A. pointing B. figuring C. turning D. standing

【2】A. stage B. difficult C. routine D. procedure

【3】A. obviously B. lightly C. extremely D. slightly

【4】A. tall B. healthy C. strong D. independent

【5】A. Bravely B. individually C. secretly D. willingly

【6】A. guide B. relative C. volunteer D. judge

【7】A. mature B. polite C. disrespectful D. dangerous

【8】A. relation B. distance C. balance D. attitude

【9】A. appreciate B. complain C. condemn D. approve

【10】A. hide B. solve C. tolerate D. present

【11】A. angry B. pleased C. alone D. strict

【12】A. suffer B. delay C. interruption D. escape

【13】A. discuss B. manage C. quarrel D. improve

【14】A. opinions B. interests C. determinations D. values

【15】A. rewarding B. challenging C. difficult D. impossible


Happiness is for everyone. You don’t need to care about those people who have beautiful houses with large gardens and swimming pools or 【1】_________ and so on. Why? Because those who have big houses may often feel lonely and those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads at their free time.

In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it.2________ When you study hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health. When you get success, your friends will say congratulations to you. When you do something wrong, people around you will help you to correct it.3】________ All these are your happiness. If you notice a bit of them, you can see that happiness is always around you.

Happiness is not the same as money. It is a feeling of your heart. When you are poor, you can also say you are very happy, because you have something else that can’t be bought with money.4_________, because you have more chances to challenge yourself. So you cannot always say you are poor and you have bad luck. As the saying goes, life is like a revolving(旋转的)door. When it closes, it also opens. 5_________.

A. When you are in trouble at school, your friends will help you

B. If you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky person

C. those who have nice cars and a lot of money

D. And when you do something good to others, you will feel happy, too

E. those who have no houses

F. When you meet with difficulties, you can give them up and be happy

G. When you meet with difficulties, you can say loudly you are very happy

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