
12.People used to hold thebelief(believe)that the earth was the center of the universe.

分析 过去人们坚信地球是宇宙的中心.

解答 答案是belief.
动词hold后面接名词作宾语,所以用动词believe的名词形式belief,表示"相信,信仰".hold a/the belief 是固定搭配,坚持信仰,坚信.句意是:过去人们坚信地球是宇宙的中心.that从句是名词belief的同位语.

点评 本题考查单词填空.首先要根据语境明确句意,然后再根据相关语法决定正确答案.

7.At first,the earth's surface layer (层) was made up of huge blocks of hard,solid rocks.Then slowly,the rocks broke up into smaller and smaller pieces.Finally stones,pebbles (卵石) and grains of sand were formed.Many sorts of plants and animals lived and died on the surface of the earth.Their remains mixed up with the stones,pebbles and formed soil.The outmost layer of the earth is soil.
There are many ways in which large pieces of rock break into smaller ones.Wind,water,heat and cold help to break up rocks.When winds blow grains of sand against a large rock for a long time,the softer layers of the rock are slowly worn away.These leave holes and cracks in the rock,which become bigger and finally the rock breaks up into smaller pieces.
The moving water of streams and rivers also helps to break up rocks.As the water moves along,it carries with it small pieces of rock.These rub the larger ones.Thus,the larger rocks are worn down to smaller pieces.
The heat of the sun is also helpful to breaking up rocks.When the sun shines,the rocks become very hot.If these rocks are suddenly cooled,they may crack.Ice also plays a part in making soil.Water in the cracks can turn into ice in cold weather.As this happens,it becomes bigger and the cracks become wider,and finally break into smaller pieces.
61.According to the passage,soilA.
A.forms very slowly              
B.is a mixture of stones,pebbles and sand
C.makes up the layers of the earth     
D.is becoming smaller and smaller
62.How many factors are mentioned in helping break up rocks?B
A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.D.More than five.
63.Which of the following speeds up(加速) the breaks of rocks most?C
A.Hot weather.
B.Cold water.
C.Sharp changes in temperature.
D.More dead plants in the cracks.
64.Which of the following is NOT true?B
A.The remains of many plants and animals formed soil.
B.If a large rock never moves,it will never break up.
C.Even if a large rock never moves,it will break up.
D.Ice in the cracks helps to break up rocks.
65.The best title for this passage should beA.
A.Soil From Rocks              
B.Ways to Break up Rocks
C.Soil on the Earth              
D.Soil,Outmost Layer of the Earth.
1.One Sunday,my family had gathered at my parents'house to feast upon Mom's wonderful cooking.During the normal dinner chatter,I noticed that my father was slurring (说话含混)his words.No one mentioned this during dinner,but I felt compelled to discuss it with my mother afterward.We decided that there was something seriously wrong and that Dad needed to see the doctor.
Mom phoned me two days later."The doctor found a brain tumor (肿瘤).It's too large at this point to operate.Maybe they can do something then,but the odds are long."
Even with the treatment,my father's condition worsened,and the doctor finally informed us that this condition was terminal.During one of his stays in the hospital,we brought our baby daughter Chelsey with us when we visited him.By this time he had great difficulty speaking.I finally figured out that he wanted Chelsey to sit on his stomach so he could make faces at her.
Watching the two of them together,I realized I was living an experience that would stay with me forever.Though grateful for the times they could share,I couldn't shake the feeling of a clock ticking in the background.
On the visit to my parents'home during what we all know was my father's last days,my mother took Chelsey from my arms and announced,"Your father would like to see you alone for a minute."
I entered the bedroom where my father lay on a rented hospital bed.He appeared even weaker than the day before.
"How are you feeling,Dad?"I asked."Can I do anything for you?"
He tried to speak,but he couldn't make out a word.
"I'm sorry,but I can't understand you."I said.
With great difficulty he said,"I love you."
We don't learn courage from heroes on the evening news.We learn true courage from watching ordinary people rise above hopeless situations.In many ways my father was a strict,uncommunicative man.He found it difficult to show emotion.The bravest thing I ever saw him do was overcome that barrier to open his heart to his son and family at the end of his life.

24.Which of the following statements is TRUE?B
A.The writer accompanied his father to a medical examination.
B.The writer was quick to notice the strange condition of his father.
C.The writer's father got worse after the removal of the brain tumor.
D.The writer's father had known about his illness before the writer discovered it.
25.What does the underlined sentence"the odds are long"mean?C
A.It takes a long time for Father to recover.
B.Father needs love and care from his family.
C.There's little possibility for Father to recover.
D.They need a proper time to operate on Father.
26.The father had never said"I love you"to the writer before becauseD.
A.he believed in strictness and punishment
B.he was not so attached to the writer
C.he thought there was no need to tell the writer
D.he was not used toopenly showing his emotions
27.What does the writer attempt to tell us?C
A.Life is short,so live your life to the fullest.
B.Don't wait to see a doctor till it is too late.
C.Bravely express your love for your family.
D.We don't often value health until we lose it.

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