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A performance in our city is making people to think more about the overuse of plastic bags£®In front of a supermarket£¬five volunteer wore white plastic bags and walk around and through the crowd£®The performance called on people to use less cloth bags instead of plastic ones£®Some of the plastic bags wore by the performers were collected from customers in two food markets and all others were collected by 700students from a secondary school£®On that day£¬after leaving the food markets£¬customers were asked to hand in the plastic shopping bags that we didn't need£®Several hundreds plastic bags were collected for just two hours£®
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½â´ð A performance in our city is making people to think more about the overuse of plastic bags£®In front of a supermarket£¬five volunteer wore white plastic bags and walk around and through the crowd£®The performance called on people to use less cloth bags instead of plastic ones£®Some of the plastic bags wore by the performers were collected from customers in two food markets and all¡Äothers were collected by 700students from a secondary school£®On that day£¬after leaving the food markets£¬customers were asked to hand in the plastic shopping bags that we didn't need£®Several hundreds plastic bags were collected for just two hours£®
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