
7.Most American schools have boys and gifts in the same classroom.But a public high school in the small,rural town of Boonsboro,Maryland,offers a special program called the Academy.Top students in the ninth and tenth grades can attend single-sex classes for math,science,English and social studies.
The aim is to help teenagers keep their mind on their work by keeping males and females apart.What they really want to do is take that top group of kids and take them to the very highest level they can achieve there,so that they're prepared for college.
Students are invited to enter this program after they finish middle school,and placement in the Academy is voluntary.However,they need high marks and test scores and strong teacher recommendations.They also need to be involved m activities.
Almost 350students have taken part in the Academy.It began as an experiment in 2010.
Michael Bair has been at Boonsboro High for twenty years and directs the Academy.His ninth-grade English class for boys centers on books that he believes boys find interesting.He says that the novels the students are reading now are very manly (男子气概的) novels.These novels deal with the arrogance (傲慢) of man and the pride of man which finally leads to man's downfall.
One of those books,for example,is The Call of the Wild by Jack London.This classic story tells of a dog stolen from his home and sold to work as a sled dog in Canada's Klondike Gold Rush.
Morgan Fleet,a senior at Boonsboro High,likes being in the Academy.She says boys and girls act differently when they are together in a classroom.She believes this difference seems to prevent her from developing herself because she's more focused on thoughts like"Oh,I wish they would shut up.Oh,what do they think of me?''instead of focusing on"What's the homework?What's going on in this class?What's the lesson?".
There is one activity that girls and boys in the Academy do together.At the end of the day,many of them stay and help tutor students who are having trouble in school.

36.What is the purpose of the Academy program?B
A.To offer a special program in high school.
B.To help students concentrate on study.
C.To strengthen sex education for teenagers.
D.To start learning college courses earlier.
37.To enter the Academy program,students are NOT required toD.
A.do well in their study              B.be recommended by teachers
C.take part in some activities        D.have worked as volunteers
38.The Call of the Wild is given as an example to show that male studentsC.
A.should learn more about literature          
B.should have a sense of protecting the wildlife
C.are reading more manly novels            
D.are interested in stories on animals
39.Which is likely to be Morgan Fleet's opinion?A
A.A girl cares about the boys'opinions of her.
B.Single-sex classes should be stopped.
C.Girls are more focused when studying with boys.
D.Boys and girls act the same in separate classrooms.
40.The passage is intended toA.
A.introduce the single-sex class project         
B.explain the differences between boys and girls
C.persuade students to enter the Academy program     
D.urge students to work hard in their study.

分析 本文是一篇科教类阅读,主要介绍了美国Boonsboro小镇的一所公办中学在一个名为the Academy的项目中开设单性课堂.

解答 36-40.BDCAA
36题答案:B根据原文第二段首句The aim is to help teenagers keep their mind on their work by keeping males and females apart.目的是通过隔离异性帮助青少年注意力集中.可知本题答案为B选项.
37题答案:D考查细节推理,根据文章第三段However,they need high marks and test scores and strong teacher recommendations.They also need to be involved m activities.可知D选项不是必要条件,故本题答案为D选项.
38题答案:C考查细节推理,根据文章第四段的He says that the novels the students are reading now are very manly (男子气概的) novels.及第五段的One of those books,for example,is The Call of the Wild by Jack London.可知本题答案为C选项.
39题答案:A考查细节推理,根据原文倒数第二段的she's more focused on thoughts like"Oh,I wish they would shut up.Oh,what do they think of me?''可知Morgan Fleet的观点有可能是"女孩很在乎男孩对她的看法",故本题答案为A选项.

点评 本文是一篇科教类阅读,题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对 性找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确的答案.

17.Want to Live Longer?Turn off Your TV!
Seating yourself in front of the TV probably is relaxing,but spending too much time in front of the  tube may take years off your life.
That's what Australian researchers found when they collected TV viewing information from more than 11,000people older than 25years.The study found that people who watched an average six hours of TV a day lived an average 4.8years less than those who didn't watch any television.Also,every hour of TV that participants watched after age 25was associated with a 22minute reduction in their life expectancy.
It's no mystery that sitting in front of the tube isn't exactly a healthy pursuit.The more TV you watch,the less physically active you are.And the less exercise you get,the more likely you are to develop diseases such as diabetes or heart problems.
Lennert Veerman at the University of Queensland is the lead author of the study.He acknowledges that it may not just be the longtime sitting nature of watching TV that lowers life expectancy,but also the poor diet that onscreen junk-food advertising can promote.But Veerman says that the association between watching too much TV and lower life expectancy persists,even after adjusting for diet.
Veerman says that it might make sense for doctors to start asking their patients about how much time they spend in front of the TV.This may be a better way to treat patients than just asking them to get more exercise or have a healthy diet.
Veerman points out that people who are concerned can simply turn off the TV and get off the couch."Exercise is good,"he says,"but even light physical activity also improves health."
58.The underlined word"tube"in the 1st paragraph refers to theB.
59.Watching too much TV may shorten our life becauseA.
A.the lack of physical activity can lead to developing diseases
B.while watching TV we usually have a poor diet
C.too much TV leads to less sleep
D.watching TV makes us tired
60.According to Lennert Veerman,D.
A.the more TV we watch,the shorter life we'll live
B.the more exercise we take,the healthier we'll be
C.say No to TV absolutely
D.watching less TV and taking some exercise may help us live a longer life.
18.Sometimes giving someone a helping hand is just simple.But sometimes it works like a(36)C that opens a door to a whole new world of understanding.
Living in a small all-white (37)A  in the Midwest,my family and I were (38)Bthat we were safe from the race riots (暴乱) in some larger cities.That (39)Awhen I began working at a bank in a larger city nearby.My family(40)Dgave me advice on whom to avoid,what situation to stay away,and how to (41)Amyself.

On a snowy(42)Dafter work,I guided my second-hand car out onto the street and knew(43)D I didn't have to stop,it would keep running.The battery needed replacing.However,as I expected the car choked and died at a red light.Fortunately,to my(44)C,I saw a pair of headlights coming up.But(45)A three young black men jumped out of the car,I could hardly(46)B-fear filled me.
The driver came to my windows and asked if I needed help.I (47)Bfor a moment and then nodded.The fellows crowded around at once and(48)
C working.As one of them connected the two engines by cables,my nerve (神经) jumped with so much electricity I think I could have charged the(49)Aand brought it back to life.But thankfully they(50)Bcompleted the project.
I pulled out a few(51)D from the purse,"It's all I have but it's yours,I appreciate the help.Thank you."
The driver must have seen the (52)D still in my eyes because he smiled,seeming to be(53)Cby my panic,and then waved his hand,"You(54)Cit.Just glad to help."
This experience taught me that I should never simply  (55)Banyone according to their skin color or race or wealth.

43.A.even ifB.in caseC.as long asD.now that
48.A.set aboutB.set downC.set asideD.set up
15.I am a German by birth and descent.My name is Schmidt.But by education I am quite as much an Englishman as a'Deutscher',and by affection much more the former.My life has been spent pretty equally between the two countries,and I flatter myself I speak both languages without any foreign accent.
I count England my headquarters now:it is"home"to me.But a few years ago I was resident in Germany,only going over to London now and then on business.I will not mention the town where I lived.It is unnecessary to do so,and in the peculiar experience I am about to relate I think real names of people and places are just as well,or better avoided.
I was connected with a large and important firm of engineers.I had been bred up to the profession,and was credited with a certain amount of"talent"; and I was considered-and,with all modesty,I think I deserved the opinion-steady and reliable,so that I had already attained a fair position in the house,and was looked upon as a"rising man".But I was still young,and not quite so wise as I thought myself.I came close once to making a great mess of a certain affair.It is this story which I am going to tell.
Our house went in largely for patents-rather too largely,some thought.But the head partner's son was a bit of a genius in his way,and his father was growing old,and let Herr Wilhelm-Moritz we will call the family name-do pretty much as he chose.And on the whole Herr Wilhelm did well.He was cautious,and he had the benefit of the still greater caution and larger experience of Herr Gerhardt,the second partner in the firm.
Patents and the laws which regulate them are strange things to have to do with.No one who has not had personal experience of the complications that arise could believe how far these spread and how involved they become.Great acuteness as well as caution is called for if you would guide your patent bark safely to port-and perhaps more than anything,a power of holding your tongue.I was no chatterbox,nor,when on a mission of importance,did I go about looking as if I were bursting with secrets,which is,in my opinion,almost as dangerous as revealing them.No one,to meet me on the journeys which it often fell to my lot to undertake,would have guessed that I had anything on my mind but an easy-going young fellow's natural interest in his surroundings,though many a time I have stayed awake through a whole night of railway travel if at all doubtful about my fellow-passengers,or not dared to go to sleep in a hotel without a ready-loaded gun by my pillow.For now and then-though not through me-our secrets did ooze out.And if,as has happened,they were secrets connected with Government orders or contracts,there was,or but for the exertion of the greatest energy and tact on the part of my superiors,there would have been,to put it plainly,the devil to pay.

67.The writer preferred to be calledB
A.a German
B.an Englishman
C.both a German and an Englishman   
D.neither a German nor an Englishman
68.Which of the following words cannot be used to describe the writer?D
A.Talented    B.Modest   C.Reliable    D.Wise
69.The head of the company where the writer works isC.
A.Schmidt   B.Moritz   C.Wilhelm's father   D.Gerhardt
70.The writer often stayed awake on the train or kept a ready-loaded gun in the hotel,becauseA
A.some people sometimes let out the secrets of his company
B.the writer occasionally didn't keep the secrets of his company
C.patents and the laws are strange things to have to do with
D.the secrets were connected with Government orders or contracts.
2.Grandparents might be known for spoiling grandchildren,but a new study says they might also be helping the kids improve their social skills and behavior.
Spending time with grandma and grandpa especially appears to help children from single-parent,divorced/separated or stepfamily households,according to the report,published in the February Journal of Family Psychology.
"Grandparents are a positive force for all families but play a significant role in families undergoing difficulties,"the study's lead author,Shalhevet Attar-Schwartz,of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,said in an American Psychological Association news release."They can reduce the negative influence of parents separating and be a resource for children who are going through these family changes."
In interviewing 11-to 16-year olds from England and Wales,Attar-Schwartz and her team found that the more conversations the youths had with a grandparent,including asking for advice or even money,the better they got along with their peers and the fewer problems they had,such as hyperactivity and disruptive behavior.
"This was found across all three family structures,"she said."But adolescents in single-parent households and stepfamilies benefited the most.The effect of their grandparents'involvement was stronger compared to children from two biological parent families."
The study did not look at children who lived solely with their grandparents,though.
The findings have great implications for people in the United States,the authors said,because American grandparents are increasingly sharing living space with their grandchildren.A 2004 U.S.Census Bureau survey found that more than 5 million households include a grandparent and a grandchild under 18,up 30 percent since 1990,according to background information in the news release.

31.It is generally believed that a grandmotherC.
A.can help a child through hard times
B.can help kids develop social skills
C.can spoil a child
D.is a positive force for all families
32.According to the passage,grandparents will be of least benefit to a childA.
A.from two biological parent families
B.from a single-parent household
C.from a divorced household
D.from a stepfamily household
33.A child who asks his grandmother for money willB.
A.have difficulty in getting along with his peers
B.still get along well with his peers
C.be easier to be spoiled than his peers
D.not be popular with peers
34.We can learn from the last paragraph thatA.
A.there are more families in America undergoing difficulties
B.American parents are much busier than those from other countries
C.American grandparents are much better at bringing up their grandchildren
D.American kids like to share more living space with their grandparents
35.The passage implies thatB.
A.children who live solely with their grandparents may benefit the most
B.grandparents are a source of comfort to children from families undergoing difficulties
C.grandparents play a more positive role than parents in children's growth
D.all families should leave their children to be brought up by grandparents.
12.Fujitsu,a Japanese technology company,has created a system capable of simultaneously(同时地)charging multiple portable electronic devices such as mobile phones,digital cameras and laptop computers without the need for cable connections.
Electric cars users may also eventually be able to charge their vehicles wirelessly using the same technology,said the company,which developed a sample system at Osaka Prefecture University.Claiming to be the world s first of its kind,the technology works on the basis of the transmission of electricity using magnetic fields between the charger and the electronic device.
The system enables wireless charging at distances of up to several meters.With the final aim of installing public"charging spots"on the streets in order to enable easy charging around the clock,scientists at Fujitsu Labs are planning to commercially sell products incorporating the new wireless charging system as early as 2012 but have not yet decided how much they would cost.
‘This technology paves the way to integrating compact wireless charging functions into mobile phones and enabling multiple portable devices to be charged simultaneously without any restrictions on their position relating to the charger,"the company said in a statement.
Mobile phone users in Japan can currently charge their batteries using the disposable portable plug-in battery 一 operated device,available at most train stations and convenience stores.However,phone companies warn long time use of it can damage the phones.
The company added,"We are also looking at applying the results of this work to fields other than portable electronics,including power transmission between circuit boards (电路板)or computer chips,and providing mobile charging systems for electric cars."
72.This passage is most probably taken fromC.
A.an instructive brochure
B.readers feedback
C.a news report
D.a brief introduction
73.Which of the following can best describe the striking feature of this system?C
A.It enables wireless charging at distances of up to several miles
B.It enables you to charge your device very easily beside the clock
C.It is wireless and makes multiple charging at the same time
D.It can be bought at any formal supermarkets in the city
74.The underlined word"it"in paragraph 5 refers toA.
A.the device B.the system C.the phone D.the battery
75.The best title for the text would beC.
A.Fujitsu,a famous Japanese company
B.power transmission between circuit boards
C.new wireless charging system developed
D.mobile phones damaged by charging.
19.What did you dream about last night?Did your teeth fall out or did you fly?Maybe you died or someone you know did.Or maybe you were back in high school.These are among the most common dreams people have and they all mean something.Here are some of the most common dreams and their interpretations or symbolism.
         Dreams of flying.Dreams of flying represent feelings of freedom that may result from an instance when you overcome a limitation or obstacle.Usually,children have more flying dreams than adults,because children are more open to their possibilities,and adults have often accepted limitations imposed by society.
         Teeth falling out.Food in a dream is symbolic of knowledge because food nourishes the physical body and knowledge nourishes the soul.Teeth are a means to break down food or knowledge.When your teeth fall out in a dream,it could signify that you feel ill-equipped to break down the knowledge that you have available,that the way you break things down has changed.That change can be either positive or negative.
         High school dreams.High school is a place of learning from the past,and dreaming of being unprepared for a high school test can indicate a struggle to access information you need to handle in your life.
         Recurring dreams and nightmares.Recurring dreams are your subconscious (潜意识)mind's way of trying to get your attention.A recurring dream is a step down from a nightmare that is a louder,more insistent way your subconscious mind communicates.If you have a recurring dream,try to stop in the dream and identify what the dream is trying to tell you.That could mean asking someone who is chasing you what he or she wants.A woman dreamed for years that an old,haggard woman was chasing her around her home.When she finally stopped in the dream and asked the old woman what she represented,the old,woman suddenly turned into a beautiful young woman and replied,"I represent your question of'what if?'"
71.The text is mainly aboutB
A.high school dreams                                       
C.dreams of flying                                  
72.After you've got out of some difficulties,you might have aB.
A.high school dream                               
B.dream of flying
C.dream of teeth falling out                    
D.a nightmare
73.If you dream of being unprepared for a"high school test,it meamsA.
A.you're trying to leam something
B.you will certainly fail in the test
C.you will be scolded by your teacher
D.you're not well prepared for the test
74.The underlined word"identify"in the last paragraph most probably meansC.
A.break out           B.recall            C.make out             D.explain
75.The woman's dream is mentioned mainly toD.
A.tell us nothing but an interesting story
B.show us what a nightmare is like
C.tell us that women are always changable
D.show us the way to deal with a recurring dream.
17."I can't live without my mobile phone!"is what I often hear people say as they talk about how mobiles have become an essential part of their lives.
The all so common sight of heads bent,eyes staring at mobile screens and fingers busy tapping away repeats itself across major cities around the world.Whenever there is a moment to spare while on the train,taxi or waiting in a queue,people busy themselves with their mobile phones.
Some people believe our unhealthy obsession(着迷) with mobile phones is destroying how we appreciate the little things in life or miss the moments that matter.The truth is that  technology overall should be seen as just a tool to improve our lives.
Mobile phones have certainly had a great influence on our lives,but I truly believe it is for the better.
It's changed the way we communicate,whether for work or play.We are now less constrained(限制)by time and geographical location.With my mobile phone,I can dial into conference calls while stuck in a traffic jam,or reply to urgent e-mails while on the go.I can send a text message or share photos and videos with friends who aren't living in the same country.My phone calendar keeps my life organized,and even Facebook,Twitter,and instant messaging are now accessible from mobile phones!
The mobile revolution isn't just changing the lives of urbanities (都市人) like myself.I know of a young Bangladeshi woman named Shompa Akhter who is crazy about fashion and design.She dreamt about starting her own business and she did just that,opening a shop in Kushtia featuring her own creations.Dealing with supplies in different towns was a problem for Shompa---purchase orders had to either be hand delivered or mailed out to supplies.Shompa also found it tough publicizing her business to potential customers outside her town.But once she learnt to operate the mobile phone,she was addicted.The 25-year-old businesswoman now stays in touch easily with her suppliers.Mobile e-mail is a blessing in her life.
Who would have thought that mobility could bring about such enormous change?It shouldn't really be a surprise though.
28.In the first two paragraphs,the author wants to showD.
A.mobile phones make people communicate less
B.mobile phones make people's life more enjoyable
C.people's health is greatly affected by mobile phones
D.people become addicted to mobile phones in daily life
29.What's the author's attitude towards mobile phones?B.
30.Paragraph 5is mainly aboutC.
A.New functions of mobile phones
B.New changes in Information Age
C.The advantages of mobile phones
D.The author's personal experiences
31.How is the text mainly developed?D
A.By inferring(推断).
B.By analysing causes.
C.By giving examples.
D.By comparing different ideas.

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