
18.My house is made out of wood,glass and stone.It is also made out of software.
If you come to visit,you'll probably be surprised when you come in.Someone will give you an electronic PIN(个人身份号码) to wear.This PIN tells the house who and where you are.The house uses this information to give you what you need.When it's dark outside,the PIN turns on the lights nearest to you,and then turns them off as you walk away from them.Music moves with you too.If the house knows your favorite music,it plays it.The music seems to be everywhere,but in fact other people in the house hear different music or no music.If you get a telephone call,only the nearest telephone rings.
Of course,you are also able to tell the house if you want something.There is a home control console(控制台),a small machine that turns things on and off around you.
The PIN and the console are new ideas,but they are in fact like many things we have today.If you want to go to a movie,you need a ticket.If I give you my car keys,you can use my car.The car works for you because you have the keys.My house works for you because you wear the PIN or hold the console.
I believe that ten years from now,most new homes will have the systems that I've put in my house.The systems will probably be even bigger and better than the ones I've put in today.
I like to try new ideas.I know that some of my ideas will work better than others.But I hope that one day I will stop thinking of these systems as new,and ask myself instead,"How will I live without them?"

28.What does the passage mainly discuss?A
A.A home for the future
B.The function of the PIN
C.The development of a new system
D.Easy life in the future
29.What's the purpose of the fourth paragraph?C
A.To let readers know why the ideas are new
B.To let readers know how special the house is
C.To explain the functions of the PIN and the console
D.To explain the importance of the PIN and the console
30.The writer's new house is different from ordinary ones mainly becauseC.
A.you can turn things on and off around you
B.you can make a telephone call anywhere
C.it is controlled by computers
D.it has your favorite music on
31.What is the writer most likely to be according to the passage?A
A.An IT expert
B.A famous doctor
C.A gifted musician
D.An experienced teacher.

分析 本文主要介绍了他的房子的两个主要系统PIN和控制台,使得房子自动化了的相关情况.

解答 28.A 推理判断题.根据第四段I believe that ten years from now,most new homes will have the systems that I've put in my house作者相信十年后的房子就会像作者现在的构想一样,可知本文主要是讲作者对未来房子的构想,故选A.
29.C 推理判断题.根据第四段第二句The systems will probably be even bigger and better than the ones I've put in today.系统会比作者现在所放置的更好更强大,可知作者是为了解释PIN和控制台系统是多么容易,故选C.
31.A 推理判断题.作者的房子都是电脑控制,全自动化处理,作者极有可能是一个IT专家,故选A

点评 阅读理解题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释.考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点.

9.What we do EFP Courses provide courses in English language and British culture.Our courses are aimed at students aged between 12and 17who are at pre-intermediate level or above in English.The courses are held in Guildford,a historic town near London.
Typical structure of a one-week course
•up to 25hours of English run by native speakers,qualified in teaching English as a foreign language and specialist drama teachers
•2full-day sightseeing trips to London and Oxford (at weekends)
•full board (全食宿) with local,English-speaking families
When we run the courses
EFP courses can be organized only during British state school terms.For this academic year,courses can be booked between now and 23May and between 30May and 30June.We welcome you to book from 3September 2016to 25October 2016and from 31October to 20December 2016.
Why choose EFP courses
•in addition to our standard English classes,we also run drama and expression English classes,taught by specialist drama teachers
•we expose our students to British culture for the entire length of the course
•we tailor courses to each group's needs,creating a unique experience for our students.Note that any changes to our courses are made within reason and only if all participants from a group share the same language level.Please see further details on our website.
Length of a course
EFP courses run for either one or two weeks depending on the specific requirements for your group.
How to apply
Please register your interest by sending an email to info@efpcourses.co.uk.By contacting us before you make any travel arrangements you ensure that we can put your group up on the dates that you require.For more details,please visit www.efpcourses.co.uk.
See you in Guildford soon!
46.What does the passage tell us about EFP courses?C
A.Their target students are teenagers of all English levels.
B.They are available on the school campuses in London and Oxford.
C.They involve students in British culture activities during the whole course.
D.Every individual participant is supplied with tailored language support.
47.Suppose you are to take EFP courses this academic year,you canB.
A.hand in an application by visiting their website
B.make a reservation from October 31to December 20
C.experience English dramas with English-speaking families
D.enjoy a special series of lessons for a whole school term
48.The purpose of this writing is toA.
A.offer students access to EFP courses
B.demonstrate the popularity of EFP courses
C.attract qualified teachers to EFP courses
D.illustrate the importance of EFP courses
49.The passage is probably taken fromD.
A.a research paper                      
B.a travel magazine
C.a news report                           
D.a website.
10.With modern technology,much written communication tends to focus on the keyboard,but handwriting is still a necessary and important skill. (36)FHere are some tips for you to improve your handwriting.
Examine Your Handwriting
(37)GLook through your writing to decide what makes it difficult to read or what makes it unattractive.Perhaps you write your letters too small.Check on spacing of letters and words,and proper formation of letters.If your letters are small,put more effort into writing larger letters.If certain letters trip you up,practice those letters separately and within words.
Write Correctly
Positioning and technique play a role in how your handwriting looks.Hold the pen between your thumb and first two fingers so that it rests against your fingers.Hold it firmly enough to control the tip but not so hard that it hurts your fingers.Lighter pressure on the paper helps you create smooth lines and focus on your letter formation. (38)D
(39)ALetters are formed from several basic strokes(笔划).Practice those strokes separately to get your hand used to forming them.Strokes found in letters include vertical lines,horizontal lines,and circles.Build on those to practice specific letters.
Write for a Purpose
Teach young children handwriting in meaningful contexts.Use that same idea by picking up a pen to write lists and notes by hand instead of typing.Keep a journal daily with slow,correct strokes. (40)EThese true and sincere writing opportunities make the practice meaningful.

A.Build on Basics.
B.Practice makes perfect
C.Focus on improving your correctness instead of speed
D.Writing at a slower speed also helps you focus on letter formation
E.Put a handwritten letter in the mail to surprise a friend or a relative
F.Handwriting requires your brain,eyes and hands to work together to form letters.
G.Before you can improve your handwriting,you need to know where you're falling apart.
7.What is big data exactly?Good question.After all,we've always had large amounts of data.As Laurie Miles,head,of analytics for big data specialist SAS,says,"The term big data has been around for decades and we've been,doing analytics all the time.It's not big; it's just bigger."Most traditional data was structured,or neatly organized in databases.Then the world went digital and the Internet came along.Most of what we1 do could be translated into data capable of being recorded,stored,searched,and analyzed.There was also so-called unstructured data generated by all our digital interactions (互动),from emails to online'shopping,text messages to tweets,and Facebook updates to YouTube video's.
Some say that about 90% of all the data in the world today has been created in the past few years."About 75% of data is unstructured,coming from sources such as text voice and video,"says Mr Miles.
"Big data is not just historic business intelligence,''says Mr,Miles."It's the addition of real-time data and the ability to combine together several data sets that makes it so valuable."Practically,anyone who makes,grows and sells anything Can use big data analytics to make their manufacturing and production processes more efficient arid their marketing more targeted and cost-effective.
And many businesses are only just beginning to realize that data is something that they need to protect and use."Banks only use a third of their available data because it often sits in databases that are hard to access,"says Mr Miles,"We need to find ways to make this data more easily accessible."
Who owns it all?Social media platforms will often,say that their users own their own content,but then lay claim to how that content is used,reserving the right to share it with third parties!So when you tweet you effectively give up any control over how that tweet is used in future,even though Twitter terms and conditions say,"What's yours is yours."Privacy (隐私) and intellectual property1 laws have not kept up with the pace of technological change.

32.According to the first paragraph,big dataD.
A.is also called modern data                         
B.means we don't have enough data
C.gets its name from a research institute        
D.has been researched for many years
33.What contributes greatly to the development of unstructured data?B
A.The increasing number of databases.
B.Our increasing exposure to digital activities.
C.A great decrease in structured data.
D.The lack of people who can translate data.
34.What is the third paragraph mainly about?B
A.The future of big data.
B.The value of big data.
C.The protection of big data.
D.The problems of big data.
35.Why do banks only use a small part of their data?D
A.Because it has different resources.
B.Because the speed is too slow.
C.Because the cost is very high.
D.Because it is difficult to obtain.

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