
Most people agree that it’s important to have a sense of humour. Having the ability to laugh can help one overcome anxiety, and make better decisions in difficult situations. People with a well-developed sense of humour appear to be happier, and some are healthier as well. This suggests that having a sense of humour is good for you. Humourless people may find themselves being treated as a fool, and become anxious and upset.
A sense of humour also plays an important role in human relationships. However, not everyone has a sense of humour. People with developmental disabilities (发展性能力丧失) can sometimes have no sense of humour, or have a very strange one.
A number of factors affect a person’s sense of humour, with the age probably being the main one. Young children are often highly amused by simple jokes or shows, while teenagers prefer to enjoy the ironic (讽刺的) events. Educational level, culture, and religious faith also affect one’s sense of humour. While Christians, for example, may have a deep appreciation of jokes about the Bible, others may find them disrespectful.
Many people believe that a sense of humour is something that develops on its own, and that you cannot teach someone to understand why jokes, certain comments, situations or events are funny. However, things can be done to enhance one’s sense of humour. Children, for example, benefit from being told jokes and encouraged to laugh, although some children’s jokes might seem rather strange to adults. If you have children, try to encourage them to tell jokes and think about what makes things funny. And it will help them develop a sense of humour.
小题1:The purpose of the passage is to _______.
A.explain what influences a person’s sense of humour
B.tell readers the importance of being healthy
C.explain how to make better decisions
D.tell readers how to understand jokes
小题2:What does the underlined word in Paragraph 4 "enhance" probably mean?
小题3:According to the passage, which of the following doesn’t influence one’s sense of humour?
C.Educational level.D.Family backgrounds.

小题1:细节题。根据文章结构以及第三段A number of factors affect a person’s sense of humour,可知答案为A.
Every hour spent in watching TV, DVDs and videos as an adult reduces life expectancy by almost 22 minutes, a study suggests. And viewing TV for an average of six hours a day can cut short your life by five years.
The research claims that a sedentary(久坐的) lifestyle is as bad for health as smoking and obesity, because of the dangers caused by inactivity and the greater opportunities it offers for unhealthy eating.
The academics conducting the study set out to calculate the overall risk to life expectancy from watching television. Their research involved more than 11,000 people over the age of 25.
Writing in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, they concluded. "TV viewing time may be associated with a loss of life, which is similar to other major chronic disease risk factors such as physical inactivity and obesity."
The researchers, from the University of Queensland, used information from the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study, together with population and death rate data.
But they said: "Although we used Australian data, the effects in other industrialized and developing countries are likely to be similar, considering the large amounts of time spent watching TV and similarities in disease patterns." In the United Kingdom, the average amount of time spent watching TV is four hours a day, compared with five hours in the United States.
Earlier this year, a separate study suggested the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease, or dying early, rises by as much as 20 percent after just two hours a day in front of the box.
England's Chief Medical Officer, Sally Davies, said: "Physical activity offers huge benefits and these studies back what we already know - that a sedentary lifestyle carries additional risks. We hope these studies will help more people realize that there are many ways to get exercise."
小题1:We can learn from the passage that_______
A.whether you watch TV or not has nothing to do with how long you will live
B.if an adult watches TV for six hours every day, he will die five years earlier
C.physical inactivity and obesity won't shorten your life
D.a sedentary lifestyle offers huge benefits.
小题2:The word "it" in the second paragraph refers to
A.a sedentary lifestyle B.eating C.smoking D.obesity
小题3:What do we know from the last three paragraphs?
A.People in the United Kingdom watch TV longer than those in the United States.
B.That a sedentary lifestyle carries additional risks isn't supported by other studies.
C.Watching TV for two hours a day will increase the risk of illnesses or dying early by 20%.
D.It is through these studies that we know a sedentary lifestyle carries additional risks.
小题4:The passage is intended to _______.
A.inform the readers of a research on watching TV
B.warn the readers of the harm of watching TV and hope they do sports
C.tell the readers watching TV is also a good way to relax
D.tell the readers large amounts of people often watch TV
Girls can easily get sad. If your friend is feeling blue and calls you, what will you do? Here are some tips on how you can make her smile again.
Listen to her. When people feel sad, they often have the feeling of needing to be heard. So, listen carefully to what she is saying and do nothing else. Your friend will surely thank you for being the shoulder she can cry on.
Once you are done with listening, you can offer some advice or remain silent and let her feel everything and let it all out by crying. As a friend, you might think you should give her some advice. But if you have no idea about what to say, just remain silent and be there for her.
In order to be able to help your friend in need, don’t be sad for yourself. How can you help your friend when you are also feeling down?
A hug can make a difference in the word. It makes you feel warm and special. A hug makes you feel safe. So give your friend a hug when she needs it the most.
Spend more time with your friend who wants to be happy. Do things together like washing dishes, cleaning, or going out for fun. The more time you spend together, the stronger your friendship will become.
Sometimes, it is much better that you avoid a crying friend in your life. But by doing so, you are also keeping your friend at a distance and will make her wonder if you are her true friend. If you are there when she needs you, your friendship will be much stronger.
小题1:The writer wrote this passage mainly to tell us_______.
A.why girls can easily get sad.
B.what to do when we are sad.
C.how to make new friends with girls.
D.how to make a sad female friend happy again.
小题2:According to Paragraph 2, when a female friend is sad, what should we do?
A.We should ask her why she feels sad.
B.We should say something nice to her.
C.We should spend time listening to her.
D.We should give her some good advice.
小题3:We can learn from the passage that______.
E.       Hugging a sad friend can make you feel warm and special.
F.       Your sad friend may feel much better if you also sad.
G.      It’s not a good idea to be silent facing a sad friend.
H.      Giving a hug to a sad friend is very helpful.
小题4:In paragraph 6, the writer mainly suggests that we_____.
I.         spend more time with your friend.
J.        help our friends with their housework
K.      spend time with our friends everyday
L.       ask our friends to take part in activities
Sport is not only physically challenging, but it can also be mentally challenging. Criticism from coaches, parents, and other teammates, as well as pressure to win can create an excessive amount of anxiety or stress for young athletes(运动员). Stress can be physical, emotional, or psychological and research has indicated that it can lead to burnout. Burnout has been described as dropping or quitting of an activity that was at one time enjoyable.
  The early years of development are critical years for learning about oneself. The sport setting is one where valuable experiences can take place. Young athletes can, for example, learn how to cooperate with others, make friends, and gain other social skills that will be used throughout their lives. Coaches and parents should be aware, at all times, that their feedback to youngsters can greatly affect their children. Youngsters may take their parents' and coaches' criticisms to heart and find a flaw (缺陷) in themselves.
  Coaches and parents should also be cautious that youth sport participation does not become work for children. The outcome of the game should not be more important than the process of learning the sport and other life lessons. In today's youth sport setting, young athletes may be worrying more about who will win instead of enjoying themselves and the sport. Following a game many parents and coaches focus on the outcome and find fault with youngsters' performances. Positive reinforcement should be provided regardless of the outcome. Research indicates that positive reinforcement motivates and has a greater effect on learning than criticism. Again, criticism can create high levels of stress, which can lead to burnout.
小题1:An effective way to prevent the burnout of young athletes is ______
A.to reduce their mental stress
B.to increase their sense of success
C.to make sports less competitive
D.to make sports more challenging
小题2:According to the passage sport is positive for young people in that ____ .
A.it can help them learn more about society
B.it enables them to find flaws in themselves
C.it can provide them with valuable experiences
D.it teaches them how to set realistic goals for themselves
小题3:Many coaches and parents are in the habit of criticizing young athletes ______ .
A.believing that criticism is beneficial for their early development
B.without realizing criticism may destroy their self confidence
C.in order to make them remember life's lessons
D.so as to put more pressure on them
小题4:According to the passage parents and coaches should _____________ .
A.pay more attention to letting children enjoy sports
B.help children to win every game
C.train children to cope with stress
D.enable children to understand the positive aspect of sports
小题5:The author's purpose in writing the passage is ____________ .
A.to teach young athletes how to avoid burnout
B.to persuade young children not to worry about criticism
C.to stress the importance of positive reinforcement to children
D.to discuss the skill of combining criticism with encouragement
It seems school children all over the world complain about their school food. Cherie Blair, the wife of Prime Minister Tony Blair, said that she would prepare a packed lunch for her son if school dinners do not improve. So what do students of your age eat for lunch at school?
High schools have canteens(餐厅), which serve everything from noodles to rice, but not burgers and chips. Other children bring food from home such as cold rice balls, meat or fish, pickles(泡菜) and vegetables.
Students take home a menu for the coming month containing notes on nutrition value. Twice a year parents are invited to have a taste of the food. The class with the fewest leftovers(剩饭) at the end of the month receives a prize.
Untied States
A typical menu from a US school is made up of a hamburger with fried potatoes or roast chicken, lettuce and pickles, fruit and cookies. School lunches must also provide at least one-third of the daily dietary allowances(定量) of protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium, and calories.
Meat pies, sausage rolls and hotdogs are all traditional dishes in Australian school shops. But as the nation pays more attention to children’s health, healthier foods have started to find their way onto school menus.
Many schools have used a traffic light system. The sale of red-labelled foods, including pastries(点心), chocolate and soft drinks, is served only twice a week. Healthier green-labelled foods such as sushi(寿司), sandwiches, corn and watermelon, however, are available every day.
In some schools, students have a choice of up to 89 foods to choose from, including popcorn and rice.
South Africa
Most of South Africa’s schools do not serve meals at all. Classes end at 1:30pm and students get their own lunches. Many students bring food from home, usually sandwiches.
Fast food and fried food sell the best among students, which has led to a rise in obesity among children. But as more people began to realize the fact that being too fat may cause different diseases, some schools in towns have led the way towards better nutrition. Now students at these schools are provided with lunches of porridge(麦片粥) with vegetables, such as cabbages, onions, beans, carrots and tomatoes.
小题1:What does the underlined word “obesity ”in the last paragraph probably mean?
A.Fighting.B.Sadness.C.Food shortage.D.Overweight.
小题2:We can infer from the passage that ________.
A.a typical menu from a US school consists of enough nutrition.
B.most students in South Africa eat their lunch at home.
C.many schools in Australia have traffic lights outside their school.
D.you can have whatever you like in school canteens in Japan.
小题3:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Schools should try to satisfy the needs of students.
B.Schools serve different foods from country to country.
C.Food served in the US is the best of all.
D.School children all over the world dislike their school food.
小题4:The article is meant for ________.
A.school lunch suppliersB.schoolmasters
C.students of your ageD.nutritionists(营养学家)
What kind of sports impressed you most during your childhood? Maybe racing around the playground or skipping rope for hours would bring you pleasure. At that time you weren’t thinking of fitness, you were just thinking of entertainment. But in this age of high-tech home equipment and underused gym memberships, the simple joy of jumping rope has been forgotten. I think rediscovering it probably will give you a total-body exercise.
Although considered an excellent form of exercise, jumping rope has never received widespread acceptance because of two reasons. First,most people recognize jumping rope as an excellent form of cardiovascular (心血管的) exercise, but they also believe that it is simply too difficult. In other words, they don’t think they’ll be able to continue jumping for the near 20 minutes in order to achieve a beneficial physical effect. Second, many regard it as somewhat boring and overly repetitive —not as something fun or enjoyable.
As a matter of fact, jumping rope can be great fun as long as you find a proper way to practise it. Instead of doing the usual two-foot bounce(跳) over and over again, players good at rope-jumping often change their pattern every 10 or 20 jumps. A single bounce, a double –bounce , a skip, a knee-up, side swings , as well as a variety of other easy-to-learn free-style rope-jumping .
Nowadays researchers are discovering that jumping rope also prepares the brain for learning . It is an exercise allowing both brain hemispheres(半球)to perform equallyto each other . In short, jumping rope can be a life-long activity requiring little equipment, time and space , yet leading to a much healthier life.
小题1:The main purpose of the first paragraph is to tell us that         .
A.people would rather have exercise in a gym than do sports outside
B.there seems to be too much advanced equipment for people to use
C.racing around the playground was regarded as children’s favorite sport
D.jumping rope has escaped from people’s memories in modern society
小题2:One reason that can explain why rope jumping has not spread widely is that_____.
A.it benefits the cardiovascular system
B.it is too difficult for people to learn to jump
C.it is believed to be boring and repetitive
D.it requires little equipment, time and space
小题3:The first sentence in Paragraph 3 implies that       in rope jumping .
A.there is only one proper way to follow
B.the usual way should not be used again
C.the easiest way is always the best one
D.there are different kinds of ways to follow
小题4:According to the researchers , jumping rope          .
A.only prepares the brain for learning
B.is suitable for students only
C.helps both brain hemispheres work together
D.can be dangerous for old people
小题5:What is the author’s attitude towards rope jumping ?
A.He strongly argues against it.
B.He is in favour of it.
C.He is sitting on the fence of it .
D.He knows little about it .
Science can’t explain the power of pets,but many studies have shown that the company of pets can help lower blood pressure(血压) and raise chances of recovering from a heart attack,reduce loneliness and spread all-round good cheer.
Any owner will tell you how much joy a pet brings.For some.an animal provides more comfort than a husband/wife.A 2002 study by Karen Allen of the State University of New York measured stress(紧张)1evels and blood pressure in people-half of them pet owners-while they performed 5 minutes of mental arithmetic(算术)or held a hand in ice water.Subjects completed the tasks alone,with a husband/wife,a close friend or with a pet.People with pets did it best.Those tested with their animal friends had smaller change in blood pressure and returned most quickly to baseline heart rates.With pets in the room,people also made fewer math mistakes than when doing in front of other companions.It seems people feel more relaxed(放松)around pets,says Allen,who thinks it may be because pets don’t judge.
A study reported last fall suggests that having a pet dog not only raises your spirits but may also have an effect on your eating habits.Researchers at Northwestern Memorial Hospital spent a year studying 36 fat people and their equally fat dogs on diet-and-exercise programs;a separate group of 56 people without pets were put on a diet program.On average,people lost about 11 pounds,or 5% of their body weight.Their dogs did even better,losing an average of 12 pounds,more than 15%of their body weight.Dog owners didn’t lose any more weight than those without dogs but,say researchers,got more exercise overall-mostly with their dogs--and found it worth doing.
小题1:What does the text mainly discuss?
A.What pets bring to their owners.
B.How pets help people calm down.
C.People’s opinions of keeping pets.
D.Pet’s value in medical research.
小题2:We 1earn from the text that a person with heart disease has a better chance of getting well if        
A.he has a pet companion
B.he has less stress of work
C.he often does mental arithmetic
D.he is taken care of by his family
小题3:According to Allen,why did the people do better with pets around when facing stressful tasks?
A.They have lower blood pressure.
B.They become more patient.
C.They are less nervous.
D.They are in higher spirits.
小题4:The research mentioned in the last paragraph reports that       
A.people with dogs did more exercise
B.dogs lost the same weight as people did
C.dogs liked exercise much more than people did
D.people without dogs found the program unhelpful
How to eat healthfully can be especially complex for working women who often have neither the desire nor the time to cook for themselves (or for anyone else ).Registered dietitian Barbara Morrissey suggests that a few simple rules can help.
“Go for nutrient-dense foods,”she suggests,“foods that contain a multiple of nutrients.  For example,select whole wheat bread as a breakfast food,rather than coffee cake. Or drink orange juice rather than orange drink,which contains only a small percentage of real juice—the rest is largely colored sugar water. You just can't compare the value of these foods, the nutrient-dense ones are so superior,”she emphasizes.
Morrissey believes that variety is not only the spice of life,it's the foundation of a healthful diet. Diets which are based on one or two foods are not only almost impossible to keep up the strength,they can be very harmful, she says, because nutrients aren't supplied in enough amounts or balance.
According to Morrissey,trying to find a diet that can cure your illnesses,or make you superwoman is a fruitless search.“ As women,many of us are too concerned with staying thin,”she says,and “we believe that vitamins are some kind of magic cure to replace food.”
“We need carbohydrates,protein and fat-they are like the wood in the fireplace. The vitamins and minerals are like the match,the spark,for the fuel,”she explains.“ We need them all,but in a very different proportions(部分). And if the fuel isn't there,the spark is useless.”
小题1:From the first paragraph we know that working women________.
A.think cooking is especially complicated
B.do not share the same views with registered dietitians
C.are busy and not interested in cooking
D.are likely to eat healthfully
小题2:Orange juice is different from orange drink because________.
A.it contains only a small percentage of real juice
B.it is natural,nutritious and prepared from real oranges
C.it is largely orange-colored sugar water
D.it produces nothing but calories
小题3:In Paragraph 4,“a fruitless search” means “____”.
A.an effort with no results
B.a search for a diet without fruits
C.a research on fruitless diet
D.a diet serving as medicine
小题4:Many women take it for granted,according to the passage that________.
A.a balanced diet can result in being fat
B.staying thin and healthy are both possible
C.lack of variety in diets leads to staying thin
D.vitamins are some kind of substitutions(代替物)for food
小题5:By saying “if the fuel isn't there,the spark is useless”,the author means “________”.
A.carbohydrates,protein and fat are enough to support a human life
B.vitamins and minerals are almost of no value
C.carbohydrates,protein and fat are as important as vitamins and minerals
D.without carbohydrates,protein and fat,vitamins and minerals are of no use
A single night of taking the drug Ecstasy (摇头丸) can cause serious brain damage and speed up the start of Parkinson’s disease(帕金森综合症), scientists say. Just two or three Ecstasy tablets can permanently destroy brain cells that affect movement and reasoning, according to American research that links the drug to Parkinson’s for the first time.
A study by a team at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, involving squirrel monkeys and baboons (狒狒) found that both species suffered permanent damage to key cells, which are lost in Parkinson’s, after receiving three low doses(剂量)of Ecstasy at three-hour periods.
The study is particularly important because baboons are one of the best animal models for the human brain. George Ricaurte, who led the research, said that the widespread abuse of drug might have caused severe damage. “The most troubling result is that young adults using Ecstasy may be increasing their risk of developing Parkinsonism as they get older.”
Alan Leshner, a former director of the US National Institute on Drug Abuse, said, “This study emphasizes the multi-aspect damage that Ecstasy causes to users. We’ve long known that repeated use damages brain cells. But this study shows that even very occasional(偶尔) use can have long-lasting effects on many different brain systems. It sends an important message to young people: don’t experiment with your own brain.”
Janet Betts, a mother whose teenage daughter Leah died after a single Ecstasy tablet in 1995, said, “This comes as no surprise. But people can’t see the effects at first, and they say it won’t happen to them. We’ll see the symptoms later, just as we have with smoking.”
小题1:The article is intended to ______.
A.explain the bad effects of drugs on people’s health
B.warn young people of the risk of taking the drug Ecstasy
C.persuade people out of such bad habits as smoking and using drugs
D.tell us the links between the drug Ecstasy and the animal models
小题2:We know from the passage that a low dose of Ecstasy ______.
A.can permanently destroy one’s brain cells
B.can cause serious brain damage occasionally
C.will result in immediate symptoms
D.may bring on Parkinson’s at once
小题3:Why are squirrel monkeys and baboons involved in the experiments?
A.Because these animals usually take drugs.
B.Because their brain is similar to human beings.
C.Because there is a model in the animals’ brains.
D.Because they will soon get well after the experiment.
小题4:The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph probably refers to”        ”.
A.Leah’s death after a single tablet
B.the symptoms after smoking
C.the damage to the brain systems
D.repeated use of the drug

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