There are two basic ways to see growth: One as a product, the other as a process(过程). People have generally viewed personal growth as an external (外部的) result or product that can easily be realized and measured.The worker who gets a rise, the student whose grades improve, the foreigner who learns a new language — all these are examples of people who have measurable results to show for their efforts.
By contrast, the process of personal growth is much more difficult to measure, since it is a journey and not the landmark along the way.The process is not the road itself, but the attitudes and feelings people have, their carefulness or courage, as they meet with new experiences and unexpected difficulties.In this process, the journey never really ends. There are always new ways to experience the world, new ideas to try, new difficulties to overcome.
In order to grow, people need to have a willingness to take risks, to face the unknown, and to accept the possibility that they may "fail" at first.How we see ourselves as we try a new way is basic to our ability to grow.Do we notice ourselves as quick and curious? If so, then wet end to take more chances and to be more open to unfamiliar experiences.Do we think we’re shy and uncertain? Then our sense of timidity (胆怯) can cause us to hesitate, to move slowly, and not to take a step until we know the ground is safe.Do we think we’re slow to adapt to changes or that we’re not clever enough to deal with a new challenge? Then we are likely to take a more passive(被动)role or not try at all.
These feelings of unsafely and self-doubt are both unavoidable and necessary if we are to change and grow.If we do not face and overcome these fears and doubts and if we protect ourselves too much, we stop growth.We become hidden inside a shell of our own making.
1. _____ can be considered as a product of personal growth.
A.Giving up smoking B.Sparing no efforts in work
C.Being ready to help others D.Being brave before difficulties
2.One who views personal growth as a process may____
A.succeed in business B.face difficulties and challenges
C.always aim high D.try to avoid changes
3.The underlined word "chances" possibly means _______
A.risks B.possibilities C.measures D.interests
4.The author agrees that one should NOT
A.be curious about more changes
B.avoid fears and doubts
C.adapt oneself to new conditions quickly
D.be open-minded to new experiences