If you¡¯re like most students, you may find it challenging to learn a foreign language. However, there are a few tips you can use in order to earn a top grade ¡ª as well as actually use the skills you¡¯ve learned.

One of the most important and basic lessons in dealing with a foreign language is to learn and understand each concept and lesson before moving on to the next one. If you don¡¯t understand one concept but move on to the next chapter anyway, you¡¯re less likely to understand the new material.

Learning a new language is not only an academic tool, but can help you in your everyday life as well. Being good at another language can help you communicate with other people, aid you when traveling to foreign countries, and even make your r¨¦sum¨¦ look better.

And it is important to learn correct pronunciation as soon as possible for poor pronunciation can be hard to break. Native speakers of the language as well as others fluent in the language you are learning will appreciate your efforts to learn correct pronunciation.

Gather outside materials such as books, study guides, books on tape, and travel books to aid you in learning the language. Your textbooks can¡¯t possibly teach you everything you need to know, so seeking outside sources is generally a good rule of thumb to keep in mind.

A significant motivator in learning a foreign language is traveling to the country where the language is spoken. That way, you can see firsthand how the language is used, learn the culture, and meet native speakers of the language. Native speakers appreciate sincere attempts of others who take the time to learn their language.

Seek out native speakers of your new language in your school or neighborhood. They can help you with many skills, including pronunciation, and they can provide immediate feedback on your progress.

1.We can learn from the passage that _____.

A. textbooks are not good for us when learning a foreign language

B. learning pronunciation well from the very beginning is very important

C. poor pronunciation can be easy to break with the help of native speakers

D. seeking too many outside sources will be more harmful than beneficial

2. What is suggested doing in the last paragraph?

A. Going on a trip abroad.

B. Practicing with native speakers.

C. Asking for feedback from our teachers.

D. Finding a motivator in learning languages.

3.In which part of a website would this text probably appear?

A. Entertainment. B. History.

C. Education. D. Nature.









My friend Li Hua used to be rather poor in English, especially his terrible and strange pronunciation. Hardly could he make him understood when speaking English. Bearing a heavy load in mind, he felt desperate and upset. He dared not speak English at class. When asked questions, she was always nervous and embarrassed. The classmates always make fun of him, saying that he was speaking Japanese! Once I met him in the corridor. I told him that his pronunciation was very special and a kind of like Obama's. Believing what I said, he got greatly inspired. He spared no effort to practice speak English every day. Now, he can speak English fluent with a perfect accent.

Recently, he told me that it wasn't long after he knew that I just told a little white lie then but he appreciated badly, without which, he said, he couldn't have achieved such great progresses.

Phrases like ¡°tiger mom¡± and ¡®¡®helicopter parent¡± have made their way into everyday language. Many of us find ourselves drawn to the idea that with just a bit more parental hard work and effort, we might turn out children with bright futures. But is there anything wrong with a kind of ¡°overparenting style¡±?

Parental involvement has a long history of being studied. Many of the studies, conducted by Diana Baumrind, a famous psychologist at the University of California, Berkeley, have found that a good parent is the one who is involved and reacts to her child in a positive way, who sets high expectations but gives her child independence. These ¡°authoritative parents¡± appear to hit the sweet spot of parental involvement and generally raise children who do better academically, psychologically and socially than children whose parents are not strict and less involved, or controlling and more involved. Why is this parenting style so successful?

Authoritative parents actually help improve motivation in their children. Carol Dweck, a social psychologist at Stanford University, has done research that indicates why authoritative parents raise more motivated children. In a typical experiment, Dr. Dweck takes young children into a room and asks them to solve a simple puzzle. Most do so with little difficulty. But then Dr. Dweck tells some, but not all, of the kids how clever they are. As it turns out, the children who are not told they¡¯re smart are more motivated to solve increasingly difficult puzzles. They also show higher levels of confidence and show greater progress in puzzle-solving.

As the experiment suggests, praising children¡¯s talents and abilities seems to shake their confidence. Dealing with more difficult puzzles carries the risk of losing one¡¯s status as ¡°smart¡±. Dr. Dweck¡¯s work strongly supports that of Dr. Baumrind, who also found that reasonably supporting a child¡¯s independence and limiting interference (¸ÉÉæ) causes better academic and emotional results.

The central task of growing up is to develop a sense of self that is independent and confident. If you treat your young child who is just learning to walk as if she can¡¯t walk, you reduce her confidence. Allowing children to make mistakes is one of the greatest challenges of parenting. It is easier when they are young. The potential mistakes carry greater risks, and part of being a parent is reducing risk for our children.

1.According to the passage, a ¡°tiger mom¡± ______.

A. helps her children realize their dreams

B. speaks her children¡¯s everyday language

C. pays close attention to her children¡¯s experiences

D. places reasonable expectations on her children

2.It is implied that controlling style of parenting may _____.

A. foster independence in children

B. lead to children¡¯s academic success

C. face more challenges of children

D. cause more problems in children

3.The example of the children doing the puzzles suggests that ______.

A. overpraising makes children less motivated and confident

B. a good game plays a big role in training young minds

C. puzzle-solving can give children the motivation they need

D. bright children usually show less confidence in difficult games

4.The last paragraph tells us that ______.

A. children should correct mistakes with the help of their parents

B. parents should allow their children to learn from mistakes

C. parents should not increase the risk of challenging

D. children should not be given much freedom


Is It Worth Buying Organic Food?

Organic food£¬grown without artificial chemicals£¬is increasingly popular nowadays£®Consumers have been willing to pay up to twice as much for goods with organic labels (É̱ê)£®However£¬if you think paying a little more for organic food gets you a more nutritious and safer product£¬you might want to save your money£®A study led by researchers at Stanford University says that organic products aren't necessarily more nutritious£¬and they're no less likely to suffer from disease-causing bacteria£¬either£®

The latest results£¬published in the Annuals of Internal Medicine£¬suggest that buyers may be wasting their money£®"We did not find strong evidence that organic food is more nutritious or healthier£¬" says Dr£®Crystal Smith-Spangler from Stanford£®"So consumers shouldn't assume that one type of food has a lower risk or is safer£®"

For their new study£¬Smith-Spangler and her colleagues conducted a review of two categories of research£¬including 17 studies that compared health outcomes between consumers of organic against traditional food products£¬and 223 studies that analyzed the nutritional content of the foods£¬including key vitamins£¬minerals and fats£®

While the researchers found little difference in nutritional content£¬they did find that organic fruit and vegetables were 20% less likely to have chemicals remaining on the surfaces£®Neither organic nor traditional foods showed levels of chemicals high enough to go beyond food safety standards£®And both organic and traditional meats£¬such as chicken and pork£¬were equally likely to be harmed by bacteria at very low rates£®The researchers did find that organic milk and chicken contained higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids£¬a healthy fat also found in fish that can reduce the risk of heart disease£®However£¬these nutritional differences were too small£¬and the researchers were unwilling to make much of them until further studies confirm the trends£®

Organic food is produced with fewer chemicals and more natural-growing practices£¬but that doesn't always translate into a more nutritious or healthier product£®The U£®S£®Department of Agriculture (USDA) states that "whether you buy organic or not£¬finding the freshest foods available may have the biggest effect on taste£®" Fresh food is at least as good as anything marketed as organic£®

1.The new research questions whether organic food __________£®

A£®should replace traditional food

B£®has been overpriced by farmers

C£®is grown with less harmful chemicals

D£®really more nutritious and healthier

2.Smith-Spangler and her colleagues found that __________£®

A£®organic food could reduce the risk of heart disease

B£®traditional food was grown with more natural methods

C£®both organic and traditional food they examined were safe

D£®there was not a presence of any forms of bacteria in organic food

3.Which of the following is relatively healthier according to the passage?

A£®Organic chicken and pork£®

B£®Organic milk and chicken£®

C£®Traditional chicken and pork£®

D£®Traditional fruit and vegetables£®

4.What is the author's attitude toward organic food?






Do you struggle with business writing? Are teams and individuals asking for help with their business writing skills? 1. Since 1990, we have been helping employees and managers write better.

Everything written in business reflects the image of the company and the writer. 2. This means organizing ideas well, checking that the language is accurate and that the presentation is professional. Writing successfully is always the result of careful planning.

Before you start writing, you need to decide why you are writing and what you hope to achieve. This will help you decide what to include in your writing and whether to write an e-mail, a letter or perhaps a report.

Meanwhile, think about readers. 3. The structure of what you write can guide readers and help them understand the content of your writing so that they can respond.

While you are writing, you need to think about how you organize your ideas. Writing a report may involve presenting data and linking complex ideas; writing a memo (±¸Íü¼) may involve describing a situation and dealing with ways of improving it. You need to understand how to construct paragraphs. 4.

After you have finished writing comes the very important process of revising, checking and correcting.

5. You will find plenty of useful information about effective business writing. In our courses, participants get tools, tips, techniques, job aids, and follow-up resources to help them write better.

A. Contact us.

B. Assess your skills here.

C. Here comes the good news.

D. It will help you choose appropriate structures.

E. A range of words can be used to link your ideas.

F. Spelling mistakes should be checked and corrected.

G. So it is very important that writing is done to the highest standards.

Time spent in a bookshop can be most enjoyable, whether you are a booklover or merely go there to buy a book as a present. You may even have entered the shop just to find shelter from a sudden shower.

Whatever the reason, you can soon become totally unaware of your surroundings. The desire to pick up a book with an attractive dust-jacket is irresistible, although this method of selection ought not to be followed, as you might end up with a rather dull book. You soon become absorbed in some book or other, and usually it is only much later that you realize you have spent far too much time there and must dash off to keep some forgotten appointment¡ªwithout buying a book, of course.

This opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is, I think, the main attraction of a bookshop. There are not many places where it is possible to do this. A music shop is very much like a bookshop. You can wander round such places to your heart's content. If it is a good shop, no assistant will approach you with the unavoidable greeting: "Can I help you, sir?" You needn't buy anything you don't want. In a bookshop an assistant should remain in the background until you have finished browsing. Then, and only then, are his services necessary. Of course, you may want to find out where a particular section is, but when he has led you there, the assistant should retire considerately and look as if he is not interested in selling a single book.

You have to be careful not to be attracted by the variety of books in a bookshop. It is very easy to enter the shop looking for a book on, say ancient coins and to come out carrying a copy of the latest bestselling novel and perhaps a book about brass-rubbing--something which had only slightly interested you up till then. This volume on the subject, however, happened to be so well illustrated and the part of the text you read proved so interesting that you just had to buy it. This sort of thing can be very dangerous. Apart from running up a huge account, you can waste a great deal of time wandering from section to section.

1.The underlined phrase "dust jacket" means ________.

A. a kind of clothes B. a paper cover of a book

C. a dusty book D. a title of a book

2.You may spend too much time in a bookshop because________.

A. the dust jackets are very attractive

B. you start reading one of the books

C. it is raining outside

D. you have to make sure you won't buy a dull book as a present

3.It can be learned from the text that an assistant should offer you help _______.

A. as soon as you have entered the shop

B. just before you finish browsing

C. only when you have finished reading

D. when he leads you to a particular section

4.The author implies that it is very easy to enter a bookshop and buy ______.

A. a book on ancient coins

B. a best-selling novel on brass-rubbing

C.a book that only vaguely interests you

D. a book that unexpectedly fascinates you

5. The best title for this passage may be________.

A. The Attraction of Bookshops

B. How to Spend Your Time

C. Bookshops and Their Assistants

D. How to Select Books

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