

Dear Editor,

I’m a student of Senior Three in a middle school in Fujian Province.

In order that we can m________ the best use of learning materials, the   1.________

students’ Union of our school is ________(安排) an activity.We students       2.________

of Senior Three are called on to give away our ________(用过的) books,       3.________

newspapers or magazines to the students in the _______(低) grades.The 4.________

idea, ________ is intended to promote friendship and encourage economy, 5.________

is h________ praised and supported by the teachers and students alike.The6._______

activity will last about ten __________, from June 10 to 20.I believe more7._______

and more students of Senior Three will ________(响应) the call.As a student, 8._______

I am strongly f________ the activity because it is very meaningful and     9.______

helpful.I hope this kind of activity will continue in the f________.             10.______


Lin Hua


















Mr. Li,

       Last Sunday I went to do some reading in your library.

       Over the time I was there, I found something unpleasant. T       ,                ____

I’d like to v        my opinions, which, I hope, would be of help for             ____

you to _______(创造)a more comfortable place for readers. First, there are   ____

few new books on the shelf, and most books are not s        in proper           __

order, making it difficult for readers to find _______ they want quickly.           ____

Third, the l        didn’t offer good service. Instead, they were                     _

chatting. In _______, they took no notice of the fact that a light                     _____

wasn’t _______. Leave this state of affairs to stay the same, and I’m                        ____

_______(恐怕) there will be fewer and fewer readers. So, I suggest your                  ____

_______ (改变) all these as soon as possible for the sake of readers.                  ____


The      End




I feel very happy to receive your letter and here I'd like

to give you some a        on how to learn English.Above all,                            76. ____________

don't lose your heart. Many students find it _______ to learn English,                77. ____________

especially _______ write good English compositions.In my opinion,                    78. ____________

if you want to _______(改善)your writing, you should learn                               79. ____________

by heart as many English expressions and sentence p        as possible.      80. ____________

And at the same time try to use _______ in your compositions.I                         81. ____________

think just r        grammar rules is no use. And only by reading                         82. ____________

and writing a lot, _______ you be able to learn English well in an                            83. ____________

effective way.I definitely _______(相信) the most important                       84. ____________

thing is that you should _______ writing every day and never give up.                85. ____________



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