
People are often worried about going to other  countries due to the
“language problems”. But as a matter of      ,you can still have a【小题1】
great time living a    without many language skills.                 【小题2】
Here are some tips.
To begin with, take the time to learn a few basic     (表达)      【小题3】
and how to c     from one to ten. Secondly,open your mouth and     【小题4】
say “ahh” Before       (问)the way,                             【小题5】
as if you were at  the doctor's.
Follow “ahh” by the name of the place  you're going to, l____       【小题6】
“ahh Paris”. Lastly,  speak simply. Say “Menu, please.”rather ____【小题7】
I would like a menu please.” If your vocabulary is____(有限),    【小题8】
try to communicate by writing. Carry ____ and a pen,and get waiters 【小题9】
or clerks to write down prices for you. Most importantly,
give y____ a chance to use body language.                           【小题10】


【小题1】固定词组as a matter of fact意思“事实上”
【小题3】 因为前面有形容词basic,形容词修饰名词,因为前面有a few,所以是expressions
【小题7】固定词组,rather than意思“而不是”
【小题8】因为主语是your vocabulary,是被限制,所以用过去分词形式
【小题10】固定搭配give myself a chance意思“给自己一个机会”



Mr. Li,

       Last Sunday I went to do some reading in your library.

       Over the time I was there, I found something unpleasant. T       ,                ____

I’d like to v        my opinions, which, I hope, would be of help for             ____

you to _______(创造)a more comfortable place for readers. First, there are   ____

few new books on the shelf, and most books are not s        in proper           __

order, making it difficult for readers to find _______ they want quickly.           ____

Third, the l        didn’t offer good service. Instead, they were                     _

chatting. In _______, they took no notice of the fact that a light                     _____

wasn’t _______. Leave this state of affairs to stay the same, and I’m                        ____

_______(恐怕) there will be fewer and fewer readers. So, I suggest your                  ____

_______ (改变) all these as soon as possible for the sake of readers.                  ____


The      End




I feel very happy to receive your letter and here I'd like

to give you some a        on how to learn English.Above all,                            76. ____________

don't lose your heart. Many students find it _______ to learn English,                77. ____________

especially _______ write good English compositions.In my opinion,                    78. ____________

if you want to _______(改善)your writing, you should learn                               79. ____________

by heart as many English expressions and sentence p        as possible.      80. ____________

And at the same time try to use _______ in your compositions.I                         81. ____________

think just r        grammar rules is no use. And only by reading                         82. ____________

and writing a lot, _______ you be able to learn English well in an                            83. ____________

effective way.I definitely _______(相信) the most important                       84. ____________

thing is that you should _______ writing every day and never give up.                85. ____________



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