Body language is used by people for sending messages to one another. In many
countries in the world, people k____ each other when they meet. 101.______
In Britain, people usually shake________ when they meet some one 102.______
for the first time. They are not comfortable touching______(陌生人) 103.______
French people kiss each other ______ and goodbye on the 104._______
______(脸颊)more often than the British people. People from 105._______
Arabian countries stand ______ than people from Britain 106._______
when they are talking. They might move very close to you
as you i_______ yourself to them. Body language 107._______
is very_______(广泛的) and not all members of a culture 108._______
b_______the same way. Using body language in a correct way 109._______
will help you to better c_________ with other people. 110._______
101.kiss 102. hands 103. strangers. 104.hello 105. cheek106.closer
107. introduce 108. general 109.1 behave 110. communicate