
【题目】Water skiing

Water skiing is an exciting water sport that can be a ton of fun. You will get to have a happy and joyful adventure every time you go out on the water. 1 However, once you start, water skiing is a sport you can enjoy whenever you have a boat and enough flat water.

2 Every water skier needs water skis—these are different from snow skis and they also differ depending on the size of the skier and the experience level of the skier. 3 You will need to find at least two people to go with you on your water skiing adventure. You and everyone you go with will have more fun if the friends you go with also want to water ski. You need a boat, naturally. 4

For your first time water skiing, you may want to either take a lesson from an expert or find a friend that has experience and is willing to teach you. 5 The observer rides in the boat, but watches the water skier for any signals and helps the driver know when to start and stop.

A.It’s no hard task to learn.

B.It takes a little patience to learn.

C.Of course, no one can water ski alone.

D.Once prepared, a skier can start the game on his own.

E.You will also need a water skiing cable and a life jacket.

F.Before you start water skiing, there are a few supplies you’ll need.

G.Of your two helpers, you need one to drive the boat and one to observe.












选项F意思为:在开始之前滑水,你需要有一些物资。空后提到“每个滑水运动员都需要滑水板”;“water skis”和选项F中的“supplies”分别是下义词和上义词。故选F项。




此题线索是逻辑。选项E意思为:您还需要一个滑水缆绳和救生衣。选项E中“当然,你需要一艘船”中的“You will also need…”与空前一句中“You need…”是递进关系。故选E项。


此题线索是词汇复现。选项G意思为:在你的两个帮手中,你需要一个开船、一个观察。空后一句中“观察者坐在船上,观察滑水者的任何信号,帮助驾驶员知道何时开始和停止。”中的“the observer”与选项G中“observe”是同根词复现。故选G项。


【题目】 One of the best ways to pay for college is to find work that helps foot part of the school fee. Here are 4 types of part-time jobs that provide students with extra income.

Jobs with employer scholarships

Some companies offer help paying for college through scholarship programs. Taco Bell, for instance, offers its part- time employees the chance to win up to a $ 25 ,000 award through its Live Mas Scholarship. The award can be used toward vocational schools or a two- or four-year college. Employees must have worked for the company at least three continuous months.


For years the work-study program has allowed students to earn money through part-time work. Students aged between 16 and 24 who file Free Application for Student Aid maybe qualified for the program.While these jobs aren't always on campus, students in work study earn at least $7.25 per hourthe state minimum wage.

Paid internships

A paid internship (实习) can not only help students pay for college but can also open doors for full-time work after graduation .According to a 2019 survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, nearly two-thirds of paid interns received a job offerwhile just about 44% of unpaid interns were offered a job.

On-demand economy jobs

Known for its flexibilitythe jobs can help students earn cash between classes.These on-demand jobs include completing small jobs making deliveries or even driving for ride-booking services.Students can typically earn more through on-demand workranging from $10 to $20 an hour.

1What are the applicants for the work-study program required to do?

A.Submit an application form.

B.Work part time for years.

C.Accept the minimum wage.

D.Live and work one campus.

2What is the advantage of On-demand economy jobs?

A.Providing scholarships.

B.Having fixed workplace.

C.Including an extra award.

D.Offering more job options.

3Which program is of great help for students to find a full-time job?

A.Jobs with employer scholarships.

B.On- demand economy jobs.

C.Paid internships.

D.Work- study.

【题目】 One major reason Americans don’t get enough exercise is that they feel they don’t have enough time. It can be difficult to squeeze in the 75 minutes of aerobic (有氧的) exercise per week that federal guidelines recommend.1.

In a new analysis of 14 studies, researchers tracked deaths among more than 232,000 people from the U.S., Denmark, the U.K. and China over at least five years, and compared the findings with people’s self-reports about how much they ran. People who said they ran any amount were less likely to die than those who didn’t run at all.2 This was true even for those who didn’t log a great deal of time. The analysis divided people into groups, with 50 minutes or less per week representing the group that ran the least―but still ran. ‘‘Regardless of how much you run, you can expect such benefits,” says Zeljko Pedisic, one of the authors of the new analysis published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

The analysis is the latest to illustrate the benefits of running on the human body. It’s what we evolved (进化) to do. 3 But as leisure-time exercise, running keeps us healthy. “One of the best ways to avoid having to see a doctor,” Zeljko says, “is to stay physically active.”

4 Running is good at guarding against cancer partly because it uses up blood sugar, starving the cancer cells that rely on it for fuel. And it protects you in other ways not necessarily measured in the latest research: by decreasing inflammation (炎症), for example, which is at the root of many diseases, and stimulating the production of a protein that improves brain health.

5 Neither were how often people ran and the pace they kept. As long as you’re running, more isn’t always better, especially given that the risk of injury increases with repetition.

A.People may no longer hunt wild animals for their next meal.

B.The physical demands of running affect our body in a beneficial way.

C.Some people run to prevent disease, and others run because it makes them feel better.

D.Runners were 27% less likely to die for any reason, compared with nonrunners.

E.But researchers point out, to infer something like that, they need the whole population measured.

F.But new research suggests people may be able to get life-lengthening benefits by running for far less time.

G.The good news is that running more than 50 minutes per week wasn’t linked to additional protections against dying.

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