
  If you’ve ever seen the way dog people interacted with their pets,it comes as no surprise that there’s some germ-exchanging going on there. A new study indicates that dog ownership specifically may be one of the biggest single contributors to what kinds of microbes living on your skin.

A team of researchers led by Se Jin Song at the University of Colorado,Boulder,took swabs (化验标本) of the tongues,palms,forehead and faeces (排泄物) of members of 60 family households. Some of the families had children or household pets and some did not;dogs were the only pets swabbed.

  Researchers then analyzed the DNA of the bacteria they found to determine how diverse the bacteria populations were. Not surprisingly,family members who lived together had more bacteria in common than members of separate households. Bacteria on the skin were especially similar within households,probably because we pass microbes through the air,through direct contact,and via the surfaces we touch.

  The most surprising finding,however,was the large bacteria contribution Fidonad made. The skin bacteria of dog owners from different households were almost as similar as if they’d cohabited without a dog. Put another way,you and a friend across town who both own dogs share a skin ecosystem as alike as a married couple does.

  The reason for this appears to be that dogs harbor some kinds of bacteria that are rare on human skin. One in particular,a family of bacteria called Methylophilaceae,was abundant in the mouths of dogs sampled as well as the skin of their owners—indicating “a common occurrence of oral-skin transfer between dogs and their owners”,according to the results published in the journal Life.

(   ) 5. From the study,we know that    .

   A. some kinds of bacteria live on our skin because of dog ownership

   B. nobody finds it surprising that there should be some germ-exchanging between dogs and their owners

   C. only dog ownership contributes to the sort of microbes that live on our skin

   D. there would most probably be no microbe on our skin if it were not for dogs

(   ) 6. The research took the following factors into consideration EXCEPT    .

   A. varieties of swabs from members of 60 family households

   B. families with children or household pets

   C. families without children or household pets

   D. dogs being the only pets in the households

(   ) 7. Why did researchers analyze the DNA of the bacte ria they found?

   A. To search for the way microbes pass from one member of a family to another.

   B. To find out the exact number of the bacteria living on human skin and dog skin.

   C. To decide whether the bacteria were of the same kind or not.

   D. To prove that family members who lived together had the same bacteria as the members of separate households.

(   ) 8. What does this passage mainly tell us?

   A. It is unsafe to keep dogs because of microbes.

   B. How many kinds of bacteria live on people’s skin because of dog ownership.

   C. Dog ownership affects the kinds of microbes living on people’s skin.

   D. What are the similarities between people who keep dogs and those who don’t.


5. A细节理解题。由文章第一段中的"A new study indicates that dog ownership specifically may be one of the biggest sin?gle contributors to what kinds of microbes living on your skin."可知,寄居在我们身体上的一些细菌是由于养狗造成的。选项关键词为:live on our skin,dog ownership。

6. D细节理解题。用排除法。由第二段的"…took swabs (化验标本) of the tongues,palms,forehead and faeces (排泄物) of members of 60 family households. Some of the families had children or household pets and some did not:…”可知,在研究中所考虑的因素正好对应选项中的前三项,由此可知选D.

7. C细节理解题。题干关键词为:analyze the DNA of the bac?teria they found„由第三段的第一句话可知,分析他们发现的细菌的DNA是为了判断这些细菌的多样性。选项C中的"decide"对应原文中的"determine";"of the same kind or not" 对应原文的"diverse",

8. C主旨大意题。这是一篇科普类文章,讲述的是一个新的研究发现。该类型的文章通常在文章的开篇点题。第一段的最后一句话揭示了文章.的主题:养狗对于生活在人皮肤上的细菌的影响。下文对这一发现的过程进行了详细的介绍。


 Cheating is nothing new. But today,the Administrative Department for Education finds that examples of academic dishonesty on the part of students have become more frequent—and are less likely to be punished--than in the past. Cheating appears to have gained acceptance among good and poor students alike.

  Why is student cheating on the rise? No one really knows. Some blame the trend on a general loosening of moral values among today’s youth. Others have attributed (归因于) increased cheating to the fact that today’s youth are far more practical than their idealistic ancestors. Whereas in the late sixties and early seventies,students were filled with visions about changing the world,today’s students feel great pressure to survive and succeed. In interviews with students at high schools and colleges around the country,both young men and women said that cheating had become easy. Some suggested they did it out of hate for teachers they didn’t respect. Others looked at it as a game. Only if they were caught,some said,would they feel guilty. “People are com-petitive ,” said a second-year college student named Anna,from Chicago. “There is a potential fear. If you don’t do well,your life is going to be ruined. The pressure is not only from parents and friends but from yourself. To achieve. To succeed. It’s almost as though we have to surpass people to achieve our own goals. ”

  Edward Wynne,editor of a magazine blames the rise in academic dishonesty in the schools. He claims that administrators and teachers have been too hesitant to take action. Dwight Huber,chairman of the English Department at Amarillo sees the matter differently,blaming the rise in cheating on the way students evaluated. “I would cheat if I felt I was being cheated ,” Mr Huber said. He feels that as long as teachers give short-answer tests rather than essay questions and rate students by the number of facts they can memorize rather than by how well they can combine and process information,students will try to beat the system. “The concept of cheating is based on the false belief that the system is legal and there is something wrong with the individuals who’re doing it ,”he said, “that’s too easy an answer. We’ve got to start looking at the system. ”

(   ) 1. Educators are finding that students who cheat      

   A. have poor academic records

   B. use the information in late years

   C. can be academically weak or strong

   D. are more likely to be punished than before

(   ) 2. Which of the following statements reflects the in formation in the passage?

   A. The pressure students faced with is partly the reason causing the student cheating.

   B. Only the educational system and administrators are to blame for the rise in the cheating.

   C. The 1960s’ visions of changing the world helped students never make mistakes.

   D. Punishment for cheaters has always been severe in this country.

(   ) 3. The underlined words “the individuals”in the last paragraph refer to       

   A. students who practise cheating

   B. parents who put pressure on their children

   C. school administrators who approve of short-answer tests

   D. teachers who are too hesitant to take action against cheating

(   ) 4. The author probably would agree with the point of view that        .

   A. students who cheat should be driven out of school

   B. parents alone must take responsibility for the rise in student cheating

   C. the educational system is sound,and students must follow every rule

   D. the educational system in this country would benefit from a thorough evaluation

 Worry problems are everywhere in our daily life. How to solve them? The answer is that we must equip ourselves to deal with different kinds of worries by learning the three basic steps of problem analysis. The three steps are:

  Get the facts.

  Why is it so important to get the facts? Unless you have the facts,you can’t possibly attempt to solve your problem intelligently. Without the facts,all you can do is wondering around in confusion. It is not an easy job to get facts. When you are worried,your emotions are riding high.1.    

  When trying to get the facts,you can pretend that you are collecting this information not for yourself but for some other person.2.        You can also pretend that you are a lawyer preparing to agree. Try to get all the facts both on your side and the other side of the case. You will generally find the truth lies somewhere in between.

  3.        Whenever you are worried,write down the questions that make you worry. And write out all the various steps you could take and then the probable consequences of each step. For example,what am I worrying about? What can I do about it? Here is what I’m going to do about it. After carefully weighing all the facts,you can calmly come to a decision.

  Act on that decision.

  4.        How can you break the worry habit before it breaks you? Crowd worry out of your mind by keeping busy. Plenty of action is one of the best ways to cure worry.5.        If you know a situation is beyond your power,

say to yourself: “It is so;it can’t be otherwise. ”Don’t permit little things to ruin your happiness. Try to cultivate a mental attitude that will bring you peace and happiness.

   A. Accept what can’t be avoided.

   B. Analyze the facts.

   C. There comes a time when you must decide and never look back.

   D. But here are two ideas that can help you see the facts in a clear and objective way.

   E. Unless you take your action,all your face-finding and analysis is a sheer waste of energy.

   F. Decide how much anxiety a thing may be worth.

   G. This will help you to take a cold and fair view of the evidence.

  It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen rain for almost a month. The crops were dying. Cows had stopped giving milk. If we didn’t see some rain soon,we would lose everything.

  I was in the kitchen making lunch for my husband and his brothers when I saw my six-year-old son,Billy,walking towards the woods. He was obviously walking with great effort. Minutes after he disappeared into the woods,he came running out again,towards the house.

  Moments later,however,he was once again walking towards the woods. This activity went on for over an hour: walking cautiously to the woods,then running back to the house. Finally,my curiosity got the best of me. I went out of the house and followed him on his journey.

  He was cupping both hands in front of him as he walked,being very careful not to spill the water he held in them. Branches and thorns (荆棘) slapped his little face but he did not try to avoid them. As I leaned in to spy on him,I saw the most amazing site.

  Several large deer appeared threatening in front of him. But Billy walked right up to them. I almost screamed for him to get away. And I saw a baby deer lying on the ground,obviously suffering from the heavy loss of water,lifting its head with great effort to drink the water cupped in my beautiful boy’s hands.

  I stood on the edge of the woods watching the most beautiful heart working so hard to save a life. As my tears began to hit the ground,they were suddenly joined by other drops...and more drops... and more. I looked up at the sky.  It was as if God,himself,was weeping with pride.

(   ) 1. Why did the author follow her son?

   A. Because there might be some danger.

   B. Because her son was doing a good deed.

   C. Because she was curious.

   D. Because she intended to help.

(   ) 2. Which of the following statements is NOT true ac cording to the passage?

   A. Rain was in great need.

   B. There were few trees in the woods.

   C. Billy carried water with his small hands.

   D. Billy walked into the woods and then returned over and over again.

(   ) 3. What Billy did mainly showed that he was        .

   A. caring   B. beautiful

   C. childlike   D. brave

(   ) 4. Which is the correct order of the development of the story?

① The author was moved to tears.

② Billy fed the water to the baby deer.

③ Billy walked towards the large deer.

④ It began to rain.

⑤ The author’followed Billy into the woods.

   A. ③②⑤①④.   B. ④①③②⑤

   C. ⑤③②①④   D. ⑤②①③④

  When William enrolled himself to learn the piano,the music teacher was reluctant to accept him. “William,1        do you want to learn the piano?” the teacher asked. “I want to play for my mother. ”She noticed the 2        in his eyes as he answered her. She had no heart to 3        him down and accepted him as her student. But at each music lesson,William 4        to be in a hurry and play badly. “My mother is waiting outside for me. ” He 5        tell the teacher. So the teacher had to advise William not to 6        his time because he never hit the right tone.

  Suddenly,William 7        coming for his lessons. At the end of the semester,the music teacher decided to 8       a piano concert for her students and she sent leaflets to them to 9      . She was surprised to find William’s application that he would like to 10 a musical piece.

  The day came and William bowed before the audience and said he was 11        for the music teacher’s patience with him as he might not have been the best of her pupils.

 “Tonight I am 12        my music to my mother,” he said. When the most beautiful sound of music was heard,everyone felt 13      . Later they asked why he didn’t bring his mother as she would surely be 14        to hear him play. William replied, “My mother was 15        deaf and she could never hear me play during her lifetime. Yet she 16        her time and money to let me learn the piano. This morning my mother passed 17      .  I am sure she is now happy as she can hear my piano concert. Everyone was 18        to hear what William said and tears welled over their eyes. ”

  The music teacher proudly 19      ,“William,not only your mother but we all are proud of you. We are deeply 20        by your devotion and your love for your mother. ”

(   ) 1. A. what   B. how

   C. why   D. when

(   ) 2. A. tears   B. embarrassments

   C. depressions   D. delights

(   ) 3. A. calm   B. turn

   C. bring   D. break

(   ) 4. A. intended   B. claimed

   C. pretended   D. appeared

(   ) 5. A. should   B. could

   C. would   D. might

(   ) 6. A. waste   B. save

   C. cost   D. cherish

(   ) 7. A. started   B. remembered

   C. regretted,   D. stopped

(   ) 8. A. organize   B. discuss

   C. imagine   D. cancel

(   ) 9. A. offer   B. participate

   C. arrange   D. comment

(   ) 10. A. draw   B. explain

   C. contribute   D. release

(   ) 11. A. beneficial   B. desperate

   C. thankful   D. hopeful

(   ) 12. A. sparing   B. treasuring

   C. spending   D. devoting

(   ) 13. A. terrified   B. amazed

   C. disappointed   D. honoured

(   ) 14. A. proud   B. calm

   C. harmonious   D. peaceful

(   ) 15. A. soil   B. sand

   C. water   D. stone

(   ) 16. A. sacrificed   B. valued

   C. scheduled   D. absorbed

(   ) 17. A. through   B. away

   C. on   D. by

(   ) 18. A. scared   B. terrified

   C. electrified   D. streamed  

(   ) 19. A. envied   B. admired

   C. forgave   D. praised

(   ) 20. A. understood   B. touched

   C. guided   D. shamed

 How to pass an important test Whether it’s a first grade science test or College Entrance Exam,all tests have one thing in common: you have to pass.

1.        Stuck in a situation where you don’t know what to do? This article can help.


★ 1. Once you get the study guide,make plans right away to study as soon as possible. No excuses!Killing time with friends isn’t worth it,since you can always hang out with them any other day.

★ 2. Get plenty of rest.

2.      If you walk into the classroom sleepily,you’ll most likely not finish the test because you are so tired.

★ 3. Eat a good meal for breakfast.

3.      Some healthy breakfast suggestions are oatmeal (燕麦片) ,high fibre food,and grapefruit with the fresh fruit salad.

★ 4. Bring all necessary materials.

4.        Bring pencils,pens,pencil sharpeners,snacks (if allowed) , erasers,the calculator (if allowed) and anything else you’ll need for the test.

★ 5. 5.        Showing up late cuts back the time you’ll have to take for the test if it’s already testing hours. You’ll probably miss any important information needed in completing the test. In some tests,late comers are not allowed to take the test.

   A. The exam tests vocabulary,reading and maths skills.

   B. One piece of cheese probably won’t last until test time.

   C. Don’t forget to set your alarm clock and show up on the test day on time.

   D. Studies show that if you get enough sleep,your brain will be much more efficient.

   E. Showing up without something as simple as a pencil can make a big effect on your test.

   F. Failing the test won’t help you in the long run,so it’s important to know how to prepare to pass that big test.

   G. This test is a challenging one and every year many students are unable to qualify it just because of lack of guidance.

  When you are little,it’s not hard to believe you can change the world. I remember my 1        when,at the age of 12,I 2        delegates at the Rio Earth Summit. “I am only a child,” I told them. “Yet I know that if all the money spent on war was spent on 3        poverty and finding environmental answers,4________ a wonderful place this would be. In school you teach us not to 5        others,to work things out,to respect others,to clean up our mess,not to hurt other creatures,to 6________,not to be greedy. Then why do you go out and do the thing you tell us not to do? You grown-ups say you love us,but I 7        you,please,to make your 8        reflect your words. ”

  I spoke for six minutes and received a standing ovation (长时间的喝彩) • Some of the delegates 9        cried. I thought that maybe I had 10        some of them,that my speech might actually spur (激励) action. Now,a decade from Rio,after I’ve sat through many more conferences,I'm not sure what has been accomplished. My confidence in the people in power and in the power of an individual’s voice to reach them has been deeply shaken.

  When I was little,the world was simple. But as a young adult,I’m learning that as we have to make 11________education,career,lifestyle—life gets more and more 12________. We are beginning to feel 13      to produce and be successful. We are taught that economic growth is 14________,but aren’t taught how to 15________ a happy,healthy or sustainable (可持续的) way of living. And we are learning that what we wanted for the future when we were 12 was ideal and 16________.

Today I’m no longer a child,but I'm worried about what kind of 17________ my children will grow up in. I know change is 18________,because I am changing,still figuring out what I think. I am still deciding how to live my life. The challenges are great,19        if we accept individual responsibility and make sustainable choices,we will rise to the challenges,and we will become part of the 20        tide of change.

(   ) 1. A. feeling   B. pleasure

   C. enthusiasm   D. disappointment

(   ) 2. A. addressed   B. argued

   C. instructed   D. informed

(   ) 3. A. helping   B. ending

   C. destroying   D. changing

(   ) 4. A. which   B. that

   C. what   D. how

(   ) 5. A. fight with   B. compete with

   C. compare with   D. argue with

(   ) 6. A. gain   B. share

   C. save   D. enjoy

(   ) 7. A. challenge   B. respond

   C. forgive   D. force

(   ) 8. A. emotion   B. actions

   C. inspiration   D. deeds

(   ) 9. A. even   B. ever

   C. still   D. already

(   ) 10. A. satisfied   B. reached

   C. emphasized   D. disturbed

(   ) 11. A. money   B. friends

   C. living   D. choices I

(   ) 12. A. necessary   B. comfortable

   C. interesting   D. complicated j

(   ) 13. A. happiness   B. promise

   C. pressure   D. depression

(   ) 14. A. in relief   B. in peace

   C. in progress   D. in danger

(   ) 15. A. lead   B. ignore

   C. find   D. pursue

(   ) 16. A. romantic   B. beautiful

   C. innocent   D. puzzling

(   ) 17. A. environment   B. house

   C. land   D. condition

(   ) 18. A. hard   B. possible

   C. flexible   D. fragile

(   ) 19. A. though   B. however

   C. and   D. but

(   ) 20. A. positive   B. passive

   C. important   D. independent

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