
Dear fellow students:

I am Li Ming from Class Two, Senior Three. Today I am very glad to stand here and run for the post of chairman of the Students’ Union of our school. I think I am a very active person and always ready to help those who need help. Furthermore, I have the experience to have been the monitor of our class for 3 years and keen on the service for you, so I am sure I am qualified for it.

If I am lucky enough to win the election, the first thing I will do is to enrich our students’ after-class activities. Owing to the efforts of our school, now more and more students have got involved in various after-class activities. I think they have benefited us a lot, because after a whole day’s heavy work, it is great to have a relaxation from the activities, which will not only improve our social ability but also make us healthier. However, not all of us have realized that yet.

Also I will do something to improve our study activities. So please give me a chance and vote for me. Believe in me. I am your best choice!

That’s all, thank you!


















【题目】Even plant can run a fever, especially when they're under attack by insects or disease. But unlike human, plants can have their temperature taken from 3,000 feet away straight up. A decade ago, adopting the infrared (红外线)scanning technology developed for military purposes and other satellites, physicist Stephen Paley came up with a quick way to take the temperature of crops to determine which ones are under stress. The goal was to let farmers precisely target pesticide (杀虫剂)spraying rather than rain poison on a whole field, which invariably includes plants that don't have pest(害虫)problems.

Even better, Foley's Remote Scanning Services Company could detect crop problems before they became visible to the eyes. Mounted on a plane flown at 3,000 feet at night, an infrared scanner measured the heat emitted by crops. The data were transformed into a color-coded map showing where plants were running " fevers". Farmers could then spot-spray, using 50 to 70 percent less pesticide than they otherwise would.

The bad news is that Paley's company closed down in 1984,after only three years. Farmers resisted the new technology and long-terra backers were hard to find. But with the renewed concern about pesticides on produce, and refinements in infrared scanning, Paley hopes to get back into operation. Agriculture experts have no doubt the technology works. " This technique can be used on 75 percent of agricultural land in the United States," says George Oerther of Texas A & M. Ray Jackson, who recently retired from the Department of Agriculture, thinks remote infrared crop scanning could be adopted by the end of the decade. But only if Paley finds the financial backing which he failed to obtain 10 years ago.

【1】 Plants will emit an increased amount of heat when they are __________.

A. sprayed with pesticides

B. facing an infrared scanner

C. in poor physical condition

D. exposed to excessive sun rays

【2】 In order to apply pesticide spraying precisely, we can use infra-red scanning to __________.

A. estimate the damage to the crops

B. measure the size of the affected area

C. draw a color-coded map

D. locate the problem area

【3】 Farmers can save a considerable amount of pesticide by __________.

A. resorting to spot-spraying

B. consulting infrared scanning experts

C. transforming poisoned rain

D. detecting crop problems at an early stage

【4】 The application of infrared scanning technology to agriculture met with some difficulties. For example,__________.

A. the lack of official support

B. its high cost

C. the lack of financial support

D. its failure to help increase production

【5】 Infrared scanning technology may be brought back into operation because of __________.

A. the desire of farmers to improve the quality of their produce

B. growing concern about the excessive use of pesticides on crops

C. the forceful promotion by the Department of Agriculture

D. full support from agricultural experts

【题目】In 1939 two brothers, Mac and Dick McDonald, started a drive-in restaurant in San Bernadino, California. They carefully chose a busy corner for their location. They had run their own businesses for years, first a theater, then a barbecue(烤肉) restaurant, then another drive-in. But in their new operation, they offered a new, shortened menu: French fries, hamburgers, and sodas. To this small selection they added one new idea: quick service, no waiters or waitresses, and no tips.

Their hamburgers sold for fifteen cents. Cheese was another four cents. Their French fries and hamburgers had a remarkable uniformity(一致性), for the brothers had developed a strict routine(程序) for the preparation of their food, and they insisted on their cooks sticking to their routine. Their new drive-in became surprisingly popular, particularly for lunch. People drove up by the hundreds during the busy noontime. The self-service restaurant was so popular that the brothers had allowed ten copies of their restaurant to be opened. They were content with this modest success until they met Ray Kroc.

Kroc was a salesman who met the McDonald brothers in 1954, when he was selling milkshake-mixing machines. He quickly saw the special attraction of the brothers’ fast-food restaurants and bought the right to franchise(特许经营) other copies of their restaurants. The agreement included the right to duplicate(复制) the menu, the equipment, even their red and white buildings with the golden arches(拱门).

Today McDonald’s is really a household name. In 1976, McDonald’s had over $ l billion in total sales. Its first twenty-two years is one of the most surprising success stories in modern American business history.

1This passage mainly talks about _______.

A. the development of fast food services

B. how McDonald’s became a billion-dollar business

C. the business careers of Mac and Dick McDonald

D. Ray Kroc’s business talent

2Mac and Dick managed all of the following businesses except _______.

A. a drive-in B. a theater

C. a cinema D. a barbecue restaurant

3We may infer from this passage that _______.

A. Mac and Dick McDonald never became wealthy for they sold their idea to Kroc.

B. the place the McDonalds chose was the only source of the great popularity of their drive-in

C. forty years ago there were lots of fast-food restaurants

D. Ray Kroc was a good businessman

4The passage suggests that _______.

A. creativity is an important element of business success

B. Ray Kroc was the close partner of the McDonald brothers

C. Mac and Dick McDonald became broken after they sold their ideas to Ray Kroc

D. California is the best place to go into business

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