
Ecotourism (生态旅游) 1.(grow) in popularity. It is 2.(common) agreed that ecotourism must preserve the wildlife and culture of the area, benefit the local people and the local community, make a profit without3. (destroy) natural resources and provide an experience that tourists want to pay for. In a true ecotourism project, a nature reserve 4.(allow) a small number of tourists to visit 5. rare animals and uses the money that is earned 6.(continue) with important conservation work. The local people not only have jobs in the nature reserve as guides and keepers, but have a voice in how the project develops. Tourists stay in local houses with local people, not in specially 7.(build) hotels. They experience the local culture and do not take precious energy and water away from the local population. They travel on foot, by boat, bicycle or elephant so that there is no pollution. You can apply the principles of ecotourism 8. you go for your holiday. Leave nothing 9. you except footprints and take nothing away except photographs. Don’t buy souvenirs made from 10. (danger) animals or plants.


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1.What can you do after joining Mac Kids Book Club?

A. Create your book store. B. Earn much money.

C. Share books and movies. D. Discuss your study..

2.You can enter the Free Book giveaway ________.

A. on the Internet. B. by telephone.

C. in the bank. D. by email

3.Who can be allowed to sign up for Free iDOGO ID?

A. British pupils. B. Chinese teenagers.

C. American pupils D. American adults.

4.This text is most probably taken from___________.

A. a research paper B. a newspaper report

C. a class presentation D. an online advertisement.

The introduction of the iPad,with its touch screen technology,has allowed even very young children to take advantage of a computer.So what if all children in a school were given an iPad to use in class and take home with them?

Anne Laure Bazin works in a school where every child,teacher and teaching assistant is given a free iPad to use in and out of lessons.For her,the main advantage of everyone having an iPad had been the improvement in communication.Documents can be emailed straight over to workmates during a meeting.Children submit their homework by email,or through the school’s learning environment.Teachers now take the register(点名)using their iPad,which means that there is a record of which children are in school,and which classroom they are in.

The use of iPad has encouraged greater sharing of resources among teacher.All communication with parents is now done by email.Working as a group in class is much easier as children can share documents.The whole class can look at one child’s work by attaching(连接)the iPad to the whiteboard.If a child has forgotten the textbook,the teacher can take a photograph of the relevant(相关的)page and send it to the student in class.

While the use of the iPad in schools has revolutionized(变革)the way children are taught ,it hasn’t completely replaced more traditional methods of teaching .Worksheets are still used in class as some children prefer the contact with paper.The children all have a textbook and exercise books.In Anne Laure’s school,parents feared that the iPads would replace exercise books and children would lose handwriting skills.Anne Laure says,” The teacher are not ready to let go of the traditional style of teaching.We have welcomed the iPads in so much as they help communication and widen the resources available but we are not ready to let go of paper yet.The children themselves still value their exercise books and depend on them for review.”

1.The underlined word “submit” in the second paragraph means________.

A. discuss B. share

C. hand in D. send out

2.What is an advantage of using iPads in the classroom?

A. It saved students bringing the textbooks.

B. It reduces parents’ worry about teaching.

C. It improves the relationship between teachers.

D. It makes it convenient to share information.

3.What is parents’ attitude towards the use of iPads in the classroom?

A. Worried B. Indifferent

C. Annoyed D. Doubtful

4.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. Teachers prefer traditional methods of teaching.

B. The iPads won’t take the place of printed materials.

C. More and more schools are using iPads.

D. Exercise books are more valuable now.

An online map showing in real-time how busy some of Beijing's best known sites are has been designed for tourists and residents so they can plan their visits. The map, developed by the Beijing Cyberspace Administration and the Beijing Commission of Tourism Development, monitors four popular scenic spots across the capital - the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace and Olympic Forest Park.

People who want to visit the sites can see which parking lots have spaces free, and how crowded the venues are.

The map, at present available only in Chinese, has been designed by Sogou Inc, the Chinese search engine owned by Sohu.com Inc, and will be expanded to cover more sites across China. There are also plans to turn it into an app for smartphones.

"If there are traffic jams around these tourism destinations, roads on the map will turn red, and if visitors want to drive to the places, the map will provide every parking area in and near the spots and show a real-time monitor of empty parking lots at the same time," said Kong Xianglai, the designer and producer of the map from Sogou.

To make the information as clear and simple as possible, some buildings and streets around the sites have been removed from the map if they are not necessary, Kong said.

"Users will also see peaks in visitor numbers and where crowds are at these destinations on the map, so it is helpful for them to plan and select a travel time," he said.

1.The online map is especially helpful for those who want to visit ______.

A. Qinghai Lake B. the Great Wall

C. the Yellow Grane Tower D. the Summer Palace

2.What can visitors learn from the online map?

A. How crowded the streets in Shanghai are .

B. Which parking lots in and near Olympic Forest Park are empty.

C. Whether there are traffic jams in 50 top tourist spots across the country.

D. The number of the visitors in all scenic spots across Beijing.

3.According to Kong Xianglai, the online map is ________.

A. Useful B. Unnecessary

C. Expensive D. Complex

4.The text is most likely to be taken from_______.

A. A science textbook B. A museum guide

C. A study report D. A news report

Getting older is a natural part of life. Changes as you get older are usually gradual. Certain physical changes are common. How fast your body can burn calories slows over time, which means that your body needs less food energy than before.

How much and how well you sleep will likely change. Most people start needing reading glasses around forty, and many have some hearing loss later in life. Starting in your fifties, bone aging increase. How you feel as you get older depends on many things, including what health problems run in your family and the choices you make.

If your family members have diseases or chronic (慢性的) health problems like high blood pressure, then you may have a greater chance of having those problems yourself. But it doesn’t mean you will definitely have the same problems. Actually, the lifestyle choices you make can help reduce your chances of getting illness that run in your family. And even if you do get a family illness, choosing to be physically active, to eat healthy foods, and to learn how to deal with stress can keep the illness from destroying your ability to enjoy your golden years.

What do you need to do to feel your best as you age? One of the most important things you can do for your health at any age is to be physically active. Physical activity keeps your body strong, and it helps with how you feel. People who stay active are less likely to get depressed.

Your mental and emotional health is also important. Protect or improve your emotional health by staying in touch with friends, family, and the community. People who feel connected to others are more likely to feel happy than those who do not.

1.When people get older, they will __________.

A. need some help B. look back to their past often

C. consume(消耗)more calories D. go through some physical problems.

2.Which of the following can NOT mostly affect old people’s health?

A. Their family illness. B. The money they have..

C. Their eating habits. D. Their relationship with others

3.The underlined phrase “golden years” in paragraph 3 refer to a person’s ________.

A. future B. holidays

C. later life D. leisure(空闲的) time

4.How can old people avoid loneliness according to the text?

A. To make new friends. B. To have enough social connections.

C. To be physically active. D. To live with their family members.

How to write a Letter to Parents

As a teacher, one of the most difficult parts of your job is working with parents. 1. Writing a letter to parents is one way to do this. If you do it properly, this is an excellent way to communicate when you cannot meet with parents face to face.

·Put positive communication in the letter, even if you are writing to discuss a problem. 2. Even if it is difficult, you must find this positive spin(言辞), because it will make the parents more open to what you have to discuss. The general rule is “start with the good, hit them with the bad, then end on a positive note”.

·Share the problem with the parents. Express your concern and desire to help. 3. Show them through the letter that you want to work with them to find a solution to the problem.

·4. You can ask them to write back, sign a part of the letter or give you a call. If you do not hear from them, you should call them. Be caring, but make sure they got the communication. Remember, your goal is to work together to help their child succeed.

·Consider mailing the letter to the parent, rather than sending it home with the student. Some students will intentionally forget to give the letter to their parents, while others will accidentally or purposely lose the letter. 5.

A. Ask for a response.

B. Respect parents and never quarrel with them.

C. Whenever you meet with problems, you should keep cool.

D. Sending it in the mail makes it more certain that it will be received.

E. Do not place it completely on their shoulders, as they may hate this action.

F. You can do this by pointing out a little progress the child has made recently.

G. With proper communication, however, you can build bridges between the school and home.

With this letter I want to give up on my kitchen duties,until there is clear evidence of mutual respect(互相尊重)within the home.

For years it has been thought that I will be the one to pick up the dropped socks,turn off lights,turn on the dishwasher.But I reached my breaking point this weekend.Everyone was happy when the dog found a piece of bone. He played with it,carried it around and dropped it.You all watched,took photos,had fun and then went away.I was left finishing the lunch tidy-up,my heart warmed by all your laughter.

Until I came across the piece of fruit in some dog hair in the middle of the carpet.You had all seen it and walked away.Did anyone really want to pick it up?I don't mind walking the dog and bathing the cat.We have chosen to look after them.I'm building a family,a home filled with love.

But look at you now! My husband,with your job growing,each step forward,you have more challenges to conquer(战胜).My children,wonderful teenagers and young adults growing into yourselves,you are living your free lives.I love you all more than anything else in this world.But something went wrong—I became static(静止的).I became less the heart of the family,more the caretaker.

We are a family,a unit that lives and loves in a mutually supportive way.I'm inviting you to step up and join in. My position is open for discussion but never again will I play the role of cook and bottle washer.I will continue to cook at times—I love to do so—but only when I have the time.I have a life to live as well.

Your loving wife and mother

1.When the writer heard other members' laughter,she felt .

A. angry B. unequal

C. sad D. warm

2.According to the writer,how will the problem mentioned in this letter be solved?

A. She won't do the cooking at all.

B. She will act as the leader of the family.

C. She will find someone to do the housework.

D. Everyone will take his share to take care of the family.

3.To whom did the writer write this letter?

A. Her mother. B. Caretakers.

C. Her husband and children. D. Housewives.

4.Why did the writer write this letter?

A. To ask for respect from the family.

B. To offer housewives some suggestions.

C. To call on readers to help her.

D. To express her love to the family.

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