
How to write a Letter to Parents

As a teacher, one of the most difficult parts of your job is working with parents. 1. Writing a letter to parents is one way to do this. If you do it properly, this is an excellent way to communicate when you cannot meet with parents face to face.

·Put positive communication in the letter, even if you are writing to discuss a problem. 2. Even if it is difficult, you must find this positive spin(言辞), because it will make the parents more open to what you have to discuss. The general rule is “start with the good, hit them with the bad, then end on a positive note”.

·Share the problem with the parents. Express your concern and desire to help. 3. Show them through the letter that you want to work with them to find a solution to the problem.

·4. You can ask them to write back, sign a part of the letter or give you a call. If you do not hear from them, you should call them. Be caring, but make sure they got the communication. Remember, your goal is to work together to help their child succeed.

·Consider mailing the letter to the parent, rather than sending it home with the student. Some students will intentionally forget to give the letter to their parents, while others will accidentally or purposely lose the letter. 5.

A. Ask for a response.

B. Respect parents and never quarrel with them.

C. Whenever you meet with problems, you should keep cool.

D. Sending it in the mail makes it more certain that it will be received.

E. Do not place it completely on their shoulders, as they may hate this action.

F. You can do this by pointing out a little progress the child has made recently.

G. With proper communication, however, you can build bridges between the school and home.



Little Lady Starts Big War

Harriet Beecher Stowe had poured her heart into her anti-slavery book "Uncle Tom's Cabin."1.The publisher was so doubtful that he wanted her to split the publishing costs with him, and all she hoped was that it would make enough money for her to buy a new silk dress.

But when the first 5,000 copies were printed in 1852. They sold out in two days. In a year the book had sold 300,000 copies in the United States and150,000 in England.2.Within six months of its release, a play was made from the book which ran 350 performances in New York and remained America's most popular play for 80 years. It might appear that "Uncle Tom's Cabins was universally popular, but this was certainly not true. Many people during those pre-Civil War days--particularly defenders of the slavery system--condemned it as false propaganda and poorly written melodrama (传奇剧作品).

Harriet did have strong religious views against slavery (When asked how she came to write the book, she replied: "God wrote it."), and she tried to convince people slavery was wrong, so perhaps the book could be considered propaganda.3.

Though she was born in Connecticut in 1832, as a young woman she moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, when her father accepted the presidency of newly founded Lane Theological Seminary (神学院). Ohio was a free state, but just across the Ohio River in Kentucky, Harriet saw slavery in action.4. In 1851, Harriet Beecher Stowe began her book.

Its vast influence strengthened the anti-slavery movement and angered defenders of the slave system.5.

In fact, when Abraham Lincoln met Harriet at the White House during the Civil War, he said, "So, this is the little lady who started this big war."

A She had read a lot about the slavery system.

B Today some historians think that it helped bring on the American Civil War.

C But if so, it was true propaganda, because it accurately described the evils of slavery.

D For a while it outsold every book in the world, except the Bible.

E But neither she nor her first publisher thought it would be a big success.

F She lived 18 years in Cincinnati, marrying Calvin Stowe, professor of a college.

G She began her replies.


Date: December 10, 2016 Invoice No: D15454978E

Purchase Order No:8928 Bill of loading/ Air Waybill No:2309456703W

Contact name: Dan Richman

Company name: Scan Technology, Ltd.

Company address: 2, South Wabash

Chicago, IL60637

Telephone number: (1) 319 554 811

E-mail: danrichman@scantech.com


Contact name: Lee Haojie

Company name: First Computers Co.

Company address: 35 HeDong Road Beijing, China

Telephone number: (86) 134591102

E-mail: haojie@first.com.cn

Goods Description

Model number


Country of Origin

Unit Value

Total Value

80211 Handheld







80211Base Communicator






80211 Cables and







Comments: Mr. Lee, I am able to offer a 8% discount since your total purchase is above $500. We value your business and are looking forward to more opportunities with you.

Invoice Sub Total






Invoice Total


Shipper's signature

:Dan Richman

Number of Package


Total Weight


To: Debbie Hu

From: Lee Haojie

Subject: Handheld Scanners

Ms. Hu, I received the parcel from Scan Technology 1 piece. The scanner model they sent is correct, and the quantity is right. However, I’ve discovered the cables and connectors are all wrong. They are not suitable for the model 8021101.

Can you do me a small favor and go through the product information website and see if the cables and connectors are still compatible (兼容的)with the 8021101 scanners? I have no wish to unpack the cables and connectors and try connecting them to the scanners. I believe we will have problem asking for an exchange if the cables and connectors are not compatible. If the website suggests an incompatibility, please contact Dan Richman and request an exchange for the collect model. (Refer to the invoice for his e-mail address.)

I will only use the scanners for our project once we have resolved the exchange issue. We should not proceed unless we get confirmation (证实)on their compatibility. I am looking to resolve this in the shortest possible time as it would be disastrous to wait for this exchange without making progress on the project.


1.Which of the following information is NOT included in the invoice?

A. The weight of the individual items.

B. The sender's address.

C. The names of the items sent.

D. The consignee's contact number.

2.What can be indicated from the invoice?

A. Mr. Lee is a regular customer.

B. The company only sends shipments to China.

C. The company provides a discount on purchases of over $ 500.

D. The shipment will arrive at its point of destination on December 10.

3.What is stopping Mr. Lee from opening all the packages?

A. He wants to send them back.

B. He is going to forward them to Ms. Hu.

C. He received some items addressed to someone else.

D. He wants to double-check on the adaptability of some items.

4.Which of the following does Ms. Hu need to know from the invoice if the cables are found to be incompatible with the scanner?

A. Model number: 8021101

B. E-mail address: danrichman@scantech.com

C. Company address: 35 HeDong Road

D. Air Waybill No: 2309456703W

When it's five o'clock,people leave their office.The length of the workday,for many workers,is defined by time. They leave when the clock tells them they're done.

These days,the time is everywhere: not just on clocks or watches,but on cell-phones and computers.That may be a bad thing,particularly at work.New research shows on that clock-based work schedules hinder morale and creativity.

Clock-timers organize their day by blocks of minutes and hours.For example: a meeting from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., research from 10 a.m.to noon,etc.On the other hand,task-timers have a list of things they want to accomplish.They work down the list,each task starts when the previous task is completed.It is said that all of us employ a mix of both these types of planning.

What,then,are the effects of thinking about time in these different ways? Does one make us more productive? Better at the tasks at hand? Happier? In experiments conducted by Tamar Avnet and Anne-Laure Sellier,they had participints organize different activities-from project planning,holiday shopping,to yoga-by time or to-do list to measure how they performed under "clock time" vs "task time".They found clock timers to be more efficient but less happy because they felt little control over their lives.Task timers are happier and more creative,but less productive. They tend to enjoy the moment when something good is happening,and seize opportunities that come up.

The researchers argue that task-based organizing tends to be undervalued and under-supported in the business culture.Smart companies,they believe,will try to bake more task-based planning into their strategies.

This might be a small change to the way we view work and the office,but the researchers argue that it challenges a widespread characteristic of the economy: work organized by clock time.While most people will still probably need,and be,to some extent,clock-timers,task-based timing should be used when performing a job that requires more creativity.It'll make those tasks easier,and the task-doers will be happier.

1.What does the author think of time displayed everywhere?

A. It makes everybody aware of time.

B. It is a convenience for work and life.

C. It may have a negative effect on creative work.

D. It clearly indicates the fast pace of modern life.

2.What did Tamar Avnet and Anne-Laure Sellier find in their experiments about clock-timers ?

A. They seize opportunities as they come up.

B. They always get their work done in time.

C. They have more control over their lives.

D. They tend to be more productive.

3.What do the researchers say about today's business culture?

A. It does not support the strategies adopted by smart companies.

B. It does not attach enough importance to task-based practice.

C. It places more emphasis on work efficiency than on workers’ lives.

D. It aims to bring employees' potential and creativity into full play.

4.What do the researchers suggest?

A. Task-based timing is preferred for doing creative work.

B. It is important to keep a balance between work and life.

C. Performing creative jobs tends to make workers happier.

D. A scientific standard should be adopted in job evaluation.

As we know, DNA testing is very useful for crime fighting. But now crime fighters could have a new tool at hand. Researchers have developed a cutting-edge (前沿的) technique to identify human hair. Their test is quicker than DNA analysis techniques currently used by the police.

DNA testing is commonly used for identification because DNA is unique to each individual. However, environmental and chemical processes can degrade(降解) DNA, limiting its usefulness over time. Protein (蛋白质) in hair, on the other hand, is more stable than DNA but can also have variations (变异体) that may be unique to the individual.

“Our analysis process can be used universally, ”says Ms. Huang, “One of our samples even included dyed hair and the test was 100 per cent accurate. The test was able to distinguish East Asians, Caucasians and South Asians.”

Dr. Beauchemin says she has got in touch with law enforcement agencies about using the new technology. She is also planning to collect more hair samples and continue her research with a goal of finding where exactly in the world hair sample is from, to look for more races and determine specific age.

“We are in a very similar place with protein-based identification to where DNA testing was during the early days of development,” said chemist Brad Hart. “This method will be a game-changer, and while we’ve made a lot of progress toward improving it, there are steps to go before this new technique is able to reach its full potential.”

1.What’s the main purpose of the text?

A. To analyze crime scenes.

B. To distinguish different races.

C. To show the usefulness of DNA testing.

D. To introduce a new identification method.

2.Which will be the most useful in identifying a person according to Brad Hart?

A. Chemical materials. B. Protein in hair.

C. DNA variations. D. Blood sample.

3.What’s the advantage of the protein-based identification over DNA testing?

A. Stability. B. Popularity.

C. Security. D. Convenience.

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph of the text?

A. DNA testing will soon reach its full potential.

B. Protein-based identification remains to be improved.

C. Protein-based identification has replaced DNA testing.

D. DNA testing develops as rapidly as protein-based identification.

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