
10.At Blossom End Railroad Station,22-year-old Stanley Vine sat,waiting for his new employer.The surrounding green fields were so unlike the muddy landscape of war-torn France.After four horrible years as a solider in Europe,Stanley returned to England in February 1946.Armed now with some savings and with no possibility of finding a job in England,he answered a newspaper ad for farm help in Canada.Two months later he was on his way.
Stanley rose to his feet,trying to make the most of his five foot and four inches frame.The farmer,Alphonse Lapine,shook his head,"You're a skinny thing."On the way to his dairy farm,Alphonse explained that he had a wife and seven kids."Money is tight.You'll get up at dawn for milking,and then help me around the farm until evening milking time again.Ten dollars a week.Sundays off."Stanley nodded.He had never been on a farm before,but he took the job.
From the beginning Stanley was treated horribly by the whole family.They made fun of the way he dressed and talked.He could do nothing right.The humourless farmer frequently lost his temper,criticizing Stanley for the slightest mistake.The oldest son,13-year-old Armand,constantly played tricks on him.But Stanley never responded.
Stanley never became part of the Lapine family.After work,they ignored him.He spent his nights alone in a tiny bedroom.However,each evening before going to bed,he lovingly cared for the farmer's horses.On Saturday nights he hiked into the nearest town and wandered the streets or enjoyed a restaurant meal before returning to the farm.
Early one November morning Alphonse Lapine discovered that Stanley had disappeared,after working for only six months.The railway station master,when questioned later that week,said he had not seen him.In fact no one in the community ever heard of him again.That is,until one evening,almost 20 years later,when Armand opened an American sports magazine and came across a shocking headline,"Millionaire jockey,Stanley Vine,ex-British soldier and 5-time horse riding champion,began life in North America as a farmhand in Canada."

56.Stanley decided to go to Canada becauseC.
A.he wanted to escape from war-torn France
B.he wanted to serve in the Canadian army
C.he couldn't find a job in England
D.he loved working as a farmhand
57.We can know from the passage thatD.
A.Stanley joined the French army when he was 18 years old
B.on the farm Stanley had to milk the cows 14 times a week
C.the Lapine family were rich but cruel to Stanley
D.Stanley read about the job offer in a newspaper
58.What did Stanley like doing after work each day?B
A.Hiking to different towns.
B.Caring for the farmer's horses.
C.Wandering around the farm alone.
D.Preparing meals on the farm.
59.Why was Armand so astonished when he read about Stanley in the magazine?D
A.He didn't know Stanley had been a British soldier.
B.He had no idea Stanley had always been a wealthy man.
C.He didn't know his father paid Stanley so little money.
D.He didn't expect Stanley to become such a success.

分析 本文是一篇人物故事类阅读.主要讲述了Stanley退役后,在英国找不到工作,来到加拿大当了一名农场助理.但在农场主家受尽不公正待遇,悄然离开.若干年后,他竟然成了一名体育明星.

解答 56.C细节理解题.根据"Armed now with some savings and with no prospects for a job in England,he answered a newspaper ad for farm help in Canada."可知,Stanley Vine自己不能在英国找到一个工作,所以去了加拿大.故选C
57.D细节判断题.根据"he answered a newspaper ad for farm help in Canada."可知,Stanley Vine的工作时通过在报纸上看到的.故选D.
58.B细节理解题.根据"he lovingly cared for the farmer's horses,eagerly awaiting him at the field gate."可知他下班后就非常悉心的照顾农场主的马.故选B.
59.D推断判断题.从最后三段来看,Alphonse Lapine一家人对Stanley Vine非常的苛刻,也很瞧不起他,Armand 没有意料到多年之后,Stanley Vine会是如此的成功.故选D.

点评 本文是一个人物故事类阅读理解.题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要联系上下文根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

19.Men are spending more and more time in the kitchen encouraged by celebrity (名人) chefs like Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver,according to a report from Oxford University.
The effect of the celebrity role models,who have given cooking a more manly picture,has combined with a more general drive towards sexual equality and men now spend more than twice the amount of time preparing meals than they did in 1961.
According to the research by Prof.Jonatahn Gershuny,who runs the Centre for Time Research at Oxford,men now spend more than half an hour a day cooking,up from just 12 minutes a day in 1961.
Prof.Gershuny said,"The man in the kitchen is part of a much wider social trend.There has been 40yars of sexual equality,but there is another 40years probably to com."
Women,who a generation ago spent nearly two hours a day cooking,now sped just one hour and seven minutes-a great fall,but they still spend far more time in the kitchen than men.
Some experts have named these men in aprons as"Gastrosexuals (men using cooking skills to impress friends)",who have been inspired to pick up a kitchen knife by the success of Ramsay,Oliver as well as other male celebrity chefs such as Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall,Marco Pierre White and Keith Floyd.
"I was married in 1974.When my father came to visit me a few weeks later,I was wearing an apron when I opened the door.He laughed,"said Prof.Gershuny."That would never happen now."
Two-thirds of adults say that they come together to share at least three times a week,even if it is not necessarily around a kitchen or dining room table.Prof.Gershuny pointed out that the family meal was now rarely eaten by all of its members around a table-with many"family meals"in fact taken on the sofa in the sitting room,and shared by family members."The family meal has changed a lot,and few of us eat-as I did when I was a child-at least two meals a day together as a family.But it has survived in a different format."

28.What is one reason behid the trend that men spend more time cooking than before?D
A.The improvement of cooks'status.
B.The influence of popular female chefs.
C.The change of female's view on cooking.
D.The development of sexual equality campaign.
29.What does the author think about the time men and women spend on cooking?B
A.Men spend more time cooking than women nowadays.
B.Women spend much less time on cooking than before.
C.It will take 40years before men spend more time at the stove than women.
D.There is a sharp decline in the time men spend on cooking compared with 1961.
30.How did Prof.Gershuny see the family meal according to the passage?B
A.It has become a thing of the past.
B.It is very different from what it used to be.
C.It shouldn't be advocated in modern times.
D.It is beneficial to the stability of the family.
31.Which is the best title for the passage?C
A.The Changes of Family Meals
B.Equality between Men and Women
C.Cooking into a New Trend for Men
D.Cooking-a Thing of the Past for Women.
20.ChancesI really love my job because I enjoy working with small children and like the challenges and awards from the job.I also think my work is important.There was a time when I thought I would never have that sort of career(职业).
I wasn't an excellent student because I didn't do much schoolwork.In my final term I started thinking what I might do and found I didn‘t have much to offer.I just accepted that I wasn't the type to have a career.
I then found myself a job.Looking after two little girls.It wasn't too bad at first.But the problems began when I agreed to live in,so that I would be there if my boss had to go out for business in the evening.We agreed that if I had to work extra hours one week,she'd give me time off the next.But unfortunately,it didn't often work out.I was getting extremely tired and fed up,because I had too many late nights and early mornings with the children.
One Sunday,I was in the park with the children,and met Megan who used to go to school with me.I told her about my situation.She suggested that I should do a course and get a qualification(资格证书)if I wanted to work with children.I didn't think I would be accepted because I didn't take many exams in school.She persuaded me to phone the local college and they were really helpful.My experience counted for a lot and I got on a part-time course.I had to leave my job with the family,and got work helping out at a kindergarten.
Now I've got a full-time job there.I shall always be thankful to Megan.I wish I had known earlier that you could have a career,even if you aren't top of the class at school.
21.What is the author's present job?D
A.Working part-time in a college.
B.Taking care of children for a family.
C.Helping children with their schoolwork.
D.Looking after children at a kindergarten.
22.When staying with the two girls'family,the authorB
A.was paid for extra work    
B.often worked long hours   
C.got much help from her boss    
D.took a day off every other week
23.Why did the author leave her first job?C
A.She found a full-time job.
B.She was fed up with children.
C.She decided to attend a part-time course.
D.She needed a rest after working extra hours.
24.What has the author learned from her own experiences?A
A.Less successful students can still have a career.
B.Qualifications are necessary for a career.
C.Hard work makes an excellent student.
D.One must choose the job she like.
17.If Confucius(孔子)were still alive today and could celebrate his September 28 birthday with a big cake,there would be a lot of candles.He'd need a fan or a strong wind to help him put them out.
While many people in China will remember Confucius on his special day,few people in the United States will give him a passing thought.It's nothing personal.Most Americans don't even remember the birthdays of their own national heroes.
But this doesn't mean that Americans don't care about Confucius.In many ways he has become a bridge that foreigners must cross if they want to reach a deeper understanding of China.
In the past two decades,the Chinese studies programs have gained huge popularity in Western universities.More recently,the Chinese government has set up Confucius Institutes in more than 80countries.These schools teach both Chinese language and culture.The main courses of Chinese culture usually included Chinese art,history and philosophy.Some social scientists suggest that Westerners should take advantages of the ancient Chinese wisdom to make up for the drawbacks of Westerners philosophy.Students in the United States,at the same time,are racing to learn Chinese.So they will be ready for life in a world where China is an equal power with the United States.Businessmen who hope to make money in China are reading books about Confucius to understand their Chinese customers.
So the old thinker's ideas are still alive and well.
Today China attracts the West more than ever,and it will need more teachers to introduce Confucius and Chinese culture to the West.
As for the old thinker,he will not soon be forgotten by people in the West,even if his birthday is.

25.The opening paragraph is mainly intended toB
A.provide some key facts about Confucius
B.attract the readers'interest in the subject
C.show great respect for the ancient thinker
D.prove the popularity of modern birthday celebrations
26.We can learn from Paragraph 4that American studentsC
A.fight for a chance to learn Chinese
B.try to get high scores in Chinese exams
C.have a great interest in studying Chinese
D.take an active part in Chinese competitions
27.What is the best title for the passage?B
A.Forgotten Wisdom in America
B.Old Thinker with a Big Future
C.Chinese Culture for Westerners
D.Huge Fans of the Chinese Language
28.The passage is likely to appear inA.
A.a newspaper
B.a history paper
C.a biography
D.a philosophy textbook.
15.Since quitting can start feelings such as guilt and shame,we often do everything possible to avoid it."We're taught from our earlist days that if you quit something.It means you're a failure,"says counseling psychologist Will Meek.He,however,suggests we view quitting differently.
Quitting is like deciding to rearrange a room:you've grown comfortable with the status,and it can be hard to picture the end result or even see why change is necessary.And yet,there's the upsetting feeling that you're no longer entirely satisfied with your current circumstances,perhaps even that you've stopped making progress.While it's not out of the question for feeling or regret to surface after a major refit,leaving a position,project or situation can reveal exciting possibilities,making you feel inspired and renewed.
Quitting,often happens in situations where we're unhappy,fearful or have determined we have no other choice,factors that can have opposing effects on our health.Perhaps you find your work unfulfilling,or you've jumped into a new relationship before you're ready-and,as a result,you're operating under intense pressure."If stress is enduring and not managed well,it can start to take a toll."says Meek.According to the American Psychological Association,long-term,ongoing stress can increase the risk for high blood pressure and heart attack,so walking away from whatever is causing it can deliver significant physical and emotional health benefits."We often see a reduction in the stress hormone cortisol(应激激素皮质醇),which can lower blood pressure and may even decrease the heart rate,"says Dr Alex Lickerman,a GP and expert on developing mental adaptability.
Leaving situations that fail to bring you joy can leave you with sufficient time to explore where your heart is truly leading you.In a study that was published in 1999,then Harvard University professor Hermina Ibarra looked at how bankers tried different roles that required new skill sets-someone who spent a lot of time dealing with computers,for instance,was asked to take on personal interactions.Subjects were especially drawn to acting out a version of their future solves through‘imitation strategies'-an approach they compared to‘trying on different clothes,'Mark Franklin,the president of CareerCyles,suggests a similar approach as a way to figure out what your true desires might be in your post-quitting life and foresee your future self."Pretend to be a certain kind of person,or go and meet others who are doing what you want to do."he says,"Try it on,see how it feels and decide if it's a good fit for you."It may not feel like it at the time,but just moving on from a situation that's not quite right can help you get back on track.

63.It can be inferred from paragraph 2that quitting may bring us feelings of being bothC.
A.guilty and ashamed   
B.stupid and enthusiastic
C.troubled and hopeful 
D.inspired and determined
64.The phrase"take a toll"(paragraph 3)can be best replaced by"D".
A.develop mental adaptability  
B.bring about changes
C.keep up the pressure        
D.have a bad effect
65.An approach suggested by Mark Franklin similar to‘trying on different clothes'is forA.
A.helping people find what truly suits them in career
B.telling capable employees from inadequate ones
C.training employees to acquire different working skills
D.providing people with opportunities to have a role play
66.It can be concluded from the passage thatD.
A.quitting is track that only the timid will choose to follow
B.personal interaction can be must for reducing emotional pressure
C.mental adaptability can be improved by the stress hormone cortisol
D.knowing when to stop is wise and may make dreams happen.

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