



Smile is a magic language that everyone can easily understand whenever he or she comes from. Smile is as the golden sunshine that brings warmth to people and makes him happy. Smile is shortest distance between people and it is a good way to show off friendliness to others. More important, smile conveyed a kind of positive energy to people. When you are happy, smile brightens your face. When you feel frustrating, you should also smile to cheer yourself up. Smile can give you confidences and make you strong. Smiling at the world and the world will smile back!






【5】去掉 off








【1】wheneverwherever 考查连词。这里指无论来自哪儿,用wherever。

【2】aslike 考查介词。当“像”讲时,as作连接词。她引导比较状语从句和方式状语从句like作介词,后面加名词等作宾语。

【3】himthem 考查代词。这里指代前面的people,用复数。

【4】shortest前加the 考查冠词。形容词最高级前面用定冠词the。

【5】去掉 off 考查动词。show用作及物动词是指显示,说明,show off是炫耀的意思。

【6】importantimportantly 考查形容词。在句子中做状语,用副词形式。

【7】conveyedconveys 考查时态。纵观全文使用一般现在时,所以此处应该用conveys。

【8】frustratingfrustrated 考查非谓语动词。分词做定语时,-ed是用来形容人的感情-ing是形容物体或事件的

【9】confidencesconfidence 考查名词。confidence是抽象名词,不可数。

【10】SmilingSmile 考查固定句型。这里考查句型祈使句+and+陈述句,所以用动词原形smile。



“Will I be able to work until I’m 70?” Those were my first words when I learned in 2014, at the age of 50, that I had Parkinson’s disease. I had not planned for that question to pop out of my mouth, but it did. Perhaps I was worried about my money. The size of my retirement account makes early retirement seem impossible. But mainly I think I asked that question because work, for better or worse, has become central to my identity. The idea that my career as a historian would end soon felt truly disturbing.

As professors, we often complain about our jobs: we teach too much, we are paid too little, and the library needs more books. But I can’t imagine a better career. We teach young people, and we find the time to read and write about topics we love. We receive a degree of respect. Even my doctor calls me “Professor”.

And, most importantly, we have relative job security. When I received my diagnosis, my question about keeping my job was not ridiculous. In a market-based social system, the threat of job loss is terrifying. Imagine the pressure faced by a Parkinson’s sufferer with no job security. It could be disastrous for someone who needs manual dexterity at work, such as a construction worker.

In contrast, I am lucky: I have tenure(终身职位), which gives me a feeling of security that even popular entertainers may lack. Tenure does not guarantee me a job as long as I can perform y duties.

Will I be able to work until I’m 70? I think so. I know that my family and I will face new challenges, but I don’t expect a decline in my job performance. My students may find my appearance a bit odd, but if they do, then that will be a “teachable moment”.

【1】What did the author worry about first when he learned he was ill?

A. He didn’t have enough money for an operation.

B. The disease would ruin his career.

C. He wouldn’t live until the age of 70.

D. He would be forced to retire early.

【2】According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Professors always complain about their jobs.

B. Professors have no time to do anything else but teach.

C. The author doesn’t know what he would do if he were not a professor.

D. The author thinks he is respected by others because of his work.

【3】The underlined phrase in the third paragraph, “manual dexterity” probably means _____________.

A. the ability to use one’s hands

B. the ability to see clearly

C. the ability to use one’s mind

D. the ability to solve problems

【4】 The best title for this passage is _________________________.

A. Losing My Career to Illness

B. The Threat of Job Loss

C. Keep Away from Disease

D. The Pressure of Parkinson’s

【题目】Long, long ago, in a dense forest there were thousands of tall and beautiful trees. They were happy, but____ of themselves. Among them there also a(an) ____ tree whose branches were badly twisted. All the trees made ______ of that ugly tree.

“How are you, hunchback?” the other ____ always shouted and their laughter made the ugly tree ____. The ugly tree thought, “I wish I were as ____ as the other trees. Why did God do this to me? Neither can I provide shade to the travelers. Nor can the ____ make their nests on me. Nobody needs me.”

One day, a woodcutter came to the____. He took a look at the trees and said, “These trees are lovely. I must ____ them.” As soon as he picked up his axe, the trees became ____. “Chop, Chop, Chop” went the woodcutter’s axe and one by one the trees started to fall.

“None of us is going to ____,” screamed one of the beautiful trees.

But when the woodcutter came near to the ugly tree. He had just raised his axe when suddenly he noticed how ____ the ugly tree was. “Hmm! This crooked tree seems to no ____ to me.”, he thought. Then he moved towards another beautiful tree. The ugly tree breathed a huge sigh of ____. He realized that by making him ugly, God had actually given him a boon. From that day on, the ugly tree never ____. He was happy with his crooked branches. He never forgot how he had escaped from the woodcutter’s axe, only because he was crooked and ugly.

1A. proud B. short C. tired D. full

2A. strong B. ugly C. thin D. straight

3A. light B. fun C. sense D. use

4A. directions B. persons C. trees D. animals

5A. surprised B. angry C. sad D. moved

6A. short B. long C. hard D. beautiful

7A. fish B. pets C. hens D. birds

8A. forest B. shop C. office D. hospital

9A. cut B. put C. bring D. take

10A. puzzled B. frightened C. amused D. satisfied

11A. appear B. escape C. remove D. lie

12A. soft B. flexible C. bent D. tall

13A. doubt B. harm C. use D. way

14A. desperation B. anger C. sorrow D. relief

15A. complained B. grew C. spoke D. Waited

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