
【题目】You can always see a happy ______ of students playing on the campus in our school.




考查名词词义辨析。句意:在我们学校,你总能看到学生们在校园里玩耍的快乐场景。 A. scene场面; 片断;景象;B. scenery风景;景色;C. view观点;看法;视野;D. sight视力。分析可知,这里的场景为“students playing on the campus in our school (学生们在我们学校的校园里玩耍)”,是活动的景象。选项Ascene”可指展现在眼前的情景,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内。故选A项。


【题目】 He has been called France’s youngest leader since Napoleon Bonaparte. Emmanuel Macron, age 39, swept to victory in France’s second-round of presidential election which was held on May 7, 2017. He defeated Marine Le Pen by a large margin of 62% of votes. He was inaugurated (就职) as President.

Both of Macron’s parents were doctors, and he attended one of the most prestigious (有声望的) schools in France, Lycee Henri . From there, he became an investment banker and economy minister. Unlike the other presidential candidates, he has always worked outside of the government.

In April 2016, he created his own political movement, called En Marche! (On the Move!), recruiting (招募) more than 20,000 members. His party’s ideals were neither right-or left-winged, but more independent. As his party became more and more successful, Macron began to think about presidency, something he’d always been interested in. In November 2016, he announced his decision to run in the 2017 election.

Macron’s campaign relied on his political movement. He struggled to win votes from both parties in France, as well as from the working class. In addition, he was the only candidate that was pro-EU, or supportive of European Union.

While in office, Macron’s biggest focus will be on improving the economy. A total of 50 billion will be dedicated to job training and creating green and sustainable energy. Macron also plans to cut down on corporate taxes, improve the public education system, and lower the unemployment rate by 2.7%.

Following the election is the selection of the president’s cabinet (内阁). The Prime Minister position was given to Edouard Philippe, mayor of Northern Le Havre. However, Macrons cabinet is surprising—one France has never seen before: a gender-balanced cabinet. Out of the 22 seats available, 11 will be taken by women and 11 will be filled by men. This percentage is much higher than other European countries.

With each change of leadership come new ideals and changes to the country. Macron needs a parliament (议会) that will support his hopes and dreams for the future of France.

1What did Macron work as before the election?

A.A manager.B.A teacher.

C.A doctor.D.A banker.

2According to the text, Macron ________.

A.founded his party for presidencyB.had no interest in politics before election

C.was on behalf of the working classD.was a supporter of EU

3What is the biggest challenge for Macron?


C.The private education system.D.The gender discrimination.

4What is special about Macron’s cabinet?

A.Its members are all from his party.

B.It has more women members than other European countries.

C.Most of its members are men.

D.It has chosen a woman as the prime minister.

【题目】A 60-year-old homeless woman named Smokie has been sleeping outside in the dirt a few doors down from a man named Elvis Summers.

Most mornings, she stops by Elvis’s Los Angeles apartment and asks if he has any recyclable materials for her. Through these conversations, they struck up a friendship.

One morning, Elvis saw a news article about man in Oakland who has been making tiny houses out of deserted materials. He was inspired to put off paying a few bills so he could buy the wood and hardware to make Smokie a brand new shelter. It took him five days to build it, and now, for the first time in ten years, Smokie has a place to hang the sign “Home Sweet Home”.

“I had nowhere to really build it, so I just built it in the street outside of my apartment,” Elvis told Good News Network. “The local LAPD police have been super cool, and have told me they support it—as long as we move it to a different spot every 72 hours.”

He made this pretty time-lapse(延时的) video showing how he did it. The materials, including two locks on the front door and strong wheels for moving it around, cost him about $500.

“I’ve met so many homeless people, good people,” Elvis said in an email, “Since I built Smokie’s , I’ve had several people asking me to make them a tiny home and it’s turned into much more than just the one house I wanted to build.”

Although he runs an online retail store that sells EDM clothes, he has decided to launch an ambitious project to fund more shelters. He plants to get lighter and cheaper materials—without sacrificing the strength of the house—for the next round. Rick Sassen, a branch manager, kindly donated the roof shingles and cedar supporting Smokie’s house, final items Elvis couldn’t afford on his own. Sassen has promised to work out a deal on future building materials for the same cause.

1What is the meaning of the underlined words “struck up” in paragraph 2?

A. kept on B. accomplished C. gave out D. established

2What is the main feature of the tiny house?

A. It is air-conditioned. B. It can move around.

C. It is very light. D. It has no roof.

3What can be inferred about Elvis from the last paragraph?

A. He will get help from poor people. B. He will help more homeless people.

C. He plans to build stronger houses. D. He earns his living by building houses.

【题目】Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

(Every year on my birthday, from the time I turned 12, a white gardenia was delivered to my house in Bethesda, Md. No card or note came with it.)

I don’t remember ever slamming my door 1 anger at her and shouting, “You just don’t understand!” Because she did understand.

One month before my high-school graduation, my father died of a heart attack. My feelings ranged from grief to abandonment, fear and over-whelming anger that my dad was missing some of 2(important) events in my life. I became completely uninterested in my upcoming graduation, the senior-class play and the prom. But my mother, in the midst of her own grief, 3 not hear of my skipping any of those things.

The day before my father died, my mother and I 4 (go) shopping for a prom dress. We’d found a spectacular one, with yards of dotted Swiss in red, white and blue. 5 made me feel like Scarlett O’ Hara, but it was the wrong size. When my father died, I forgot the dress.

My mother didn’t. The day before the prom, I found that dress – in the right size – draped majestically over the living room sofa. It 6(present) to me – beautifully, artistically, lovingly. I didn’t care if I had a new dress or not. But my mother did. She wanted her children to feel 7 (love) and lovable, creative and imaginative, imbued with a sense8 there was magic in the world and beauty in the face of adversity. In truth, my mother wanted her children to see 9 much like the gardenia – lovely, strong and perfect – with an aura of magic and perhaps a bit of mystery.

My mother died ten days after I was married, I was 22. That was the year the gardenias stopped 10 (come).

【题目】 The global energy crisis is approaching. What can we do? Here are some steps you can take.

Cooling puts the greatest stress on your summer energy bill and the power grid. Just as a tune-up for your car can improve your gas mileage, a yearly tune-up of your heating and cooling system can improve efficiency and comfort. Clean or replace filter monthly or as needed.

For central air conditioning systems and room air conditioners, look for the ENERGY STAR, the federal government’s symbol for energy efficiency. For central air, purchase the system with the highest possible Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. (SEER)

Use energy efficient ceiling fans either alone or with air conditioning. Ceiling fans do a great job of circulating air. When used with air conditioning, fans allow you to raise the thermostat and cut costs. Ceiling fans cool people, not rooms, so before you leave, turn off the ceiling fan.

Let a programmable thermostat “remember for you” to automatically adjust the indoor climate with your daily and weekend patterns to reduce cooling bills by up to 10 percent. You can come home to a comfortable house without wasting energy and creating pollution all day while you are at work.

Try to make your home airtight enough to increase your comfort, make your home quieter and cleaner and reduce your cooling costs up to 20 percent.

Cut your air conditioning load, and reduce pollution by planting leafy trees around your home and fixing reflective bricks on your roof.

Close blinds or shades on south-and west-facing windows during the day, or fix shading equipment to avoid heat build-up.

Turn off everything not in use: lights, TVs, computers. And use fluorescent bulbs, which provide bright, warm light while using at least two-thirds less energy, producing 70 percent less heat and lasting up to 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs.

Drive the car that gets better gas mileage whenever possible if you own more than one vehicle. If you drive 12,500 miles a year, switching 10 percent of your trips from a car that gets 20 miles per gallon to one that gets 30 mpg will save you more than 65 per year.

Carpool. The average U.S. commuter could save about 260 a year by sharing cars twice a week with two other people in a car that gets 20.1 mpg-assuming the three passengers share the cost of gas.

1According to the passage, the thermostat is used to ________.

A.make rooms quieterB.control room temperature

C.turn off the air conditionerD.reduce room air pollution

2We can conclude from the passage that the author probably discourages _________.

A.planting leafy trees around your home

B.turning off the ceiling fan before you leave your house

C.keeping your south-facing windows open during the day

D.using fluorescent bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs

3According to the passage, you can save fuel by _______.

A.using energy-efficient ceiling fans

B.sharing cars with others on workdays

C.turning off everything not in use

D.reducing 10% of your car trips every year

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