
17.Life is difficult.
    It is great truth because once we truly understand and accept it,then life is no longer difficult.
 Most do not fully see this truth.Instead,they complain about their problems and difficulties as if life should be easy.It seems to them that difficulties represent a special kind of suffering especially forced upon them or upon their familie s,their class,or even their nation.
 What makes life difficult is that the process of facing and solving problems is a painful one.Problems,depending on their nature,cause us sadness,loneliness or regret or anger and fear.These are uncomfortable feelings,often as painful as any kind of physical pain.And since life causes an endless series of problems,life is always difficult and is full of pain as well as joy.
Yet,it is in this whole process of solving problems that life has its meaning.Problems are the serious tests that tell us success from failure. When we desire to encourage the growth of human spirit,we encourage the human ability to solve problems,just as in school we set problems for our children to solve.It is through the pain of meeting and working out problems that we learn.As Benjamin Franklin said,"Those things that hurt instruct."It is for this reason that wise people learn not to fear but to welcome the pain of problems.
25.From the passage,it can be inferred thatB.
A.everybody has problems
B.we become stronger by meeting and solving the problems of life
C.life is difficult because our problems bring us pain
D.people like to complain about their problems
26. The writer probably used just one short sentence in the first paragraph toD.
A.save space              
B.persuade readers
C.makes readers laugh     
D.get readers'attention
27. The main idea of Paragraph 3 is thatD.                               
A.most people feel life is easy    
B.the writer feels life is easy
C.the writer likes to complain about his problems
D.most people complain about how hard their lives are
28. According to the passage,we give schoolchildren difficult problems to solve in order toA.
A.encourage them to learn
B.teach them to fear the pain of solving the problem
C.helps them learn to deal with pain
D.teach them how to solve problems.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了生活是艰难的,我们只有面对和解决生活中的问题时才能变得坚强,生活才会美好.

解答 25.B.推理判断题.根据最后一段Yet,it is in this whole process of solving problems that life has its meaning.Problems are the serious tests that tell us success from failure可知我们变得更坚强在面对和解决生活中的问题时;故选B.
26.D.推理判断题.根据第一段Life is difficult可知作者只使用了一个短句是为了吸引读者的注意力,作出强调;故选D.
27.D.段落大意题.根据第三段Most do not fully see this truth.Instead,they complain about their problems and difficulties as if life should be easy可知第3段的主要思想是大多数人抱怨他们的生活多么艰难;故选D.
28.A.细节理解题.根据最后一段When we desire to encourage the growth of human spirit,we encourage the human ability to solve problems,just as in school we set problems for our children to solve可知我们给出了小学生难以解决的问题是为了鼓励他们学习;故选A.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

2.People from East Asia tend to have more difficulty than those from Europe in distinguishing facial expressions--and a new report published online in Current Biology explains why.
    Rachael Jack,University of Glasgow researcher,said that rather than scanning evenly(均匀的) across a face as Westerners do.Easterners fix their attention on the eyes.
"We show that Easterners and Westerners look at different face features to read facial expressions,"Jack said."Westerners look at the eyes and the mouth in equal measure,whereas Easterners favor the eyes and neglect (忽略) the mouth."
    According to Jack and her colleagues,the discovery shows that human communication of emotion is more complex than previously believed.As a result,facial expressions that had been considered universally recognizable cannot be used to reliably convey emotion in cross-cultural situations.
    The researchers studied cultural differences in the recognition of facial expressions by recording the eye movements of 13 Western Caucasian and 13 East Asian people while they observed pictures of expressive faces and put them into categories:happy,sad,surprised,fearful,disgusted,angry,or neutral.They compared how accurately participants read those facial expressions using their particular eye movement strategies.
    It turned out that Easterners focused much greater attention on the eyes and made significantly more errors than did Westerners,"The cultural difference in eye movements that they show is probably a reflection of cultural difference in facial expressions,"Jack said."Our data suggests that whereas Westerners use the whole face to convey emotion,Easterners use the eyes more and mouth less."
    In short,the data show that facial expressions are not universal signals of human emotion.From here on,examining how cultural factors have diversified these basic social skills will help our understanding of human emotion.Otherwise,when it comes to communicating emotions across cultures,Easterners and Westerners will find themselves lost in translation.

51.The discovery shows that WesternersA.
A.pay equal attention to the eyes and the mouth
B.consider facial expressions universally reliable
C.observe the eyes and the mouth in different ways
D.have more difficulty in recognizing facial expressions
52.What were the people asked to do in the study?C
A.To make a face at each other.
B.To get their faces impressive.
C.To classify some face pictures.
D.To observe the researchers'faces.
53.What does the underlined word"they"in Paragraph 6 refer to?A
A.The participants in the study.
B.The researchers of the study.
C.The errors made during the study.
D.The data collected from the study.
54.In comparison with Westerners,Easterners are likely toC
A.do translation more successfully
B.study the mouth more frequently
C.examine the eyes more attentively
D.read facial expressions more correctly
55.What can be the best title for the passage?B
A.The Eye as the Window to the Soul
B.Cultural Differences in Reading Emotions
C.Effective Methods to Develop Social Skills
D.How to Increase Cross-cultural Understanding.
8.How to find time for yourself
Do you ever find yourself longing for some time for yourself?Many of us are so busy with work,school,and home life that often there is no time left over to do something that you enjoy.What follows are some ways to carve out that essential time you need to slow down,enjoy life.
(31)BThis is a great one because you're accomplishing many things at once.You're getting exercise,you have time to think or enjoy music,and you're helping to save the environment.Arrive early.(32)FThen use this time for yourself:reading,writing,relaxation,thinking,whatever.
Buy tickets in advance.Sports,theatre,concerts,or any other event you would enjoy.Schedule the plans with a friend later.(33)G
Evenings with yourself.(34)DIf others ask you to do things those nights,just tell them you have plans.Use the time for gardening,reading,exercise,or doing nothing!
(35)AWhat are you interested in?Strike while the iron is hot.Look up a club in your area today and join!If you can't find a club,consider starting one yourself!

A.Join a group.
B.Walk to work.
C.Take an education class.
D.Try to save certain weeknights just for you.
E.If you want more time for yourself,you can get it.
F.Any appointment that you have,plan to arrive 15-30minutes early.
G.Having the tickets already in your hand will force you to make it happen!
注    意:1.词数100左右(开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数);
Dear Li Hua
I'm writing to ask for your help.
The next examination is coming,but I feel more and more nervous and these days I can't fall asleep as usual.What should I do?
Dear Jack
I'm sorry to hear that you have difficulty in falling asleep for a long time.
12.Not long ago,I answered a telephone call from an old friend Jack."Hi,Steve,"he said,"I just wanted to see how you are getting along."For whatever reason,for months our paths had simply not crossed.It was good to talk with him.I wondered why we hadn't kept in touch better.Towards the end of the conversation,he said,"If you need me in any way,I will be happy to help out."And he meant it.
That call came at just the right time.That time,I had just about reached the lowest point in my life.I lost my job because of my poor performance,but I really needed the job to support the family.I needed those words of encouragement.The phone did it.I hung up the phone feeling real warmth in my chest.
    And that day I re-learned something important about life:life is mainly about people---not plans and schedules,not to-do lists and a million tasks left undone---it's about people.
    My friend reminded me that it is never enough just to love; we must also express it.He advised me to share my trouble with my wife or even my children.He would like to have phone calls and be my listener.What good is our love toward others if we don't find ways to let them know?
George William Childs said like this:Do not keep the box of your love and friendship sealed(封闭) up until your friends are dead.Fill their lives with sweetness.Speak cheering words while their ears can hear them and while their hearts can be made happier.Say the kind things you mean to say before they go.Happiness may be just a phone call away.
28.By"our paths had simply not crossed",the author meansD
A.they avoided meeting each other         
B.they lived far away from each other
C.they went different ways to go to work      
D.they didn't have contact with each other
29.What happened to Steve when he received Jack's call?B
A.He ran out of money                     
B.He was out of work
C.He lost his friends'support               
D.He couldn't balance his work and family
30.What's Jack's suggestion to the author?D
A.Running his own business                
B.Caring more about life than work
C.Working hard to support his family          
D.Communicating with his family and friends
31.According to George William Childs,A
A.love should be spoken out                   
B.true love suffers,and is silent
C.happiness is as simple as a phone call      
D.don't say bad words about your beloved ones.
2.Pierre is a 25-year-old penguin(企鹅)at the California Academy of Sciences.Due to his old age,he was losing his feathers,which made him feel too cold to swim in the pool.Therefore,biologists at the academy had a wetsuit created for this penguin to help him get back in the swimming pool.
Unlike marine(海生的)mammals,which have a layer of blubber(鲸脂)to keep them warm,penguins depend on their waterproof feathers.Without them,Pierre was unwilling to jump into the swimming pool and ended up trembling on the side of the pool while his 19peers played in the water.
"He was cold;he would shake,"said Pam Schaller,a  senior biologist.Schaller first tried a heat lamp to keep Pierre warm.Then she got another idea:if wetsuits keep humans warm in the cold Pacific,why not make one for Pierre?
Schaller designed the suit,which covered Pierre's body and had small openings for his flippers (鳍).
"I would walk behind him and look at where there were any gaps,and cut and refit until it looked like it was extremely suitable."she said.
One concern was that the other penguins would reject Pierre in his new suit,but in fact,they accepted his new look.He swam freely and got along with others well,although he was the only penguin with a black stomach.
Schaller couldn't say for sure whether the wetsuit allowed Pierre to recover his fine feathers,but"certainly we were able to keep him comfortable during a period of time that would have been very difficult for him to stay comfortable".
Pierre will take off his suit after his new feathers grow back.
24.Pierre felt too cold to swim in the pool because ofA.
A.having few feathers due to old age    
B.not having a layer of blubber
C.having no wetsuit                  
D.others penguins rejecting him
25.The idea of making a wetsuit for Pierre came fromB.
A.total invention            
B.the use of wetsuit on humans
C.the use of heat lamp        
D.waterproof feathers
26.Schaller followed Pierre in order to seeD.
A.whether other penguins would reject him
B.whether the wetsuit would keep the feathers from recovering
C.if the wetsuit kept warm
D.if anywhere of the wetsuit needed to be cut and refit
27.The best title of the passage isC.
A.Unwilling to Swim             
B.Old Penguin Getting Bald(秃的)
C.Wetsuit for An old Penguin       
D.Strange Look of Pierre.
9.Imagine what you could do with a machine that could make things disappear.
(36)F In the books of J.R.R.Tolkein,Bilbo Baggins finds a ring that can make him disappear.Of course,there's also poor Harry Potter,who used his invisibility cloak (隐形斗篷)to hide  from danger.
Now that you've got some ideas,it's time for the hard part:building the cloak.(37)G
An invisibility cloak has to cheat anything or anyone who might be watching.In order to understand how something can be seen,it's important to understand how we see.
Human beings can only see objects that reflect light waves.These waves enter the eyes and are then processed by the brain.However,if an object doesn't reflect light,then the waves don't enter the eyes,and the brain doesn't process.(38)C
Cummer was part of a team of scientists from Duke University,including David Smith and David Schurig,who built the world's first version of an invisibility cloak.(39)EHe in May said that an invisibility cloak was possible and Pendry was not the only one thinking about a disappearing act.At the same time,a Scottish physicist,Ulf Leonhardt published a paper on building invisibility equipment.
"It wasn't easy,"says Cummer."As often happens in science and research,it didn't work very well the first time.That first cloak didn't work like Harry Potter's-(40)BSo the research is still under way."

A.Would you like an invisibility cloak that works just like the one Harry Potter got from his father?
B.The scientists didn't actually seeanything disappear.
C.So building an invisibility cloak is building something that doesn't reflect light.
D.Researchers in England and the USA have found the materials to build such a cloak.
E.They had been inspired by the work of a British physicist,John Pendry.
F.For inspiration,you could read some books.
G.To do that,you have to give up science fiction and turn to real science.
6.How Safe Is Your Bed?
Do you consider your bed a safe place of rest and calm?Do you sink into a mattress (床垫) after a hard day's work and feel tension and stress drain away as you rest your weary head on a soft pillow?Well,you might not feel so relaxed if you knew that tiny pests were hiding there!It seems that beds may not be such a good place for our health and happiness----they could actually be making us ill!
Recent studies have shown that bacteria,fungi and dust mites (螨虫),some smaller than the diameter of a hair,live in our bedding.When we move around in our sleep,we disturb them and they are bounced up into the air--which we then breathe in as we sleep.According to the American Lung Association,four out of five households in the United States now have high levels of dust mites,although it's not the mites themselves that cause the problems,but their droppings.These are"highly allergenic (致敏的)"according to Dr William Berger,a fellow with the American Academy of Allergy,Asthma and Immunology."Even if you aren't allergic…they can still irritate you,the way pepper would if it blew into your nose and eyes."
Brendan Boor,Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering,who carries out bed research,also found that bed dust in the air leads to allergies--causing watery eyes,sneezing,coughs and asthma.He has recommended ways to limit our exposure to these boring allergens:
Firstly,he suggests vacuuming your mattress regularly-weekly,or even daily.He also recommends doing away with carpets and washing floors.Using allergen-proof bed covers,he says,can reduce the risk of getting allergies.In addition,washing bedding and pillows frequently can help,as can a portable air cleaner placed near the bed.
If you do as Brendan Boor suggests,you will breathe in cleaner air as you sleep …or will you?Is it really safe for you to go back in your bed?
Studies show that beds aren't a good place for your well-being and they can even make you sick.Mites,bacteria and other tiny living things in your beds can cause illness or irritate you.Therefore,experts suggest that cleaning carpets,washing floors,using allergen-proof bed covers,and washing bedding and pillows frequently can make your bed safe..

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