Last summer I had a chance to visit Paris£®That attracted me most was the Eiffel Tower£¬where has become a symbol of France£®I was deeply impressed by their height£®I have never seen such tall building before!It is made of iron and it is about 7000tons heavy£®There have 1711steps from the bottom to the top£®Climb the tower made me very tired£¬but I was very exciting£®I took a lot of photo in Paris£®
I have much memories and experiences to share£®I will remember my trip to the France forever!
·ÖÎö ±¾ÎÄ×÷Õß½²ÊöµÄÊÇÈ¥ÄêÏÄÌìµÄÄÇ´ÎÁî×Ô¼ºÖÕÉúÄÑÍüµÄ·¨¹ú°ÍÀèÖ®Âã»ÎÄÖÐÖصã½éÉܵÄÊǵ±×÷Õß¼ûµ½°£·Æ¶ûÌúËþʱµÄ¸ÐÊÜ£®
½â´ð Last summer I had a chance to visit Paris£®That attracted me most was the Eiffel Tower£¬
where has become a symbol of France£®I was deeply impressed by their height£®I have
never seen such¡Ätall building before!It is made of iron and it is about 7000tons heavy£®
There have 1711steps from the bottom to the top£®Climb the tower made me very tired£¬
but I was very exciting£®I took a lot of photo in Paris£®
I have much memories and experiences to share£®I will remember my trip to the France forever!
1£®That¸ÄΪWhat ¿¼²éÁ¬½Ó´ú´Ê ´Ë´¦ÓÃÀ´Òýµ¼Ö÷Óï´Ó¾ä£¬²¢ÇÒÓÉÓڸôӾäÖÐȱÉÙÖ÷ÓÒâΪ£º¡µÄ£¬¹ÊÓÃÁ¬½Ó´ú´ÊWhat£®
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3£®their¸ÄΪits ¿¼²é¾äÒâÀí½âÒÔ¼°È˳ƴú´ÊµÄÒ»ÖÂÐÔ ´Ë´¦ÓÃÀ´ÐÞÊÎÃû´Êheight£¬Ö¸´úµÄÊÇ°£·Æ¶ûÌúËþµÄ¸ß¶È£»¹ÊÓÃits£®
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6£®Climb¸ÄΪClimbing ¿¼²é¶¯Ãû´Ê ´Ë´¦ÔÚ¾äÖÐ×÷Ö÷Ó±íʾ³éÏó¶¯×÷£¬¹ÊÓö¯Ãû´ÊClimbing£®
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8£®photo¸ÄΪphotos ¿¼²éÃû´ÊµÄµ¥¸´Êý ´Ë´¦ÓÉ a lot of ÐÞÊΣ¬Ö¸µÄÊÇÐí¶àÕÕƬ£»ÓÉÓÚPhotoÊÇ¿ÉÊýÃû´Ê£¬¹ÊÓÃphotos£®
9£®much¸ÄΪmany ¿¼²éÐÎÈÝ´Ê muchÐÞÊβ»¿ÉÊýÃû´Ê£¬´Ë´¦ÓÃÀ´ÐÞÊοÉÊýÃû´Êmemories and experiences£¬¹ÊÓÃmany£®
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Just at that time an elderly woman came in£®She was weak and£¨36£©D with the menu£®After asking many questions and ordering her meal for a long time£¬she pulled out her coin purse to pay£¬only to find that she was£¨37£©C of money£®
I told the shop owner to tell the elderly lady that her £¨38£©B was free and I would pay£®She was surprised as he told her someone had £¨39£©C her to lunch£®While they filled her order£¬I had them £¨40£©B a second meal£¬2desserts£¬a smile card£¬and a gift card to her bag without her £¨41£©D£®
She got her order and I carried it to the bike for her£®She £¨42£©A told me her name and how her days had got worse and worse until the visit to Paris£®Her husband was in hospital and Paris was always his favorite £¨43£©A£®But she had been struggling with the funds£¨×ʽ𣩠between household and £¨44£©C expenses£®After a few minutes of £¨45£©B she was on her way back to her husband£®
When I went back into Taco Cabana for my order£¬the manager £¨46£©C it to me and I left with my bag happily£®
When I got home£¬I discovered an extra free dessert and an order of chips and cheese in my bag£®£¨47£©B is spreading£®When we give to others£¬the act in and of itself is to give to one another£®
36£®A£®famous | B£®familiar | C£®satisfied | D£®confused |
37£®A£®eager | B£®free | C£®short | D£®poor |
38£®A£®menu | B£®order | C£®money | D£®change |
39£®A£®wanted | B£®got | C£®treated | D£®prepared |
40£®A£®put | B£®add | C£®place | D£®take |
41£®A£®begging | B£®warning | C£®remembering | D£®knowing |
42£®A£®then | B£®thus | C£®ever | D£®soon |
43£®A£®place | B£®garden | C£®school | D£®restaurant |
44£®A£®educational | B£®traffic | C£®medical | D£®total |
45£®A£®arguing | B£®chatting | C£®questioning | D£®driving |
46£®A£®took | B£®returned | C£®handed | D£®kept |
47£®A£®spending | B£®giving | C£®correcting | D£®sharing |