
【题目】 ______her dark sunglasses, the star wasnt recognized by crazy fans.

A. Hiding behind B. To hide behind

C. Hide behind D. Hidden behind






Leaving for work one morning, I noticed that my newspaper hadn’t been delivered yetSince I always took it to work, it____me that I would have to stop at the store and pick one upI was already running late, but figured I could make it if I hurriedIt was putting me in a____mood

As I pulled into the parking lot of the____to get a newspaper, I noticed a young man in a wheelchair who seemed to be____with his wheelchair“I’m sure he’s all right”, I thought, “or if he’s not, someone else will help him

____by the customers and cars that were passing him by, I guessed they were thinking the____thingI got out and walked over to see what the____was

“Is there anything I can do?” I askedI noticed he wasn’t able to____, and was still struggling with the wheelchair

I____at the wheelchair and noticed that the clamp(夹锁) holding the electronic keyboard and chair controls had____loosened, causing the equipment to slip down, out of his reach

I pulled it back into____His hand pulled over to the keyboard and he hit a single keyAn electronic voice said, “Thank you

I felt a wave of gratitude come over meI was truly blessed to have the physical____that allowed me to live a normal lifeThe young man helped me gain a new way of thinking in life

1A. annoyed B. ignored C. permitted D. avoided

2A. guilty B. curios C. bad D. good

3A. office B. store C. library D. station

4A. comparing B. living C. struggling D. playing

5A. Judging B. Waiting C. Attracted D. Interrupted

6A. particular B. happy C. same D. strange

7A. accident B. trouble C. comment D. surprise

8A. share B. deliver C. move D. speak

9A. look up B. look down C. come down D. hold up

10A. gradually B. luckily C. suddenly D. obviously

11A. space B. form C. place D. shape

12A. gratitude B. attitude C. manner D. ability

【题目】Volunteer at Shelter - North Toronto Cat Rescue---Bayview/Hwy 7

Do you like animals? Come and volunteer at our cat shelter.

North Toronto Cat Rescue is a no-cage, no-kill cat shelter. We are a volunteer organization, funded totally by donation, and are a licensed Canadian charity.

We are looking for volunteers who can join us once a week for a 3 month period (at least). The work is not wonderful but it is very rewarding. Mainly, we feed, clean, and scoop litter. Of course we also spend quality time with our cats.

We have 2 shifts(换班) per day, 7 days per week:

Mornings are 9am-1pm.

Evenings are 5-7pm or 6-8pm.

Please note that any new volunteer who wishes to work evening shift must be able to work 4 morning shifts on a team before moving to an evening shift. This is required in order to gain the ability to work more independently, as required during evening shifts.

Students must be at least 16 years old. Adults are also welcome.

If you do not have your own personal transportation, please check the public transportation from your area to our location at Bayview/Hwy 7 area before responding to this ad.

1Where is the ad most likely to appear?

A. In the local newspaper B. On the Internet

C. On TV D. In a magazine

2Which of the following volunteers can work evening shift?

A. A college student who can work for half a year period.

B. A college student who lives near the shelter.

C. A worker who has worked five morning shifts at the shelter.

D. A car owner who will work there for the first time.

3How many hours will a new volunteer work at least for the shelter?

A. 14 B. 32 C. 48 D. 24

4What can we infer about the work at the shelter?

A. Boring B. Tiring C. Dirty D. Challenging

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