
I would like to suggest that for sixty to ninety minutes each evening all television broadcasting in the United States be forbidden by law. Let us take a      , reasonable look at what the results might be if such a(an)     were accepted.
Families might use the time for a real family hour. Without the distraction(分散注意力) of TV, they might    together after dinner and actually talk to one another. It is well known that many of our   ----everything in fact, from the generation gap to the high divorce rate to some forms of    illness ----are caused at least in part by    to communicate. By using the quiet family hour to     our problems, we might get to know each other better, and to like each other better. On evenings when such talk is     , families could discover more active pastimes(娱乐). Freed from TV and forced to find their own activities, they might take a     together to watch the sunset    they might take a walk together.
     free time and no TV, children and adults might discover reading. There is more entertainment in       than in a TV program.       report that the generation growing up with television can hardly write an English sentence,       at the college level.    is often learned from reading. A more literate new generation could be a product of the quiet hour. A different form of reading might also be done     it was in the past: reading aloud. The quiet hour could become the story hour. When the    ends, the TV networks might be forced to    with better shows in order to get us back from our newly- discovered activities.
At first glance, this idea seems radical(激进的).    will we spend the time then? The fact is: it has been only twenty-five years since television came to control American free time. Those of us thirty-five and older can    childhoods without television. It wasn't that difficult.
A.get aroundB.sit aroundC.meet withD.stand stiff
A.a good bookB.a fine poemC.a quiet hour D.a composition
A.SkillB.WritingC.Speaking D.Listening
A.come acrossB.come aboutC.come outD.come up


小题3:B 短语辨析。sit around固定短语,一般指坐着没事干。这里指吃过饭,全家人坐在餐桌旁交流。
小题5:B上下文连串。mental illness精神疾病。这里指家庭缺少交流、理解而引起的往往是精神疾病。
小题6:A 名词辨析。A失败;B尝试;C能力;D允许。根据上下文可以判断出答案。我们也许知道家人少于交流。
小题7:C动词辨析。“discuss our problem讨论问题”。这里指家人坐在一起讨论问题,增进了解。
小题9:A 名词辨析。由下面的they might take a walk together可以排除A项。为了看日出,开车到某个地方是很可能的。
小题11:B 介词辨析。with free time and no TV表示原因。这里指由于没有电视而有空余时间。
小题12:A 上下文连串。此题与前句是顺承关系。一本好书包含的乐趣多于一个电视所提供的。
小题13:C 名词辨析。educator“教育者”。此句讨论的问题应当是教育方向的问题。
小题14:D 副词辨析。教育者的研究显示:看电视长大的这一代人几乎不会写一个英语句子,甚至上了大学的人也不行。Even表示强调。
小题15:B 名词辨析。A技巧;B写;C说;D听。这里指学生看电视过多,因此不会写句子。
小题16:B 连词辨析。as作因为,由于。A在……之前;C在……之后;D当……时候。这里指因为它是在过去。
小题17:D 上下文连串。阅读的那种安静时间可以变成讲故事的时间,这时,电视网络系统就必须提供更好的节目以把人们再吸引回来。
小题18:D 短语辨析。come up with “提出、提供”,不能用被动语态; come across:“偶遇”; come about:“发生,产生”; broadcast“广播,播放”,不与with连用。
小题19:A 疑问词辨析。A怎么;B是否;C什么;D如果。那么我们怎么花费时间呢?
Bob was a clever college student, but his family was poor, so he had to work after class and during his holidays to get enough money for his studies.
One summer he got a job in a butcher's shop (肉店) during the day time, and another in a hospital at night. In the shop, he learned to cut and sell meat. He did so well that the butcher went into a room behind the shop to do all the accounts ( 算账) .In the hospital, of course, Bob was told to do only the easiest jobs. He helped to lift people and carry them from one part of the hospital to another. Both in the butcher's shop and in the hospital, Bob had to wear white clothes.
One evening in the hospital, Bob had to help to carry a woman from her bed to the operating - room. The woman already felt frightened when she thought about the operation. When she saw Bob coming to get her, she felt even more frightened.
"No! No!" she cried. "Not a butcher! I won't let a butcher operate on me!" with these words ,she fainted away.
小题1:Bob had to work after class and during his holidays because_________.
A.his father told him to make more friends
B.he wanted to become a rich man
C.his family couldn’t support him
D.he had nothing to do at home.
小题2:One summer Bob_________.
A.wanted to become not only a butcher but also a doctor.
B.got two different jobs at two places
C.was free only at night
D.worked only during the daytime
小题3:In the hospital, Bob's job was_________.
A.to take care of the wounded soldiers
B.to give the doctor's advice
C.to find out what was wrong with the sick people
D.to carry the sick people from one place to another
小题4:When the woman saw Bob,_________.
A.she was so frightened that she fainted away
B.She was frightened and then got so excited that she fainted away.
C.She was very disappointed
D.She was quite pleased
小题5:Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Bob was an unknown doctor.
B.Bob was a butcher and he studied at college in the evening.
C.When the woman saw Bob, she thought he was going to operate on her.
D.Bob worked in a butcher's shop and helped to do the accounts.
In today's fast paced, high stress world people are working longer hours than ever, and often exhaust themselves at day's end in front of the television to relax enough to begin again in the morning.However, television watching, for most people, does not really lower stress.Studies show that TV viewing more than an hour or so actually creates stress and, especially in women, may lead to the blues.Most individuals are unaware that doing some exercise after work makes them more energetic since it increases energy levels.
Wise use of free time does not mean getting an advanced degree, although the mental encouragement gained through education is unbeatable in keeping your mind active.Learning new things nearly always adds a spark to your daily life, especially if it is a favorite topic, such as sport, fashion, or art.Also, look through your bookstore or library to find books on your interests.Try to replace a half hour TV watching with reading.
It is reported that in the United States recently, many individuals have as few as two good friends.Long work hours and car commute act to separate people from each other.This separation is deadly.Find ways to meet people at the end of the day and on weekends.Often this can be best done by combining activities, such as by joining a walking group to get both exercise and companionship.Taking a class will lift your spirits and allow you to meet others with similar interests.Hobbies are great for reducing stress and provide another opportunity for social interaction.
Using your free time to aid your health may include these elements and many more, such as going to concerts and spending time with family.Overall, the key is to spend less free time being passive.The best ways to use free time are to be mentally and physically active, spend some time outdoors, and interact with other people on a regular basis.
小题1:What can we learn from the passage?
A.Watching television may cause women to feel depressed.
B.Finding interests and hobbies in common means taking a class.
C.Going to concerts is the best way to make you mentally active.
D.Getting an advanced degree in education always lights up your life.
小题2:What does the underlined word "commute" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.The arrangement to work every day.B.The journey to work every day.
C.The communication between people.D.The separation between people.
小题3:Which would be the best title for the passage?
A.Live a Happy and Healthy LifeB.Relax Yourself in Various Ways
C.Spend Your Free Time WiselyD.Interact With Others Outdoors
If you’re like most kids, you’ve probably made more than a few paper airplanes in your day. But how many kids can say their paper airplanes have been built life-size and then flown? At least one: 12-year-old Arturo Veldenegro of Tucson, Arizona, who won the Pima Air& Space Museum’s first annual Great Paper Airplane Project Fly-Off in March 2012.
“ The purpose of the competition is to inspire and draw kids’ interest in science and flight,” says Tim Vimmerstedt, director of the museum.
About 150 kids entered the competition. The young designers learned about how airplanes fly and then set to work designing their own planes.
Arturo designed and built his airplane. When hen was finished, he took his plane to the flight area and let it fly, outdistancing the other competitors in all age groups. At last, Arturo’s airplane flew the farthest---more than 75 feet!
As the winner, Arturo got to meet with a team of engineers, which took his design and made a bigger one. The new paper airplane might have been the largest one ever built! Arturo named his large paper airplane Arturo’s Desert Eagle.
Later a helicopter tried to lift the paper airplane over the Arizona desert, but it was unsuccessful. Engineers worked for eight hours to repair it for a second try. This time, the helicopter managed to raise it to 2700 feet and then set the plane free.
Arturo watched as his plane flew through the sky at speeds of up to 98 miles per hour for 10 seconds before falling to pieces.
“I felt happy but sad,” Arturo says, “ It flew really well, but it was sad to see it destroyed.”
But that wasn’t the end of Arturo’s Desert Eagle. The Pima Air & Space Museum collected the pieces of the broken plane and put them on show to inspire other young engineers to reach for the sky.
小题1:According to the text, the Great Paper Airplane Project Fly-Off competition _______
A.has been held many times
B.can only be entered by kids
C.is to choose the largest plane
D.is held by a team of designers
小题2:The underlined word ”outdistancing” in Para 4 means ________
A.looking forB.believing inC.throwing awayD.leaving behind
小题3:What do we know about the paper airplane Arturo built?
A.It flew the highestB.It flew for 20 minutes
C.It flew more than 75 feetD.it took him eight hours to build
小题4:In the end, Arturo’s Desert Eagle ______
A.was made into a helicopter
B.was produced in many places
C.was sold to a team of engineers
D.was put on show in the museum
Father was a hardworking man who delivered bread as a living to support his wife and three children. He spent all his evenings after work attending classes, hoping to improve himself so that he could one day find a better paid job. Except for Sundays, Father hardly ate a meal together with his family. He worked and studied very hard because he wanted to provide his family with the best that money could buy.
Whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with them, he reasoned that he was doing all this for them. Though he often longed to spend more time with his family, he weighed his contribution to his family above everything else.
The day came when the examination results were announced. To his joy, Father passed, and with distinctions too! Soon after, he was offered a good job as a senior supervisor which paid handsomely.
Like a dream come true, Father could now afford to provide his family with life’s little luxuries like nice clothing, fine food and vacation abroad.
However, the family still did not get to see Father for most of the week. He continued to work very hard, hoping to be promoted to the position of manager. In fact, to make himself a worthily candidate for the promotion, he took another course in an open university.
Again, whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with them, he reasoned that he was doing all this for them. Though he often longed to spend more time with his family, he weighed his contribution to his family above everything else.
Father’s hard work paid off and he was promoted. Happily, he decided to hire a maid to relieve his wife from her domestic tasks. He also felt that their three-room flat was no longer big enough. It would be nice for his family to be able to enjoy the facilities and comfort of a condominium.    Having experienced the rewards of his hard work many times before, Father resolved to further his studies and work at being promoted again. The family still did not get to see much of him. In fact, sometimes Father had to work on Sundays entertaining clients.
Over again, whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with them, he reasoned that he was doing all this for them. Though he often longed to spend more time with his family, he weighed his contribution to his family above everything else.
As expected, Father's hard work paid off again and he bought a beautiful condominium overlooking the coast of Singapore. On the first Sunday evening at their new home, Father declared to his family that he decided not to take any more courses or pursue any more promotions. From then on he was going to devote more time to his family, and it was a promise.
Father did not wake up the next day.
小题1:Father worked and studied very hard because ________.
A.he had to support his family
B.he wanted to bring his family a better life
C.he was enthusiastic in attending classes
D.he had to so as to reduce his family’s complaint
小题2:What CAN’T Father get through his hard work?
A.Better housingB.Higher educationC.Family timeD.Vacation abroad
小题3:How would the family feel when "Father did not wake up the next day"?
A.To their joy, Father can have a good rest in the end.
B.Thank God, Father can stay home with them.
C.They should have stopped Father from working so hard.
D.There is no point working hard for a better life.
小题4:What is the function of the italicized(斜体)paragraphs in this passage?
A.To imply a sad ending to the story.
B.To show how stubborn Father was.
C.To make readers feel how hard Father worked.
D.To make readers show sympathy for Father.
I met him first in 1936. I rushed into his ugly little shop to have the heels of my shoes repaired. I waited when he did it. He greeted me with a cheerful smile. “You’re new in this neighborbood, aren’t you?”
I said I was. I had moved into a house at the end of the street only a week before.
“This is a fine neighborhood,” he said. “You’ll be happy here.” He looked at the leather covering the heel sadly. It was worn through because I had failed to have the repair done a month before. I grew impatient, for I was rushing to meet a friend. “Please hurry,” I begged.
He looked at me over his spectacles. “Now, lady, we won’t be long. I want to do a good job. You see, I have a tradition to live up to.”
A tradition? In this ugly little shop that was no different from so many other shoe repair shops on the side streets of New York?
He must have felt my surprise, for he smiled as he went on. “Yes, lady, I inherited a tradition. My father and my grandfather were shoemakers in Italy, and they were the best. My father always told me, ‘Son, do the best job on every shoe that comes into the shop, and be proud of your fine work. Do that always, and you’ll have both happiness and money enough to live on.’”
As he handed me the finished shoes, he said: “These will last a long time. I’ve used good leather.”
I left in a hurry. But I had a warm and grateful feeling. On my way home I passed the little shop again. There he was, still working. He saw me, and to my surprise he waved and smiled. This was the beginning of our friendship. It was a friendship that came to mean more and more to me as time passed.
Every day I passed his shop, we waved to each other in friendly greeting. At first I went in only when I had repair work to be done. Then I found myself going in every few days just to talk with him.
He was the happiest man I’ve ever known. Often, as he stood in his shopwindow, working at a pair of shoes, he sang in a high, clear Italian voice. The Italians in our neighborhood called him la luce alla finestra—“the light in the window”.
One day I was disappointed and angry because of poor jobs some painters had done for me. I went into his shop for comfort. He let me go on talking angrily about the poor work and carelessness of present-day workmen. “They had no pride in their work,” I said. “They just wanted to collect their money for doing nothing.”
He agreed. “There’s a lot of that kind around, but maybe we should not blame them. Maybe their fathers had no pride in their work. That’s hard on a boy. It keeps him from learning something important.” He waited a minute and said “Every man or woman who hasn’t inherited a prideful tradition must start building one.”
“In this country, our freedom lets each of us make his own contribution. We must make it a good contribution. No matter what sort of work a man does, if he gives it his best each day, he’s starting a tradition for his children to live up to. And he is making lots of happiness for himself.”
I went to Europe for a few months. When I returned, there was no “light in the window”. The door was closed. There was a little sign: “Call for shoes at shop next door.” I learned the old man had suddenly got sick and died two weeks before
I went away with a heavy heart. I would miss him. But he had left me something—an important piece of wisdom I shall always remember: “If you inherited a prideful tradition, you must carry it on; if you haven’t, start building one now.”                                            
小题1:The shoemaker looked sadly at the shoes because __________
A.they were of poor quality.
B.he didn’t have the right kind of leather
C.he thought they were too worn to be repaired
D.the author hadn’t taken good care of them.
小题2:The author was surprised when she heard that the shop had a tradition because the shop ________.
A.looked no different from other shoe repair shops
B.had a light in the window
C.was at the end of a street
D.was quite an ugly and dirty one
小题3:What does the underlined word “inherit” mean in paragraph 6 mean?
A.develop B.receiveC.learnD.appreciate
小题4:The author later frequently went into the little shop __________.
A.to repair her worn shoes
B.only to chat with the shoemaker
C.to look at the new shoes there
D.only to get comfort from the shoemaker
小题5:Why was the shoemaker called “the light in the window” by his neighbors?
A.Because he always worked late at night.
B.Because he always put a light in the window.
C.Because he was always guiding the others.
D.Because he was always happy and cheerful.
小题6:What’s the best title of this passage?
A.A Proud ShoemakerB.A Prideful Tradition
C.The Light in the WindowD.Treasure Your Shoes
Friendships can be difficult — because often people aren't as honest and open as they should be. Sometimes, people finally get hurt.
Most problems with friendships come up because people are just too selfish to care about the things that their friends need. They care about their own needs much more, which makes it hard for friendships to work. However, being selfish is part of human nature. A person is put together in order to take care of themselves and their own needs, not necessarily those needs of other people. Even though being selfish is something that all humans are born with, it is something that everyone should be against.
The best thing to remember when you are a friend to anyone is that you need to treat your friends the same way that you'd like to be treated(对待). This is wonderful advice for a friendship, because it is really the only way to make sure that you are giving your friends everything you would want to be given in a friendship. Whenever you have a question about how you should treat a friend, it is easy to find an answer simply by asking yourself what you would like your friend to do for you, if he or she was in your shoes.
Even if you're always thinking about how you'd like to be treated, and your friends are too, there are problems that come up from time to time in each friendship, and it is important to understand how to deal with these problems so that you can build stronger and healthier friendships. Problems like friends getting boyfriends or girlfriends and not spending enough time with their friends, or even friends finding new friends and leaving old friends behind are problems that will probably come up with one or more of your friendships. It is important to know how to deal with these friend problems so that you can keep your friends and make new ones. No one wants to have a broken friendship.
小题1:This passage mainly talks about ________.
A.the importance of friendship
B.the advantages(益处) of friendship
C.the problems of friendship
D.the disadvantages(劣势) of friendship
小题2:According to the writer, problems with friendship may appear when ________.
A.one is honest B.one is selfishC.one is openD.one is kind
小题3:According to the passage, the first and most important thing to be other people's friend is ________.
A.to treat your friend as you like to be
B.to give your friends whatever you have
C.not to hurt your friends' feelings
D.not to think of your own need any more
小题4:What's the purpose of understanding how to deal with friendship problems?
A.To have a comfortable life.
B.To build stronger and healthier friendships.
C.To be treated the way you want.
D.To get a boyfriend or girlfriend more quickly.
The information below is taken from a dictionary page.
jaguar: n. a type of large, yellow-colored cat with black markings found in the southwestern region of the U. S. and in Central and South America.
jargon: 1. n. speech that doesn’t make sense.
2. n. an unknown language that seems strange or impossible to understand.
3. n. a language made up of two or more other languages: His jargon was a mixture of French and English.
4. n. the special vocabulary of a field or profession: Her report on computers was filled with jargon.
jaunt: 1. n. a trip taken for fun.
2. v. to go on a brief pleasant trip: We jaunted to the country last Saturday.
javelin: 1. n.. a spear(矛) most commonly used as weapon or in hunting.
2. n. a light metal or wooden spear that is thrown in track-and-field sport events.
3. n. the event in which a javelin is thrown.
4. v. to strike, as with a javelin.
jazz: 1. n. a type of music that originated in New Orleans and is characterized by rhythmic beats.
2. n. popular dance music influenced by jazz.
3. n. empty talk.
4. ad. of or like jazz: a jazz band, jazz records.
Jennet: n. a small Spanish horse.
jest: 1.n. thing said or done to cause amusement; joke.
2. (idiom) in jest: as a joke ; in fun; not seriously.
3.v.make jokes 
小题1:Which meaning of the word javelin is used in the sentence below?
At the competition, Jack drew his arm back and threw the javelin 50 yards.
A.Definition (定义) 1B.Definition 2
C.Definition 3 D.Definition 4
小题2:Which meaning of the word jargon is used in the sentence below?
Doctors often speak in medical jargon.
A.Definition 1 B.Definition 2
C.Definition 3 D.Definition 4
小题3:What does the word jazz mean in the following sentence?
Don’t give me that jazz, for I am a practical person.
A.rhythmic beatsB.a type of music
C.a kind of danceD.meaningless talk
小题4:Which word is needed to fill in the following sentence?
His reply was taken half seriously, half in_________.
A.javelinB.jestC.jaunt D.jargon
Nowadays the problem of the generation gap is becoming more and more serious. Poor relationship between parents and their children are very common.
Whether we like it or not, our parents are responsible for us at least until we’re out of high school. So rather than get upset about that fact, maybe we should focus on some ways to make our relationship better. The best way, in my opinion, is to learn to really communicate with my parents.
When I find myself arguing with my mom and dad, I try to stop. If I can manage to stop myself from talking, I usually find that I can calm down quickly. I guess I’m usually acting out of emotion rather than logic(逻辑). But if I can stop arguing for a minute, it seems that my opinion changes and I start to realize that I’m a bit childish. Emotionally I may still be upset, but logically I understand that yelling(大叫大嚷) and fighting surely won’t make things better.
Once I’ve stopped arguing, I look at my parents in the eye. You’d be amazed at how much easier it is to communicate with your parents when you’ve actually looking at them. Looking away doesn’t do much of anything except for giving them the impression that I’m not listening or that I don’t care. It’s much easier to see things eye to eye when you’re physically seeing them eye to eye.
Finally, I listen to what they’re saying (or at least I try). Communication can’t happen unless both sides hear and listen to each other. There is nothing wrong with my hearing, but that doesn’t mean I always listen to the sounds that people are making. When I argue with my parents, I can physically hear what they’re saying without mentally listening to it.
Whether I admit it or not, my parents’ experience can actually help them give me some pretty sound advice at times. I don’t always agree with them, but I think it’s safe to say that it has truly helped our relationship in the long run.
小题1:What can we learn from the passage?
A.Listening is better than yelling and fighting.
B.It is impolite to see your parents eye to eye.
C.Be careful when you take your parents’ advice.
D.Parents are sometimes easy to get upset.
小题2: Parents and children can communicate only when_______.
A.both sides stop yelling and fighting
B.both sides start thinking what to say next
C.both sides agree with each other
D.both sides can listen to each other
小题3:Which of the following advice is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.LookingB.Smiling warmly
C.Listening D.Stopping arguing
小题4:The author thinks we should first _______ when arguing with our parents.
A.look at their eyesB.fight for the truth
C.stop arguing D.talk in a low voice

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