
In a class I taught adults. I gave the class an assignment—going to visit someone they loved within the next week and saying,“I love you”.It had to be someone they had 1 said those words to before or at least they hadn’t 2those words with for a long time. It didn’t sound like a very 3 assignment until I realized that most of the students were over 35 and were 4in the decades when they were taught not to express emotions 5 . So this was a very threatening assignment for some.
At the beginning of our 6class,I asked if someone wanted to share what 7when he/she told someone he/she loved him/her. I 8 expected one of the women to volunteer,as was usually the 9 , but this time one of the men raised his hand and said,“Dennis,I was quite angry with you last week 10you gave us this assignment. I didn’t feel that I had anyone to say those 11to,and besides,why did you tell us to do something 12?But as I began driving home my conscience started 13 me. It was telling me that I knew exactly who I 14to say “I love you” to. Five years ago,my father and I had a serious disagreement. Since then,we 15 seeing each other unless we absolutely had to meet at Christmas or other family 16 . But even then,we hardly spoke to each other. Last Tuesday I got home and 17 myself to tell my father I loved him. He was shocked and then burst out 18 . He said he always loved 19 . ”
Hearing his talking,all of the class were 20 deeply.
(1)A.always B.seldom C.never D.ever
(2)A.discussed B.explained C.shared D.argued
(3)A.suitable B.tough C.right D.interesting
(4)A.exercised B.buried C.praised D.raised
(5)A.loudly B.freely C.truly D.gradually
(6)A.first B.last C.next D.former
(7)A.learned B.remembered C.gained D.happened
(8)A.firstly B.fully C.easily D.finally
(9)A.story B.reason C.case D.saying
(10)A.when B.until C.unless D.though
(11)A.meanings B.words C.feelings D.facts
(12)A.political B.public C.common D.personal
(13)A.laughing at B.talking to C.staring at D.going over
(14)A.needed B.decided C.owed D.learned
(15)A.minded B.stopped C.avoided D.kept
(16)A.chances B.gatherings C.situations D.greetings
(17)A.forbade B.allowed C.suggested D.persuaded
(18)A.smiling B.shaking C.crying D.dancing
(19)A.her B.himself C.me D.us
(20)A.nervous B.painful C.hurt D.moved


【解析】(1)句意理解。向他们从来都没对他/她说过“我爱你”的人说。因为下半句有“...at least they hadn’t 17 those words with for a long time.”,因此此处选C项。
(6)上文理解。由上文“...they loved within the next week and...”可知这里应该是接下来的一堂课。
(11)上文暗示。由上文“It had to be someone they had 16 said those words to before...”可知此处选B项。those words指“I love you”这三个词。
(13)下文理解。由下文“It was telling me”可知,此处是我的良心对我说。
(18)段落理解。由本段可知作者至少5年没和爸爸说话了,爸爸心里肯定不是滋味,在逐渐心寒之后,没想到儿子竟然说我爱你,爸爸先是震惊,反应过来后便哭了起来。此处用哭能更好地表达出爸爸的情绪,也说明了上文儿子为什么那么感动。burst out crying突然哭起来。


Things to Keep in Mind before Moving to New York City
So, reading up on New York's history, facts, statistics, facilities, etc, is always a good idea. Learn about the culture, how to deal with people, taxi drivers, manners, or lack of manners that is exhibited there, and so on. It is always best to know what exactly you are getting into rather than landing there and getting a complete shock.
Before you buy your clothes or shoes, you always try them out first, right? In the same way, before you move to New York, you need to visit it for a couple of days, just do that you can see what the city is like.
The best and worst thing about New York is that this city is controlled by money. Then, you need to set aside (留出) an amount for emergencies only. If you are moving to New York with a job, or are planning to get a job once you are in the city, then you need to make sure that your salary covers up all your expenses and the amount that you would set aside for emergencies.
Finding a neighbourhood in New York is the key to actually enjoying your stay there. If you are moving to the city due to work, then look for living accommodations close to your workplace.Do you see yourself living in a place that is quiet, like the Upper West Side or East Side, or do you want noisy setups, like the East Village, Lower East Side, or West Village?
Give the city a chance, make some good memories, and enjoy your stay there. Be safe wherever you go, and don't worry too much.
A. The easiest way to survive in New York is to have a friend who knows this city really well.
B. Once you are in New York, you would never want to leave it.
C. Before you move to any city, it is always best to know a little about the city.
D. To start with, you will need to make a budget.
E. You need to decide what kind of neighborhood you want.
F. Take a tour of the city and try to imagine yourself living there.
G. The experience of moving to New York depends on how the city treats you and what you make of the city.

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