
14.TAIBEI-Increasing numbers of Taiwanese students are joining the island's"China rush",seeking education on the Chinese mainland.
According to official Chinese figures,the number of Taiwanese students admitted into college and postgraduate(研究生)programs on the mainland totaled 1461 in 2006,1928 in 2007 and 1839 in 2008.Although no latest official numbers were available,Netbig.Com said this number had risen between 30 to 50 percent annually in the past two years with over 2000 entering mainland campuses last year.
The Internet site,based in the Chinese city of Shenzhen,provides education service and information on Chinese mainland college and universities."Many Taiwanese believe a Chinese education giving more knowledge about the people and culture in the mainland will increase their chances in the Chinese job market",Nethig.Com vice-president Ingrid Huang said."I believe it will give me hands-on experience in the business field on the Chinese mainland and a better understanding of the Chinese mainland people,"said Lydia Chang,a 19-year-old student majoring in journalism at Shih Shin University.Chang plans to go on to get a master's degree in business administration in Shanghai,which she says offers the best environment for such studies.
A journalism graduate student,surnamed Lin,at the National Taiwan University said he would like to study law on the Chinese mainland since"there will be better career prospects now that more Taiwanese companies are going there"."They hope the children could build up connections which could later become useful in their business operations,"said Yang Ching-yao,professor of the Chinese mainland studies.A Netbig.Com survey showed the campuses favored by Taiwan students included Beijing,Qinghua and Renmin universities in Beijing,and Jinan and Zhongshan universities in Guangzhou.The most popular studies were law,business and Chinese medicine.
At present,Chinese Taibei doesn't recognize diplomas earned on the Chinese mainland nor help with any inquiries about studying there.But recognizing the trend,education authorities are giving a final form to a policy accepting certificates from selected universities.
63.Why do more Taiwanese students study on the Chinese mainland?D
A.Because the fees asked for are lower than those of Taiwan.
    B.Because Taiwan will reunite with the mainland sooner or later.
    C.Because there are many famous universities for them to choose.
    D.Because what they have learned on the mainland will bring them a bright future.
64.The underlined word"it"in the third paragraph meansD.
    A.Netbig.Com                         B.the university
    C.the Chinese job market              D.a Chinese education on the mainland
65.The purpose of the article is to tell usA.
    A.more Taiwanese students are going to universities on the mainland
    B.Taiwan and the mainland should cooperate with each other in every field
    C.education on the mainland is more attractive compared with that of Taiwan
D.the number of Taiwanese students studying on the mainland has been decreasing
66.Which of the following is true according to the passage?C
    A.Education of Taiwan is far behind the mainland.
    B.Chinese Taibei recognizes diplomas earned on the Chinese mainland.
    C.Chinese Taibei doesn't help with any inquiries about Taiwanese studying on the mainland.
    D.The number of Taiwanese students who go to study on the mainland will certainly be increasing in the near future.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了现在台湾学生来中国留学的人数在增加,台湾学生来中国留学是为自己以后找到好的工作创造更多的机会和途径.

解答 63.D.细节理解题.根据文章第三段Many Taiwanese believe a Chinese education…in the Chinese job market.及increase their chances可知,台湾学生来中国留学是为自己以后找到好的工作创造更多的机会和途径;故选D.
64.D.词义猜测题.根据文章第三段"I believe it will give me hands-on experience in the business field on the Chinese mainland and a better understanding of the Chinese mainland people"可知这里"it"指的是"大陆的教育";故选D.
66.C.推理判断题.通过文章最后一自然段第一句话"At present,Chinese Taibei doesn't recognize diplomas earned in the Chinese mainland nor help with any inquiries about studying there."可知台北不承认大陆学历,也不为台湾来中国留学的学生提供任何帮助;另外文章也没有说下一步台湾来中国留学的学生垦定会增加,也没有说台湾教育落后于大陆;故选C.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

2.These days,my husband and I have found a new hobby-apartment hunting.We're (1)C a second-hand apartment because we'd like to have a place of our own.Actually,we've been devoting all our spare time(2)A the city,visiting various apartments.And the real estate (房地产)ads,which used to be(3)B paper in our eyes,have suddenly become so precious.
After our honeymoon,the idea of having our own home was only(4)B.We are tired of the traffic(5)D every night while we sleep in a rented house.We need our own (6)D,not big or luxurious (奢侈的),but certainly neat and comfortable.
However,buying a home is no (7)A task.Since neither my husband nor I have many(8)B we are looking at buying a second-hand apartment because it is cheaper.Also,we want to live in a place that is in a clean yet (9)Clocation.
During the first weekend of May,we (10)B set out to look for our future home.However,the first day turned out to be a (11)AFirst,we looked at an apartment that was conveniently located near a bus line that could take me directly to work.The inner structure of the building was good.Without a second thought,my husband paid the real estate agent (中介)5,000 yuan as a down (12)BBut we overlooked one important aspect of the neighborhood-the location.When we went back for a second look,we found that the area was full of noise and confusion with all the traffic and passers-by.And we were too (13)D to get our money back,so we lost a large sum of money.However,this(14)C has brought my husband and me closer together.Now we are both more determined than ever to find the (15)B apartment that will suit our needs.

1. A.looking throughB.looking intoC.looking forD.looking at
2. A.searchingB.inspectingC.touringD.witnessing
3. A.pricelesshB.valuelessC.valuableD.unbearable
4. A.impossibleB.naturalC.difficultD.sensitive
5. A.signalB.noiseC.jamD.accident
6. A.familyB.accommodationC.lifeD.home
7. A.simpleB.attractiveC.satisfiedD.tough
8. A.possessionsB.savingsC.neighboursD.cheques
9. A.consistentB.constantC.convenientD.conventional
9.Last week.we talked about Massive Open Online Courses.also called MOOCs.Tens of thousands,or even more,people Can take these classes all at once.You can be anywhere in the worht to take a MOOC.All you need is a computer and a network connection.
MOOCs add to a tradition of what is known as distance learning.For years,many colleges have offered classes that are taught partly or mostly online.MOOCs are available in subjects like comlmter science,engineering or mechanics.Can MOOCs in subjects like arts or the humanities(人文学科)be as effective?
Scott Anderson teaches philosophy at the University of British Columbia in Canada.He sees both good and bad sides to MOOCs.Scott Anderson says,"There are pails that will be tine,insofar as mostly when students listen to a lecture.there is no special reason why they need to be physically present to hear and get it."Mr.Anderson says increased numbers of students in MOOCs can mean less communication between them and teachers.He says two ways to deal with this are.by adding more teachers and setting up online discussion groups.
Lisa Jadwin teaches English and American literature and writing at St.John Fisher College in New York.She says online education has some weaknesses for her subjects.
She says,"What's lost in online education is face-to-face interaction.And that old-fashioned approuch is not going to be replaced very quickly by computer-aided instrnction."Professor Jadwin says some students could learn very well from talks and reading assignments,blogs and discussion groups.But she believes that hybrid courses work best.She describes hybrids as mixing face-to-face course elements with computer-aided teaching and writing proiects.
Bill Pogue teaches communications at the University of Houston-Downtown.He sees good value in online education.He noted a strong sense of communitv in an online ciyrse he once took.He said the students worked together on a project while living on four continents.
71.MOOCs are more popular in the world becauseD.
A.few people can take these courses
B.distance learning is the only way to study now
C.MOOCs are effective in all the subjects
D.the students can be anywhere to take them
72.rrhe author develops the third paragraph mainlyC.
A.by classification           
B.by example
C.by contrast             
D.by process
73.According to Mr.Anderson,B.
A.students need to be physically present to take a MOOC
B.MOOCs lead to less communication between students and teachers
C.setting up online discussion groups is unnecessary
D.a MOOC is available in philosophy entirely
74.Which of the following is true of hybrid courses?C
A.They belong to old-fashioned approach.
B.They emphasize face-to-face interaction.
C.They will be effective in the education.
D.They ignore the importance of the eomputers.
75.Bill Pogue's attitude toward online education is that ofA.
A.approval    B.unconcern        C.doubt        D.objection.
19.How to Do Well in Exams
Do not underestimate the power of revision in the days and hours before an examination.The closer you are to the exam,the more chance you have of storing and retaining crucial information.But do not overdo it.(71)D An effective daily routine can help you through an exam period,so in the days leading up to your first exam,get into the habit of being up and ready to work by game.It can be a shock to the system after months of working to your own timetable to be mentally alert at that time if you have not prepared for it.
On the day of the exam,have a good breakfast,pack two of everything you need (pens,pencils,erasers,etc.),then make your way to the examination hall in good time. (72)A.
Once in your seat,simply pause for a few seconds and collect your thoughts.Close your eyes and take in a few slow,deep breathes to help you relax.When you turn over the test paper,spend a short period reading through all the instructions and questions,paying particular attention to key verbs such as"discuss","compare"and"evaluate". (73)E It is wise always to allow for 10 minutes at the end of the exam to give yourself time to go back over your answers.Once you have selected the questions you wish to tackle,begin by attempting the one you think is your strongest.It will give you more confidence when you see a well-answered question down on paper.Also remember to write clearly,and do not be afraid to express the unexpected:after all,examiners can get very bored marking stereotypical answers.
(74)BIf you do need something else focus on to help collect your thoughts,choose a fixture in the room,such as the ceiling or anything else that will not allow you to be distracted (分神).
Finally,once you have finished,never hang around outside afterwards to attend the discussion by other students. (75)F

A.Do not arrive too early,though,as other people's anxiety can be contagious(会传染的),and you may suffer from undue panic.
B.Try not to be tempted to look at those around you,or at the clock.
C.When you get home,read the examination paper through and look up all the words you didn't understand.
D.Sleep,exercise and relaxation are all just as important.
E.Map out a quick plan of points you wish to make and how much time you should spend on each question.
F.Go and have a well-earned rest,then prepare for your next exam
G.Underestimate the test in your mind.
From March 29to April 19,a new version of Death of a Salesman
was performedat tne Capital Theatre as the first in a series (系列) offoreign classics to mark the 60th anniversary of the Beijing People's Art
Theatre.The last time this play was performed in Beijing was 29years ago.
Death of a Salesman was created in 1949by Arthur Miller,who  used it to reveal (揭示) the weakness of the"American Dream".The main character,Willy Loman,believes wholeheartedly in American capitalism,and desires to"succeed"but his own greed  consumes him in the end.Death of a Salesman's first performance was a huge hit on Broadway,where it shocked the American theatre world,and strengthened the 33-year-old Miller's status as a master of American theatre.The play won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama,New York Drama Critics'Circle,and the Tony Award for Best Play.The New York Times praised Death of a Salesman as a milestone of 20th century theatre.In 1999,Death of a Salesman received another Tony Award for Best Revival,and the then 83-year-old Miller was given the National Medal of Arts.
The 1983version of Death of a Salesman was directed personally by Arthur Miller on a visit to China,with Beijing director and actor Ying Ruocheng as the main character of Willy Loman.On May 7,1983,the play was performed for the first time at the Capital Theatre,and the first series of performances lasted until August 18,with over 50performances,some of which filled the house,and all of which had great influence.
When it was first performed here,China didn't have"salesman",so the actors had to use their imagination to represent the characters and American society,and the audiences weren't entirely sure about some information.For example,they couldn't understand what"fixed payments"were,or why,if Willy was a lower-class member of American society,his family had a house,car,refrigerator,and television.But this didn't stop the play from becoming a widely-known page in Beijing's theatre history.

56.What would be the best title for the passage?A
A.Death of a Salesman Returns to Beijing
B.Arthur Miller-a master of American theatre
C.Willy Loman-winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Drama
D.Death of a Salesman-a milestone of 20th century theatre
57.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A
A.The play received the Tony Award twice.
B.Arthur Miller became famous in his forties.
C.China didn't have"salesman"until the play was first performed here.
D.The 1983version of Death of a Salesman was directed by Ying Ruocheng.
58.The underlined word"consumes"in Paragraph 2probably meansB.
A.benefits     B.destroys     C.encourages  D.purchases
59.We may know from the last paragraph thatD.
A.the play was not well received at first because it was from America
B.most Chinese couldn't understand the play because of the language
C.the Chinese actors did not perform well enough to attract the audiences
D.the audiences could still appreciate the play regardless of cultural differences.
3.Attitude is a mental state relative to what we believe and affects our entire lives.We express our attitude in our words and actions.
One of the most important steps you can take toward achieving your greatest potential in life is to learn to monitor your attitude and its impact on your work performance,relationships and everyone around you.
In truth,people generally don't have a high level of attitude awareness.They'll know if they are hungry or if their feet hurt,but they usually don't have a good handle on their attitude.That is a mistake because attitude decides everything.It governs the way you perceive (感知) the world and the way the world perceives you.
We all have a choice.We can choose an inner dialogue of self-encouragement and self-motivation.It's a power we all have.Each of us experiences hard times,hurt feelings,heartache,and physical and emotional pain.The key is to realize it's not what happens to you that matters; it's how you choose to respond.
Your mind is a computer that can be programmed.Your inner dialogue is the software that programs your attitude,which determines how you present yourself to the world around you.You have control over the programming.Whatever you put into it is reflected in what comes out.The sad reality of life is that we will continue to hear negative information,but we don't have to program it into our brains.
The loudest and most influential voice you hear is your own inner voice.It can work for or against you,depending on the messages you allow.It can be optimistic or pessimistic (悲观的).It can wear you down or cheer you up.
Habitual bad attitudes are often the product of past experiences and events.Common causes include low self-esteem,stress,fear,resentment,anger and an inability to handle change.It takes serious work to examine the roots of a harmful attitude,but the rewards of ridding ourselves of this heavy baggage can last a lifetime.
Here are several strategies to improve your attitude:
Enthusiasm-Vital Tool for Staying Motivated
Enthusiasm is to attitude what breathing is to life.Enthusiasm makes it possible for you to apply your gifts more effectively.Enthusiasm means putting yourself in motion.It's an internal spirit that speaks through your actions.
Lighten Up Your Life with Humor
Humor is a powerful motivator.The more humor and laughter in your life,the less stress you'll have,which means more positive energy to help you put your attitude into action.There are also health benefits to lightening up.
Exercising Will Help Keep You Motivated
One of the best ways to move to a more positive and motivated mind is to exercise.A regular exercise routine can provide relatively quick positive feedback in the form of weight loss,muscle development and a sense of doing something positive for yourself.
Seek your personal and professional success by using the tools above.It is no secret that life seems to reward us most when we approach the world with a positive attitude.
Your Attitude Decides Everything
4.From VOA Learning English,this is the Technology Report.
Researchers are now using three-dimensional,or 3D printing to create models of the human heart to help heart specialists.The heart doctors can use the models to better help patients before an operation.
Surgeons regularly use digital images to explore the heart in close detail.But no two human hearts are alike.This led Matthew Bramlet to create exact heart models from those images.Dr.Bramlet is a pediatric or children's heart expert at the University of Illinois College of Medicine.He says the 3-D models show information he cannot get any other way.
A 3-D printer uses images from a digital display to create a physical model of a human heart.Matthew Bramlet says doctors can use the model,in his words,"to understand the anatomy for the first time.""Even when I will take the MRI and render the images,even a print heart that is sort of spinning on the screen,it's still a 2-D screen.Now we've pulled it out of the screen so that you can actually hold it in your hand arid evaluate the anatomy for the first time in a manner that makes sense and is logical."
Pictures from medical tests like CAT scan or MRI are sent to a 3-D printer to create a heart in a plaster or clay form.The printer then constructs the heart,thin layer by thin layer.Dr.Bramlet says the model matches the real heart in every detail."When we're done with the model and make our decision,we want to be able to go back to the source image and confirm those findings,"he says.
Dr.Bramlet has built model hearts for different kinds of heart operations.All of the operations were successful.In his first ease,digital images showed only one tiny hole in a baby's heart.But,the 3-D printed model showed several defects or problems that the baby was born with.Dr.Bramlet says those defects could not be seen easily in the images.The heart surgeon was able to change the type of surgery for the patient based on the 3-D model.He added that 3-D heart models save time during heart operations.
Kathy Magliato is a cardiac surgeon at Saint John's Health Center in Los Angeles.She welcomes the new technology.She says it could help her make better decisions before she operates on the hearts of her patients."The fact is that I can then take this very complicated structure,which has endless possibilities of what it could look like anatomically when I open body,and you give it to me before the operation and I can hold it in my hand and plan an operation around what I'm seeing,touching and feeling.That to me is what can potentially change the game in an operation and save lives.
Matthew Bramlet continues to research the technology.He is working with the National institutes of Health to build a 3-D library that includes heart models and images that others can use.

67.As a helper to surgeons,what's the major advantage of 3D-printing?D
A.It can be applied to different kinds of operations.
B.It can provide digital images in detail.
C.It can shorten time during heart operations.
D.It can create a heart model with detailed information.
68.What do we know about the 3-D printed heart model?C
A.It is shaped in one step.
B.it can only be made of clay.
C.It is based on medical tests.
D.It can only be observed on the screen.
69.What does the underlined sentence in the last but one paragraph imply?D
A.Any change may happen in an operation.
B.Any change in an operation can't be ignored.
C.A 3-D printed heart model is a change to a regular operation.
D.A 3-D printed heart model may contribute to adjustment to an operation.
70.What could be the best title for the Technology Report?C
A.Advantages of 3D-printing
B.Features of 3D-printing
C.A new dimension to heart surgery
D.A fundamental reform to heart surgery.

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