

分析 replace

解答 答案是replace;考查词义识记;replace vt.代替,取代;常用于replace A with B:用B取代A;其名词形式是replacement,如:We've replaced the old machine with a computer.我们用电脑取代了那台旧机器.

点评 对于单词短语的识记,要从词义着手,理解词性和常见用法或搭配,并能在语境中灵活运用.

2.Buying a plane ticket today can be a difficult experience,sometimes with a large number of choices to make,each with its own price tag.Checking a bag?With most airlines you'll have to pay for that---and maybe for a carry-on.Prefer an emergency exit row?That will cost you.Want to board early to take up overhead bin space (机上行李箱空间) for your roll-aboard luggage?Be ready to pay or use an airline credit card.Want a coke during drink service?Frontier Airlines charges $1.99.Each airline,large and small,has its own offerings and prices,creating a lot of other fees.
"The fees are so high these days that the actual price of the ticket loses its meaning,"said Max Levitte,co-founder of Cheapism.com,which recently charted airline fees among a dozen carriers."You feel like you're forced to pay little by little all the time.Consumers don't know what to expect unless they read the fine print,which is a lot nowadays."
What consumers call fees,airlines call unbundling (分类计价)---making choices from services formerly included in the fare.Airline officials couch it in terms of giving fliers more choices.United Airlines CEO Jeff Smisek last month likened it to customizing a pizza,"We used to serve you a pizza with all the toppings,and that's all you got,"he said during a speech at a meeting of the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce.Unbundling allows passengers to pay for only the services they want,he said.
Jean Medina,spokesman for industry group Airlines for America,said fees have a consumer benefit."The model of charging customers for services they value and are willing to pay for has enabled airlines to keep airfare affordable,"she said,adding that airfare increases since 2000 haven't kept pace with the national inflation rate.Without the revenue,airlines in 2012 would have lost more than 58 percent passenger,she said.
The fee increase began in 2008,as airlines had to deal with rising jet-fuel prices while not raising base fares,which would put them at a competitive disadvantage,said Jay Sorenen,president of IdeaWorksCompany,which regularly examines airline fees.
To be fair,some fees are for new services not formerly included in fares---wireless Internet airlines access and new economy seats with extra legroom (踏脚处),for example.Fees are big business.In 2012,airline revenue from sources other than tickets amounted to an estimated﹩36.1 billion worldwide,up 60 percent from 2010,according to IdeaWorksCompany.Fees were a big part of that growth.
"For the consumer,it is very confusing,"Airline stock analyst Hunter Keay said."Unless the consumer fights back,airlines are going to keep getting away with this and make it harder to make a good decision."
Examples?It charges﹩10 if an airport agent prints your boarding pass at the airport rather than you print it yourself at home.Its website has 38 different fees for luggage,including carry-ons.It charges﹩3 for soda or juice.
Spirit officials have defended the fee strategy,saying passengers who fly airline know what to expect."Our customers have told us again and again they want low fares and the option to choose the add-ons they want,"said Spirit spokesman Misty Pinson."And we're proud to give them what they need."
But how do you avoid fees?There's no easy answer.Mostly,you have to know what services are available and how much they cost because it's so difficult to compare fares,apples to apples,among airlines,experts say."The consumer needs to do the math,"Anne Banas,executive editor of Smart Travel.com said.

58.Paragraph 1mainly implies thatB.
A.plane tickets today are very expensive
B.airline companies are creating many fees
C.airlines can offer a variety of services
D.it is very difficult to choose transportation
59.According to Max Levitte,to get services well worth the money,customers had betterB.
A.pay the fees little by little
B.know the rules of the services
C.pay a visit to Cheapism.com
D.choose as few as the services
60.What can we learn about Jay Sorenen's view on"unbundling"?A
A.It helped pay for a part of jet-fuel prices.
B.It helped make airline's base fares higher.
C.It helped make airline services more attractive.
D.It helped airline companies examine the fares.
61.The underlined part in the last paragraph means"C".
A.learn math well
B.train computing power
C.compare fares and fees
D.avoid extra fees.
9.The phrase"live,love and laugh"was one my cousin Roger lived by every day of his life.Even in his sickness,he found the positive in what some would see as a negative situation.He enjoyed life.He loved to laugh and most importantly,he lived life to the absolute fullest.He loved to travel,learning new things about different people and their culture.
Roger was born and raised in Alabama,and he then moved to Buffalo,New York where he lived for many,many years until he relocated to Atlanta,Georgia,his final resting place.
Whether his travels were long visits or short visits,large cities or small towns,his favorite souvenir item was T-shirt.Everywhere he went he would buy a T-shirt to remind him of his travels.Every T-shirt he owned had a story behind it that he would share with others.
As long as he was laughing,living and traveling,he was happy.He loved everybody he came in contact with and everybody loved him.The old saying,"He never met a stranger",definitely applied to Roger and his life.
His last few years of life were in and out of the hospital at least 10~15 days a month,sometimes more.Two weeks before he passed away,I spoke with him on the phone,and even then he managed to tell jokes about life.
I know he left this world happily; he refused to allow anything or anyone to hold him down,even his severe illnesses.He was definitely a model to look up when it comes to not allowing any situation to keep you from moving forward in life.
I will forever miss his smile and his love for life.My cousin Roger knew the true meaning of the phrase"live,love and laugh".
25.The author believes that RogerB.
A.was a foolish man
B.was rich in spirit
C.had a healthy body
D.pretended to be happy
26.We can learn from the text that RogerD.
A.had few good friends
B.was afraid of his illnesses
C.seldom contacted the author
D.was loved by everyone who knew him
27.What the author's purpose in writing this passage?C
A.To feel pity for Roger.
B.To encourage readers to help others.
C.To encourage readers to be positive all the time.
D.To show that health is the most important thing.
6.When I was a little girl,my mother told me to wait for the light to turn green before I crossed the street.This I did.Indeed,I was positive as a young child that I would get crushed like a potato if I ever stepped a foot off the sidewalk while the light was red.I followed my mother's advice until I realized that she herself went through red lights always pulling me with her.So after a while I followed her example and not her advice.
And this was just part of the story.I was out of high school before the picture began to pull together.I absorbed the knowledge little by little through the years.And me,my friends and I,did come to take it for granted.Parents were that way.Older people were that way.And most of us accepted it as part of life.
Now I am grown up and I have my own children.For the longest time I pulled my little daughter across the middle of the street-just like my mother used to do-warning her,"Don't do this when I'm not with you."
Webster says such behavior is hypocrisy(虚伪),that is,pretending to be better than we are.Is this because we always want to be better?Or only that we want to fool people into thinking that we are?When we practice a religion which causes a concern for our fellow men,do we purposefully march out of church and refuse to rent an apartment to a black family?Or do we all live on two tracks because we have,somewhere along the line,come to the conclusion that such hypocrisy is essential to our survival in soc iety at this time?
33.The writer mainly talks aboutBin the passage.
A.safety education for children               
B.some of her understanding of life
C.the lack of traffic rules                   
D.essential survival skills
34.The writer didn't follow her mother's advice after a while becauseA.
A.her mother's behavior didn't agree with her words
B.her mother's advice proved to be completely wrong
C.the traffic was getting better than ever before
D.she was too young to realize the danger around her
35.How does the writer feel about hypocrisy?C
A.She is strongly against it.
B.She is willing to accept it.
C.She has got used to it.
D.She doesn't care about it.

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