
【题目】It was October, but a seven-year-old boy 1 (suffer) from a bad brain tumor in southern Ontario had a white Christmas on Saturday evening. Although 2 (treat) very carefully, the boy couldn’t get well. Doctors had said they didn’t know if Evan Leversage would live to see this holiday season,3 many people gathered at his home to give 4 (he) a final Christmas party. On Saturday afternoon,5 ground outside his home was covered with artificial snow. There were 6 (decorate) everywhere and a sign that read “Santa, stop here!” in the window. A snow machine brought a lot of snow.

Evan 7 (have) a brain tumor since he was just two years old, and doctors told his family last month that the tumor had spread. So Evan made a bucket-list (遗愿清单),8 included a visit to Niagara Fails, a movie, and his favorite restaurant. And of course, Christmas in October. All these things appealed 9 Evan. Everyone said yes, Evan’s story spreading around the world.

“It’s been an experience that I don’t think anyone’s going to forget,” Evan’s mother Nicole said. “It is amazing to have the love and support from around the world. It 10 (true) has been lifting up a lot of spirits and bringing in a lot of sunshine during a hard time.”








7has had




【解析】本文主要写了Evan Leversage得了绝症,但是他在圣诞节时得到了来自全世界的关爱和支持,这使他此生无憾。


考查现在分词。现在分词suffering from…短语作定语,修饰名词boy,与之是主动关系,故填suffering.


考查过去分词。此句是一个省略句,从句部分原句为:Although (he was) treated very carefully,可省略与主句相同的主语,和动词be,故填treated.









7has had

考查时态。句意:自从Evan两岁起,他就已经得了脑肿瘤。谓语动词,有时间状语since he was just two years old,应该用现在完成时: has /have done,主语是he,是单数形式,故填has had.


考查关系代词。非限制性定语从句,先行词是bucket-list (遗愿清单),从句中缺少主语,所以要用关系代词which,不用that,故填which.


考查介词。句意:所有这一切都吸引了Evan。固定短语:appeal to(吸引),故填to.


考查副词。副词truly(真正地)作状语,修饰谓语动词has been lifting up,故填truly.


Culture Shock
Culture shock refers to the anxiety and feelings (of surprise, uncertainty, confusion, etc.) felt when people have to operate within a different and unknown cultural or social environment, such as a foreign country.
Generally speaking, we could say that there are four stages of culture shock. The first stage is called “the honeymoon”. In this stage, you are excited about living in a different place.
The next stage is “the hostility(敌意)stage”. In this stage, you begin to notice not everything is as good as you originally thought it was. Moreover, people don't treat you like a guest anymore.
Then you come to the third stage called “recovery”. In this stage, you start to feel more positive. The whole situation starts to become more favorable and you begin to learn to adapt yourself to it.
The last stage of culture shock is called “adjustment”. In this stage, you have reached a point where you actually feel good. The things that originally made you feel uncomfortable or strange are now things that you understand. Now you have adjusted to the new culture and you feel comfortable.
Not all individuals visiting another country will experience all these four stages.
It also occurs within cultures as individuals move from place to place or from one setting to another (e.g., from high school to college).
A. You feel that friends should help each other to deal with culture shock.
B. And you try to develop comprehension of everything you don't understand.
C. In addition, culture shock is not limited to the overseas visitor.
D. You become tired of many things about the new culture.
E. You have learned enough to understand the new culture.
F. You begin to understand you need to travel a lot.
G. And everything seems to be marvelous and everybody seems to be so nice to you.

Everyone can benefit a lot from reading books. The following is about various benefits of reading books.
Whenever you read something, you learn information that you wouldn't have known. If you want to learn new words, reading books is a great way to enlarge your vocabulary.
Similar to solving puzzles, reading books allows your mind to practice its processing skills. Going without books for too long will turn your mind into mess.
One of the primary benefits of reading books is its ability to develop your thinking skills. Wherever you are faced with a similar problem in real life, your mind is able to put its mystery solving skills to a test.
The information in books can be referred to over and over again. For example, reading a cookbook allows you the chance to review the cooking steps whenever you need to.Don't even think about writing the information down because you may lose the paper sooner or later.
These are just some of the wonderful benefits of reading books. If you can't even go outside, you can download free ebooks online and read them on your computer. That way, you can see how useful reading can be for yourself.
A. You can improve your memory by reading.
B. Reading keeps your mind in good condition.
C. Reading books can make you become confident.
D. Reading books provides you with new knowledge.
E. Reading mystery novels, for example, trains your mind.
F. Following the steps from a cooking video will be difficult.
G. Why don't you drop into a bookstore and pick a book up?

Dieting to lose weight has become very popular in recent years. People have become more health conscious and try to take better care of their bodies by eating more healthily and exercising more regularly to lose any unnecessary fat that they may have.
Not only are people being more careful about what they eat, they are also concerned with how they eat and how their meals are prepared. People are taking more time for each meal. Many avoid the so-called "plastic" fast-food hamburgers and choose to eat a salad or a sandwich of more healthful ingredients(营养成分) in a quiet restaurant with a more leisurely atmosphere. At home, they also try to take enough time to eat a relaxed dinner without phone or TV interruptions.
While dieting may be viewed as beneficial, it has also become a serious problem for Americans, particularly for young women. Dieting for them has actually become a psychological addiction. They eat so little that they can lose as much as fifty percent of their total body weight, and although they look like skeletons, they still insist that they are fat.
The current wave of exercising, dieting and the problems produced have caused many organizations to begin educating the public. Many schools, hospitals, health organizations, newspapers and magazines, for example, are offering classed, printing booklet articles and so on, to inform the public of the way to exercise and diet, of the dangers of dieting too rapidly, and of the places people can go for medical help if they find themselves on the road to "diet addiction".
(1)These days people are dieting more because.
A.they have become fatter and fatter
B.they have realized the danger of eating
C.they have became more health conscious
D.they have taken better care of themselves
(2)“They look like skeletons” in the third paragraph most probably means.
A.they are very pretty
B.they are very ugly
C.they are too thin
D.they are starving
(3)The main idea the last paragraph is about.
A.how the organizations try to help people with dieting addiction
B.what kind of mediums can be used to educate the public
C.where people with dieting addiction can go to ask for help
D.what causes the organizations to begin educating the public
(4)According to this passage, we can infer that the atmosphere of eating has something to do with.

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