

1What do you think The Voice is?

A.A volunteer center.B.A newspaper.C.An organization.

2What’s the best reason for taking the job according to the speaker?

A.To make some money.B.To have fun.C.To learn to type.

3When are volunteers expected to start working?

A.Immediately.B.Next week.C.Tomorrow.

4What kind of volunteers do they need?

A.Those who need money.

B.Those who have rich experience.

C.Those who can manage their time well.








Hello! I’m Harvard Smith. As the editor of The Voice, I’d like to introduce you to our school daily newspaper. We need volunteers to help us with our newspaper. Experience isn’t absolutely necessary. But we need people with writing and typing skills. Since The Voice comes out five days a week, we need excellent students who know how to plan their time well. Good grades are necessary. We can pay you, depending on your work but don’t expect to get rich. This isn’t something you do for the money. Mostly it’s just for fun. Anyone who is interested in this job should speak to me immediately after this meeting. Be prepared to start right now. The first issue goes to press tomorrow.


【题目】 There are many differences between British English and American English. I used to teach a course about the differences between the two. We speak English on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean but we have many differences in our common language. We have examples of the same words having very different meanings, differing spellings of the same words as well as completely different words for the same things. Here are some examples.

A cookie in the US is called a biscuit in the UK. A biscuit in the US is a small cake in the UK. Crisps in the UK, are known as chips, but we British people eat a plate of chips that you call fries in the US. In the UK, a pie can be made from either meat or fruit, while in the US pies are normally made from fruit; pot pies are made from meat. Most things are measured in grams and kilograms in the US, not pounds and ounces.

One very obvious difference is the side of the road we each choose to drive on. Petrol in the UK is gas in the US. The place where we fill up our cars, in the UK, is a garage; while in the US, it’s a gas station. The term garage is also used as a place to store your car next to or close by your house. In the UK we call a lorry what is known as a truck in the US.

An elevator in the US is called a lift here, and the first floor in the US, is called the ground floor here, so many visitors get off on the wrong floor in British hotels.

I could continue with this. There are countless examples of differences within our one shared language. With so many differences, no wonder it’s hard to understand each other well.

1The passage is mainly about the differences between British English and American English in____.



2It’s implied in the passage that the author may be______.

A.a driver from the US.

B.a cook from the US.

C.a teacher from the UK.

D.a gas station worker from the UK.

3What can we learn from the passage?

A.“Elevator” is commonly used in the UK.

B.Pies mean the same thing in the UK and the US.

C.In the UK, things are measured in pounds and ounces.

D.British and American people drive on the same side of the road.

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