
______ seemed surprising to us was ______   he came out first in the speaking competition.

A. It; that       B. What; what

C. It ; what  D. What; that








Topic: "Enjoy Worldwide privileges with BOC cards" 5% cash rebate(折扣) from UnionPay credit card issued by Bank of China

Time: April 1, 2014 to February 28, 2015

Customer: Personal credit cards with card number starting with “62” and with the UnionPay logo on the card


The promotion period is from April 1, 2014 to February 28, 2015.

Payments with business cards, corporate cards or transactions(交易)through third-party platform (PAYPAL, Alipay and the internet banking payment and Kuai payment supported by Alipay) are not eligible(合格的)for the promotion.

The promotion is applicable to online shopping payments to appointed business partners only, and all the transactions need to be completed via UnionPay online.

Amazon (U.S.) personal credit cards with card number starting with “62” and with the UnionPay logo on the card are eligible for the promotion.

As the promotion has no pre-defined upper limit on the number of transactions, all transactions meeting the criteria above will enjoy the cash rebate.

The value of eligible transactions will be the settlement amount in RMB according to the UnionPay system.

All single transactions of RMB 500 or more with payment made by UnionPay credit card issued by Bank of China (card number starting with ’62’) via UnionPay online platform will enjoy a 5% cash rebate, capped at RMB 100 per card per month.

Cardholders will receive the cash rebate within 90 calendar days after every promotion period. If the cardholder has any questions on the amount of rebate, please contact Bank of China Credit Card Customer Care Hotline(4006695566)within 30 calendar days since receiving the rebate; if no question is raised within 30 calendar days, the bank with deem the client agreeable to the amount of rebate. The date of cash rebate arriving in client’s account could be later than the date described above due to force majeure that is not unforeseeable.

Transaction value for the main credit card and supplementary cards will be calculated separately, and transaction value for credit cards of different card numbers will be calculated separately. Only transactions made with specified credit cards to appointed business partners will be eligible for the cash rebate promotion; in case of refund, no cash rebate will be made. At the same time, Bank of China reserve the right to recall any unqualified cash rebate already made.

Cardholders will need to ensure no late payment, card freeze or other abnormal occasions during the promotion period, otherwise the cardholder will not be eligible for the promotion.

Income tax associated with the cash rebate will be taken care of by the cardholder. Cardholders hold the responsibility to declare the income and settle the tax payment.


1. Which of the following cards can get the cash rebate?





2.How much rebate can I get from a 500 dollars payment?

A. About 5RMB B. About 25 RMB

C. About 100 RMBD. About 125 RMB

3. According to this passage, the third-party platform doesn’t include_______.

A. Business cards B. PAYPAL C. Alipay D. Kuai payment

4. In which of the following payment can we get the cash rebate?

A. $60 for a sweater on Amazon.

B. $80 for a bottle of wine from a shop in Paris.

C. $100 for a souvenir bought in the duty-free shop of LAX.

D. $200 for a child safety seat on Amazon.

5.We can learn from the passage that ___________.

A. The cash rebate will arrive in our account within 30 calendar days.

B. We can’t get the cash rebate unless we pay the income tax associated.

C. Both the customers and Amazon(U.S.) will benefit from this promotion.

D. Any transactions of RMB 500 or more can get the cash rebate.


More than a hundred reporters from around the world thronged and bustled in the Stock Exchange Building in Stockholm's Old Town for about an hour before the doors to the Swedish Academy swung open. Notably, there were many Japanese reporters present, hoping to break the news that Haruki Murakami had won the prize. Finally, the Swedish Academy's Permanent Secretary Peter Englund stepped out from the doors and said Canadian short story writer Alice Munro has won the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature.

The following is a truncated Q&A with reporters and Englund. (The questions have been simplified and clarified.)

Why did Alice Munro win?

We gave her the Nobel Prize in Literature because she is a master of the contemporary short story.

Which book to begin with?

One of the amazing things about her is that she has no weak works in her writing. She has always worked to the best of her ability; she has always cultivated the short story to perfection. And she has never really written a weak or bad book. So you can take your pick. 'The Moons of Jupiter' was the first book I read by her and you can see both her different themes in that book and also her very special narrative mode, you can find it there. She tells her stories a bit like nobody else. She has a very economical language and sparse style. You can find that in 'The Moons of Jupiter.' You can take your pick. The latest one is obviously very interesting, 'Dear Life,' which contains a number of autobiographical sketches at the end that gives a key to the entire authorship of Alice Munro.

How was she informed?

Well, I left a message on her answering machine. I couldn't reach her and it was of course pretty early in the morning. But she will be notified by courier, by email to her both agents, by standard mail and so on.

What kind of message did you leave?

Basically, congratulations! You've won the Nobel Prize in literature.

What's the Importance of a woman winning?

Don't ask me. We picked her for excellence, nothing else. Of course it matters when you start doing the headcount. But she is no representative. She has received this prize just because of what she has done. Nothing else.

So the sexual balance doesn't count?

We don't have these kinds of quotas; thank god ... We don't have any quotas. We could, if we wanted to, award this prize four times in a row to a children's book writer working in the United States. If we wanted to. We can do as we please. We don't have to fill any quotes in any direction. We just give it to authors who show an extraordinary literary quality. One of these is Mrs. Alice Munro.

1.Why were there so many Japanese reporters in the Stock Exchange Building in Stockholm's Old Town?

A. They were waiting there to report who would win the 2013 Nobel Prize in 2013.

B. They had expected that Haruki Murakami would win the prize.

C. They just wanted to be the first to report the 2013 Noble Prize winner.

D. They were waiting in the stock market to give the world a big surprise.

2.Alice Munro would most probably be informed of her winning by ________?

A. picking up her answering machine B. email from both of her agents

C. standard mail D. The passage doesn’t clarify it.

3.According to the passage, Alice Munro was awarded the 2013 Noble Prize in Literature mainly for ________.

A. she has an obvious advantage over Haruki Murakami

B. it is rare for a woman to have written so many perfect stories

C. she is a master of the contemporary short story

D. she deserves a prize for her hard work for so many years

4.Alice Munro is best known for her work ________.

A. “Dear Life”, which contains a number of autobiographical sketches that gives a key to her entire authorship

B. “The Moons of Jupiter”, which represented both her different themes and also her very special narrative mode

C. “Dance of the Happy Shades”, which helped her win the first Governor General’s Award

D. no specific work, but the uniqueness and perfection reflected in all her works



A. It’s bonding time.

B. It’s time for family updates.

C. It can keep kids out of trouble.

D. It offers all kinds of activities.

E. It’s healthy for the whole family.

F. It’s a chance to resolve problems.

The Importance of Family Dinnertime

Over the past few years, more and more families are making great efforts to have regular family meals because it is very important.

1.__________________ Kids who live in families that eat dinner together regularly are less likely to be involved in risky behaviors. According to statistics, children who don’t eat dinner with their families are 61% more likely to use alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs. By contrast, children who eat dinner with their families every night of the week are 20% less likely to drink, smoke or use illegal drugs.

2.__________________ Families who eat dinner together regularly are more likely to have stronger, happier family relationships. As families struggle to find amounts of quality time together, family dinnertime provides the opportunity for both. When families hang out together and communicate, they grow strong and healthy.

3._________________ Families who eat dinner together regularly can keep in touch with each others’ lives. Everyone — kids and parents alike — can keep up-to-date during your family dinnertime on what is going on with school, jobs, family life and friends.

4.__________________ A regular family dinnertime provides natural opportunities for planning and problem solving. Scheduling family meeting times to discuss planning, needs and problem solving can be difficult. A regular family mealtime can offer a natural solution to the challenge.

5.__________________ Kids are likely to receive better nutrition when eating dinner regularly with their families. A simple, but true rule applies — when kids eat with their families, they eat better. A family dinnertime means kids are more likely to eat a nutritionally balanced meal, lower in sugar and fat content, than if they prepare or purchase meals on their own.


LONDON, Feb. 18,2014 (Xinhua News agency) —Britain will send experts to East China's Shanghai to learn from the city's experience in maths teaching in an attempt to raise the teaching standards.

British Education Minister Elizabeth Truss is to lead a delegation of experts on a fact-finding mission to Shanghai's schools next week to see how children there have become the best in the world at maths, to get a first-hand look at maths classes and teaching methods there, and particularly to investigate why the performance of almost all children in Shanghai is high, regardless of gender or income.

Britain was last year placed 50th out of 148 countries and regions in the World Economic Forum's competitiveness ranking in quality of maths and science education. Two years ago, Shanghai topped the 2012 international PISA tables for maths, while England was ranked in 26th place. The top five were all in Southeast Asia, with 15-year-olds in Shanghai judged to be three years ahead of their peers in maths.

The education department said: "England's performance in maths has lagged behind while other countries have improved and overtaken us, including Poland and Germany." Actually, it is the latest step in the government's drive to raise standards in maths, looking at what has made schools in the far East the most successful in the world in teaching the subject.

"Shanghai is the top-performing part of the world for maths—their children are streets ahead. Shanghai and Singapore have teaching practices and a positive mind that make the difference. They have a belief that diligence makes up for lack of ability," Truss said. "Our new curriculum has borrowed from theirs because we know it works—early learning of key arithmetic, and a focus on times tables and long division(长除法), for instance."

She was determined to change the situation as performance in maths is weakening the country's skills base and threatening the productivity and growth. The government is emphasizing maths because of the importance of good grades in the subject to young people competing for good jobs in a global labor market and to the economy more generally.

An education and skills survey released by the Confederation of British Industry last year showed that 30 percent of employers reported dissatisfaction with the standard of school and college leavers' numeracy. More than two-thirds of employers said they wanted both maths and science promoted more in schools.

1.Why does the British government send a delegation of experts to Shanghai?

A. To see how children from rich families have become the best at maths.

B. To investigate why the performance of almost all children in China is high.

C. To get a first-hand look at science classes and teaching methods there.

D. To raise the teaching standards in maths in Britain.

2.Which of the following statements is true according to the two international competition results?

A. British students performed better in 2013 than in 2012.

B. British students did better than the students from Poland in 2013.

C. The students from Singapore did better than the students from Germany.

D. The students from Germany did better than the students from Poland.

3.What has made schools in Shanghai the most successful in teaching maths in the eye of Truss?

A. Curriculum and teaching methods.

B. Teaching practices and a positive mind.

C. Early learning of key arithmetic and times tables.

D. A focus on times tables and long division.

4.How will students’ poor performance in maths affect the country eventually?

A. By threatening the country's competitiveness of economy.

B. By weakening the country's political system.

C. By losing international competitions in education.

D. By failing to find jobs in a global labor market.

5.What can we infer from the news?

A. The students in Britain don’t work hard at Maths.

B. The students in shanghai are the smartest in the world.

C. The education of science in Britain is no better than that of maths.

D. Most British citizens are dissatisfied with teachers’ work.


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