

  Open Your Eyes And Let's See Who You Are

  Inventors have developed a new way to identify people, using a machine that scans their eyeballs.Developed by eyes scan, this new technology takes advantage of the fact that the iris(虹膜)of each person's eye is unique, and remains unchanged throughout a lifetime.

  The process will replace ________called retina(视网膜)identification, which compared the pattern of veins(静脉)in the back of the eye.Used to control access to nuclear weapons, retina identification has never caught on with the public because it requires the user to put their eyeball right up against a lens.Iris scanning, on the other hand, works from a distance.

  The iris of the eye is photographed from up to one meter away.The patterns of the iris are translated into digital code, and stored in a PC database, along with personal information.Glasses and contact lenses do not interfere with the scanning process, and it takes only a brief moment.

  The new technology will be useful for banking and police work, as well as for the Internet economy.Before long, your computer monitor may be equipped with an iris scanner that can identify you when you shop online, thus preventing fraud.

  There will be no ID cards to carry in your pocket, and no long numbers to memorize.And eyes will be very difficult to counterfeit.

  Did you lose your ID card?No, you didn't.It's still right up there beside your nose.

1.What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)


2.Which sentences in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

A new way has been improved to identify people, using a machine that scans their eyeballs.


3.Please fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)


4.What do you think of the eyeball ID?(Please answer within 30 words.)


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.



  1.Eyeball ID

  2.Inventors have developed a new way to identify people, using a machine that scans their eyeballs.

  3.an older technology

  4.various answers.




  In defining happiness, first we should get rid of a harmful connotation, that happiness is synonymous with pleasure.It is most decidedly not.Pleasure is an end in itself; it is something that is hunted for.________; it is not obvious, but mysterious.

  This distinction is recognized in the very meaning of the word,“happiness”.It comes from the Old English “hap”, which just means“something that happens”.Many of our words invoking circumstance come from this word;“happening”,“mishap”, and“perhaps”are examples.“Happiness”, too, comes from this word, and means, literally,“that which happens”.

  Happiness is, moreover, a personal experience.It is confined to the person and the moment to which it belongs.What you find happy, your neighbor might not; what you and your neighbor find happy, the two of you may find happy for different reasons.If we had enough wisdom, enough knowledge, or simply enough love, we could be happy in everything.

  Happiness, then, is what we let it be.We can be happy, like the hermit, even if we are miserable, alone, and in pain.To us, though, it appears tending to escape, and many chase it, thinking of it as pleasure or riches.Happiness is not lack of want; that is contentment.Happiness is not joy or pleasure.Happiness is not the absence of sadness or pain.If we were stumbling stupidly about in a dark room, happiness would be the shaft of light we let through the keyhole, not knowing enough to simply open the door.

1.What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)


2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

Happiness is then a kind of one's own feeling.


3.Please fill in the blank in the first paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)


4.What is your feeling towards happiness?(Please answer within 30 words.)


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.



  The interview has been going on for about 20 minutes and everything seems to be going well.Then, suddenly, the interviewer asks an expected question,“Which is not important, law or love?”

  Job applicants increasingly find themselves asked strange questions like this.And the signs are that this is beginning to happen in China.Employers want people who are skilled, enthusiastic and devoted.So these are qualities that reasonable intelligent job applicant will try to show no matter what his or her actual feelings are.

  In response, employers are increasingly using questions that can try and show the applicants' true personality.The question in the first paragraph comes from a test called the Kiersey Personality Sorter.It is an attempt to discover how people solve problems, ________ This is often called aptitude(智能)testing.

  According to Mark Baldwin of Alliance many job applicants in China are finding this type of questions difficult.When a Chinese person fills out an aptitude test he or she will think there is a right answer and they may well fail because they try to guess what the examiner wants to see.

  This is sometimes called the prisoner's dilemma(窘境).Applicants are trying to act cleverly in their own interest.But they fail because they don't understand what the interviewer is looking for.Remember that in an aptitude test, the correct answer is always the honest answer.

1.What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)


2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

More and more people are realizing that they will have to face some unexpected questions when being interviewed.


3.Please fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)


4.What question would you like to ask the applicant if you were the employer in order to figure out his personality?(Please answer within 20 words.)


5.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.



  Every year in the United States about 200,000 people are hospitalized and 36,000 die from the flu.While colds won't kill you, they can weaken your immune(免疫的)system.We can't promise you'll never get hit with another cold or suffer the flu, but you can increase your probability of staying well in these ways.

  ●Wash your hands often.The Naval Health Research Center conducted a study of 40,000 people who were ordered to wash their hands five times a day.These people cut their incidence of respiratory(呼吸的)illnesses by 45 percent.

  ●Run your toothbrush through the microwave on high for 10 seconds to kill germs that can cause colds and other illnesses.You think it gets your teeth clean-and it does.

  ●Get a flu shot every fall.The Centers for Disease Control recommends flu shots for anyone 50 years old or older.Also, people who work or live with a high-risk person should ________ so they don't spread the flu.Of course, anyone who just wants to avoid the flu should also get one.

  ●Stop blaming yourself when things go wrong at work.Believe it or not, blaming yourself makes you more likely to catch a cold!At least, that's what researchers found when they studied more then 200 workers over three months.Researchers expect such attitudes make people more stressed on the job, and stress, as you know, can challenge your immune system.

  ●Leave the windows in your house open a crack in winter.Not all of them but one or two in the rooms in which you spend the most time.A bit of fresh air will do wonders for chasing out germs.

1.What's the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)


2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

Although we can't make sure that you never get a cold or the flu, you can probably reduce the chances of catching a cold or the flu by using these ways.


3.Please fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)


4.What else can you suggest to avoid suffering the flu according to you own experience?(Please answer within 30 words.)


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the fifth paragraph into Chinese.



  London has more than nine million visitors every year.They come and visit some of the most famous places in England:Big Ben, the Tower of London and the River Thames.

  You can see some of the most interesting places in the city by getting on one of London's tour buses.It has an open roof and let you off at any places you want to visit.

  The River Thames is London's main waterway.It has shaped the capital's landscape, history and geography.So one of the best ways of making sense of the city is to make a trip along the river.Much of the riverbank can now be walked along, particularly the south bank.

  The clock tower of the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, has become one of the main symbols of London.It rises up nearly 100 m to a golden point above the clock and a 13-ton bell.The sound of the bell, which you can hear at the beginning of many television and radio programs, has become well-known throughout the nation.No visit to London is complete without a look at the Tower of London, in the eastern part of the city.After Big Ben, the Tower may be London's most visited tourist spot.

  Sightseeing in London is great, but it can get ________.So the best way to start the day is to fill up on an English breakfast.For starters, have an egg, bacon, sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms, black pudding and fired bread.Then finish off with toast and jam, and a large pot of tea.You can buy an English breakfast in nearly every hotel, and many restaurants and cafes.

  An English pub is a good place to stop for lunch and a drink.You can get hot or cool food and try one of England's beers.Or you can sit outside one of the many roadside puns and cafes in London, and simply watch the busy world go by.

1.What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)


2.Which sentence in the passage can be best replaced by the following one?It is very grateful if you don't go to the Tower of London when visiting London.


3.Please fill in the blank in the fifth paragraph with proper words of phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)


4.Which place of London do you want to visit most?Why?(Please answer within 30 words.)


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the third paragraph into Chinese.



  Rome had the Forum; London has Speaker’s Corner.Now always-on-the-go New Yorkers have Liz and Bill.

  Liz and Bill, two college graduates in their early 20s, have spent a whole year trying to have thousands of people talk to them in subway stations and on busy street corners.Just talk.

  Using a 2-foot-tall sign that says, “Talk to Me”, they attract conversationalists, who one evening included a mental patient, and men in business suits.

  They don’t collect money.They don’t push religion.So what’s the point?

  “To see what happens, ”said Liz.“We simply enjoy life with open communication.”

  Shortly after the September 11, 2001 attacks, they decided to walk from New York City to Washington, a 270-mile trip.They found they loved talking to people along the way and wanted to continue talking with strangers after their return.

  “It started as a crazy idea, ” Liz said.“We were so curious about all the strangers walking by with their life stories.People ________:their jobs, their clothes, their childhood experiences, anything.”

  Denise wanted to talk about an exam she was about to take.She had stopped by for the second time in two days, to let the two listeners know how it went

  Marcia had lost her husband to a serious disease.“That was very heavy on my mind,” Marcia said.“To be able to talk about it to total strangers was very good, ”she explained.

  To celebrate a year of talking, the two held a get-together in a city park for all the people they had met over the past year.A few hundred people showed up, as well as some television cameramen and reporters.

  They may plan more parties or try to attract more people to join their informal talks.Some publishers have expressed interest in a book, something they say they’ll consider.

1.What is the best title for the passage?(within 10 words)


2.Please fill in the blank in the last but four paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence?(within 10 words)


3.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

What on earth do they talk for?


4.Will you talk about your private affairs to a stranger? Why or why not?(within 30 words)


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the last but three paragraph.


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