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Will Christmas Replace the Spring Festival?
Christmas arouse increasing attention year by year in China.

分析 这是一篇关于圣诞节将会取代春节话题的作文.根据题目要求可知用第一人称和一般现在时态.内容包括:一中国人庆祝圣诞的现状;二圣诞节是否会取代春节及其原因;三自己的看法.
1.One reason lies in the fact that Christmas only affects Christians,college students and joint-venture workers.句子里lies in 表示"存在于";that 引导同位语从句,介绍the fact 的内容.
2.I think it is natural that with increasing exchanges with the West,a lot of Western holidays have been gradually introduced into China.句子里it 做形式主语,代指that 从句;have been gradually introduced 事现在完成时态的被动,表示"已经被引入".

解答 Will Christmas Replace the Spring Festival?
    Christmas arouses increasing attention year by year in China.Christmas cards become popular with students.People hold Christmas parties and exchange Christmas gifts.A lot of programs about Christmas are on the TV and radio.Meanwhile,the Spring Festival is less appealing to youngsters.Thus some people wonder whether Christmas will replace the Spring Festival.(中国人庆祝圣诞的现状)
     This worry is fairly unnecessary.One reason lies in the fact that Christmas only affects Christians,college students and joint-venture workers.【高分句型一】Another reason is that Christmas is mostly celebrated in cities.Few people in countryside show extreme interest in this exotic festival.By contrast,the Spring Festival is the most influential traditional festival in every family.(圣诞节是否会取代春节及其原因)
     I think it is natural that with increasing exchanges with the West,a lot of Western holidays have been gradually introduced into China.【高分句型二】For us Chinese we should never neglect or even discard our own traditional festivals.For centuries Chinese have observed this traditional holiday to welcome the beginning of a new year.And we should treasure the Spring Festival forever.(自己的看法)

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17.On April 14th,2010,my entire life changed in an instant.One moment I was joyfully riding through the sunshine.The next moment,metal,flesh and bone were spreading against the pavement in a thunderous crash.Another cyclist,biking carelessly,had cut me off and sent me supermanning toward oncoming traffic.
As if to symbolize the accident that had hit my life,another disaster also occurred on April 14th,2010.It cost the airline industry$l.7billion.Ten million travelers were stuck for days.Economies all over the world were disturbed.This was the eruption of Eyjafjallajokull,one of Iceland's many volcanoes.
However,volcanoes are not all bad.In fact,they are necessary.They are responsible for the birth of new earth,and for the creation of rich soil.This eruption gave off 0.15 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere daily.But cancelling 48% of the worlds flight travel saved about 2.8 million tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere,temporarily decreasing our carbon footprint.
Similarly,the accident had badly affected my emotion but it also allowed me to look more closely inside myself and discover things about myself I never would have realized.I learned how not to judge myself for my new limitations.
In 1973,another Icelandic volcano,Eldfell,broke out.Icelanders decided to bomb it with cold water until it froze and chose a different path.After their plan worked,they used the geothermal (地热) energy for the next 15years to heat their homes.A good example of life bringing lemons,and making lemonade!One must move on from misfortunes,focusing only on the present moment and being hopeful for the future.
I ran from April 14th,2010,to every kind of escape.Eventually I ended up in university for a new-found love in Earth sciences.

32.What happened to the writer on April 14th,2010?D
A.He was involved in a car crash.
B.He was stuck in Iceland's airport.
C.He witnessed a volcanic eruption.
D.He was badly injured on a bike ride.
33.Which was an effect of the eruption of Eyjafjallajokull?C
A.Economy was cost globally by the eruption.
B.Carbon dioxide was increased temporarily.
C.Most of the world's planes were held up.
D.The earth in Ireland was terribly polluted
34.Why did the writer mention the Eldfell volcano?A
A.It broke out in Iceland on April 14th as well.
B.It symbolized the accident that changed his life.
C.It told us to make the most of given situation.
D.It encouraged him to know more about himself
35.What is the best title for the passage?B
A.Escape from Volcanoes 
B.Inspiration from Disasters
C.Love for Earth Science
D.Attitude towards Nature.
5.I want to be a writer,an inventor,a social worker,and mayor of New York City.My future is no great mystery (谜) to me,and yours doesn't have to be a mystery either!All it takes is a goal,a little planning,and a lot of self-confidence.
I get excited when I think about what I can do,and so should you.Every dream can become a reality if you work at it.You don't have to limit yourself to doing just one thing.I want to do lots of things,like Benjamin Franklin.He was a writer,an inventor,a politician,and a scientist.
Having a goal,something you really want to do,is a good place to start in solving the mystery of your future.It gives you something to work toward.Your goal may seem impossible at first,but if you break it down,it won't seem so hard.Remember,a goal is something you really want to do,not what someone else wants you to do.
  Other people can help you figure out your future,too.People who do what you want to do are your greatest resources.To find out what they do,you c an volunteer to help them,do an internship,or even just talk to them.Visiting your parents'jobs,going to career fairs,and taking part in after-school programs are other good choices.The Internet and the library are great places to research organizations and programs for young people.You can also read biographies of people who inspire you,which can help you see how other people reached their goals.If you're not certain about your future,explore different careers by asking yourself what you really like to do.
Be realistic when you make your goals but allow a little room for dreaming.Remember,it's OK you're your future to be a little mysterious.That's what makes it so exciting.Someday you may be an astronaut,a carpenter,an ambassador,a writer,a ballet dancer,or whatever else interests you.You may even do it all!
29.A ccording to the author,which is a good way of carrying out a plan to achieve a goal?A
A.To work on several plans at once.
B.To break it down into manageable steps.
C.To daydream about a satisfactory outcome.
D.To spend a few minutes planning every day.
30.What is the author trying to do in Paragraph 4 of the selection?D
A.To make reader know useful resources.
B.To inform the reader about the workplace.
C.To encourage the reader to do well in school.
D.To try to persuade the reader to try several careers.
31.Which activity would help a person to be realistic when he makes his goal?D
A.Following people one admires.
B.Feeling attracted to different careers.
C.Writing about hopes and dreams.
D.Seeking information about careers.
32.What is the effect of listing many different jobs in the opening and closing paragraphs?C
A.It proves there are many reasonable goals.
B.It encourages people to focus on one goal.
C.It stresses the many exciting career choices.
D.It shows how the author combines all these careers.
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25.TV Ears helps youB
A.improve your sleeping quality
B.listen to TV without disturbing others
C.change TV channels without difficulty
D.become interested in ballgame programs
26.What makes TV Ears different from other headsets?C
A.It can easily set TV on mute.
B.Its headset volume is adjustable.
C.It has a new noise reduction car tip.
D.It applies special wireless technology.
27.This advertisement is made more believable byA
A.using recommendations   
B.offering reasons for this invention
C.providing statistics    
D.showing the results of experiments.

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