
【题目】 Everyone has moments of forgetfulness from time to time, especially when life gets busy.

1, having a poor memory can be frustrating. However, research has shown that there are ways to improve your memory.

Sleep on it

Sleeping well helps make episodic memories stronger. 2, especially relating to learning motor skills, such as learning to play a musical instrument or ride a bike. Having a full night’s sleep soon after gaining a new skill helps strengthen the processes involved.

Believe to remember

Positive thinking appears to improve memory performance. Researchers found they could improve the performance of people aged 60 and above in memory tests by presenting them with positive age-related words such as “wise”, and “sharp-witted”. 3. Brain scans have shown differences in activity levels in brain regions, according to whether or not individuals believe they have good recall abilities or not.


Memories can be weakened if the brain doesn’t have enough downtime to strengthen them. More than a century ago, German scientists showed that people performed almost twice as well in memory tests if they took breaks.

Stay social

5. US scientists who asked people in their 50s and 60s to do memory tests every other year found there is a slower decline in recall abilities of their most so ciable persons. Having good friends, volunteering and other forms of social engagement also protect memory.

A. Take a break

B. Stay mentally active

C. Having an active social life delays memory loss as we age

D. Poor sleep is thought to have a significant effect on memory

E. Giving others words such as “forgets” and “confused” weakened their performance

F. While this can be a completely normal occurrence

G. There is evidence that sleep plays a vital role in strengthening memories









1根据该句后半句记忆力差是令人沮丧的。承接后半句,FWhile this can be a completely normal occurrence(虽然这可能是完全正常的事情)切题。前后构成让步关系,故选F

2根据该句后半句尤其与学习运动技能有关,如学习演奏乐器或骑自行车。承接后半句,GThere is evidence that sleep plays a vital role in strengthening memories(有证据表明,睡眠在增强记忆力方面起着至关重要的作用)切题。故选G

3上句提示研究人员发现,通过向60岁及以上的老人展示一些与年龄有关的积极词汇,如聪明机智,他们的记忆力会有所提高。承接上文,EGiving others words such as “forgets” and “confused” weakened their performance(给别人忘记困惑等词会削弱他们的表现)切题。故选E

4此空是小标题,应该用短小精悍的祈使句,在A/B中选。再根据下文提示如果大脑没有足够的休息时间来强化记忆,那么记忆就会被削弱。承接下文,ATake a break(休息一下)切题。故选A

5下文提示拥有好朋友、志愿服务和其他形式的社交活动也能保护记忆。承接下文,C Having an active social life delays memory loss as we age(随着年龄的增长,积极的社交生活可以延缓记忆力的丧失)切题。故选C


【题目】I was both excited and a little scared in my first day of kindergarten. The large classroom was full of books and , two kinds of things that I loved. But it was also full of kids all than me. Because my was in late September, I was in at only 4 years old, and this meant I was destined(注定的) to be smallest kid in my until the 7th grade.

I think my mom sensed I was a little . That was why she was always there to pick me up right after school when I could have ridden the bus. I would sit in the front seat her and tell her all about my . Sometimes we would even read a book and until all the cars and the buses had left before we home. I felt so safe and peaceful when we sat in the car together. I those special times when I had my mom all to myself. Beginning the new challenge of school didn’t seem so when I knew I could talk about it with her. Being a tiny, little kid in a big scary wasn’t so bad either. I knew my mom loved me and that was all I to be loving, joyful, and strong.

I look back on those happy times, I can see now that they also me for what I would find later in life. Even after she too soon, I could still feel her love flowing down from Heaven.

The next time this world seems too scary or hard, then don’t . Instead, invite love to the of your soul, close the doors, and spend some time alone together.

【1A. tools B. toys C. animals D. fruits

【2A. politer B. cleverer C. bigger D. richer

【3A. celebration B. holiday C. program D. birthday

【4A. allowed B. shown C. pushed D. guided

【5A. village B. class C. home D. Neighborhood

【6A. afraid B. tired C. hungry D. excited

【7A. faithfully B. easily C. luckily D. happily

【8A. under B. behind C. next to D. in front of

【9A. trip B. day C. plan D. experiment

【10A. perform B. play C. argue D. wait

【11A.drove B. moved C. rushed D. stepped

【12A. imagined B. ignored C. valued D. forgot

【13A. clear B. dangerous C. difficult D. strange

【14A. community B. factory C. city D. world

【15A. afforded B. offered C. agreed D. needed

【16A. As B. Until C. Although D. Since

【17A. forgave B. prepared C. praised D. rewarded

【18A. built up B. came back C. set off D. passed away

【19】A. turn up B. look around C. run away D. break in

【20】A. car B. way C. side D. part

【题目】 Parents who fear their kids are spending too much time in front of screens now have more reasons for concern.

New research funded by the National Institutes of Health found brain changes among kids using screens more than seven hours a day and lower cognitive(认知的) skills among those using screens more than two hours a day.

When studies find links between screen time and negative outcomes, some have argued that this is just the latest moral panic over technology.After all, didn't today's grandparents once worry that their kids were watching too much TV or talking on the phone too much? Those kids( today's parents )turned out OK, right?

In a new paper, my co-authors and I found that children who spent four or more hours a day on portable devices(设备)--compared with no time-were over 44 percent more likely to sleep not enough.TV time was also connected to less sleep, but not as strongly or consistently.

For one thing, TV is not so psychologically stimulating(刺激性的)as a portable device like a smartphone, which, unlike TV.doesn’t exist to simply consume media.Smartphones have also become a huge part of social life, whether it's texting with friends or interacting with them on social media.

And unlike TV, portable devices can be silently carried into the bedroom or even the bed, resulting in some teens using them throughout the night.

That might explain why lack of sleep among teens spiked after 2012-just as smartphone use became common.

So what is a parent-or anyone who wants to sleep well-to do?

First, it's best for smartphones and tablets to stay out of the bedroom after"lights-out"time.Nor is it a great idea to use the devices within an hour of bedtime, as their blue light influences the brain’s ability to produce melatonin (褪黑激素).Finally, as a general rule, two hours a day or less spent on portable devices is a good guideline.These rules apply to parents, too -not only kids.

1What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A.Today's parents' health condition.

B.Grandparents’ influence on their kids.

C.Bad effects of too much screen time on kids.

D.Some people,'s opinion on the findings of the studies.

2What is a reason for portable devices' being more strongly associated with less sleep?

A.They only consume media.B.They are convenient to carry.

C.They are better used in daytime.D.They are independent of social life.

3What does the underlined word"spiked" in paragraph 7 probably mean?

A.rose quickly.B.stood still.

C.grew equally.D.decreased abruptly.

4What's the author's advice on how to get a good sleep?

A.Never bring screens into the bedroom.

B.Allow parents to adapt the rules for themselves.

C.Avoid the devices within an hour of bedtime.

D.Spend exactly two hours a day on the devices.

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