

1. 校友回忆在我校学习的经历;

2. 校友的成功及对母校的感激;

3. 自己听报告后的感想。

注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加情节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头语已为你写好。

Yesterday we invited Mr. Li,a famous scholar and schoolmate of our school,to give a speech to us Senior 3 students


I saw a dear friend a few days ago and stopped by to ask her how she was doing.She looked up,voice lowered,just complaining:“I'm so busy…have so much going on”

Almost immediately after,I ran into another friend and asked him how he was.Again,the same tone,the same response:“I'm just so busy…got so much to do.”

Their responses knocked me down.How did we create a world in which we have more and more to do with less time for leisure,less time for reflection,less time for community? When did we forget that we are human beings,not human doings? What happened to a world in which we can sit with the people we love so much and have slow conversations with meaningful pauses and silences that we are in no rush to fill?

This disease of being “busy” is spiritually destructive to our health and well-being.It weakens our ability to be fully present with those we love the most in our families, and keeps us from forming the kind of community that we all so desperately tong for.

I don’t have any magical solutions.All I know is that we are losing the ability to live a truly human life.I am always a prisoner of hope, but I wonder if we are willing to make a change to our so-called busyness of life.Somehow we need a different model of organizing our lives,our societies,and our families.

I want us to have a kind of existence where we can pause,look each other in the eye,touch one another,and ask ourselves:Here is how my heart is doing,I am taking the time to reflect on my own existence,and I know how to express the state of my heart.

1.What’s the result of the busy lifestyle?

A.People will become forgetful in their everyday life.

B.People are beginning to find some time for leisure.

C.People may lose the ability of enjoying their life.

D.People will further understand the importance of community.

2.How can we live a relaxed and balanced life according to the author?

A.By seeking help from local families.

B.By improving our working ability.

C.By reconstructing the model of our lives.

D.By creating a smarter open community.

3.Calling himself a prisoner of hope,the author means that .

A.he thinks people won’t change

B.he actually has magical solutions

C.it is harmful to have many hopes

D.he is always optimistic about life

4.What is the purpose of the author writing the article?

A.To express concerns about people’s complaints.

B.To criticize and reflect on the people’s present lifestyle.

C.To voice his opinions on how to live a simple life.

D.To question whether it is possible to live a slow life.



“Ring! Ring! Ring!”The telephone rang for a long time in Bill Hewlett’s house.Bill was the director of a large ________company called Hewlett-Packard.At that time,computers had already ________ but they were huge machines that cost a lot of money.

Bill answered the telephone________ .He did not like being disturbed while he was reading his newspaper.A young-sounding ________ on the other line said,”My name is Steve Jobs.I in a ________of the Hewlett-Packard Explorers’Club.I went on a fieldtrip to one of your company ‘s laboratories and was ________ by the 9100A computer.I’ve never seen anything so splendid!”He ________ for a while and continued.”I in looking for some computer ________ to build a frequency counter.Well.I thought you might be able to ________ me.”

There was ________ .Then,Bill asked the young boy for his ________ .Steve revealed that he was twelve.There was another silence.________ by the boy’s enthusiasm,Bill invited Steve to his office.

A few days later,Bill Hewlett gave Steve what he needed.Steve was also offered a ________ job in one of his laboratories.

Eight years later,Steve Jobs set up a ________ with his close friend,Steve Wozniak.Their first step was to find a ________ for the company.Steve Jobs loved apples and had worked off an apple ________ before.Although there was no ________ between apples and computers,________ thought‘Apple’would be a catchy name.”I like the name.We’11 be in a great ________ in the telephone directory,”Steve Wozniak said confidently.That was how Apple was ________ in 1976.

1.A.computer B.machine C. fruit D. telephone

2.A.arrived B.gone C. 1eft D. existed

3.A.quickly B.sadly C. angrily D. happily

4.A.scientist B. voice C. girl D. man

5.A.member B.adviser C. teacher D. technician

6.A.met B.delighted C. hurt D. amazed

7.A.thought B.1ooked C. paused D. talked

8.A.parts B.experts C. games D. programs

9.A.show B.help C. teach D. 1ead

10.A.1aughter B.sound C. excitement D. silence

11.A.address B.number C. age D. money

12.A.Impressed B.Woken C. Troubled D. Puzzled

13.A.permanent B.night-time C.full-time D. vacation

14.A.factory B.company C. 1aboratory D. club

15.A.name B.manager C. place D.designer

16.A.farm B.tree C.factory D. store

17.A.business B.dialogue C. friendship D. connection

18.A.each B.both C. some D. all

19.A.position B.relation C. field D. moment

20.A.managed B.saved C. created D. bought

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