
【题目】How to Increase Your Distance in Long-Distance Running

Running long distances is a great way to get in shape, reduce stress, and feel great. As a result, many people come to love this form of exercise. 1 Here are some suggestions that might be of great help.

Commit to a training plan. To help you run longer, choose a training plan that works for you. It will help you increase your mileage (里程) gradually so you’ll be able to avoid injuries and build your endurance. 2 Then you’ll be able to mentally and physically prepare.

3 To help you mentally get through your runs and increase your distance, try thinking of your run as having multiple sections. Once you finish with a section, you will be motivated to keep going through the next one. If you have an exercise tracking device, you can break up your run by keeping track of your distance on your phone, watch, or other devices.

Increase your mileage gradually. To avoid getting tired or injured, add mileage to your runs gradually. It is suggested that you increase your mileage by only about 10% each week. 4 While it is great to push yourself, you need to give your body time to adjust.

Take breaks when you need them. While your goal may be to complete your long distance run without stopping, it is more important that you listen to your body and take breaks. You can choose to walk, drink water, or eat a quick snake when necessary. 5

A.Break up your run into sections.

B.They will allow you to recover and run for even longer.

C.Before running, however, remember to prevent injuries.

D.It also lets you know what distance you have coming up.

E.Keep track of your distance on an exercise tracking device.

F.However, it can be hard for both experienced and new runners.

G.The majority of running injuries occur because of over-training.










上文介绍了长跑很有好处,受到人们欢迎下文Here are some suggestions that might be of great help.介绍了一些或许非常有帮助的建议,因此推断空格处承上启下,F项“但是,它对新手和经验丰富的长跑者而言,都比较困难”,所以作者提出了几个改进建议故选F




空格处是段落小标题。根据下文的描述可知,为了帮助你在心理上接受你的跑步,并增加你的距离,试着把你的跑步看作是有多个部分。 一旦你完成了一个部分,你将被激励继续完成下一个。因此该段强调要分解任务,A项“把你的跑步分成几个部分”与语境相符故选A







I looked forward to a visit with my mom, who lived 2,000 miles from my home in California. Since Mom was 80 and suffered from Alzheimer’s (阿兹海默症), I realized how important it was to see her again soon.

Mom received loving care from the Sister Servants of Christ the King at a 40-bed, basic-care facility (场所) in Edgeley, North Dakota. She lived in a simple room, spent most of her day doing simple things, and seemed to be “all right, “considering that dementia (痴呆) had set in.

When Mom came in, I smiled, hugged and kissed her, and said, “Nice to see you, Mom.” She didn’t recognize who I was! I was shocked.

Stressed out, I spent several hours trying to connect with my mother—talking with her, walking around the grounds, looking at family pictures in her room, chatting with the nuns (修女) —doing whatever I could think of to help Mom recognize her son. I hoped for a recognition “wonder”. But nothing I said or did worked, I was very annoyed.

The next morning, I suddenly had an idea. I thought of something that might stir her memory (记忆).I thought of strawberry milkshake (草莓奶昔). Yes, strawberry milkshake in Edgeley, North Dakota. So I took Mom to the Edgeley Coffee Shop. I wanted to treat her here. While Mom was looking at the menu, I took Sandy, the waitress, aside, quietly told her of Mom’s dementia condition and my plan to recall her long-term memory, and ordered two strawberry milkshakes.

The first paragraph: When Sandy delivered the milkshakes, I was too nervous to say a word.

The second paragraph: There’s a simple explanation for Mom’s memory.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。


【题目】 A few weeks ago, scientists at Ukraine's Vernadsky Research Base in Antarctica found their usually white surrounds were covered in a shocking blood-red. For such a mess, the culprits behind this horrible scene are tiny.

“Our scientists have identified them under a microscope as Chlamydomonasnivalis(雪地衣藻),” said the National Antarctic Scientific Centre of Ukraine in a Facebook post.

These green algae, a type of seaweed, are common in all icy and snowy regions of Earth, from the Arctic to high mountain regions. They lie still during the freezing winter, but once the sunlight warms enough to soften their world, the algae awake, making use of the melt water and sunlight to rapidly bloom.

“The algae need liquid water in order to bloom,” University of Leeds microbiologist Steffi Lutz told Gizmodo in 2016. “The algal blooms contribute to climate change,” the center stated.

A study in 2016 showed that snow algal blooms can decrease the amount of light reflected from the snow by up to 13 percent across one melt season in the Arctic. “This will surely result in higher melt rates,” the researchers wrote.

In 2017 environmental scientists calculated that microbial communities contributed to over a sixth of the snowmelt where they were present in Alaskan ice fields. Their experiments showed that areas with more melt water led to the growth of 50 percent more algae and places with more algae melted further.

This Antarctic summer has certainly seen a lot more melt water than usual. Temperature records keep changing, leading to rapid melting previously only seen in the Northern Hemisphere.

1What does the underlined word “culprits” in Paragraph 1 mean?



2What can we know about Chlamydomonasnivalis?

A.They can be found anywhere.B.They are sensitive to temperature.

C.They grow slower than before.D.They survive only one melt season.

3What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?

A.Ice and snow will soon disappear in the Antarctic.

B.Microbial communities bring about extreme weathers.

C.The Southern Hemisphere is warmer than the other parts.

D.Climate change and algae growth interact with each other.

4Which can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Why Snow Turned Blood-red.B.How Algae Began in the Arctic.

C.Why Climate Changes Greatly.D.How the Snow Reflects Sunlight.

【题目】Learning from Leonardo

Yes, Leonardo Da Vinci was a genius. 1 However, we can learn from him and try to be more like him.

Be constantly curious.

Leonardo actually did have special talents, but his distinguishing and most inspiring quality was his strong curiosity. He wanted to know what causes people to yawn and how light is processed in the eye. 2Being constantly and randomly curious about everything around us is something that each of us can push ourselves to do, every waking hour, just as he did.

Seek knowledge itself.

Not all knowledge needs to be useful. 3 By allowing himself to be driven by pure curiosity, he got to explore more horizons and see more connections than anyone else of his times.


When Leonardo came up with an idea, he designed an experiment to test it. When his experiment showed that a theory was flawed (瑕疵的), he abandoned his theory and sought a new one. If we want to be more like Leonardo, we have to be fearless about changing our minds based on new and real information.

Take notes on paper.

Five hundred years later, Leonardo's notebooks are around to astonish and inspire us.5 This way, fifty years from now, our own notebooks, will also be around to astonish and inspire our grandchildren, unlike our tweets and Facebook posts.

A.Show respect to facts.

B.You'd better show interest in writing.

C.We may never be able to match his talents.

D.Work up the enthusiasm to start writing them.

E.Sometimes it should be learned for pure pleasure.

F.Merely a small part of knowledge can be applied to practice.

G.Also, he instructed himself to learn about the light of the moon.

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