
19.Our industry makes use of what farmers          throw away as waste.(  )

分析 我们企业利用的正是农民当作废物扔掉的东西.

解答 答案:C  句意表达的是对比,make use of利用,throw away as waste废弃不用;选项中只有otherwise可以表达相反,不同的含义.故选C.

点评 并列连词用来连接并列句.常用的并列连词有:表并列关系的and,neither…nor.,either…or…,as well as,not only…but also…;表转折关系的but,yet,however,still,while;表选择关系的either…or…,neither…nor…,or,otherwise;表因果关系的for,therefore,so,学习时要加以区分和掌握.

10.A dog-lover has invented a high-tech way of feeding his pet by Twitter(推特,流行社交网络).Computer expert Nat Morris,30,has designed a system to give his pet a"tweet treat"by sending him a Twitter message.
His dog Toby gets some delicious dog biscuits from a computer-controlled food machine whenever Nat sends a message to"@feedtoby".
Nat often works away from home and isn't always able to feed Toby by hand.But his new invention  allows Nat to feed his dog from anywhere in the world.
Nat said,"Toby absolutely loves it.At first he didn't know what was going on.Now he sits underneath the machine,wagging his tail and waiting for the treats to drop."
Nat fills the food machine with small pieces of dog biscuits,but not too many in case four-year-old Toby gets too many messages.And Nat has even equipped his house with an online camera so he can see Toby enjoying the food at his home.
But one problem is that friends and family have been so amazed with the"Tweet treat"machine that.they have starting to send tweets to Toby too.So Nat has had to restrict feeding time to make sure Toby doesn't turn into Tubby.
"People have been sending him food at all hours of the day,so I had to limit it to between 9 a.m.and 9 p.m..I'm thinking of doing an updated one which measures his weight before he is fed,just to make sure he's not putting on too much puppy fat,"explained Nat.
How Nat's Twitter Feeder Works:
When a message is sent to@feedtoby it is received by a mini-computer that is linked to the food machine.
When the mini-computer receives the message,a bell rings and Toby comes running over and sits in front of the feeding machine.Next the machine's motor pulls open a trap door which releases a serving of food.
The doggy biscuits then drops into Toby's food bowl.Finally a digital camera takes a photo of him and sends it back to Nat on Twitter-so he knows Toby has been fed.
31.Nat has invented a high-tech way to feed his dog because heC.
A.wants his friends to feed Tody                                 
B.has very strong computing skills
C.is often too busy to feed his dog    
D.doesn't like to feed Tody by hand
32.Why has Nat decided to limit the feeding machine's opening time?A
A.He doesn't want Toby to get too fat.
B.He fears the machine will run out of food.
C.He wants hid friends to stop feeding Toby.
D.He doesn't want Toby to be woken up at night.
33.It can be learned from the passage that TobyB
A.sits beneath his feeder all day long
B.is now used to being fed by machine
C.doesn't know what happens to the feeder
D.no longer receives tweets from Nat's friends
34.Which of the following shows the correct order of how the Twitter Feeder works?
a.The bell goes off.
b.A message is sent to@feedtoby.
c.The mini-computer gets the message.
d.The digital camera takes a photo of Toby and sends it to Nat.
e.The motor starts to work and opens the door to release dog food.
A.a,b,c,e,d    B.b,c,e,a,d       C.b,c,a,e,d       D.c,b,a,d,e
35.In which section of the newspaper would you most probably find this passage?A
A.Technology   B.Health   C.Environment   D.Style.
4.The bicycling craze came in when we were just about at the right age to enjoy it.At first even"safety"bicycles were too dangerous and improper for ladies to ride,and they had to have tricycles.My mother had(I believe)the first female tricycle in Cambridge;and l had a little one,and we used to go out for family rides,all together;my father in front on a bicycle. and my poor brather Charles standing miserable on the bar behind lny mother.I found it very hard work.pounding(轰隆隆行进)away on my hard tyres;a glorious,but not a pleasurable pastinle.
Then,one day at lunch,my father said he had just seen a new kind of tyre,filled up,with air,and he thought it might be a success.And soon after that everyone had bicycles,ladies and all; and bicycling became the smart thing,and the lords and ladies had their pictures in the papers,riding along in the park,in straw hats.
My mother must have fallen off her bicycle ptetty often,for I remember seeing the most appalling cuts and bruises(青肿)on her legs.But she never complained,and always kept these accidents to herself.However,the great Mrs.Phillips,our cook,always knew all about them;as indeed she knew practically everything that ever happened.She used to draw us into the servants'hall to tell us privately:"Her Ladyship had a nasty fall yesterday;she cut both her knees and sprained her wrist.But don't Iet her know I told you."So we never dared say anything.Similar little accidents used to occur when,at the age of nearly Seventy,she insisted on learning to drive a car.She never mastered the art of reversing(倒车),and was in every way an unconventional and terrifying driver. Mrs.Phillips used then to tell us:"Her Ladyship ran into the back of a milk-cart yesterday;but it wasn't much hurt";or"A policeman stopped her Ladyship because she was on the wrong side of the road;but she said she didn't know what the white Line on the road meant,so he explained arld Let her go on."Mrs.Phillips must have had an excellent Intelligence Service at her command,for the stories were always true enough.
56.Women did not ride bicycles at first betauseB.
A.bicycling demanded too much hard work
B.bicycling was considered unsafe and unladylike
C.they preferred to ride tricycles
D.tricycles could carry young children as well
57.How did the writer feel about tricycles?A
A.They were very hard to ride.
B.Riding tricycles was an enjoyble arnusement.
C.They were not as fast as bicycles.
D.They were not proper for women to ride.
58.Cycling became popular whenB.
A.the writer's father popularized it       B.air-filled tyres began to be used
C.noble people started enjoying it         D.newspapers had pictures of cyclists
59.The writer admired Mrs.Phillips becauseD.
A.she was the best cook they had ever had
B.she was in command of all the setvants
C.she could keep secrets
D.she had an outstanding ability to gather information
60.The writer's mother often had car accidents becauseA.
A.she could not control the car well           B.she was very old then
C.she ignored the traffic signs                D.she behaved too proudly.

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